def login(self): head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.LOGIN_AUTH head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.REQUEST head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) + ct.sizeof(tp.LoginAuth) head.iFeedBack = 1 login = tp.LoginAuth() login.cDeviceID = self.deviceid login.cVersion = mod_config.getConfig("device", "version") #版本号 login.cDeviceIP = self.deviceip login.iListenPort = self.listenport self.sock.sendall(head.pack() + login.pack()) msg_header = list() while True: data = self.sock.recv(1) if data != None and len(data) == 1: msg_header.append(data) if len(msg_header) == ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead): msgHead = tp.MsgHead.unpack(b''.join(msg_header)) if True == msgHead.testCheckSum(): msg_header = list() dataLength = msgHead.iPayloadLen - ct.sizeof( tp.MsgHead) data = self.sock.recv(dataLength) msg_header.append(data) break # print "iMsgType:%08x,iSubMsgType:%08x,dataLength: %s" % (msgHead.iMsgType, msgHead.iSubMsgType, dataLength) else: break msgbody = tp.Result.unpack(b''.join(msg_header)) return msgbody.iResult
def openDoorUnlock(self): os.system('echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/beep/brightness') time.sleep(0.2) os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/beep/brightness') time.sleep(0.1) os.system('echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/beep/brightness') time.sleep(0.2) os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/beep/brightness') os.system('echo ' + str(mod_config.getConfig("device", "unlockstatus")) + ' > /dev/gpio-P1.24') #开锁 self.autolocktime = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "autolocktime")) #开锁保持时长 self.resetautolock = resetautolock = time.time() #标记最新开锁时间 head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.DEVICE_CONTROL head.iSubMsgType = tp.DeviceControlTypeEnum.REMOTE_OPENDOOR_COMMAND head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) + ct.sizeof(tp.Result) head.iFeedBack = 0 result = tp.Result() result.iResult = 1 # self.sock.send(head.pack() + result.pack()) self.sockSend(head.pack() + result.pack()) self.outLockStatusReport(1) while self.autolocktime > 0: if resetautolock != self.resetautolock: break self.autolocktime = self.autolocktime - 1 time.sleep(1) if resetautolock == self.resetautolock: os.system('echo ' + str(mod_config.getConfig("device", "lockstatus")) + ' > /dev/gpio-P1.24') #上锁 self.outLockStatusReport(0)
def openDoorLongGiveAlarm(self): if self.isgivealarm == 0: n = self.givealarmtime self.isgivealarm = 1 startalarmtime = time.time() head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.ALARM_REPORT head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.UNUSED head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) + ct.sizeof( tp.AlarmStruct) head.iFeedBack = 1 alarm = tp.AlarmStruct() alarm.cType = 1 alarm.cSubType = 3 alarm.cLevel = 3 alarm.uiTime = int(time.time()) self.sockSend(head.pack() + alarm.pack()) while self.givealarmtime > 0: os.system('echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/beep/brightness') time.sleep(0.1) os.system('echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/beep/brightness') time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - startalarmtime > self.givealarmtime: self.givealarmtime = 0 self.givealarmtime = n self.isgivealarm = 0
def shakeHand(self): head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.SHAKE_HAND head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.UNUSED head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) head.iFeedBack = 0 while self.socketreconnect: # self.sock.send(head.pack()) self.sockSend(head.pack(), 1) time.sleep(10)
def giveAlarm(self, type, subtype, level, uitime=int(time.time())): head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.ALARM_REPORT head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.UNUSED head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) + ct.sizeof(tp.AlarmStruct) head.iFeedBack = 1 alarm = tp.AlarmStruct() alarm.cType = type alarm.cSubType = subtype alarm.cLevel = level alarm.uiTime = uitime self.sockSend(head.pack() + alarm.pack())
def threadRecv(self): msg_header = list() shake_hand_time = time.time() while self.socketreconnect: if time.time() - shake_hand_time > 20: #获取反馈握手包超时 self.socketreconnect = 0 logging.error('没有获取反馈握手包,握手中断') continue try: data = self.sock.recv(1) except: continue if data != None and len(data) == 1: msg_header.append(data) if len(msg_header) == ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead): msgHead = tp.MsgHead.unpack(b''.join(msg_header)) if True == msgHead.testCheckSum(): if msgHead.iMsgType == tp.MsgTypeEnum.SHAKE_HAND: #获取握手包 shake_hand_time = time.time() msg_header = list() dataLength = msgHead.iPayloadLen - ct.sizeof( tp.MsgHead) try: data = self.sock.recv(dataLength) except: continue msg_header.append(data) if msgHead.iMsgType == tp.MsgTypeEnum.DEVICE_CONTROL: #设备控制 msgbody = tp.RemoteOpenDoorParam.unpack( b''.join(msg_header)) if msgbody.iIndex == 0: if msgHead.iSubMsgType == tp.DeviceControlTypeEnum.REMOTE_OPENDOOR_COMMAND: #开锁 unlock = threading.Thread( target=self.openDoorUnlock) unlock.start() elif msgHead.iMsgType == tp.MsgTypeEnum.ALIVE: #在线查询 head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.ALIVE head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.UNUSED head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) head.iFeedBack = 0 self.sockSend(head.pack()) elif msgHead.iMsgType == tp.MsgTypeEnum.STATUS_REPORT: msgbody = tp.ControllerStatus.unpack( b''.join(msg_header)) print msgbody.iInputStatus print msgbody.iOutputStatus elif msgHead.iMsgType == tp.MsgTypeEnum.TEMPERATURE_MODE: msgbody = tp.TemperatureModeStruct.unpack( b''.join(msg_header)) print msgbody.uiMode msg_header = list()
def outLockStatusReport(self, data): data = int(data) head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.STATUS_REPORT head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.UNUSED head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) + ct.sizeof( tp.ControllerStatus) head.iFeedBack = 1 status = tp.ControllerStatus() try: arrs = [] n = 0 while n < 10: gp = os.popen('cat /dev/gpio-P1.7') p = gp.close() if p: n = n + 1 arrs.append(int(p[0])) time.sleep(0.01) if 0 in arrs: x = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "doorclosestatus")) #关门状态 else: x = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "dooropenstatus")) #开门状态 status.iInputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(x) if data == 1: status.iOutputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(1) else: if x == 1: status.iOutputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(1) else: status.iOutputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(0) except Exception, e: status.iOutputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(data) status.iInputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(0) logging.error('读取gpio-P1.7出错', e)
def reportDoorStatus(self): y = 0 howtime = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "howtime")) #多长时间报警 alarminterval = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "alarminterval")) #报警间隔时间 opentime = time.time() #开门的时间 while self.socketreconnect: try: arrs = [] n = 0 while n < 10: gp = os.popen('cat /dev/gpio-P1.7') p = gp.close() if p: n = n + 1 arrs.append(int(p[0])) time.sleep(0.01) if 0 in arrs: x = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "doorclosestatus")) #关门状态 else: x = int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "dooropenstatus")) #开门状态 if y != x: y = x head = tp.MsgHead() head.iMsgType = tp.MsgTypeEnum.STATUS_REPORT head.iSubMsgType = tp.MsgSubTypeEnum.UNUSED head.iPayloadLen = ct.sizeof(tp.MsgHead) + ct.sizeof( tp.ControllerStatus) head.iFeedBack = 1 status = tp.ControllerStatus() status.iInputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(y) status.iOutputStatus[0] = ct.c_int32(y) # self.sock.send(head.pack() + status.pack()) self.sockSend(head.pack() + status.pack()) if y == 1: opentime = time.time() os.system( 'echo ' + str(mod_config.getConfig("device", "lockstatus")) + ' > /dev/gpio-P1.24') # 上锁 if y == 0 and self.isgivealarm == 1 and self.givealarmtime >= 1: self.givealarmtime = 0 if int(mod_config.getConfig("device", "isvideo")) == 1: #是否录像 if y == 1: uitime = time.time() filename = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime(uitime)) os.system( 'openRTSP -t -F "/media/sd-mmcblk0p1/' + filename + '." "rtsp://" &' ) self.giveAlarm(3, 4, 3, int(uitime)) else: rtsp = os.popen( "ps | grep 'openRTSP -t -F /media/sd-mmcblk0p1/' | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1}'" ) pid = rtsp.close() if pid: os.system('kill -HUP ' + pid) else: currenttime = time.time() if self.isgivealarm == 0 and x == 1 and ( int(currenttime - opentime) == howtime or (int(currenttime - opentime) > howtime and int(currenttime - opentime) % (self.givealarmtime + alarminterval) == 0)): #开门时间太久 ga = threading.Thread( target=self.openDoorLongGiveAlarm) ga.start() except Exception, e: logging.error(e) continue