Пример #1
 def validate(self):
         if (self.start_date <= today() <= add_months(self.end_date, -3)):
             frappe.db.set_value("Property", self.property, "status",
                                 "On lease")
             frappe.msgprint("Property set to On Lease")
         if (add_months(self.end_date, -3) <= today() <= add_months(
                 self.end_date, 3)):
             frappe.db.set_value("Property", self.property, "status",
                                 "Off lease in 3 months")
             frappe.msgprint("Property set to Off lease in 3 months")
     except Exception as e:
         app_error_log(frappe.session.user, str(e))
Пример #2
 def validate(self):
         if (get_datetime(self.start_date) <= get_datetime(now()) <=
                 get_datetime(add_months(self.end_date, -3))):
             frappe.db.set_value("Property", self.property, "status",
                                 "On Lease")
             frappe.msgprint("Property set to On Lease")
         if (get_datetime(add_months(self.end_date, -3)) <= get_datetime(
                 now()) <= get_datetime(add_months(self.end_date, 3))):
             frappe.db.set_value("Property", self.property, "status",
                                 "Off Lease in 3 Months")
             frappe.msgprint("Property set to Off Lease in 3 Months")
     except Exception as e:
         app_error_log(frappe.session.user, str(e))
Пример #3
    def on_submit(self):
            checklist_doc = frappe.get_doc("Checklist Checkup Area",
            if checklist_doc:
                check_list = []
                for task in checklist_doc.task:
                    check = {}
                    check["checklist_task"] = task.task_name

                    dict(doctype="Daily Checklist",
        except Exception as e:
            app_error_log(frappe.session.user, str(e))
Пример #4
def make_lease_invoice_schedule(leasedoc):
	#frappe.msgprint("This is the parameter passed: " + str(leasedoc))
	lease = frappe.get_doc("Lease", str(leasedoc))
		# Delete unnecessary records after lease end date
		lease_invoice_schedule_list = frappe.get_list("Lease Invoice Schedule", fields=["name", "parent", "lease_item", "invoice_number", "date_to_invoice"], filters={"parent": lease.name, "date_to_invoice": (">", lease.end_date)})
		for lease_invoice_schedule in lease_invoice_schedule_list:
			frappe.delete_doc("Lease Invoice Schedule", lease_invoice_schedule.name)
		# Only process lease that items and is current
		if len(lease.lease_item) >= 1 and lease.end_date >= getdate(today()):
			# Clean up records that are no longer required, i.e. of unnecessary lease items and unnecessary dates
			# Records before 1st Jan 2019
			lease_invoice_schedule_list = frappe.get_list("Lease Invoice Schedule", fields=["name", "parent", "invoice_number", "date_to_invoice"], filters={"parent": lease.name, "date_to_invoice": ("<", getdate("2019-01-01"))})
			# frappe.msgprint("Records before 1st Jan 2019 " + str(lease_invoice_schedule_list))
			for lease_invoice_schedule in lease_invoice_schedule_list:
				# frappe.msgprint("Deleting Record before 1st Jan 2019 " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.name))
				frappe.delete_doc("Lease Invoice Schedule", lease_invoice_schedule.name)
			# Records of lease_items that no longer existing in lease.lease_item
			lease_invoice_schedule_list = frappe.get_list("Lease Invoice Schedule", fields=["name", "parent", "lease_item", "invoice_number", "date_to_invoice"], filters={"parent": lease.name})
			lease_items_list = frappe.get_list("Lease Item", fields=["name", "parent", "lease_item"], filters={"parent": lease.name})
			lease_item_name_list = [lease_item['lease_item'] for lease_item in lease_items_list]
			for lease_invoice_schedule in lease_invoice_schedule_list:
				if lease_invoice_schedule.lease_item not in lease_item_name_list:
					# frappe.msgprint("This lease item will be removed from invoice schedule " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.lease_item))
					frappe.delete_doc("Lease Invoice Schedule", lease_invoice_schedule.name)
			item_invoice_frequency = {
				"Monthly": 1.00, # .00 to make it float type
				"Bi-Monthly": 2.00,
				"Quarterly": 3.00,
				"6 months": 6.00,
				"Annually": 12.00
			idx = 1
			for item in lease.lease_item:
				# frappe.msgprint("Lease item being processed: " + str(item.lease_item))
				lease_invoice_schedule_list = frappe.get_all("Lease Invoice Schedule",
					fields=["name", "parent", "lease_item", "qty", "invoice_number", "date_to_invoice"],
					filters={"parent": lease.name, "lease_item": item.lease_item},
				# frappe.msgprint(str(lease_invoice_schedule_list))
				# Get the latest item frequency incase lease was changed.
				frequency_factor = item_invoice_frequency.get(item.frequency, "Invalid frequency")
				#frappe.msgprint("Next Invoice date calculated: " + str(invoice_date))
				if frequency_factor == "Invalid frequency":
					frappe.msgprint("Invalid frequency: " + str(item.frequency) + " for " + str(leasedoc) + " not found. Contact the developers!")
				invoice_qty = float(frequency_factor)
				end_date = lease.end_date
				invoice_date = lease.start_date
				# Find out the first invoice date on or after 2019-01-01 to process.
				while end_date >= invoice_date and invoice_date < getdate('2019-01-01'):
					invoice_period_end = add_days(add_months(invoice_date, frequency_factor), -1)
					# Set invoice_Qty as appropriate fraction of frequency_factor
					if invoice_period_end > end_date:
						invoice_qty = getDateMonthDiff(invoice_date, end_date, 1)
						#frappe.msgprint("Invoice quantity corrected as " + str(invoice_qty))
					invoice_date = add_days(invoice_period_end, 1)
				# If there is no lease_invoice_schedule_list found, i.e. it is fresh new list to be created
				if not lease_invoice_schedule_list:
					while end_date >= invoice_date:
						invoice_period_end = add_days(add_months(invoice_date, frequency_factor), -1)
						# frappe.msgprint("Invoice period end: " + str(invoice_period_end) + "--- Invoice Date: " + str(invoice_date))
						#frappe.msgprint("End Date: " + str(end_date))
						# set invoice_Qty as appropriate fraction of frequency_factor
						if invoice_period_end > end_date:
							invoice_qty = getDateMonthDiff(invoice_date, end_date, 1)
							#frappe.msgprint("Invoice quantity corrected as " + str(invoice_qty))
						# frappe.msgprint("Making Fresh Invoice Schedule for " + str(invoice_date)
						# 	+ ", Quantity calculated: " + str(invoice_qty))
						makeInvoiceSchedule(invoice_date, item.lease_item, item.paid_by, item.lease_item, lease.name,
							invoice_qty, item.amount, idx, item.currency_code, item.witholding_tax
						idx += 1
						invoice_date = add_days(invoice_period_end, 1)
				for lease_invoice_schedule in lease_invoice_schedule_list:
					# frappe.msgprint("Upon entering lease_invoice_schedule_list - Date to invoice: " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.date_to_invoice)
					# 	+ " and invoice date to process is " + str(invoice_date))
					while end_date >= invoice_date and lease_invoice_schedule.date_to_invoice > invoice_date:
						invoice_period_end = add_days(add_months(invoice_date, frequency_factor), -1)
						# frappe.msgprint("Upon entering Invoice period end: " + str(invoice_period_end) + "--- Invoice Date: " + str(invoice_date))
						#frappe.msgprint("End Date: " + str(end_date))
						# set invoice_Qty as appropriate fraction of frequency_factor
						if invoice_period_end > end_date:
							invoice_qty = getDateMonthDiff(invoice_date, end_date, 1)
							#frappe.msgprint("Invoice quantity corrected as " + str(invoice_qty))
						# frappe.msgprint("Making Pre Invoice Schedule for " + str(invoice_date) + ", Quantity calculated: " + str(invoice_qty))
						makeInvoiceSchedule(invoice_date, item.lease_item, item.paid_by, item.lease_item, lease.name,
							invoice_qty, item.amount, idx, item.currency_code, item.witholding_tax
						idx += 1
						invoice_date = add_days(invoice_period_end, 1)
					# If the record already exists and invoice is generated
					if (lease_invoice_schedule.invoice_number is not None and lease_invoice_schedule.invoice_number != ""):
						# frappe.msgprint("Lease Invoice Schedule retained: " + lease_invoice_schedule.name
						# 	+ " for invoice number: " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.invoice_number)
						# 	+ " dated " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.date_to_invoice)
						# )
						# Set months as rounded up by 1 if the month is a fraction (last invoice for the lease item already created).
						# Above needed to escape from infinite loop of rounded down date and therefore never reaching end of the lease.
						if lease_invoice_schedule.qty != round(lease_invoice_schedule.qty, 0):
							add_months_value = round(lease_invoice_schedule.qty, 0) + 1
							add_months_value = lease_invoice_schedule.qty
						#frappe.msgprint("Add Months Value" + str(add_months_value) + " due to qty = " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.qty))
						invoice_date = add_months(lease_invoice_schedule.date_to_invoice, add_months_value)
						# Set sequence to show it on the top
						frappe.db.set_value("Lease Invoice Schedule", lease_invoice_schedule.name, "idx", idx)
						idx += 1
					# If the invoice is not created
						# frappe.msgprint("Deleting schedule :" + lease_invoice_schedule.name + " dated: " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.date_to_invoice) + " for " + str(lease_invoice_schedule.lease_item))
						frappe.delete_doc("Lease Invoice Schedule", lease_invoice_schedule.name)
				# frappe.msgprint("first invoice_date: " + str(invoice_date), "Lease Invoice Schedule")
				while end_date >= invoice_date:
					invoice_period_end = add_days(add_months(invoice_date, frequency_factor), -1)
					# frappe.msgprint("Invoice period end: " + str(invoice_period_end) + "--- Invoice Date: " + str(invoice_date))
					#frappe.msgprint("End Date: " + str(end_date))
					# set invoice_Qty as appropriate fraction of frequency_factor
					if invoice_period_end > end_date:
						invoice_qty = getDateMonthDiff(invoice_date, end_date, 1)
						#frappe.msgprint("Invoice quantity corrected as " + str(invoice_qty))
					# frappe.msgprint("Making Post Invoice Schedule for " + str(invoice_date) + ", Quantity calculated: " + str(invoice_qty))
					makeInvoiceSchedule(invoice_date, item.lease_item, item.paid_by, item.lease_item, lease.name,
						invoice_qty, item.amount, idx, item.currency_code, item.witholding_tax
					idx += 1
					invoice_date = add_days(invoice_period_end, 1)

		frappe.msgprint("Completed making of invoice schedule.")

	except Exception as e:
		frappe.msgprint("Exception error! Check app error log.")