elapsedTime = 0.0 elapsedTimeSquares = 0.0 startColorIndex = 1 endColorIndex = 2 scaleFactor = 10 squareScaleFactor = 2.0 rows = [ 0.0069, 0.055, 0.102, 0.151, 0.234926, 0.284, 0.331, 0.38, 0.479, 0.528, 0.575, 0.625, 0.707, 0.756, 0.803, 0.899, 0.948, 0.994] cols = [ 0.026, 0.107, 0.186, 0.268089, 0.35, 0.428, 0.508, 0.591, 0.67, 0.751, 0.831, 0.912, 0.99] content = Content("MinimalSquares") content.FBO_SIZE = (size,size) #optional: define size of FBO, default=(100,100) content.add_parameter("color1", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("color2", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("color3", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("change_hue", value=True) content.add_parameter("color_speed", min=0.00, max=1.0, value=0.1) content.add_parameter("speed", min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.1) content.add_parameter("num_squares", min=0, max=20, value=1) content.add_parameter("stage_mode", value=False) class Square: size = 570 height = 4 width = 4 thickness = 2 alpha = 0
shader = ofShader() temp_dir = mkdtemp() frag_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's.frag') vert_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's.vert') shader_file_of = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's') #a global variable color = ofColor(255) elapsedTime = 0.0 startColorIndex = 1 endColorIndex = 2 scaleFactor = 10 speedFactor = 0.6 content.add_parameter("color1", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("color2", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("color3", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("change_hue", value=True) content.add_parameter("color_speed", min=0.00, max=1.0, value=0.1) content.add_parameter("speed", min=0.01, max=1.0, value=0.5) content.add_parameter("particles_direction", min=0, max=3, value=0) content.add_parameter("stage_mode", value=False) @content.parameter_changed('change_hue') def parameter_changed(value): """ This function is called every time a a_integer is changed. We get the new value as an argument """
#a global variable num_modes = 3 elapsedTime = 0.0 change_time = 350 width = 600 height= 100 content.FBO_SIZE = (width,height) #optional: define size of FBO, default=(100,100) targetAlpha = 1.0 currentAlpha = 0.0 energy = 1.0 fbo = ofFbo() fboVisuals = ofFbo() shader = ofShader() mode = 0 content.add_parameter("gamma", min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.85) def setup(): """ This will be called at the beggining, you set your stuff here """ global size, aurora aurora = aurora.Aurora(width,height) ofEnableAlphaBlending() fbo.allocate(width,height) fbo.begin() ofClear(255)
import os.path from random import randint import imp content = Content("ProtoPixeFrames") print "ProtoPixeFrames" color = ofColor(255) shader = ofShader() targetAlpha = 1.0 currentAlpha = 0.0 size = 10 content.FBO_SIZE = (size, size) content.add_parameter("gamma", min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.9) content.add_parameter("Color", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) rainbow_file = content.add_asset("rainbow.py") rainbow = imp.load_source('rainbow', rainbow_file) square_file = content.add_asset("square.py") square = imp.load_source('square', square_file) def setup(): """ This will be called at the beggining, you set your stuff here """ global rainbow, square
from random import randint import math print "BlackoutSections" #a global variable size = 170 currentTransparency = [] targetTransparency = [] numSections = 5 onTransparency = 10 content = Content("BlackoutSections") content.FBO_SIZE = (170, 170) #optional: define size of FBO, default=(100,100) content.add_parameter("_1", value=False) content.add_parameter("_2", value=False) content.add_parameter("_3", value=False) content.add_parameter("_4", value=False) content.add_parameter("_5", value=False) @content.parameter_changed('_1') def parameter_changed(value): global targetTransparency, onTransparency if value == True: targetTransparency[0] = 255 else: targetTransparency[0] = onTransparency
import os.path from tempfile import mkdtemp content = Content("Ripple") side = 256 content.FBO_SIZE = (side,side) shaderfile = content.add_asset('shader') shader = ofShader() temp_dir = mkdtemp() frag_file = os.path.join(temp_dir,'s.frag') vert_file = os.path.join(temp_dir,'s.vert') shader_file_of = os.path.join(temp_dir,'s') content.add_parameter("speed", min=0.01, max=1.0, value=0.033) def setup(): if content['shader path']: shader_path_changed(content['shader path']) with open(frag_file,'w') as f: f.write(frag_contents_prefix) f.write(frag_contents) f.write(frag_contents_suffix) with open(vert_file,'w') as f: f.write(vert_contents) shader.load(shader_file_of) def draw():
num_modes = 3 elapsedTime = 0.0 change_time = 350 width = 600 height = 100 content.FBO_SIZE = (width, height ) #optional: define size of FBO, default=(100,100) targetAlpha = 1.0 currentAlpha = 0.0 energy = 1.0 fbo = ofFbo() fboVisuals = ofFbo() shader = ofShader() mode = 0 content.add_parameter("gamma", min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.9) content.add_parameter("enableSunset", value=True) content.add_parameter("enableClouds", value=True) content.add_parameter("enableAurora", value=True) def setup(): """ This will be called at the beggining, you set your stuff here """ global size, sunset, clouds, aurora sunset = sunset.Sunset(width, height) clouds = clouds.Clouds(width, height) aurora = aurora.Aurora(width, height)
#a global variable elapsedTime = 0.0 change_time = 60 size = 200 content.FBO_SIZE = (size, size ) #optional: define size of FBO, default=(100,100) targetAlpha = 1.0 currentAlpha = 0.0 currentColor = ofColor(255) previousColor = ofColor(0) shader = ofShader() colorIndex = 0 modeIndex = 0 content.add_parameter("gamma", min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.6) content.add_parameter("enableSparkles", value=True) content.add_parameter("enableRainbow", value=True) content.add_parameter("enableFade", value=True) content.add_parameter("enableWaves", value=True) content.add_parameter("enableCircles", value=True) content.add_parameter("Color", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) def setup(): """ This will be called at the beggining, you set your stuff here """ global size, sparkles, rainbow, fade, waves, circles
from protopixel import Content from openframeworks import * import os.path from tempfile import mkdtemp content = Content("Shader") content.add_parameter("shader path", type="filepath") content.add_parameter("speed", value=1.0, min=0.0, max=10.0) content.add_parameter("reset 24h", value=False) side = 256 content.FBO_SIZE = (side,side) shader = ofShader() temp_dir = mkdtemp() frag_file = os.path.join(temp_dir,'s.frag') vert_file = os.path.join(temp_dir,'s.vert') shader_file_of = os.path.join(temp_dir,'s') def setup(): if content['shader path']: shader_path_changed(content['shader path']) def draw(): ofClear(0,0,0,255) if shader.isLoaded(): if content['reset 24h']: time = ofGetElapsedTimeMillis() % 86400000 time = time / 1000.0 else:
from openframeworks import * from protopixel import Content from random import randint import math print "Blackout" #a global variable size = 170 currentTransparency = 0 targetTransparency = 0 content = Content("Blackout") content.FBO_SIZE = (170, 170) #optional: define size of FBO, default=(100,100) content.add_parameter("On", value=False) @content.parameter_changed('On') def parameter_changed(value): """ This function is called every time a a_integer is changed. We get the new value as an argument """ global targetTransparency if value == True: targetTransparency = 255 print "Global Blackout ON " else: targetTransparency = 0
temp_dir = mkdtemp() frag_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's.frag') vert_file = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's.vert') shader_file_of = os.path.join(temp_dir, 's') #a global variable color = ofColor(255) elapsedTime = 0.0 startColorIndex = 1 endColorIndex = 2 scaleFactor = 10 currentTime = 0 timeFactor = 0.5 speedFactor = 2.0 content.add_parameter("color1", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("color2", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("color3", type="color", value=ofColor(255, 255, 255)) content.add_parameter("change_hue", value=True) content.add_parameter("color_speed", min=0.00, max=1.0, value=0.1) content.add_parameter("speed", min=0.0, max=1.0, value=0.3) content.add_parameter("noise_grain", min=0.00, max=1.0, value=0.1) content.add_parameter("stage_mode", value=False) @content.parameter_changed('change_hue') def parameter_changed(value): """ This function is called every time a a_integer is changed. We get the new value as an argument """
import struct import sys import time from time import time as tt import numpy as np import os.path from openframeworks import * from protopixel import Content UDP_IP = "" UDP_PORT = 2390 content = Content('Virtual controller') content.add_parameter("FPS_LIMIT", min=0, max=60, value=30) content.add_parameter("Controller1", value=False) content.add_parameter("IP_1", value="") content.add_parameter("Controller2", value=False) content.add_parameter("IP_2", value="") content.add_parameter("Controller3", value=False) content.add_parameter("IP_3", value="") content.add_parameter("Controller4", value=False) content.add_parameter("IP_4", value="") content.add_parameter("Controller5", value=False) content.add_parameter("IP_5", value="")
# A simple string # filepath # A string, but a button for opening a file will appear # color # An instance of ofColor (r,g,b,a). # button # A function that can be triggered # Use content.add_parameter to define all parameters of the script that will be exposed to the GUI # The first argument is the name of the variable, # the keywords are the options. # Booleans do not have options other that its initial value. # Initial value is optional. # Pay attention to the type of the value. If you mix them you will # get incorrect types (1 vs 1.0 for int and float, for instace) content.add_parameter("a_boolean", value=True) # Integer can also define min and max of its value. content.add_parameter("a_integer", min=0, max=5, value=5) # Float works the same way as int. # For both, `min` and `max` are optional. content.add_parameter("a_float", min=0.0, max=5.0, value=0.0) # Strings do not have options. content.add_parameter("a_string", value="Hello") # For filepaths you have to specify its type. # type can also be specified for the previous types, they are otherwise inferred. content.add_parameter("a_filepath", type="filepath")
# This file is part of the ProtoPixel Library from protopixel import Content from openframeworks import * from collections import namedtuple content = Content('Paint') content.add_parameter('size', value=300, min=0, max=1024) content.add_parameter('clear', type='button') firstrun = True Finger = namedtuple('Finger', ['x', 'y', 'size', 'color']) fingers = [] content.FBO_SIZE = (300, 300) content.web_path('paint') @content.parameter_changed('size') def size_changed(size): content.FBO_SIZE = (size, size) @content.websocket.receive def websocket(ws, data): if data['event'] == "draw": getfinger(data['x'] * content.FBO_SIZE[0], data['y'] * content.FBO_SIZE[1], data['color']) elif data['event'] == "clear": clear()