Пример #1

pp(sys.version_info, 0)

learning = False  # Decide whether to run the sparse coding algorithm
classification = True  # Run classification
resume = True
ts_size = 13  # size of the time surfaces
tau = 5000  # time constant for the construction of time surfaces
polarities = 1  # number of polarities that we will use in the dataset (1 because polarities are not informative in the cards dataset)

if resume:
    output_path = "../../../results/main_nmnist.py.d1062928/"
    output_path = create_output_path()

dtr = None
dte = None
#pp("rank: ", comm.rank)

to_scatter_train = None
to_scatter_test = None
if comm.rank == 0:
    #fh = tb.open_file("../datasets/nmnist_small.h5")
    fh = tb.open_file("../../../datasets/nmnist_one_saccade.h5")
    #fh = tb.open_file("../datasets/nmnist.h5")
    dtr = [d.read().astype(np.int32) for d in fh.root.train]
    dte = [d.read().astype(np.int32) for d in fh.root.test]

    to_scatter_train = [dtr[i::nprocs] for i in range(nprocs)]
Пример #2
    params = {}
    exec(compile(open(param_fname).read(), param_fname, 'exec'), params)

    # Extract some parameters
    N = params.get('N', 5000)  # no. of datapoint in the testset
    size = params.get('size', 5)  # width / height of bars images
    p_bar = params.get('p_bar', 1. / size)  # prob. for a bar to be active
    D = params.get('D', size**2)  # observed dimensionality
    H = params.get('H', 2 * size)  # latent dimensionality
    model = params['model']  # the actual generative model

    # Ground truth parameters -- only used for generation
    params_gt = params.get('params_gt')  # Ground truth param

    # Create output path
    output_path = create_output_path(param_fname)

    # Disgnostic output
    pprint("=" * 40)
    pprint(" Running bars experiment (%d parallel processes)" % comm.size)
    pprint("  size of training set:   %d" % N)
    pprint("  size of bars images:    %d x %d" % (size, size))
    pprint("  number of hiddens:      %d" % H)
    pprint("  saving results to:      %s" % output_path)

    # Generate bars data
    my_data = model.generate_data(params_gt, N // comm.size)

    # Configure DataLogger
    print_list = ('T', 'Q', 'pi', 'sigma', 'N', 'MAE')
Пример #3
    # Extract some parameters
    N = params.get('N', 5000)  # no. of datapoint in the testset
    N_train = int(0.9 * N)
    N_test = N - N_train
    size = params.get('size', 5)  # width / height of bars images
    p_bar = params.get('p_bar', 1. / size)  # prob. for a bar to be active
    D = params.get('D', size**2)  # observed dimensionality
    H = params.get('H', 2 * size)  # latent dimensionality
    model = params['model']  # the actual generative model
    model_str = model.__class__.__name__

    # Ground truth parameters -- only used for generation
    params_gt = params.get('params_gt')  # Ground truth param

    # Create output path
    output_path = create_output_path('learning-and-inference-' + param_fname)

    # Disgnostic output
    pprint("=" * 40)
    pprint(" Running bars experiment (%d parallel processes)" % comm.size)
    pprint("  size of training set:   %d" % N)
    pprint("  size of bars images:    %d x %d" % (size, size))
    pprint("  number of hiddens:      %d" % H)
    pprint("  saving results to:      %s" % output_path)

    my_data = model.generate_data(params_gt, N_train // comm.size)
    my_test_data = model.generate_data(params_gt, N_test // comm.size)

    # Configure DataLogger
    store_list = ('*')