def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.tls = threading.local() self.version_table = {10: 'HTTP/1.0', 11: 'HTTP/1.1'} self.http_request = HTTPRequest() # Address to time series backend backend_host, backend_port = self.backend_address self.backend_netloc = "{}:{}".format(backend_host, backend_port) self.path = None self.connection = None self.rfile = None self.wfile = None self.close_connection = 0 BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.http_request = HTTPRequest() self.tsdb_query = None # Address to time series backend backend_host, backend_port = self.backend_address self.backend_netloc = "{}:{}".format(backend_host, backend_port) self.scheme = "http" self.path = None self.connection = None self.rfile = None self.wfile = None self.close_connection = 0 BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
class ProxyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): protector = None backend_address = None timeout = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.http_request = HTTPRequest() self.tsdb_query = None # Address to time series backend backend_host, backend_port = self.backend_address self.backend_netloc = "{}:{}".format(backend_host, backend_port) self.scheme = "http" self.path = None self.connection = None self.rfile = None self.wfile = None self.close_connection = 0 BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def log_error(self, log_format, *args): # Suppress "Request timed out: timeout('timed out',)" # if isinstance(args[0], socket.timeout): # logging.error("{}".format(traceback.format_exc())) # logging.error(pprint.pprint(args)) self.log_message(log_format, *args) def log_message(self, format, *args): """Log an arbitrary message. This is used by all other logging functions. Override it if you have specific logging wishes. The first argument, FORMAT, is a format string for the message to be logged. If the format string contains any % escapes requiring parameters, they should be specified as subsequent arguments (it's just like printf!). The client ip address and current date/time are prefixed to every message. """ xff = '-' xgo = '-' ua = '-' try: xff = self.headers.getheader('X-Forwarded-For', '-') xgo = self.headers.getheader('X-Grafana-Org-Id', '-') ua = self.headers.getheader('User-Agent', '-') except AttributeError as e: requestline = getattr(self, 'raw_requestline', '-') logging.warning( "Malformed/missing request header. Requestline: %s" % requestline) "%s - - [%s] %s [X-Forwarded-For: %s, X-Grafana-Org-Id: %s, User-Agent: %s]" % (self.client_address[0], self.log_date_time_string(), format % args, xff, xgo, ua)) def do_GET(self): top = re.match("^/top/(duration|dps)$", self.path) if self.path == "/metrics": data = generate_latest() self.send_response(httplib.OK) self.send_header("Content-Type", CONTENT_TYPE_LATEST) self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(data))) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(data) elif top: data = self.protector.get_top( self.send_response(httplib.OK) self.send_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.send_header("Content-Length", str(len(data))) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(data) else: self.headers['Host'] = self.backend_netloc self.filter_headers(self.headers) self._handle_request(self.scheme, self.backend_netloc, self.path, self.headers) self.finish() self.connection.close() def do_POST(self): length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) post_data = self.headers['Host'] = self.backend_netloc self.filter_headers(self.headers) # Deny put requests if self.path == "/api/put": logging.warning("OpenTSDBQuery blocked. Reason: %s", "/api/put not allowed") self.send_error(httplib.FORBIDDEN, "/api/put not allowed") return # Process query requests if self.path == "/api/query": self.tsdb_query = OpenTSDBQuery(post_data) self.headers['X-Protector'] = self.tsdb_query.get_id() # Check the payload against the Protector rule set result = self.protector.check(self.tsdb_query) if not result.is_ok(): self.protector.REQUESTS_BLOCKED.labels( self.protector.safe_mode, result.value["rule"]).inc() if not self.protector.safe_mode: logging.warning("OpenTSDBQuery blocked: %s. Reason: %s", self.tsdb_query.get_id(), result.value["msg"]) self.send_error(httplib.FORBIDDEN, result.value["msg"]) return post_data = self.tsdb_query.to_json() self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(post_data)) status = self._handle_request(self.scheme, self.backend_netloc, self.path, self.headers, body=post_data, method="POST") #['method', 'path', 'return_code'] self.protector.REQUESTS_COUNT.labels('POST', self.path, status).inc() self.finish() self.connection.close() def send_error(self, code, message=None): """ Send and log plain text error reply. :param code: :param message: """ message = message.strip() self.log_error("code %d, message: %s", code, message) self.send_response(code) self.send_header("Content-Type", "application/json") self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() if message: # Grafana style j = {'message': message, 'error': message} self.wfile.write(json.dumps(j)) def _handle_request(self, scheme, netloc, path, headers, body=None, method="GET"): """ Run the actual request """ backend_url = "{}://{}{}".format(scheme, netloc, path) startTime = time.time() try: response = self.http_request.request(backend_url, self.timeout, method=method, body=body, headers=dict(headers)) respTime = time.time() duration = respTime - startTime self.protector.TSDB_REQUEST_LATENCY.labels( response.status, path, method).observe(duration) self._return_response(response, method, duration) return response.status except socket.timeout, e: respTime = time.time() duration = respTime - startTime if method == "POST": self.protector.save_stats(self.tsdb_query, None, duration, True) self.protector.TSDB_REQUEST_LATENCY.labels( httplib.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, path, method).observe(duration) self.send_error( httplib.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, "Query timed out. Configured timeout: {}s".format( self.timeout)) return httplib.GATEWAY_TIMEOUT except Exception as e: respTime = time.time() duration = respTime - startTime err = "Invalid response from backend: '{}'".format(e) logging.debug(err) self.protector.TSDB_REQUEST_LATENCY.labels( httplib.BAD_GATEWAY, path, method).observe(duration) self.send_error(httplib.BAD_GATEWAY, err) return httplib.BAD_GATEWAY
class ProxyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): protector = None backend_address = None cakey = 'ca.key' cacert = 'ca.crt' certkey = 'cert.key' certdir = 'certs/' # Request timeout timeout = 60 lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.tls = threading.local() self.version_table = {10: 'HTTP/1.0', 11: 'HTTP/1.1'} self.http_request = HTTPRequest() # Address to time series backend backend_host, backend_port = self.backend_address self.backend_netloc = "{}:{}".format(backend_host, backend_port) self.path = None self.connection = None self.rfile = None self.wfile = None self.close_connection = 0 BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def log_error(self, log_format, *args): # Suppress "Request timed out: timeout('timed out',)" if isinstance(args[0], socket.timeout): return self.log_message(log_format, *args) def do_CONNECT(self): if os.path.isfile(self.cakey) and os.path.isfile(self.cacert) and os.path.isfile(self.certkey): if os.path.isdir(self.certdir): self.connect_intercept() self.connect_relay() def connect_intercept(self): hostname = self.path.split(':')[0] certpath = "%s/%s.crt" % (self.certdir.rstrip('/'), hostname) with self.lock: if not os.path.isfile(certpath): epoch = "%d" % (time.time() * 1000) p1 = Popen(["openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", self.certkey, "-subj", "/CN=%s" % hostname], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(["openssl", "x509", "-req", "-days", "3650", "-CA", self.cacert, "-CAkey", self.cakey, "-set_serial", epoch, "-out", certpath], stdin=p1.stdout, stderr=PIPE) p2.communicate() self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, httplib.OK, 'Connection Established')) self.end_headers() self.connection = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection, keyfile=self.certkey, certfile=certpath, server_side=True) self.rfile = self.connection.makefile("rb", self.rbufsize) self.wfile = self.connection.makefile("wb", self.wbufsize) conntype = self.headers.get('Proxy-Connection', '') if conntype.lower() == 'close': self.close_connection = 1 elif conntype.lower() == 'keep-alive' and self.protocol_version >= "HTTP/1.1": self.close_connection = 0 def connect_relay(self): address = self.path.split(':', 1) address[1] = int(address[1]) or 443 try: s = socket.create_connection(address, timeout=self.timeout) except: self.send_error(httplib.BAD_GATEWAY) return self.send_response(httplib.OK, 'Connection Established') self.end_headers() conns = [self.connection, s] self.close_connection = 0 while not self.close_connection: rlist, wlist, xlist =, [], conns, self.timeout) if xlist or not rlist: break for r in rlist: other = conns[1] if r is conns[0] else conns[0] data = r.recv(8192) if not data: self.close_connection = 1 break other.sendall(data) def _check_query(self, query_string): """ Check if the query_string is allowed by the Protector rule set """ return self.protector.check(query_string) @staticmethod def get_queries(parameters): """ Get a list of all queries (q=... parameters) from an URL parameter string :param parameters: The url parameter list """ parsed_params = urlparse.parse_qs(parameters) if 'q' not in parsed_params: return [] queries = parsed_params['q'] # Check if only one query string is given # in this case make it a list if not isinstance(queries, list): queries = [queries] return queries @staticmethod def _analyze_url(path): url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(path) parameters = url_parts.query if url_parts.query else url_parts.path scheme, netloc, path = url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, (url_parts.path + '?' + parameters) assert scheme in ('http', 'https') return scheme, netloc, path, parameters def do_GET(self): self.path = self._build_url(self.path, self.headers['Host']) scheme, netloc, path, parameters = self._analyze_url(self.path) queries = self.get_queries(parameters) for query_string in queries: query_result = self._check_query(query_string) if not query_result.is_ok(): logging.warning("Query blocked: %s. Reason: %s", query_string, query_result.value) self.send_error(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, query_result.value) return logging.debug("Query ok: %s", query_string) # TODO: Is this needed? # self.headers['Host'] = self.backend_netloc self.filter_headers(self.headers) self._handle_request(scheme, self.backend_netloc, path, self.headers) def _handle_request(self, scheme, netloc, path, headers, body=None, method="GET"): """ Run the actual request """ backend_url = "{}://{}{}".format(scheme, netloc, path) try: response = self.http_request.request(backend_url, method=method, body=body, headers=dict(headers)) self._return_response(response) except Exception as e: body = "Invalid response from backend: '{}' Server might be busy".format(e.message) logging.debug(body) self.send_error(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, body) def do_POST(self): self.path = self._build_url(self.path, self.headers['Host']) scheme, netloc, path, parameters = self._analyze_url(self.path) length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) post_data = self.filter_headers(self.headers) self._handle_request(scheme, self.backend_netloc, path, self.headers, body=post_data, method="POST") def send_error(self, code, message=None): """ Send and log plain text error reply. :param code: :param message: """ message = message.strip() self.log_error("code %d, message %s", code, message) self.send_response(code) self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/plain") self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() if message: self.wfile.write(message) def _return_response(self, response): """ :type result: HTTPResponse """ self.filter_headers(response.msg) if "content-length" in response.msg: del response.msg["content-length"] self.send_response(response.status, response.reason) for header_key, header_value in response.msg.items(): self.send_header(header_key, header_value) body = self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(body))) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(body) do_HEAD = do_GET do_OPTIONS = do_GET @staticmethod def filter_headers(headers): # hop_by_hop = ( 'connection', 'keep-alive', 'proxy-authenticate', 'proxy-authorization', 'te', 'trailers', 'transfer-encoding', 'upgrade' ) for k in hop_by_hop: if k in headers: del headers[k] @staticmethod def encode_content_body(text, encoding): if encoding == 'identity': return text if encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'): io = StringIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io, mode='wb') as f: f.write(text) return io.getvalue() if encoding == 'deflate': return zlib.compress(text) raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: %s" % encoding) @staticmethod def decode_content_body(data, encoding): if encoding == 'identity': return data if encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'): io = StringIO(data) with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io) as f: return if encoding == 'deflate': return zlib.decompress(data) raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: %s" % encoding) def send_cacert(self): with open(self.cacert, 'rb') as f: data = self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, httplib.OK, 'OK')) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-x509-ca-cert') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(data)) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(data) def _build_url(self, path, host): if path[0] != '/': return path if isinstance(self.connection, ssl.SSLSocket): return "https://%s%s" % (host, path) else: return "http://%s%s" % (host, path)
class ProxyRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler): protector = None backend_address = None cakey = 'ca.key' cacert = 'ca.crt' certkey = 'cert.key' certdir = 'certs/' # Request timeout timeout = 60 lock = threading.Lock() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.tls = threading.local() self.version_table = {10: 'HTTP/1.0', 11: 'HTTP/1.1'} self.http_request = HTTPRequest() # Address to time series backend backend_host, backend_port = self.backend_address self.backend_netloc = "{}:{}".format(backend_host, backend_port) self.path = None self.connection = None self.rfile = None self.wfile = None self.close_connection = 0 BaseHTTPRequestHandler.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def log_error(self, log_format, *args): # Suppress "Request timed out: timeout('timed out',)" if isinstance(args[0], socket.timeout): return self.log_message(log_format, *args) def do_CONNECT(self): if os.path.isfile(self.cakey) and os.path.isfile( self.cacert) and os.path.isfile(self.certkey): if os.path.isdir(self.certdir): self.connect_intercept() self.connect_relay() def connect_intercept(self): hostname = self.path.split(':')[0] certpath = "%s/%s.crt" % (self.certdir.rstrip('/'), hostname) with self.lock: if not os.path.isfile(certpath): epoch = "%d" % (time.time() * 1000) p1 = Popen([ "openssl", "req", "-new", "-key", self.certkey, "-subj", "/CN=%s" % hostname ], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen([ "openssl", "x509", "-req", "-days", "3650", "-CA", self.cacert, "-CAkey", self.cakey, "-set_serial", epoch, "-out", certpath ], stdin=p1.stdout, stderr=PIPE) p2.communicate() self.wfile.write( "%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, httplib.OK, 'Connection Established')) self.end_headers() self.connection = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection, keyfile=self.certkey, certfile=certpath, server_side=True) self.rfile = self.connection.makefile("rb", self.rbufsize) self.wfile = self.connection.makefile("wb", self.wbufsize) conntype = self.headers.get('Proxy-Connection', '') if conntype.lower() == 'close': self.close_connection = 1 elif conntype.lower( ) == 'keep-alive' and self.protocol_version >= "HTTP/1.1": self.close_connection = 0 def connect_relay(self): address = self.path.split(':', 1) address[1] = int(address[1]) or 443 try: s = socket.create_connection(address, timeout=self.timeout) except: self.send_error(httplib.BAD_GATEWAY) return self.send_response(httplib.OK, 'Connection Established') self.end_headers() conns = [self.connection, s] self.close_connection = 0 while not self.close_connection: rlist, wlist, xlist =, [], conns, self.timeout) if xlist or not rlist: break for r in rlist: other = conns[1] if r is conns[0] else conns[0] data = r.recv(8192) if not data: self.close_connection = 1 break other.sendall(data) def _check_query(self, query_string): """ Check if the query_string is allowed by the Protector rule set """ return self.protector.check(query_string) @staticmethod def get_queries(parameters): """ Get a list of all queries (q=... parameters) from an URL parameter string :param parameters: The url parameter list """ parsed_params = urlparse.parse_qs(parameters) if 'q' not in parsed_params: return [] queries = parsed_params['q'] # Check if only one query string is given # in this case make it a list if not isinstance(queries, list): queries = [queries] return queries @staticmethod def _analyze_url(path): url_parts = urlparse.urlsplit(path) parameters = url_parts.query if url_parts.query else url_parts.path scheme, netloc, path = url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc, ( url_parts.path + '?' + parameters) assert scheme in ('http', 'https') return scheme, netloc, path, parameters def do_GET(self): self.path = self._build_url(self.path, self.headers['Host']) scheme, netloc, path, parameters = self._analyze_url(self.path) queries = self.get_queries(parameters) for query_string in queries: query_result = self._check_query(query_string) if not query_result.is_ok(): logging.warning("Query blocked: %s. Reason: %s", query_string, query_result.value) self.send_error(httplib.BAD_REQUEST, query_result.value) return logging.debug("Query ok: %s", query_string) # TODO: Is this needed? # self.headers['Host'] = self.backend_netloc self.filter_headers(self.headers) self._handle_request(scheme, self.backend_netloc, path, self.headers) def _handle_request(self, scheme, netloc, path, headers, body=None, method="GET"): """ Run the actual request """ backend_url = "{}://{}{}".format(scheme, netloc, path) try: response = self.http_request.request(backend_url, method=method, body=body, headers=dict(headers)) self._return_response(response) except Exception as e: body = "Invalid response from backend: '{}' Server might be busy".format( e.message) logging.debug(body) self.send_error(httplib.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, body) def do_POST(self): self.path = self._build_url(self.path, self.headers['Host']) scheme, netloc, path, parameters = self._analyze_url(self.path) length = int(self.headers['Content-Length']) post_data = self.filter_headers(self.headers) self._handle_request(scheme, self.backend_netloc, path, self.headers, body=post_data, method="POST") def send_error(self, code, message=None): """ Send and log plain text error reply. :param code: :param message: """ message = message.strip() self.log_error("code %d, message %s", code, message) self.send_response(code) self.send_header("Content-Type", "text/plain") self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() if message: self.wfile.write(message) def _return_response(self, response): """ :type result: HTTPResponse """ self.filter_headers(response.msg) if "content-length" in response.msg: del response.msg["content-length"] self.send_response(response.status, response.reason) for header_key, header_value in response.msg.items(): self.send_header(header_key, header_value) body = self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(body))) self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(body) do_HEAD = do_GET do_OPTIONS = do_GET @staticmethod def filter_headers(headers): # hop_by_hop = ('connection', 'keep-alive', 'proxy-authenticate', 'proxy-authorization', 'te', 'trailers', 'transfer-encoding', 'upgrade') for k in hop_by_hop: if k in headers: del headers[k] @staticmethod def encode_content_body(text, encoding): if encoding == 'identity': return text if encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'): io = StringIO() with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io, mode='wb') as f: f.write(text) return io.getvalue() if encoding == 'deflate': return zlib.compress(text) raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: %s" % encoding) @staticmethod def decode_content_body(data, encoding): if encoding == 'identity': return data if encoding in ('gzip', 'x-gzip'): io = StringIO(data) with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=io) as f: return if encoding == 'deflate': return zlib.decompress(data) raise Exception("Unknown Content-Encoding: %s" % encoding) def send_cacert(self): with open(self.cacert, 'rb') as f: data = self.wfile.write("%s %d %s\r\n" % (self.protocol_version, httplib.OK, 'OK')) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/x-x509-ca-cert') self.send_header('Content-Length', len(data)) self.send_header('Connection', 'close') self.end_headers() self.wfile.write(data) def _build_url(self, path, host): if path[0] != '/': return path if isinstance(self.connection, ssl.SSLSocket): return "https://%s%s" % (host, path) else: return "http://%s%s" % (host, path)