Пример #1
 def align(self, degappify=False):
     """align(degappify=False) : Align all EntryGroups in a multiple sequence alignment, using the master entries.
     If degappify==True, will first remove all gaps from sequences before realigning.
     Calls gappify() on all EntryGroups after performing the alignment.
     from prosci.util.seq import align as seqalign
     if degappify:
     aligned = Ali(seqalign(self.toFastaString()), fasta_mode=True)
     for eg_self, eg_aligned in zip(self, aligned):
       assert deGappify(eg_aligned.master.seq) == deGappify(eg_self.master.seq)
       eg_self.master.seq  = eg_aligned.master.seq
Пример #2
 def align(self, other, degappify=False):
     """align(other, degappify=False) : Align this Entry to another using a sequence alignment.
     If degappify==True, will first remove all gaps from sequences before realigning.
     from prosci.util.seq import align as seqalign
     assert self.code != other.code
     if degappify:
       self.seq = deGappify(self.seq)
       other.seq = deGappify(other.seq)
     aligned = Ali(seqalign(self.toFastaString()+other.toFastaString()), fasta_mode=True)
     assert len(aligned) == 2
     assert deGappify(aligned[self.code].master.seq) == deGappify(self.seq)
     assert deGappify(aligned[other.code].master.seq) == deGappify(other.seq)
     self.seq  = aligned[self.code].master.seq
     other.seq = aligned[other.code].master.seq