Пример #1
class CatalogCapacityModificationRequest(messages.Message):
  """Represents a request to modify machine capacity in the catalog."""
  # Dimensions instance specifying what sort of machine this is.
  dimensions = messages.MessageField(Dimensions, 1, required=True)
  # Amount of available capacity matching the specified dimensions.
  count = messages.IntegerField(2, required=True)
Пример #2
class TaskProperties(messages.Message):
    """Important metadata about a particular task."""
    # Specifies named caches to map into the working directory. These caches
    # outlives the task, which can then be reused by tasks later used on this bot
    # that request the same named cache.
    caches = messages.MessageField(CacheEntry, 11, repeated=True)
    # CIPD packages to install. These packages are meant to be software that is
    # needed (a dependency) to the task being run. Unlike isolated files, the CIPD
    # packages do not expire from the server.
    cipd_input = messages.MessageField(CipdInput, 10)
    # Command to run. This has priority over a command specified in the isolated
    # files. Only one of 'command' or 'extra_args' can be specified.
    command = messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
    # Relative working directory to start the 'command' in, defaults to the root
    # mapped directory or what is provided in the isolated file, if any.
    relative_cwd = messages.StringField(15)
    # Dimensions are what is used to determine which bot can run the task. The
    # bot must have all the matching dimensions, even for repeated keys with
    # multiple different values. It is a logical AND, all values must match.
    # It should have been a StringListPair but this would be a breaking change.
    dimensions = messages.MessageField(StringPair, 2, repeated=True)
    # Environment variables to set when running the task.
    env = messages.MessageField(StringPair, 3, repeated=True)
    # Swarming-root relative paths to prepend to a given environment variable.
    # These allow you to put certain subdirectories of the task into PATH,
    # PYTHONPATH, or other PATH-like environment variables. The order of
    # operations is:
    #   * Turn slashes into native-platform slashes.
    #   * Make the path absolute
    #   * Prepend it to the current value of the envvar using the os-native list
    #     separator (i.e. `;` on windows, `:` on POSIX).
    # Each envvar can have multiple paths to prepend. They will be prepended in
    # the order seen here.
    # For example, if env_prefixes was:
    #   [("PATH", ["foo", "bar"]),
    #    ("CUSTOMPATH", ["custom"])]
    # The task would see:
    #   PATH=/path/to/swarming/rundir/foo:/path/to/swarming/rundir/bar:$PATH
    #   CUSTOMPATH=/path/to/swarming/rundir/custom
    # The path should always be specified here with forward-slashes, and it must
    # not attempt to escape the swarming root (i.e. must not contain `..`).
    # These are applied AFTER evaluating `env` entries.
    env_prefixes = messages.MessageField(StringListPair, 14, repeated=True)
    # Maximum number of seconds the task can run before its process is forcibly
    # terminated and the task results in TIMED_OUT.
    execution_timeout_secs = messages.IntegerField(4)
    # Extraneous arguments to append to the command specified in the isolated
    # file. Can only be used when an isolated file specifies a command. Only one
    # of 'command' or 'extra_args' can be specified.
    extra_args = messages.StringField(5, repeated=True)
    # Number of second to give the child process after a SIGTERM before sending a
    # SIGKILL. See doc/Bot.md#timeout-handling
    grace_period_secs = messages.IntegerField(6)
    # True if the task does not access any service through the network and is
    # believed to be 100% reproducible with the same outcome. In the case of a
    # successful task, previous results will be reused if possible.
    idempotent = messages.BooleanField(7)
    # Isolated inputs to map in the working directory. The isolated file may
    # optionally specify a command to run. Otherwise, 'command' must be specified.
    inputs_ref = messages.MessageField(FilesRef, 8)
    # Maximum number of seconds the task may be silent (no output to stdout nor
    # stderr) before it is considered hung and it forcibly terminated early and
    # the task results in TIMED_OUT.
    io_timeout_secs = messages.IntegerField(9)
    # Paths in the working directory to archive back.
    outputs = messages.StringField(12, repeated=True)
    # Secret bytes to provide to the task. Cannot be retrieved back.
    secret_bytes = messages.BytesField(13)
Пример #3
class TasksCancelRequest(messages.Message):
    """Request to cancel some subset of pending/running tasks."""
    tags = messages.StringField(1, repeated=True)
    cursor = messages.StringField(2)
    limit = messages.IntegerField(3, default=100)
    kill_running = messages.BooleanField(4)
Пример #4
class UserRank(messages.Message):
    username = messages.StringField(1)
    wins = messages.IntegerField(2)
Пример #5
class UserGamesRequestForm(messages.Message):
    jwt_token = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    offset = messages.IntegerField(2, default=0)
Пример #6
class PackageRef(messages.Message):
  """Information about some ref belonging to a package."""
  instance_id = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  modified_by = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
  modified_ts = messages.IntegerField(3, required=True)
Пример #7
class InstanceTag(messages.Message):
  """Some single package instance tag."""
  tag = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  registered_by = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
  registered_ts = messages.IntegerField(3, required=True)
Пример #8
class Problem(messages.Message):
  code = messages.MessageField(Code, 1)
  status = messages.StringField(2)
  age = messages.IntegerField(3)
  date_range = messages.MessageField(DateRange, 4)
Пример #9
class VitalResult(messages.Message):
  code = messages.MessageField(Code, 1)
  value = messages.IntegerField(2)
  unit = messages.StringField(3)
Пример #10
class PreuploadStatus(messages.Message):
  """Endpoints response type for a single URL or pair of URLs."""
  gs_upload_url = messages.StringField(1)
  upload_ticket = messages.StringField(2)
  index = messages.IntegerField(3)
Пример #11
class HelloWorldApi(remote.Service):
    def _getProfileFromUser(self):
        """Get current user and return profile in DB"""
        user = endpoints.get_current_user()
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, user.email())
        p = p_key.get()

        if not p:
            p = Profile(key=p_key,
        return p

    def _copyProfileToForm(self, profile):
        """Put profile from DB in to protorpc form"""
        pf = ProfileForm()
        pf.nick = profile.nickname
        pf.email = profile.email
        return pf

    def greetings_list(self, unused_request):
        return STORED_GREETINGS

    RESOURCE_ID = endpoints.ResourceContainer(

    def greeting(self, request):
            return STORED_GREETINGS.items[request.id]
            return endpoints.NotFoundException('Greeting %s not found.' %

    def addGreeting(self, request):
        """Add greeting with user's profile as parent"""
        profile = self._getProfileFromUser()
        p_key = ndb.Key(Profile, profile.email)
        g = Greeting(message=request.message, parent=p_key)
        return request

    @endpoints.method(message_types.VoidMessage, ProfileForm)
    def returnPofile(self, unused_request):
        """Return a user's profile"""
        profile = self._getProfileFromUser()
        return self._copyProfileToForm(profile)
Пример #12
class RetrieveRequest(messages.Message):
  """Request to retrieve content from memcache, datastore, or GS."""
  digest = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  namespace = messages.MessageField(Namespace, 2)
  offset = messages.IntegerField(3, default=0)
Пример #13
class Digest(messages.Message):
  """ProtoRPC message containing digest information."""
  digest = messages.StringField(1)
  is_isolated = messages.BooleanField(2, default=False)
  size = messages.IntegerField(3, default=0)
Пример #14
def get_result_entity(task_id):
    """Returns the entity (TaskResultSummary or TaskRunResult) for a given ID."""
    key, _ = get_result_key(task_id)
    return get_or_raise(key)

### API

swarming_api = auth.endpoints_api(
    description='API to interact with the Swarming service. Permits to create, '
    'view and cancel tasks, query tasks and bots')

VersionRequest = endpoints.ResourceContainer(message_types.VoidMessage,

@swarming_api.api_class(resource_name='server', path='server')
class SwarmingServerService(remote.Service):
    def details(self, _request):
        """Returns information about the server."""
        return swarming_rpcs.ServerDetails(

Пример #15
class EventListRequest(messages.Message):
    limit = messages.IntegerField(1, required=True)
Пример #16
class LabResult(messages.Message):
  date = message_types.DateTimeField(1)
  code = messages.MessageField(Code, 2)
  value = messages.IntegerField(3)
  unit = messages.StringField(4)
Пример #17
class SettingsMessage(messages.Message):
    timeZoneOffset = messages.IntegerField(1, required=False)
    logoutUrl = messages.StringField(2, required=False)
    nickname = messages.StringField(3, required=False)
Пример #18
class MatchResultForm(messages.Message):
    """Used to give result of a match"""
    card_1 = messages.MessageField(CardForm, 1, required=True)
    card_2 = messages.MessageField(CardForm, 2, required=True)
    matched_count = messages.IntegerField(3, required=True)
    message = messages.StringField(4, required=True)
Пример #19
class PackageInstance(messages.Message):
  """Information about some registered package instance."""
  package_name = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
  instance_id = messages.StringField(2, required=True)
  registered_by = messages.StringField(3, required=True)
  registered_ts = messages.IntegerField(4, required=True)
Пример #20
class MakeMatchForm(messages.Message):
    """Used to make a match in an existing game"""
    guess_pair_1 = messages.IntegerField(1, required=True)
    guess_pair_2 = messages.IntegerField(2, required=True)
class Operation(messages.Message):
    """A Operation object.

    ErrorValue: A ErrorValue object.
    WarningsValueListEntry: A WarningsValueListEntry object.

    clientOperationId: A string attribute.
    creationTimestamp: A string attribute.
    endTime: A string attribute.
    error: A ErrorValue attribute.
    httpErrorMessage: A string attribute.
    httpErrorStatusCode: A integer attribute.
    id: A string attribute.
    insertTime: A string attribute.
    kind: [Output Only] Type of the resource. Always compute#Operation for
      Operation resources.
    name: A string attribute.
    operationType: A string attribute.
    progress: A integer attribute.
    region: A string attribute.
    selfLink: A string attribute.
    startTime: A string attribute.
    status: A string attribute.
    statusMessage: A string attribute.
    targetId: A string attribute.
    targetLink: A string attribute.
    user: A string attribute.
    warnings: A WarningsValueListEntry attribute.
    zone: A string attribute.
    class ErrorValue(messages.Message):
        """A ErrorValue object.

      ErrorsValueListEntry: A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

      errors: A ErrorsValueListEntry attribute.
        class ErrorsValueListEntry(messages.Message):
            """A ErrorsValueListEntry object.

        code: A string attribute.
        location: A string attribute.
        message: A string attribute.

            code = messages.StringField(1)
            location = messages.StringField(2)
            message = messages.StringField(3)

        errors = messages.MessageField('ErrorsValueListEntry',

    class WarningsValueListEntry(messages.Message):
        """A WarningsValueListEntry object.

      DataValueListEntry: A DataValueListEntry object.

      code: A string attribute.
      data: A DataValueListEntry attribute.
      message: A string attribute.
        class DataValueListEntry(messages.Message):
            """A DataValueListEntry object.

        key: A string attribute.
        value: A string attribute.

            key = messages.StringField(1)
            value = messages.StringField(2)

        code = messages.StringField(1)
        data = messages.MessageField('DataValueListEntry', 2, repeated=True)
        message = messages.StringField(3)

    clientOperationId = messages.StringField(1)
    creationTimestamp = messages.StringField(2)
    endTime = messages.StringField(3)
    error = messages.MessageField('ErrorValue', 4)
    httpErrorMessage = messages.StringField(5)
    httpErrorStatusCode = messages.IntegerField(6,
    id = messages.IntegerField(7, variant=messages.Variant.UINT64)
    insertTime = messages.StringField(8)
    kind = messages.StringField(9, default=u'autoscaler#operation')
    name = messages.StringField(10)
    operationType = messages.StringField(11)
    progress = messages.IntegerField(12, variant=messages.Variant.INT32)
    region = messages.StringField(13)
    selfLink = messages.StringField(14)
    startTime = messages.StringField(15)
    status = messages.StringField(16)
    statusMessage = messages.StringField(17)
    targetId = messages.IntegerField(18, variant=messages.Variant.UINT64)
    targetLink = messages.StringField(19)
    user = messages.StringField(20)
    warnings = messages.MessageField('WarningsValueListEntry',
    zone = messages.StringField(22)
Пример #22
class Device(messages.Message):
    """Device ProtoRPC message.

    serial_number: str, The serial number of the Chrome device.
    asset_tag: str, The asset tag of the Chrome device.
    identifier: str, the computed identifier for a device. Serial number if
        asset tag is not provided.
    enrolled: bool, Indicates the enrollment status of the device.
    device_model: int, Identifies the model name of the device.
    due_date: datetime, The date that device is due for return.
    last_know_healthy: datetime, The date to indicate the last known healthy
    shelf: shelf_messages.Shelf, The message for a shelf.
    assigned_user: str, The email of the user who is assigned to the device.
    assignment_date: datetime, The date the device was assigned to a user.
    current_ou: str, The current organizational unit the device belongs to.
    ou_change_date: datetime, The date the organizational unit was changed.
    locked: bool, Indicates whether or not the device is locked.
    lost: bool, Indicates whether or not the device is lost.
    mark_pending_return_date: datetime, The date a user marked device returned.
    chrome_device_id: str, A unique device ID.
    last_heartbeat: datetime, The date of the last time the device checked in.
    damaged: bool, Indicates the if the device is damaged.
    damaged_reason: str, A string denoting the reason for being reported as
    last_reminder: Reminder, Level, time, and count of the last reminder
        the device had.
    next_reminder: Reminder, Level, time, and count of the next reminder.
    page_size: int, The number of results to query for and display.
    page_number: int, the page index to offset the results.
    max_extend_date: datetime, Indicates maximum extend date a device can have.
    guest_enabled: bool, Indicates if guest mode has been already enabled.
    guest_permitted: bool, Indicates if guest mode has been allowed.
    given_name: str, The given name for the user.
    query: shared_message.SearchRequest, a message containing query options to
        conduct a search on an index.
    overdue: bool, Indicates that the due date has passed.
    serial_number = messages.StringField(1)
    asset_tag = messages.StringField(2)
    identifier = messages.StringField(3)
    urlkey = messages.StringField(4)
    enrolled = messages.BooleanField(5, default=True)
    device_model = messages.StringField(6)
    due_date = message_types.DateTimeField(7)
    last_known_healthy = message_types.DateTimeField(8)
    shelf = messages.MessageField(shelf_messages.Shelf, 9)
    assigned_user = messages.StringField(10)
    assignment_date = message_types.DateTimeField(11)
    current_ou = messages.StringField(12)
    ou_changed_date = message_types.DateTimeField(13)
    locked = messages.BooleanField(14)
    lost = messages.BooleanField(15)
    mark_pending_return_date = message_types.DateTimeField(16)
    chrome_device_id = messages.StringField(17)
    last_heartbeat = message_types.DateTimeField(18)
    damaged = messages.BooleanField(19)
    damaged_reason = messages.StringField(20)
    last_reminder = messages.MessageField(Reminder, 21)
    next_reminder = messages.MessageField(Reminder, 22)
    page_size = messages.IntegerField(23, default=10)
    page_number = messages.IntegerField(24, default=1)
    max_extend_date = message_types.DateTimeField(25)
    guest_enabled = messages.BooleanField(26)
    guest_permitted = messages.BooleanField(27)
    given_name = messages.StringField(28)
    query = messages.MessageField(shared_messages.SearchRequest, 29)
    overdue = messages.BooleanField(30)
Пример #23
class UserHighScore(messages.Message):
    username = messages.StringField(1)
    score = messages.IntegerField(2)
Пример #24
from models import UserForms
from utils import get_by_urlsafe

NEW_GAME_REQUEST = endpoints.ResourceContainer(NewGameForm)
GET_GAME_REQUEST = endpoints.ResourceContainer(
    urlsafe_game_key=messages.StringField(1), )
MAKE_MOVE_REQUEST = endpoints.ResourceContainer(
USER_REQUEST = endpoints.ResourceContainer(user_name=messages.StringField(1),
GET_ALL_GAMES_REQUEST = endpoints.ResourceContainer(
    user_name=messages.StringField(1), )  # NOQA
HIGH_SCORES_REQUEST = endpoints.ResourceContainer(


@endpoints.api(name='hangman', version='v1')
class HangmanApi(remote.Service):
    """Game API"""
    def create_user(self, request):
        """Create a User. Requires a unique username"""
        if User.query(User.name == request.user_name).get():
Пример #25
class UserAllRequestForm(messages.Message):
    offset = messages.IntegerField(1, default=0)
Пример #26
class UserForm(messages.Message):
    user_name = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    wins = messages.IntegerField(2, required=True)
    loses = messages.IntegerField(3, required=True)
    win_ratio = messages.FloatField(4, required=True)
Пример #27
class NewTaskRequest(messages.Message):
    """Description of a new task request as described by the client.

  This message is used to create a new task.
    # Maximum of seconds the task may stay PENDING. Must be specified with
    # properties. Cannot be used at the same time as task_slices.
    expiration_secs = messages.IntegerField(1)
    # Task name for display purpose.
    name = messages.StringField(2)
    # Parent Swarming task ID of the process requesting this task. This is to tell
    # the server about reentrancy: when a task creates children Swarming tasks, so
    # that the tree of tasks can be presented in the UI; the parent task will list
    # all the children tasks that were triggered.
    parent_task_id = messages.StringField(3)
    # Task priority, the lower the more important.
    priority = messages.IntegerField(4)
    # Task properties, which defines what to run.
    properties = messages.MessageField(TaskProperties, 5)
    # Slice of TaskSlice, along their scheduling parameters. Cannot be used at the
    # same time as properties and expiration_secs.
    # This defines all the various possible task execution for a task request to
    # be run on the Swarming infrastructure. They are processed in order, and it
    # is guaranteed that at most one of these will be processed.
    task_slices = messages.MessageField(TaskSlice, 12, repeated=True)
    # Tags are 'key:value' strings that describes what the task is about. This can
    # later be leveraged to search for kinds of tasks per tag.
    tags = messages.StringField(6, repeated=True)
    # User on which behalf this task is run, if relevant. Not validated.
    user = messages.StringField(7)

    # Defines what OAuth2 credentials the task uses when calling other services.
    # Possible values are:
    #   - 'none': do not use task service accounts at all, this is default.
    #   - 'bot': use bot's own account, works only if bots authenticate with
    #       OAuth2.
    #   - 'email': use this account (if token server's service_accounts.cfg rules
    #       allow it). Not implemented yet.
    # Note that the service account name is specified outside of task properties,
    # and thus it is possible to have two tasks with different service accounts,
    # but identical properties hash (so one can be deduped). If this is unsuitable
    # use 'idempotent=False' or include a service account name in properties
    # separately.
    # TODO(vadimsh): Link to a doc that describes Swarming Service Accounts, when
    # it exists.
    service_account = messages.StringField(8)

    # Full topic name to post task state updates to, e.g.
    # "projects/<id>/topics/<id>".
    pubsub_topic = messages.StringField(9)
    # Secret string to put into "auth_token" attribute of PubSub message.
    pubsub_auth_token = messages.StringField(10)
    # Will be but into "userdata" fields of PubSub message.
    pubsub_userdata = messages.StringField(11)

    # Only evaluate the task, as if we were going to schedule it, but don't
    # actually schedule it. This will return the TaskRequest, but without
    # a task_id.
    evaluate_only = messages.BooleanField(13)
Пример #28
class NewGameForm(messages.Message):
    user_name = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    attempts = messages.IntegerField(2, default=5)
Пример #29
class TasksCancelResponse(messages.Message):
    """Result of canceling some subset of pending tasks.
    cursor = messages.StringField(1)
    now = message_types.DateTimeField(2)
    matched = messages.IntegerField(3)
Пример #30
class CardForm(messages.Message):
    """CardForm for card information"""
    suit = messages.StringField(1, required=True)
    value = messages.IntegerField(2, required=True)
    index = messages.IntegerField(3, required=True)
    matched = messages.BooleanField(4, required=True)