Пример #1
 def double_scaling_reduction(self, **defaults_config):
     from . import doubly_scaled_as_singly_scaled
     if not isinstance(self.scaled, ScalarMult):
         raise ValueError("'double_scaling_reduction' is only applicable "
                          "for a doubly nested ScalarMult")
     # Reduce doubly-nested ScalarMult
     _x = self.scaled.scaled
     # _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(_x)
     # the following is a little klunky, but trying to avoid the
     # use of a default field=Real if we're actually dealing with
     # complex scalars somewhere in the vector
     from proveit import free_vars
     if any([InSet(elem, Complex).proven() for elem in free_vars(self)]):
         _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self, field=Complex)
         _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self)
     _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
     _alpha = self.scalar
     _beta = self.scaled.scalar
     return doubly_scaled_as_singly_scaled.instantiate({
         K: _K,
         V: _V,
         x: _x,
         alpha: _alpha,
         beta: _beta
Пример #2
    def shallow_simplification(self, *, must_evaluate=False,
        Returns a proven simplification equation for this TensorProd
        expression assuming the operands have been simplified.
        Currently deals only with:
        (1) simplifying a TensorProd(x) (i.e. a TensorProd with a
            single operand x) to x itself. For example,
            TensorProd(x) = x.
        (2) Ungrouping nested tensor products.
        (3) Factoring out scalars.

        if self.operands.is_single():
            from . import unary_tensor_prod_def
            _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self.operand)
            _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
            return unary_tensor_prod_def.instantiate(
                {K:_K, V:_V, A:self.operands[0]}, preserve_all=True)

        # for convenience updating our equation:
        expr = self
        eq = TransRelUpdater(expr)
        if TensorProd._simplification_directives_.ungroup:
            # ungroup the expression (disassociate nested additions).
            _n = 0
            length = expr.operands.num_entries() - 1
            # loop through all operands
            while _n < length:
                operand = expr.operands[_n]
                if isinstance(operand, TensorProd):
                    # if it is grouped, ungroup it
                    expr = eq.update(expr.disassociation(
                            _n, preserve_all=True))
                length = expr.operands.num_entries()
                _n += 1
        if TensorProd._simplification_directives_.factor_scalars:
            # Next, pull out scalar factors
            except ValueError:
                raise UnsatisfiedPrerequisites(
                        "No known vector space for %s"%self)
            for _k, operand in enumerate(expr.operands):
                if isinstance(operand, ScalarMult):
                    # Just pull out the first one we see and let
                    # recursive simplifications take care of any more.
                    # To make sure this happens we turn auto_simplify
                    # on, and those simpiflications should all be fair
                    # game as part of shallow_simplification.
                    expr = eq.update(expr.scalar_factorization(
                        _k, auto_simplify=True))
        # Future processing possible here.
        return eq.relation
Пример #3
 def distribution(self, idx, *, field=None,
     Given a TensorProd operand at the (0-based) index location
     'idx' that is a vector sum or summation, prove the distribution
     over that TensorProd factor and return an equality to the 
     original TensorProd. For example, we could take the TensorProd
         tens_prod = TensorProd(a, b+c, d)
     and call tens_prod.distribution(1) to obtain:
         |- TensorProd(a, b+c, d) =
            TensorProd(a, b, d) + TensorProd(a, c, d)
     from . import (tensor_prod_distribution_over_add,
     _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self, field=field)
     _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
     sum_factor = self.operands[idx]
     _a = self.operands[:idx]
     _c = self.operands[idx+1:]
     _i = _a.num_elements()
     _k = _c.num_elements()
     if isinstance(sum_factor, VecAdd):
         _b = sum_factor.operands
         _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self, field=field)
         _j = _b.num_elements()
         # use preserve_all=True in the following instantiation
         # because the instantiation is an intermediate step;
         # otherwise auto_simplification can over-do things
         impl = tensor_prod_distribution_over_add.instantiate(
             {K:_K, i:_i, j:_j, k:_k, V:_V, a:_a, b:_b, c:_c},
         return impl.derive_consequent().with_wrapping_at()
     elif isinstance(sum_factor, VecSum):
         _b = sum_factor.indices
         _j = _b.num_elements()
         _f = Lambda(sum_factor.indices, sum_factor.summand)
         _Q = Lambda(sum_factor.indices, sum_factor.condition)
         # use preserve_all=True in the following instantiation
         # because the instantiation is an intermediate step;
         # otherwise auto_simplification can over-do things
         impl = tensor_prod_distribution_over_summation.instantiate(
                 {K:_K, f:_f, Q:_Q, i:_i, j:_j, k:_k, 
                  V:_V, a:_a, b:_b, c:_c}, preserve_all=True)
         return impl.derive_consequent().with_wrapping_at()
         raise ValueError(
             "Don't know how to distribute tensor product over " +
             str(sum_factor.__class__) + " factor")
Пример #4
 def insert_vec_on_both_sides_of_equals(tensor_equality, idx, vec,
                                        rhs_idx = None, *,
                                        field = None, 
     From an equality with tensor products of vectors on
     both sides, derive a similar equality but with a vector 
     operand inserted at the particular given zero-based index (idx).
     A different index may be specified for the right side as the 
     left side by setting rhs_idx (i.e., if entries don't line up 
     due to differences of ExprRange entries), but the default will
     be to use the same.
     from . import insert_vec_on_both_sides_of_equality
     # First check various characteristics of the tensor_equality
     tensor_equality = TensorProd._check_tensor_equality(
             tensor_equality, allow_unary=True)
     if idx < 0:
         # use wrap-around indexing
         idx = tensor_equality.num_entries() + idx
     if rhs_idx is None:
         rhs_idx = idx # use the same index on both sides by default
     _a = tensor_equality.lhs.operands[:idx]
     _b = vec
     _c = tensor_equality.lhs.operands[idx:]
     _d = tensor_equality.rhs.operands[:rhs_idx]
     _e = tensor_equality.rhs.operands[rhs_idx:]
     _i = _a.num_elements()
     _k = _c.num_elements()
     vec_space = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(tensor_equality.lhs, 
     _K = VecSpaces.known_field(vec_space)
     _U = VecSpaces.known_vec_spaces(_a, field=_K)
     _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(_b, field=_K)
     _W = VecSpaces.known_vec_spaces(_c, field=_K)
     impl = insert_vec_on_both_sides_of_equality.instantiate(
             {K:_K, i:_i, k:_k, U:_U, V:_V, W:_W, 
              a:_a, b:_b, c:_c, d:_d, e:_e})
     return impl.derive_consequent().with_mimicked_style(tensor_equality)
Пример #5
 def compute_norm(self, **defaults_config):
     Proves ‖a v‖ = |a| ‖v‖.
     from proveit.linear_algebra.inner_products import scaled_norm
     vec_space = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self.scaled)
     field = VecSpaces.known_field(vec_space)
     return scaled_norm.instantiate({
         K: field,
         H: vec_space,
         alpha: self.scalar,
         x: self.scaled
Пример #6
 def deduce_in_vec_space(self, vec_space=None, *, field, **defaults_config):
     Prove that this Qmult is in a vector space (e.g., if it is
     a ket).
     from proveit.physics.quantum import QmultCodomain
     # In the process of proving that 'self' is in QmultCodomain,
     # it will prove it is a vector in a Hilbert space if
     # appropriate.
     if vec_space is not None:
         return InSet(self, vec_space).prove()
     return InSet(self, VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self,
Пример #7
    def disassociation(self, idx, *, field=None, 
        Given vector operands, or all CartExp operands, deduce that
        this expression is equal to a form in which operand at index
        idx is no longer grouped together.
        For example, calling
        (a ⊗ b ⊗ ... (l ⊗ ... ⊗ m) ... ⊗ y ⊗ z).association(l-1)
        would return
        |- (a ⊗ b ⊗ ... (l ⊗ ... ⊗ m) ... ⊗ y ⊗ z) = 
            (a ⊗ b ⊗ ... ⊗ l ⊗ ... ⊗ m ⊗ ... ⊗ y ⊗ z)
        Or calling (R3 ⊗ (R3 ⊗ R3)).disassociate(1) would return
        |- (R3 ⊗ (R3 ⊗ R3)) = (R3 ⊗ R3 ⊗ R3) 
        For this to work in the vectors case, the vector operands must
        be known to be in vector spaces of a common field.  If the
        field is not specified, then VecSpaces.default_field is used.
        For this to work in the case of CartExp operands, all operands
        must be (recursively) CartExps and each must be known to be
        a vector space.
        # ORIGINAL BELOW before augmenting for CartExp cases
        # from . import tensor_prod_disassociation
        # _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self, field=field)
        # _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
        # eq = apply_disassociation_thm(
        #         self, idx, tensor_prod_disassociation,
        #         repl_map_extras={K:_K, V:_V}).derive_consequent()
        # return eq.with_wrapping_at()

        if not TensorProd.all_ops_are_cart_exp(self):
            from . import tensor_prod_disassociation
            _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self, field=field)
            _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
            eq = apply_disassociation_thm(
                    self, idx, tensor_prod_disassociation,
                    repl_map_extras={K:_K, V:_V}).derive_consequent()
            return eq.with_wrapping_at()
            from . import tensor_prod_vec_space_disassociation
            if field is None:
                _K = VecSpaces.known_field(self.operands[0])
                _K = field
            eq = apply_disassociation_thm(
                    self, idx, tensor_prod_vec_space_disassociation,
            return eq.with_wrapping_at()
Пример #8
 def scalar_factorization(self, idx=None, *, field=None,
     Prove the factorization of a scalar from one of the tensor 
     product operands and return the original tensor product equal 
     to the factored version.  If idx is provided, it will specify 
     the (0-based) index location of the ScalarMult operand with the
     multiplier to factor out.  If no idx is provided, the first 
     ScalarMult operand will be targeted.
     For example,
         TensorProd(a, ScalarMult(c, b), d).factorization(1)
         |- TensorProd(a, ScalarMult(c, b), d) =
            c TensorProd(a, b, d)
     As a prerequisite, the operands must be known to be vectors in
     vector spaces over a common field which contains the scalar
     multiplier being factored.  If the field is not specified,
     then VecSpaces.default_field is used.
     from . import factor_scalar_from_tensor_prod
     if idx is None:
         for _k, operand in enumerate(self.operands):
             if isinstance(operand, ScalarMult):
                 idx = _k
     elif idx < 0:
         # use wrap-around indexing
         idx = self.operand.num_entries() + idx
     if not isinstance(self.operands[idx], ScalarMult):
         raise TypeError("Expected the 'operand' and 'operand_idx' to be "
                         "a ScalarMult")            
     _V = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self, field=field)
     _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
     _alpha = self.operands[idx].scalar
     _a = self.operands[:idx]
     _b = self.operands[idx].scaled
     _c = self.operands[idx+1:]
     _i = _a.num_elements()
     _k = _c.num_elements()
     impl = factor_scalar_from_tensor_prod.instantiate(
             {K:_K, alpha:_alpha, i:_i, k:_k, V:_V, a:_a, b:_b, c:_c})
     return impl.derive_consequent().with_wrapping_at()
Пример #9
 def deduce_in_vec_space(self, vec_space=None, *, field, **defaults_config):
     Prove that this scaled vector is in a vector space.  The vector
     space may be specified or inferred via known memberships.  
     A field for the vector space must be specified.
     from . import scalar_mult_closure
     if vec_space is None:
         # No vector space given, so we'll have to look for
         # a known membership of 'scaled' in a vector space.
         # This may be arbitrarily chosen.
         vec_space = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self.scaled, field=field)
         field = VecSpaces.known_field(vec_space)
     return scalar_mult_closure.instantiate({
         K: field,
         V: vec_space,
         a: self.scalar,
         x: self.scaled
Пример #10
 def compute_norm(self, **defaults_config):
     Proves ‖x + y‖ = sqrt(‖x‖^2 + ‖y‖^2) if the inner product 
     of x and y is zero.
     from proveit.linear_algebra import InnerProd, ScalarMult
     from . import norm_of_sum_of_orthogonal_pair
     if self.operands.is_double():
         _a, _b = self.operands
         _x = _a.scaled if isinstance(_a, ScalarMult) else _a
         _y = _b.scaled if isinstance(_b, ScalarMult) else _b
         if Equals(InnerProd(_x, _y), zero).proven():
             vec_space = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(_a)
             field = VecSpaces.known_field(vec_space)
             return norm_of_sum_of_orthogonal_pair.instantiate({
                 K: field,
                 V: vec_space,
                 a: _a,
                 b: _b
     raise NotImplementedError(
         "VecAdd.compute_norm is only implemented for an "
         "orthogonal pair of vectors")
Пример #11
    def deduce_in_vec_space(self, vec_space=None, *, field=None,
        Prove that this vector summation is in a vector space.
        from . import summation_closure
        if vec_space is None:
            with defaults.temporary() as tmp_defaults:
                tmp_defaults.assumptions = (defaults.assumptions + 
                vec_space = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self.summand, 

        _V = vec_space
        _K = VecSpaces.known_field(_V)
        _b = self.indices
        _j = _b.num_elements()
        _f = Lambda(self.indices, self.summand)
        if not hasattr(self, 'condition'):
        _Q = Lambda(self.indices, self.condition)
        return summation_closure.instantiate(
                {j:_j, K:_K, f:_f, Q:_Q, V:_V, b:_b}).derive_consequent()
Пример #12
    def conclude(self, **defaults_config):
        Called on self = [elem in (A x B x ...)] (where x denotes
        a tensor product and elem = a x b x ...) and knowing or
        assuming that (a in A) and (b in B) and ..., derive and
        return self.
        if isinstance(self.element, TensorProd):
            from . import tensor_prod_is_in_tensor_prod_space
            from proveit.linear_algebra import VecSpaces
            # we will need the domain acknowledged as a VecSpace
            # so we can later get its underlying field
            _a_sub = self.element.operands
            _i_sub = _a_sub.num_elements()
            _K_sub = VecSpaces.known_field(self.domain)
            vec_spaces = self.domain.operands

            return tensor_prod_is_in_tensor_prod_space.instantiate({

        if isinstance(self.element, ScalarMult):
            from proveit.linear_algebra.scalar_multiplication import (
            from proveit.linear_algebra import VecSpaces
            _V_sub = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self.element.scaled, field=None)
            _K_sub = VecSpaces.known_field(_V_sub)
            _a_sub = self.element.scalar
            _x_sub = self.element.scaled
            return scalar_mult_closure.instantiate({
                V: _V_sub,
                K: _K_sub,
                a: _a_sub,
                x: _x_sub

        if isinstance(self.element, VecSum):
            from proveit.linear_algebra.addition import summation_closure
            from proveit.linear_algebra import VecSpaces
            # might want to change the following to use
            # vec_space_membership = self.element.summand.deduce_in_vec_space()
            # then _V_sub = vec_space_membership.domain
            _V_sub = VecSpaces.known_vec_space(self.element.summand)
            _K_sub = VecSpaces.known_field(_V_sub)
            _b_sub = self.element.indices
            _j_sub = _b_sub.num_elements()
            _f_sub = Lambda(self.element.indices, self.element.summand)
            _Q_sub = Lambda(self.element.indices, self.element.condition)
            imp = summation_closure.instantiate({
                V: _V_sub,
                K: _K_sub,
                b: _b_sub,
                j: _j_sub,
                f: _f_sub,
                Q: _Q_sub
            return imp.derive_consequent()

        raise ProofFailure(
            self, defaults.assumptions, "Element {0} is neither a TensorProd "
            "nor a ScalarMult.".format(self.element))