def test_property_formatting(self): """ Goes through the Quantity .yaml files and ensures the definitions are complete. """ for st in DEFAULT_SYMBOLS.values(): self.assertTrue( is not None and self.assertTrue( st.category is not None and st.category in ('property', 'condition', 'object')) self.assertTrue(st.display_names is not None and isinstance(st.display_names, list) and len(st.display_names) != 0) self.assertTrue( st.display_symbols is not None and isinstance(st.display_symbols, list) and len(st.display_symbols) != 0, self.assertTrue(st.comment is not None and isinstance(st.comment, str))
class CorrelationBuilder(Builder): """ A class to calculate the correlation between properties derived by or used in propnet using a suite of regression tools. Uses the Builder architecture for optional parallel processing of data. Note: serialization of builder does not work with custom correlation functions, although interactive use does support them. """ # TODO: Add these symbols to propnet so we don't have to bring them in explicitly? MP_QUERY_PROPS = [ "piezo.eij_max", "elasticity.elastic_anisotropy", "elasticity.universal_anisotropy", "diel.poly_electronic", "total_magnetization", "efermi", "magnetism.total_magnetization_normalized_vol" ] PROPNET_PROPS = [ for v in DEFAULT_SYMBOLS.values() if (v.category == 'property' and v.shape == 1) ] def __init__(self, propnet_store, mp_store, correlation_store, out_file=None, funcs='linlsq', props=None, **kwargs): """ Constructor for the correlation builder. Args: propnet_store: (Mongolike Store) store instance pointing to propnet collection with read access mp_store: (Mongolike Store) store instance pointing to Materials Project collection with read access correlation_store: (Mongolike Store) store instance pointing to collection with write access out_file: (str) optional, filename to output data in JSON format (useful if using a MemoryStore for correlation_store) funcs: (str, function, list<str, function>) functions to use for correlation. Built-in functions can be specified by the following strings: linlsq (default): linear least-squares, reports R^2 pearson: Pearson r-correlation, reports r mic: maximal-information non-parametric exploration, reports maximal information coefficient ransac: random sample consensus (RANSAC) regression, reports score theilsen: Theil-Sen regression, reports score all: runs all correlation functions above **kwargs: arguments to the Builder superclass """ self.propnet_store = propnet_store self.mp_store = mp_store self.correlation_store = correlation_store self.out_file = out_file self._correlation_funcs = { f.replace('_cfunc_', ''): getattr(self, f) for f in dir(self) if re.match(r'^_cfunc_.+$', f) and callable(getattr(self, f)) } self._funcs = {} if not isinstance(funcs, list): funcs = [funcs] for f in funcs: if isinstance(f, str) and f == 'all': self._funcs.update(self._correlation_funcs) elif isinstance(f, str) and f in self._correlation_funcs.keys(): self._funcs[f] = self._correlation_funcs[f] elif callable(f): name = f.__module__ + "." + f.__name__ self._funcs[name] = f else: raise ValueError("Invalid correlation function: {}".format(f)) if not self._funcs: raise ValueError("No valid correlation functions selected") mp_prop_map = {(p.split(".")[1] if len(p.split(".")) == 2 else p): p for p in self.MP_QUERY_PROPS} self._props = props if not props: self.mp_query_props = self.MP_QUERY_PROPS self.mp_props = list(mp_prop_map.keys()) self.propnet_props = self.PROPNET_PROPS else: self.propnet_props = [] self.mp_props = [] self.mp_query_props = [] if isinstance(props, str): props = [props] for p in props: if p in self.PROPNET_PROPS: self.propnet_props.append(p) elif p in mp_prop_map.keys(): self.mp_props.append(p) self.mp_query_props.append(mp_prop_map[p]) super(CorrelationBuilder, self).__init__(sources=[propnet_store, mp_store], targets=[correlation_store], **kwargs) def get_items(self): """ Collects scalar data from propnet and MP databases, aggregates it by property, and creates a generator to iterate over all pairs of properties, including pairing of the same property with itself for sanity check, and correlation functions. Returns: (generator) a generator providing a dictionary with the data for correlation: {'x_data': (list<float>) data for independent property (x-axis), 'x_name': (str) name of independent property, 'y_data': (list<float>) data for dependent property (y-axis), 'y_name': (str) name of dependent property, 'func': (tuple<str, function>) name and function handle for correlation function } """ data = defaultdict(dict) propnet_data = self.propnet_store.query( criteria={}, properties=[p + '.mean' for p in self.propnet_props] + [p + '.units' for p in self.propnet_props] + ['task_id', 'inputs']) for material in propnet_data: mpid = material['task_id'] for prop, values in material.items(): if prop in self.propnet_props: data[mpid][prop] = ureg.Quantity(values['mean'], values['units']) elif prop == 'inputs': input_d = defaultdict(list) for q in values: if q['symbol_type'] in self.propnet_props: this_q = ureg.Quantity(q['value'], q['units']) input_d[q['symbol_type']].append(this_q) repeated_keys = set(input_d.keys()).intersection( set(data[mpid].keys())) if repeated_keys: logger.warning( 'Repeated key(s) from inputs: {}'.format( repeated_keys)) data[mpid].update( {k: sum(v) / len(v) for k, v in input_d.items()}) # TODO: Add these symbols to propnet so we don't have to bring them in explicitly? mp_data = self.mp_store.query(criteria={}, properties=self.mp_query_props + ['task_id']) for material in mp_data: mpid = material['task_id'] for prop, value in material.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): for sub_prop, sub_value in value.items(): if prop + '.' + sub_prop in self.mp_query_props and sub_value is not None: data[mpid][sub_prop] = sub_value elif prop in self.mp_query_props and value is not None: data[mpid][prop] = value # product() produces all possible combinations of properties for prop_x, prop_y in product(self.propnet_props + self.mp_props, repeat=2): x = [] y = [] for props_data in data.values(): if prop_x in props_data.keys() and prop_y in props_data.keys(): x.append(props_data[prop_x]) y.append(props_data[prop_y]) # MP data does not have units listed in database, so will be floats. propnet # data may not have the same units as the MP data, so is stored as pint # quantities. Here, the quantities are coerced into the units of MP data # as stored in symbols and coverts them to floats. if x and any(isinstance(v, ureg.Quantity) for v in x): x_float = [[prop_x].units).magnitude if isinstance(xx, ureg.Quantity) else xx for xx in x ] else: x_float = x if y and any(isinstance(v, ureg.Quantity) for v in y): y_float = [[prop_y].units).magnitude if isinstance(yy, ureg.Quantity) else yy for yy in y ] else: y_float = y for name, func in self._funcs.items(): data_dict = { 'x_data': x_float, 'x_name': prop_x, 'y_data': y_float, 'y_name': prop_y, 'func': (name, func) } yield data_dict def process_item(self, item): """ Run correlation calculation on a pair of properties using the specified function. Args: item: (dict) input provided by get_items() (see get_items() for structure) Returns: (tuple<str, str, float, str, int>) output of calculation with necessary information about calculation included. Format in tuple: independent property (x-axis) name, dependent property (y-axis) name, correlation value, correlation function name, number of data points used for correlation length of shortest path between properties on propnet graph where x-axis property is starting property and y-axis property is ending property. Note: if no (forward) connection exists, the path length will be None. This does not preclude y->x having a forward path. """ prop_x, prop_y = item['x_name'], item['y_name'] data_x, data_y = item['x_data'], item['y_data'] func_name, func = item['func'] n_points = len(data_x) g = Graph() try: path_length = g.get_degree_of_separation(prop_x, prop_y) except ValueError: path_length = None if n_points < 2: correlation = 0.0 else: correlation = func(data_x, data_y) return prop_x, prop_y, correlation, func_name, n_points, path_length @staticmethod def _cfunc_mic(x, y): """ Get maximal information coefficient for data set. Args: x: (list<float>) independent property (x-axis) y: (list<float>) dependent property (y-axis) Returns: (float) maximal information coefficient """ from minepy import MINE m = MINE() m.compute_score(x, y) return m.mic() @staticmethod def _cfunc_linlsq(x, y): """ Get R^2 value for linear least-squares fit of a data set. Args: x: (list<float>) independent property (x-axis) y: (list<float>) dependent property (y-axis) Returns: (float) R^2 value """ from scipy import stats fit = stats.linregress(x, y) return fit.rvalue**2 @staticmethod def _cfunc_pearson(x, y): """ Get R value for Pearson fit of a data set. Args: x: (list<float>) independent property (x-axis) y: (list<float>) dependent property (y-axis) Returns: (float) Pearson R value """ from scipy import stats fit = stats.pearsonr(x, y) return fit[0] @staticmethod def _cfunc_ransac(x, y): """ Get random sample consensus (RANSAC) regression score for data set. Args: x: (list<float>) independent property (x-axis) y: (list<float>) dependent property (y-axis) Returns: (float) RANSAC score """ from sklearn.linear_model import RANSACRegressor r = RANSACRegressor(random_state=21) x_coeff = np.array(x)[:, np.newaxis], y) return r.score(x_coeff, y) @staticmethod def _cfunc_theilsen(x, y): """ Get Theil-Sen regression score for data set. Args: x: (list<float>) independent property (x-axis) y: (list<float>) dependent property (y-axis) Returns: (float) Theil-Sen score """ from sklearn.linear_model import TheilSenRegressor r = TheilSenRegressor(random_state=21) x_coeff = np.array(x)[:, np.newaxis], y) return r.score(x_coeff, y) def update_targets(self, items): """ Write correlation data to Mongo store. Args: items: (list<dict>) list of results output by process_item() """ data = [] for item in items: prop_x, prop_y, correlation, func_name, n_points, path_length = item data.append({ 'property_x': prop_x, 'property_y': prop_y, 'correlation': correlation, 'correlation_func': func_name, 'n_points': n_points, 'shortest_path_length': path_length, 'id': hash(prop_x) ^ hash(prop_y) ^ hash(func_name) }) self.correlation_store.update(data, key='id') def finalize(self, cursor=None): """ Outputs correlation data to JSON file, if specified in instantiation, and runs clean-up function for Builder. Args: cursor: (Mongo Store cursor) optional, cursor to close if not automatically closed. """ if self.out_file: matrix = self.get_correlation_matrices() with open(self.out_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(matrix, f) super(CorrelationBuilder, self).finalize(cursor) def get_correlation_matrices(self, func_name=None): """ Builds document containing the correlation matrix with relevant data regarding correlation algorithm and properties of the data set. Args: func_name: (str) optional, name of the correlation functions to include in the document default: None, which is to include all that were run by this builder. Returns: (dict) document containing correlation data. Format: {'properties': (list<str>) names of properties calculated in order of how they are indexed in the matrices 'n_points': (list<list<int>>) list of lists (i.e. matrix) containing the number of data points evaluated during the fitting procedure 'correlation': (dict<str: list<list<float>>>) dictionary of matrices containing correlation results, keyed by correlation function name } """ prop_data = self.correlation_store.query( criteria={'property_x': { '$exists': True }}, properties=['property_x']) props = list(set(item['property_x'] for item in prop_data)) out = { 'properties': props, 'n_points': None, 'shortest_path_length': None, 'correlation': {} } if not func_name: func_name = list(self._funcs.keys()) if isinstance(func_name, str): func_name = [func_name] for f in func_name: data = self.correlation_store.query( criteria={'correlation_func': f}) corr_matrix: list = np.zeros(shape=(len(props), len(props))).tolist() fill_info_matrices = False if not out['n_points'] and not out['shortest_path_length']: fill_info_matrices = True out['n_points'] = np.zeros(shape=(len(props), len(props))).tolist() out['shortest_path_length'] = np.zeros( shape=(len(props), len(props))).tolist() for d in data: prop_x, prop_y, correlation, n_points, path_length = d['property_x'], \ d['property_y'], \ d['correlation'], \ d['n_points'], \ d['shortest_path_length'] ia, ib = props.index(prop_x), props.index(prop_y) corr_matrix[ia][ib] = correlation if fill_info_matrices: out['n_points'][ia][ib] = n_points out['n_points'][ib][ia] = n_points out['shortest_path_length'][ia][ib] = path_length out['correlation'][f] = corr_matrix return out def as_dict(self): """ Returns the representation of the builder as a dictionary in JSON serializable format. Note: because functions are not JSON serializable, custom functions are omitted when serializing the object. Returns: (dict) representation of this builder as a JSON-serializable dictionary """ d = super(CorrelationBuilder, self).as_dict() serialized_funcs = [] for name in d['funcs'].keys(): if name in self._correlation_funcs.keys(): serialized_funcs.append(name) else: logger.warning( "Cannot serialize custom function '{}'. Omitting.".format( name)) if not serialized_funcs: logger.warning( "No functions were able to be serialized from this builder.") d['funcs'] = serialized_funcs return d