def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): ''' Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user. Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history. If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn. If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files). choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box. ''' resultsFN = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN( choices.resultsFile) examResults = TaskScoreOverview(resultsFN, galaxyFn) core = HtmlCore() core.begin() core.header('Overview of exam scores') for table in examResults.getTables(): core.divBegin(divClass='resultsTable') core.tableHeader([]) for key, val in table.iteritems(): core.tableLine([key, val]) core.tableFooter() core.divEnd() for plotUrl in examResults.getPlotUrls(): core.divBegin(divClass='plot') core.image(plotUrl) core.divEnd() core.end() print core
def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): ''' Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user. Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history. If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn. If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files). choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box. ''' resultsFN = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN( choices.resultsFile) selectedTasks = [key for key, val in choices.tasks.iteritems() if val] examAnalysis = TaskCorrelationAnalysis(resultsFN, galaxyFn) core = HtmlCore() core.begin() for plotUrl in examAnalysis.getPlotUrls(): core.divBegin(divId='plot') core.image(plotUrl) core.divEnd() core.end() print core
def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): file = choices.file import quick.extra.stefania.Functions_defineDistance_CreateDistanceMatrix_ClusterAnalysis as cdm if choices.mothers == "": numMothers = None else: numMothers = int(choices.mothers) # inputFile = open(ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(file.split(':')), 'r') # with inputFile as f: # data = [x.strip('\n') for x in f.readlines()] # f.closed from proto.hyperbrowser.StaticFile import GalaxyRunSpecificFile sf = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(["matrix.pickle"],galaxyFn) sfPng = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(["matrix.png"], galaxyFn) sfPng1 = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(["Flat1.csv"], galaxyFn) sfPng2 = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(["Flat2.csv"], galaxyFn) filename = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(file.split(':')) outFn = sf.getDiskPath(ensurePath=True) outDendrogram = sfPng.getDiskPath(ensurePath=True) clustersFileOutput1 = sfPng1.getDiskPath(ensurePath=True) clustersFileOutput2 = sfPng2.getDiskPath(ensurePath=True) cdm.createDistanceMatrix(filename, outFn, outFileType='pkl', womanIDcolPosition = 0, numRows=numMothers) cdm.clusteringFunction(outFn, outDendrogram, clustersFileOutput1, clustersFileOutput2, type='hierarchical', method1= 'centroid', method2='complete') print "Result: ", sf.getLink("pickle-file") htmlCore = HtmlCore() htmlCore.begin() htmlCore.divBegin('plot1')'Download plot', sfPng.getURL()) htmlCore.image(sfPng.getURL()) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divBegin('plot1')'Download file1', sfPng1.getURL()) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divBegin('plot1')'Download file2', sfPng2.getURL()) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.end() print htmlCore
def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): from proto.hyperbrowser.StaticFile import GalaxyRunSpecificFile from proto.RSetup import r from quick.application.ExternalTrackManager import ExternalTrackManager from proto.hyperbrowser.HtmlCore import HtmlCore dataFn = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(choices[0]) sf = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['fig1.png'], galaxyFn) sf.openRFigure() r(PlotFigure1Tool.rCode)(dataFn) sf.closeRFigure() core = HtmlCore() core.begin() core.image(sf.getURL()) core.end() print str(core)
def execute(choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): ''' Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user. Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history. If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn. If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files). choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box. ''' resultsFN = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN( choices.resultsFile) selectedTasks = [key for key, val in choices.tasks.iteritems() if val] bins = int(choices.bins) if choices.bins else 20 displayPoints = bool(choices.displayPoints['display'] ) if choices.displayPoints else False spar = float(choices.spar) if choices.spar else 1.0 verticalLines = None if choices.verticalLines and \ choices.analysis in [IndividualTaskAnalysis.ANALYSIS_BIN_AVG_SMOOTHED_PLOT, IndividualTaskAnalysis.ANALYSIS_MOVING_AVG_SMOOTHED_PLOT]: verticalLines = [ float(x.strip()) for x in choices.verticalLines.split(',') ] examAnalysis = IndividualTaskAnalysis(resultsFN, galaxyFn), selectedTasks=selectedTasks, bins=bins, displayPoints=displayPoints, spar=spar, verticalLines=verticalLines) core = HtmlCore() core.begin() for plotUrl in examAnalysis.getPlotUrls(): core.divBegin(divId='plot') core.image(plotUrl) core.divEnd() core.end() print core
def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): ''' Is called when execute-button is pushed by web-user. Should print output as HTML to standard out, which will be directed to a results page in Galaxy history. If getOutputFormat is anything else than HTML, the output should be written to the file with path galaxyFn. If needed, StaticFile can be used to get a path where additional files can be put (e.g. generated image files). choices is a list of selections made by web-user in each options box. ''' contents = cls._getContentsOfHistoryFile(choices.history) averages = [] for row in contents: row = [float(x) for x in row] averages.append(sum(row) / len(row)) from proto.hyperbrowser.StaticFile import GalaxyRunSpecificFile plot = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['average.png'], galaxyFn) plot.openRFigure() from proto.RSetup import r r.plot(range(1, len(averages) + 1), averages, xlab='Rows', ylab='Average value') plot.closeRFigure() #print plot.getURL() + '<br>' #print plot.getDiskPath() from proto.hyperbrowser.HtmlCore import HtmlCore core = HtmlCore() core.begin() core.bigHeader('Plot of row averages') core.paragraph('This is a plot of the average values of each row:') core.image(plot.getURL()) core.paragraph(plot.getURL()) core.paragraph(plot.getDiskPath()) #core.paragraph(str(averages)) core.end() print str(core)
def _buildContent(self): #iterate through dictionary and for each key create a section (one of [GSuite, Track...]) # each value in the dictionary is a list of GiudeData objects that go into the section defined by the key htmlCore = HtmlCore() htmlCore.divBegin('toolGuideInfo') htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='toolGuideInfoText') htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='toolGuideInfoTextHeader') htmlCore.line(TOOL_GUIDE_HELP_HEADER_TEXT) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='toolGuideInfoText') htmlCore.line(TOOL_GUIDE_HELP_HEADER_TEXT_TEXT) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divEnd() for guideDataKey, guideDataValues in self._guideDataDict.iteritems(): htmlCore.divBegin('toolGuide') if guideDataKey in TOOL_INPUT_TYPE_TO_TOOL_GUIDE_HELP_HEADER_DICT: htmlCore.header(TOOL_INPUT_TYPE_TO_TOOL_GUIDE_HELP_HEADER_DICT[ guideDataKey]) for guideDataValue in guideDataValues: htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='toolGuideData') htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='toolGuideImgTitle') if guideDataValue.imgUrl: htmlCore.image(guideDataValue.imgUrl), url=str(guideDataValue.toolUrl), args=(' onclick="%s"' % guideDataValue.onclick) if guideDataValue.onclick else '') htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='toolGuideDesc') htmlCore.append(guideDataValue.description) if guideDataValue.helpPageUrl:' more', url=str(guideDataValue.helpPageUrl)) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divEnd() #raise Exception(str(htmlCore))#to debug self._guideContent = str(htmlCore)
def execute(cls, choices, galaxyFn=None, username=''): genome = choices.genome from quick.multitrack.MultiTrackCommon import getGSuiteDataFromGalaxyTN trackTitles, refTrackNameList, genome = getGSuiteDataFromGalaxyTN(choices.gsuite) queryTrackName = ExternalTrackManager.extractFnFromGalaxyTN(choices.targetTrack) if choices.isBasic: suffix = ExternalTrackManager.extractFileSuffixFromGalaxyTN(choices.targetTrack, False) regSpec = suffix binSpec = queryTrackName else: regSpec, binSpec = UserBinMixin.getRegsAndBinsSpec(choices) #targetTrack = choices.targetTrack.split(':') #targetTrackTitle = targetTrack[-1] #print targetTrackTitle # #binSpec = targetTrackTitle #Phenotype and disease associations:Assorted experiments:Virus integration, HPV specific, Kraus and Schmitz, including 50kb flanks from gold.gsuite.GSuiteConstants import TITLE_COL from gold.gsuite.GSuite import GSuite from proto.hyperbrowser.StaticFile import GalaxyRunSpecificFile from gold.gsuite.GSuiteEditor import selectColumnsFromGSuite staticFile=[] results = [] for refTrack in refTrackNameList: analysisDef = '-> ProportionCountStat' #ProportionCountStat #CountStat res = GalaxyInterface.runManual([refTrack], analysisDef, regSpec, binSpec, genome, username=username, galaxyFn=galaxyFn, printRunDescription=False, printResults=False, printProgress=False) segCoverageProp = [res[seg]['Result'] for seg in res.getAllRegionKeys()] results.append(segCoverageProp) regFileNamer = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(refTrack, galaxyFn) staticFile.append([regFileNamer.getLink('Download bed-file'), regFileNamer.getLoadToHistoryLink('Download bed-file to History')]) refGSuite = getGSuiteFromGalaxyTN(choices.gsuite) if TITLE_COL == choices.selectColumns: selected = trackTitles else: selected = refGSuite.getAttributeValueList(choices.selectColumns) yAxisNameOverMouse=[] metadataAll =[] for x in range(0, len(selected)): if selected[x] == None: yAxisNameOverMouse.append(str(trackTitles[x]) + ' --- ' + 'None') else: if TITLE_COL == choices.selectColumns: yAxisNameOverMouse.append(selected[x].replace('\'', '').replace('"', '')) else: metadata = str(selected[x].replace('\'', '').replace('"', '')) yAxisNameOverMouse.append(str(trackTitles[x]) + ' --- ' + metadata) metadataAll.append(metadata) colorListForYAxisNameOverMouse = [] if len(metadataAll) > 0: import quick.webtools.restricted.visualization.visualizationGraphs as vg cList = vg.colorList().fullColorList() uniqueCList = list(set(metadataAll)) for m in metadataAll: colorListForYAxisNameOverMouse.append(cList[uniqueCList.index(m)]) #startEnd - order in res startEndInterval = [] startEnd = [] i=0 extraX=[] rowLabel = [] for ch in res.getAllRegionKeys(): rowLabel.append(str(ch.chr) + ":" + str(ch.start) + "-" + str(ch.end) + str(' (Pos)' if ch.strand else ' (Neg)')) if not i==0 and not i==len(res.getAllRegionKeys())-1: start = ch.start if start-end > 0: startEnd.append(start-end) else: startEnd.append('null') extraX.append("""{ color: 'orange', width: 5, value: '""" + str(i-0.5) + """' }""") startEndInterval.append(ch.end - ch.start) else: startEndInterval.append(ch.end - ch.start) end = ch.end i+=1 extraXAxis='plotLines: [ ' extraXAxis = extraXAxis + ",".join(extraX) extraXAxis = extraXAxis + """ ], """ #rowLabel = res.getAllRegionKeys() #rowLabel = [str(x) for x in rowLabel] import quick.webtools.restricted.visualization.visualizationPlots as vp htmlCore = HtmlCore() htmlCore.begin() htmlCore.divBegin(divId='results-page') htmlCore.divBegin(divClass='results-section') htmlCore.divBegin('plotDiv') htmlCore.line(vp.addJSlibs()) htmlCore.line(vp.useThemePlot()) htmlCore.line(vp.addJSlibsExport()) htmlCore.line(vp.axaddJSlibsOverMouseAxisisPopup()) #vp.addGuideline(htmlCore) htmlCore.line(vp._addGuidelineV1()) htmlCore.line(vp.addJSlibsHeatmap()) from config.Config import DATA_FILES_PATH from proto.StaticFile import StaticFile, GalaxyRunSpecificFile #sf = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['result.txt'], galaxyFn) #outFile = sf.getDiskPath(ensurePath=True) htmlCore.divBegin() writeFile = open( cls.makeHistElement(galaxyExt='tabular', title='result'), 'w') #'Get all results', sf.getURL()) htmlCore.divEnd() i = 0 writeFile.write('Track' + '\t' + '\t'.join(rowLabel)+ '\n') for rList in results: writeFile.write(str(yAxisNameOverMouse[i]) + '\t' + '\t'.join([str(r) for r in rList]) + '\n') i+=1 fileOutput = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['heatmap.png'], galaxyFn) ensurePathExists(fileOutput.getDiskPath()) fileOutputPdf = GalaxyRunSpecificFile(['heatmap.pdf'], galaxyFn) ensurePathExists(fileOutputPdf.getDiskPath()) cls.generateStaticRPlot(results, colorListForYAxisNameOverMouse, rowLabel, yAxisNameOverMouse, colorMaps[choices.colorMapSelectList], fileOutput.getDiskPath(), fileOutputPdf.getDiskPath()) htmlCore.divBegin(divId='heatmap', style="padding: 10px 0 px 10 px 0px;margin: 10px 0 px 10 px 0px")'Download heatmap image', fileOutputPdf.getURL()) htmlCore.divEnd() if len(results) * len(results[1]) >= 10000: htmlCore.image(fileOutput.getURL()) else: min = 1000000000 max = -1000000000 for rList in results: for r in rList: if min > r: min = r if max < r: max = r if max-min != 0: resultNormalised = [] for rList in results: resultNormalisedPart = [] for r in rList: resultNormalisedPart.append((r-min)/(max-min)) resultNormalised.append(resultNormalisedPart) addText = '(normalised to [0, 1])' else: resultNormalised = results addText = '' hm, heatmapPlotNumber, heatmapPlot = vp.drawHeatMap( resultNormalised, colorMaps[choices.colorMapSelectList], label='this.series.xAxis.categories[this.point.x] + ' + "'<br >'" + ' + yAxisNameOverMouse[this.point.y] + ' + "'<br>Overlap proportion" + str(addText) + ": <b>'" + ' + this.point.value + ' + "'</b>'", yAxisTitle= 'Reference tracks', categories=rowLabel, tickInterval=1, plotNumber=3, interaction=True, otherPlotNumber=1, titleText='Overlap with reference tracks for each local region', otherPlotData=[startEnd, startEndInterval], overMouseAxisX=True, overMouseAxisY=True, yAxisNameOverMouse=yAxisNameOverMouse, overMouseLabelY=" + 'Track: '" + ' + this.value + ' + "' '" + ' + yAxisNameOverMouse[this.value] + ', overMouseLabelX = ' + this.value.substring(0, 20) +', extrOp = staticFile ) htmlCore.line(hm) htmlCore.line(vp.drawChartInteractionWithHeatmap( [startEndInterval, startEnd], tickInterval=1, type='line', categories=[rowLabel, rowLabel], seriesType=['line', 'column'], minWidth=300, height=500, lineWidth=3, titleText=['Lengths of segments (local regions)','Gaps between consecutive segments'], label=['<b>Length: </b>{point.y}<br/>', '<b>Gap length: </b>{point.y}<br/>'], subtitleText=['',''], yAxisTitle=['Lengths','Gap lengths'], seriesName=['Lengths','Gap lengths'], xAxisRotation=90, legend=False, extraXAxis=extraXAxis, heatmapPlot=heatmapPlot, heatmapPlotNumber=heatmapPlotNumber, overMouseAxisX=True, overMouseLabelX = ' + this.value.substring(0, 20) +' )) htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.divEnd() htmlCore.end() htmlCore.hideToggle(styleClass='debug') print htmlCore