Пример #1
class DecimalSequence(NumeralSequence):
    # operator of the WholeDecimal operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='Decimal', context=__file__)

    def __init__(self, *digits):
        NumeralSequence.__init__(self, DecimalSequence._operator_, *digits)
        if not all(digit in DIGITS for digit in self.digits):
            raise Exception(
                'A DecimalSequence may only be composed of 0-9 digits')

    def asInt(self):
        return int(self.formatted('string'))
Пример #2
class CartProd(Operation):
    A CartProd represents the Cartesian product of sets to produce
    a new set.

    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='X',

    def __init__(self, *operands, styles=None):
        Operation.__init__(self, CartProd._operator_, operands, styles=styles)
Пример #3
class Meas(Function):
    Class to represent the making of a measurement on a ket |𝜑⟩.
    # the literal operator of the Meas operation
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='MEAS',

    def __init__(self, ket):
        Function.__init__(self, Meas._operator_, ket)
        self.ket = ket
Пример #4
class Prob(Function):
    Updated Sun 1/26/2020 by wdc: updating the __init__ and _formatted
    methods, import statements. deduce_in_interval and deduce_in_real
    methods untouched.
    # the literal operator of the Prob operation class
    _operator_ = Literal('Pr', latex_format=r'\textrm{Pr}', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, event, *, styles=None):
        Function.__init__(self, Prob._operator_, event, styles=styles)
        self.event = self.operand
Пример #5
class Disjoint(Function):
    The Disjoint operation defines a property for a collection of sets.
    It evaluates to True iff the sets are mutually/pairwise disjoint;
    that is, the intersection of any two of the sets is the empty set.
    We define this property to be True when given zero or one set
    (there are no pairs of sets, so all pairs are vacuously disjoint).
    _operator_ = Literal('disjoint', r'{\rm disjoint}', context=__file__)

    def __init__(self, *sets):
        Function.__init__(self, Disjoint._operator_, sets)
Пример #6
class PowerSet(Function):
    # operator for the PowerSet function
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='power_set',

    def __init__(self, operand, *, styles=None):
        Power set of a set.
        Function.__init__(self, PowerSet._operator_, operand, styles=styles)

Пример #7
class PowerSet(Function):
    # operator of the Intersect operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='power_set',

    def __init__(self, operand):
        Power set of a set.
        Function.__init__(self, PowerSet._operator_, operand)

Пример #8
class ModAbs(Operation):
    # operator of the ModAbs operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='ModAbs', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, value, divisor):
        Operation.__init__(self, ModAbs._operator_, (value, divisor))
        self.value = value
        self.divisor = divisor

    def string(self, **kwargs):
        return ('|' + self.value.string(fence=False) + '|_{mod ' +
                self.divisor.string(fence=False) + '}')

    def latex(self, **kwargs):
        return (r'\left|' + self.value.latex(fence=False) +
                r'\right|_{\textup{mod}\thinspace ' +
                self.divisor.latex(fence=False) + r'}')

    def deduce_in_number_set(self, number_set, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        Given a number set number_set (such as Integer, Real, etc),
        attempt to prove that the given ModAbs expression is in that
        number set using the appropriate closure theorem.
        from proveit import a, b
        from proveit.logic import InSet
        from proveit.numbers.modular import (mod_abs_int_closure,
        from proveit.numbers import Integer, Real

        # among other things, make sure non-existent assumptions
        # manifest as empty tuple () rather than None
        assumptions = defaults.checked_assumptions(assumptions)

        if number_set == Integer:
            return mod_abs_int_closure.instantiate(
                    a: self.value,
                    b: self.divisor
                }, assumptions=assumptions)

        if number_set == Real:
            return mod_abs_real_closure.instantiate(
                    a: self.value,
                    b: self.divisor
                }, assumptions=assumptions)

        msg = ("'ModAbs.deduce_in_number_set()' not implemented for "
               "the %s set" % str(number_set))
        raise ProofFailure(InSet(self, number_set), assumptions, msg)
Пример #9
class Difference(Operation):
    # operator of the Difference operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='-', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, A, B):
        Operation.__init__(self, Difference._operator_, [A, B])

    def membership_equivalence(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        Deduce and return and [element in (A - B)] = [(element in A) and (element not in B)
        where self = (A - B).
        from . import difference_def
        return difference_def.instantiate(
            {x: element, A: self.operands[0], B: self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)

    def nonmembership_equivalence(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        Deduce and return and [element not in (A - B)] = [(element not in A) or (element in B)]
        where self = (A - B).
        from . import nonmembership_equiv
        return nonmembership_equiv.instantiate(
            {x: element, A: self.operands[0], B: self.operands[1]})

    def unfold_membership(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        From [element in (A - B)], derive and return [(element in A) and (element not in B)],
        where self represents (A - B).
        from . import difference_def
        return difference_def.instantiate(
            {x: element, A: self.operands[0], B: self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)

    def deduce_membership(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        From [element in A] and [element not in B], derive and return [element in (A - B)],
        where self represents (A - B).
        from . import membership_folding
        return membership_folding.instantiate(
            {x: element, A: self.operands[0], B: self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)

    def deduce_nonmembership(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        From either [element not in A] or [element in B], derive and return [element not in (A - B)],
        where self represents (A - B).
        from . import nonmembership_folding
        return nonmembership_folding.instantiate(
            {x: element, A: self.operands[0], B: self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)
Пример #10
class Norm(Operation):
    We define the norm of a vector to be the square root of
    its inner product with itself.  More generally, norms map vectors 
    to non-negative real values and obey:
        ‖a v‖ = |a| ‖v‖
        ‖u + v‖ ≤ ‖u‖ + ‖v‖
    Theorems using these only these general norm properties could 
    generalize the Norm operator (via literal generalization) for 
    expanded uses, but our literal operator will be defined as the

    # operator of the Norm operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='Abs', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, operand, *, styles=None):
        Operation.__init__(self, Norm._operator_, operand, styles=styles)

    def string(self, **kwargs):
        return '||' + self.operand.string() + '||'

    def latex(self, **kwargs):
        return r'\left \|' + self.operand.latex() + r'\right \|'

    @equality_prover('shallow_simplified', 'shallow_simplify')
    def shallow_simplification(self,
        if must_evaluate and hasattr(self.operand, 'compute_norm'):
            return self.evaluation()
        return Operation.shallow_simplification(self)

    @equality_prover('computed', 'compute')
    def computation(self, **defaults_config):
        if hasattr(self.operand, 'compute_norm'):
            # If the operand has a 'deduce_norm' method, use
            # it in an attempt to evaluate the norm.
            return self.operand.compute_norm()
        # If there is no 'compute_norm' method, see if there is a
        # known evaluation.
        return self.evaluation()

    @equality_prover('evaluated', 'evaluate')
    def evaluation(self, **defaults_config):
        if hasattr(self.operand, 'compute_norm'):
            # If the operand has a 'deduce_norm' method, use
            # it in an attempt to evaluate the norm.
            return self.computation().inner_expr().rhs.evaluate()
        return Operation.evaluation(self)
Пример #11
class Round(Function):
    # operator of the Round operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='round', context=__file__)

    def __init__(self, A):
        Function.__init__(self, Round._operator_, A)
        self.operand = A

    def _closureTheorem(self, numberSet):
        import theorems
        if numberSet == Naturals:
            return theorems.roundRealPosClosure
        elif numberSet == Integers:
            return theorems.roundRealClosure
Пример #12
class Difference(Operation):
    # operator of the Difference operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='-', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, A, B, *, styles=None):
        Operation.__init__(self, Difference._operator_, [A, B], styles=styles)

    def membership_object(self, element):
        from .difference_membership import DifferenceMembership
        return DifferenceMembership(element, self)

    def nonmembership_object(self, element):
        from .difference_membership import DifferenceNonmembership
        return DifferenceNonmembership(element, self)
Пример #13
class QPE(Operation):
    Represents the quantum circuit for the quantum phase estimation
    # the literal operator of the QPE operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='QPE', latex_format=r'{\rm QPE}',

    def __init__(self, U, t):
        Phase estimator circuit for Unitary U and t register qubits.
        Operation.__init__(self, QPE._operator_, (U, t))
Пример #14
class SU(Operation):

    # the literal operator of the SU operation
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='SU', context=__file__)

    def __init__(self, n):
        Create some SU(n), the special unitary of degree n.
        Operation.__init__(self, SU._operator_, n)
        # self.operand = n
        self.degree = n
Пример #15
class VecZero(Function):
    The VecZero Function equate the the zero vector of a given
    vector space.  The zero vector satisfies the property that
        v + 0 = v
    for any v in the vector space.

    _operator_ = Literal(string_format=r'0',

    def __init__(self, vec_space, *, styles=None):
        Function.__init__(self, VecZero._operator_, vec_space, styles=styles)
Пример #16
class Measure(QcircuitElement):
    Represents a measurement element of a quantum circuit.
    # the literal operator of the Output operation class
    _operator_ = Literal('MEASURE', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, basis, *, part=None, styles=None):
        Create an OUTPUT operation with the given input state.
        if part is None:
            operands = NamedExprs(("basis", basis))
            operands = NamedExprs(("basis", basis), ("part", part))

    def style_options(self):
        Return the StyleOptions object for this Gate object.
        from proveit.physics.quantum import Z
        options = StyleOptions(self)
        if self.basis == Z:
            # For an Z measurement, we can use an implicit meter
            # representation.
                description=("The 'implicit' option formats the Z-measurement "
                             "as a generic meter."),

        return options

    def circuit_elem_latex(self, *, show_explicitly):
        Display the LaTeX for this Output circuit element.
        from proveit.physics.quantum import Z
        if show_explicitly and hasattr(self, 'part'):
            return r'& \measure{%s~\mbox{part}~%s}' % (self.basis.latex(),
        if self.basis == Z and self.get_style('Z', 'implicit') == 'implicit':
            return r'& \meter'
        return r'& \measure{' + self.basis.latex() + r'}'
Пример #17
class Max(Operation):
    # operator of the Max operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='Max',
                         latex_format=r'{\rm Max}',

    def __init__(self, *operands):
        Operation.__init__(self, Max._operator_, operands)

    def _closureTheorem(self, number_set):
        from . import theorems
        if number_set == Real:
            return theorems.max_real_closure
        elif number_set == RealPos:
            return theorems.max_real_pos_closure
Пример #18
class Min(Function):
    # operator of the Min operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='Min',
                         latex_format=r'{\rm Min}',

    def __init__(self, *operands):
        Function.__init__(self, Min._operator_, operands)

    def _closureTheorem(self, number_set):
        from . import theorems
        if number_set == Real:
            return theorems.min_real_closure
        elif number_set == RealPos:
            return theorems.min_real_pos_closure
Пример #19
class IsMatch(Operation):
    # operator of the ContainsMatch operation
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='IsMatch', latexFormat=r'{\rm IsMatch}', context=__file__)
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self.a, self.b = a, b
        return Operation.__init__(self, IsMatch._operator_, [a, b])

    def definition(self, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        Derive the definition of this IsMatch(a, b) in the form of an equation.
        from _axioms_ import isMatchDef
        from proveit._common_ import a, b
        return isMatchDef.specialize({a:self.a, b:self.b}, assumptions=assumptions)
Пример #20
class Pfail(Operation):
    Probability of failure for a given epsilon where success is
    defined as the measured theta_m being within epsilon of the true
    theta (phase).
    # the literal operator of the Pfail operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='Pfail',
                         latex_format=r'P_{\rm fail}', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, eps):
        Operation.__init__(self, Pfail._operator_, eps)
Пример #21
class Min(Function):
    # operator of the Min operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='Min',
                         latexFormat=r'{\rm Min}',

    def __init__(self, *operands):
        Function.__init__(self, Min._operator_, operands)

    def _closureTheorem(self, numberSet):
        import theorems
        if numberSet == Reals:
            return theorems.minRealClosure
        elif numberSet == RealsPos:
            return theorems.minRealPosClosure
Пример #22
class PhaseEst(Operation):
    Represents the quantum circuit for estimating the phase.  The
    quantum phase estimation algorithm consists of a PHASE_ESTIMATOR
    followed by quantum fourier transform.
    # the literal operator of the PhaseEst operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='PHASE_EST',
                         latex_format=r'{\rm PHASE\_EST}', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, U, t):
        Phase estimator circuit for Unitary U and t register qubits.
        Operation.__init__(self, PhaseEst._operator_, (U, t))
Пример #23
class Max(Operation):
    # operator of the Max operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='Max',
                         latexFormat=r'{\rm Max}',

    def __init__(self, *operands):
        Operation.__init__(self, Max._operator_, operands)

    def _closureTheorem(self, numberSet):
        import theorems
        if numberSet == Reals:
            return theorems.maxRealClosure
        elif numberSet == RealsPos:
            return theorems.maxRealPosClosure
Пример #24
class TensorExp(Operation):
    A Tensor exponentation represents a tensor product repeated a
    whole number of times.

    # the literal operator of the TensorExp operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format=r'TensorExp', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, base, exponent, *, styles=None):
        Tensor exponentiation to any natural number exponent.
        Operation.__init__(self, TensorExp._operator_, (base, exponent),
        self.base = self.operands[0]
        self.exponent = self.operands[1]
    def membership_object(self, element):
        return TesorExpMembership(element, self)

    def _formatted(self, format_type, fence=True):
        # changed from formatted to _formatted 2/14/2020 (wdc)
        formatted_base = self.base.formatted(format_type, 
                                             fence=True, force_fence=True)
        formatted_exp = self.exponent.formatted(format_type, fence=True,
        if format_type == 'latex':
            return formatted_base + r'^{\otimes ' + formatted_exp + '}'
        elif format_type == 'string':
            return formatted_base + '^{otimes ' + formatted_exp + '}'

    @equality_prover('do_reduced_simplified', 'do_reduced_simplify')
    def do_reduced_simplification(self, **defaults_config):
        For the trivial cases of a one exponent, derive and return
        this tensor-exponentiated expression equated with a simplified
        form. Assumptions may be necessary to deduce necessary
        conditions for the simplification. For example,
        TensorExp(x, one).do_reduced_simplification()
        from proveit.numbers import zero, one
        from . import tensor_exp_one
        if self.exponent == one:
            return tensor_exp_one.instantiate({x: self.base})
        raise ValueError('Only trivial simplification is implemented '
                         '(tensor exponent of one). Submitted tensor '
                         'exponent was {}.'.format(self.exponent))
Пример #25
class Psuccess(Operation):
    Probability of success for a given epsilon where success is
    defined as the measured theta_m being with epsilon of the true
    theta (phase).
    # the literal operator of the Psuccess operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='Psuccess',
                         latex_format=r'P_{\rm success}',

    def __init__(self, eps, *, styles=None):
        Operation.__init__(self, Psuccess._operator_, eps, styles=styles)
Пример #26
class QPE1(Function):
    Represents the first stage of the quantum circuit for the quantum 
    phase estimation algorithm (up to the quantum Fourier transform
    # the literal operator of the QPE operation
    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='QPE1',

    def __init__(self, U, t, *, styles=None):
        Phase estimator circuit for Unitary U and t register qubits.
        Operation.__init__(self, QPE1._operator_, (U, t), styles=styles)
Пример #27
class VecNeg(Operation):
    The VecAdd operation is the default for the addition of vectors
    in a vector space.

    _operator_ = Literal(string_format='-', theory=__file__)

    def __init__(self, *operands, styles=None):
        Operation.__init__(self, VecNeg._operator_, operands, styles=styles)

    def string(self, **kwargs):
        return Neg.string(self, **kwargs)

    def latex(self, **kwargs):
        return Neg.latex(self, **kwargs)
Пример #28
class Difference(Operation):
    # operator of the Difference operation
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='-', context=__file__)    

    def __init__(self, A, B):
        Operation.__init__(self, Difference._operator_, [A, B])

    def membershipEquivalence(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        Deduce and return and [element in (A - B)] = [(element in A) and (element not in B)
        where self = (A - B).
        from ._axioms_ import differenceDef
        return differenceDef.specialize({x:element,A:self.operands[0], B:self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)

    def nonmembershipEquivalence(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        Deduce and return and [element not in (A - B)] = [(element not in A) or (element in B)]
        where self = (A - B).
        from ._theorems_ import nonmembershipEquiv
        return nonmembershipEquiv.specialize({x:element, A:self.operands[0], B:self.operands[1]})

    def unfoldMembership(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        From [element in (A - B)], derive and return [(element in A) and (element not in B)],
        where self represents (A - B). 
        from ._axioms_ import differenceDef
        return differenceDef.specialize({x:element, A:self.operands[0], B:self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)

    def deduceMembership(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        From [element in A] and [element not in B], derive and return [element in (A - B)],
        where self represents (A - B). 
        from ._theorems_ import membershipFolding
        return membershipFolding.specialize({x:element, A:self.operands[0], B:self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)

    def deduceNonmembership(self, element, assumptions=USE_DEFAULTS):
        From either [element not in A] or [element in B], derive and return [element not in (A - B)],
        where self represents (A - B). 
        from ._theorems_ import nonmembershipFolding
        return nonmembershipFolding.specialize({x:element, A:self.operands[0], B:self.operands[1]}, assumptions=assumptions)
Пример #29
class Ceil(Function):
    # operator of the Ceil operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='ceil', context=__file__)
    def __init__(self, A):
        Function.__init__(self, Ceil._operator_, A)
        self.operand = A

    def _closureTheorem(self, numberSet):
        from . import theorems
        if numberSet == NaturalsPos:
            return theorems.ceilRealPosClosure
        elif numberSet == Integers:
            return theorems.ceilRealClosure

    def latex(self, **kwargs):
        return r'\lceil ' + self.operand.latex(fence=False) + r'\rceil'
Пример #30
class Floor(Function):
    # operator of the Floor operation.
    _operator_ = Literal(stringFormat='floor', context=__file__)
    def __init__(self, A):
        Function.__init__(self, Floor._operator_, A)
        self.operand = A

    def _closureTheorem(self, numberSet):
        from . import theorems
        if numberSet == Naturals:
            return theorems.floorRealPosClosure
        elif numberSet == Integers:
            return theorems.floorRealClosure
    def latex(self, **kwargs):
        return r'\lfloor ' + self.operand.latex(fence=False) + r'\rfloor'