Пример #1
from proveit.expression import Literal, Operation, STRING, LATEX

pkg = __package__

class InverseFourierTransform(Operation):
    Represents the quantum circuit for the quantum fourier transform algorithm.
    def __init__(self, n):
        QFT circuit for n qubits.
        Operation.__init__(self, INV_FT, n)
        self.nqubits = n

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False):
        formattedOperator = self.operator.formatted(formatType, fence=False)
        formatedNqubits = self.nqubits.formatted(formatType, fence=False)
        return formattedOperator + '_{' + formatedNqubits + '}'

INV_FT = Literal(
    'INV_FT', {
        STRING: 'FT^{dag}',
        LATEX: r'{\rm FT}^{\dag}'
    operationMaker=lambda operands: InverseFourierTransform(*operands))
Пример #2
from proveit.expression import Literal, Operation, LATEX

pkg = __package__

class AngDiff(Operation):
    def __init__(self, angle1, angle2):
        Operation.__init__(self, ANGULAR_DIFFERENCE, (angle1, angle2))
        self.angle1 = angle1
        self.angle2 = angle2

    'AngDiff', {LATEX: r'{\rm AngDiff}'},
    operationMaker=lambda operands: AngDiff(*operands))
Пример #3
from proveit.expression import Operation, Literal

pkg = __package__

class Domain(Operation):
    def __init__(self, mapExpr):
        Operation.__init__(self, DOMAIN, [mapExpr])
DOMAIN = Literal(pkg, 'DOMAIN', lambda operand : Domain(operand))

class CoDomain(Operation):
    def __init__(self, mapExpr):
        Operation.__init__(self, CODOMAIN, [mapExpr])
CODOMAIN = Literal(pkg, 'CODOMAIN', lambda operand : CoDomain(operand))
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, expr_tensor):
        Operation.__init__(self, MATRIX, expr_tensor)
        self.tensor = self.operands
        if not isinstance(self.tensor, ExpressionTensor):
            raise ImproperMatrix(
                'Matrix must be given an ExpressionTensor for its operands')
        if len(self.tensor.shape) != 2:
            raise ImproperMatrix(
                'Matrix must be given a 2-dimensional ExpressionTensor')
        self.nrows = self.tensor.shape[0]
        self.ncolumns = self.tensor.shape[1]

    def formatted(self, format_type, fence=True):
        if format_type == STRING:
            return Operation.formatted(format_type, fence=False)
        elif format_type == LATEX:
            return r'\left[' + self.operands.formatted(format_type) + '\right]'

MATRIX = Literal(pkg,
                 operation_maker=lambda operands: Matrix(operands))

class ImproperMatrix:
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.msg = msg

    def str(self):
        return self.msg
Пример #5
from proveit.expression import Literal, STRING, LATEX
from proveit.number import Exp, Abs, Add, Sub, Neg, Mult, frac, Interval
from proveit.number.common import one, two
from proveit.common import k, l, eps
from proveit.physics.quantum.QPE.phaseEstOps import SubIndexed

pkg = __package__

# U: Unitary operator to apply quantum phase estimation.
U_ = Literal(pkg, 'U')

# n: Number of qubits which U acts on.
n_ = Literal(pkg, 'n')

# u: Eigenvector of U to apply the quantum phase estimation.
u_ = Literal(pkg, 'u')

# phase: Eigenvalue phase of u w.r.t. U.  U u = e^{i \varphi} u.
#        This \varphi is the phase that is the objective of phase estimation.
phase_ = Literal(pkg, 'phase', {LATEX: r'\varphi'})

# t: Number of qubit registers for the quantum phase estimation.
#    We prove that this is the bits of precision of phase estimation.
t_ = Literal(pkg, 't')

# Psi: Outcome of register qubits following the quantum phase estimation circuit.
Psi_ = Literal(pkg, 'PSI', {STRING: 'Psi', LATEX: r'\Psi'})
# psi: indexed intermediate output registers inside the quantum phase estimation circuit.
psi_ = Literal(pkg, 'psi', {STRING: 'psi', LATEX: r'\psi'})
psi_k = SubIndexed(psi_, k)
psi_t = SubIndexed(psi_, t_)
Пример #6
from proveit.expression import Operation, Literal

pkg = __package__

# Special Unitary group
class SU(Operation):
    def __init__(self, n):
        Create some SU(n), the special unitary of degree n.
        Operation.__init__(self, SPECIAL_UNITARY, n)
        self.operand = n

SPECIAL_UNITARY = Literal(pkg,
                          operationMaker=lambda operands: SU(*operands))
Пример #7
                return tensorProdEquivByElimination.specialize({
                    tensorEquality.lhs.factors[k + 1:]

TENSOR_PROD = Literal(pkg,
                      'TENSOR_PROD', {
                          STRING: r'otimes',
                          LATEX: r'\otimes'
                      operationMaker=lambda operands: TensorProd(*operands))

class TensorExp(Operation):
    def __init__(self, base, exponent):
        Tensor exponentiation to any natural number exponent.
        Operation.__init__(self, TENSOR_EXP, (base, exponent))
        self.base = self.operands[0]
        self.exponent = self.operands[1]

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=True):
        formattedBase = self.base.formatted(formatType, fence=True)
Пример #8
pkg = __package__

class QPE(Operation):
    Represents the quantum circuit for the quantum phase estimation algorithm.
    def __init__(self, U, t):
        Phase estimator circuit for Unitary U and t register qubits.
        Operation.__init__(self, QUANTUM_PHASE_ESTIMATION, (U, t))

    'QPE', {LATEX: r'{\rm QPE}'},
    operationMaker=lambda operands: QPE(*operands))

class PhaseEst(Operation):
    Represents the quantum circuit for estimating the phase.  The
    quantum phase estimation algorithm consists of a PHASE_ESTIMATOR
    followed by quantum fourier transform.
    def __init__(self, U, t):
        Phase estimator circuit for Unitary U and t register qubits.
        Operation.__init__(self, PHASE_ESTIMATION, (U, t))
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, state):
        Create a INPUT operation with the given input state.
        Operation.__init__(self, INPUT, state)
        self.state = state

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False):
        formattedState = self.state.formatted(formatType, fence=False)
        if formatType == LATEX:
            return r'\lstick{' + formattedState + r'}'
            return Operation.formatted(self, formatType, fence)

INPUT = Literal(pkg, 'INPUT', operationMaker=lambda operands: Input(*operands)
                )  # An input state (entering the left of the circuit)

class Output(Operation):
    Represents an input state entering from the left of the circuit
    def __init__(self, state):
        Create a INPUT operation with the given input state.
        Operation.__init__(self, OUTPUT, state)
        self.state = state

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False):
        formattedState = self.state.formatted(formatType, fence=False)
Пример #10
from proveit.expression import Operation, Literal
from proveit.common import x, X

pkg = __package__

class Prob(Operation):
    def __init__(self, event, random_variable):
        Operation.__init__(self, PROB, [event, random_variable])
        self.event = event
        self.random_variable = random_variable

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False):
        formattedEvent = self.event.formatted(formatType, fence=False)
        formattedVar = self.random_variable.formatted(formatType, fence=False)
        return 'Pr_{' + formattedVar + '}[' + formattedEvent + ']'

    def deduceInInterval(self):
        from axioms import probBetweenZeroAndOne
        return probBetweenZeroAndOne.specialize({
            x: self.random_variable,
            X: self.event

    def deduceInReals(self):
        from theorems import probInReals
        return probInReals.specialize({x: self.random_variable, X: self.event})

PROB = Literal(pkg, 'PROB', operationMaker=lambda operands: Prob(*operands))
Пример #11

class Bra(Operation):
    def __init__(self, label):
        Operation.__init__(self, BRA, label)
        self.label = label

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False):
        if formatType == LATEX:
            return r'\langle ' + self.label.formatted(formatType,
                                                      fence=False) + r' \rvert'
            return '<' + self.label.formatted(formatType, fence=False) + '|'

BRA = Literal(pkg, 'BRA', operationMaker=lambda operands: Bra(*operands))

class Ket(Operation):
    def __init__(self, label):
        Operation.__init__(self, KET, label)
        self.label = label

    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False, no_lvert=False):
        leftStr = r'\lvert ' if formatType == LATEX else '|'
        if no_lvert: leftStr = ''
        if formatType == LATEX:
            return leftStr + self.label.formatted(formatType,
                                                  fence=False) + r' \rangle'
            return leftStr + self.label.formatted(formatType,
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, *operands):
        Matrix dot product of any number of operands.
        AssociativeOperation.__init__(self, MATRIX_PROD, *operands)
    def formatted(self, formatType, fence=False, subFence=True):
        # Temporary hack to get quantum bra and ket products to display properly.
        # This should eventually be done differently because we shouldn't need to
        # know anything about the quantum application here.
        from proveit.physics.quantum import Bra, Ket, RegisterBra, RegisterKet
        if len(self.operands) == 2 and (isinstance(self.operands[0], Bra) or isinstance(self.operands[0], RegisterBra)) and (isinstance(self.operands[1], Ket) or isinstance(self.operands[1], RegisterKet)):
            return self.operands[0].formatted(formatType) + self.operands[1].formatted(formatType, no_lvert=True)
        return AssociativeOperation.formatted(self, formatType, fence, subFence)

MATRIX_PROD = Literal(pkg, 'MATRIX_PROD', {STRING: r'.', LATEX: r' '}, operationMaker = lambda operands : MatrixProd(*operands))

class ScalarProd(BinaryOperation):
    def __init__(self, *operands):
        Product between a scalar and a matrix.
        BinaryOperation.__init__(self, SCALAR_PROD, *operands)
        self.scalar = operands[0]
        self.scaled = operands[1]

    def simplification(self):
        For the trivial case a nested scalar product, derive and return this scalar product
        expression equated with a simplified form.
Пример #13
from proveit.common import A, B, C, D
from proveit.expression import Variable, Literal, LATEX, STRING
from proveit.multiExpression import Block
from proveit.number import Exp, frac, sqrt
from proveit.number.common import zero, one, two
from proveit.number.numberSets import Complexes
from proveit.linalg import TensorExp, SU
from proveit.physics.quantum.circuit import Gate
from proveit.physics.quantum.quantumOps import Ket

pkg = __package__

I = Literal(pkg, 'I') # Single qubit identity
X = Literal(pkg, 'X') # Pauli-X
Y = Literal(pkg, 'Y') # Pauli-Y
Z = Literal(pkg, 'Z') # Pauli-Z
H = Literal(pkg, 'H') # Hadamard

# PASS: either a blank spot or continuation of a wire in a quantum circuit.
# Can be used when initializing the circuit with a list of lists -- these PASS elements
# are subsequently removed and turned into empty spots of the quantum circuit tensor.
PASS = Literal(pkg, 'PASS') 

PLUS = Literal(pkg, 'PLUS', {LATEX:'+', STRING:'+'}) # For positive X eigenstate
MINUS = Literal(pkg, 'MINUS', {LATEX:'-', STRING:'-'}) # For negative X eigenstate

ket0 = Ket(zero)
ket1 = Ket(one)
ketPlus = Ket(PLUS)
ketMinus = Ket(MINUS)
Пример #14
from proveit.common import A, B, C, D
from proveit.expression import Variable, Literal, LATEX, STRING
from proveit.multi_expression import Block
from proveit.numbers import Exp, frac, sqrt
from proveit.numbers.common import zero, one, two
from proveit.numbers.number_sets import Complex
from proveit.linalg import TensorExp, SU
from proveit.physics.quantum.circuit import Gate
from proveit.physics.quantum.quantum_ops import Ket

pkg = __package__

I = Literal(pkg, 'I')  # Single qubit identity
X = Literal(pkg, 'X')  # Pauli-X
Y = Literal(pkg, 'Y')  # Pauli-Y
Z = Literal(pkg, 'Z')  # Pauli-Z
H = Literal(pkg, 'H')  # Hadamard

# PASS: either a blank spot or continuation of a wire in a quantum circuit.
# Can be used when initializing the circuit with a list of lists -- these PASS elements
# are subsequently removed and turned into empty spots of the quantum
# circuit tensor.
PASS = Literal(pkg, 'PASS')

# For positive X eigenstate
PLUS = Literal(pkg, 'PLUS', {LATEX: '+', STRING: '+'})
# For negative X eigenstate
MINUS = Literal(pkg, 'MINUS', {LATEX: '-', STRING: '-'})

ket0 = Ket(zero)
ket1 = Ket(one)