def __init__(self): self.Db = Db() self.classifylist = {} self.proxyclass = GetFreeProxy() self.playlists = [] self.failuredmap = {} self.songmap = {} self.songlist = [] self.finishlist = [] self.get_classify() self.select_one = '''SELECT playlist_id from playlist_queue WHERE `playlist_id` in %s AND classify = '%s' ''' self.select_ids = '''SELECT `id`, playlist_id from playlist_queue WHERE classify = '%s' AND is_finished = 0 ''' self.select_song = '''SELECT `id`, `song_id`, `time`, `play_time` from playlist_detail WHERE song_id in %s AND classify = '%s' ''' self.insert_sql = '''INSERT INTO playlist_queue(`playlist_id`, `classify`) VALUES %s''' self.insert_song = '''LOAD DATA INFILE '/Users/gunjianpan/Desktop/git/spider/song_detail' INTO TABLE playlist_detail FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (`song_id`, `song_name`, `classify`, `time`, `play_time`)''' # change to your file absolute address self.replace_song = '''REPLACE INTO playlist_detail(`id`,`song_id`,`classify`,`song_name`,`time`,`play_time`) VALUES %s''' self.replace_queue = '''REPLACE INTO playlist_queue(`id`, `playlist_id`, `classify`, `is_finished`) VALUES %s'''
class Press_test(): """ give press in short time """ def __init__(self): self.proxyclass = GetFreeProxy() def basic_press(self, url, host, times, types): """ press have no data input """ if types == 1: html = self.proxyclass.get_request_proxy(url, host, 0) else: html = get_html(url, {}, host) if html == False and times < 5: self.basic_press(url, host, times + 1, types) def press_threading(self, url, host, qps, types): """ press url at constant qps """ begin_time() threadings = [] for index in range(qps): work = threading.Thread(target=self.basic_press, args=(url, host, 0, types)) threadings.append(work) for work in threadings: work.start() for work in threadings: work.join() end_time() def one_press_attack(self, url, host, qps, types, total): """ press url from a long time """ for index in range(total): self.press_threading(url, host, qps, types) print('Over')
def __init__(self): self.proxyclass = GetFreeProxy()
def update_proxy(self): global proxy_req proxy_req = GetFreeProxy().proxy_req
import shutil import sys import threading import time from configparser import ConfigParser from typing import List import numpy as np sys.path.append(os.getcwd()) from proxy.getproxy import GetFreeProxy from util.util import (basic_req, begin_time, can_retry, changeHeaders, echo, end_time, headers, mkdir, read_file, send_email, time_stamp, time_str) proxy_req = GetFreeProxy().proxy_req one_day = 86400 data_dir = 'bilibili/data/' history_data_dir = '{}history_data/'.format(data_dir) history_dir = '{}history/'.format(data_dir) comment_dir = '{}comment/'.format(data_dir) assign_path = 'bilibili/assign_up.ini' """ * bilibili @http *{av_id} *{0/1}/{day} *{mid}&page=1&pagesize=50 *
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: gunjianpan # @Date: 2019-02-28 09:47:07 # @Last Modified by: gunjianpan # @Last Modified time: 2019-03-28 00:16:05 import codecs import re from proxy.getproxy import GetFreeProxy from utils.utils import begin_time, end_time, can_retry get_request_proxy = GetFreeProxy().get_request_proxy """ * zimuzu @http * """ class southPark(object): """ load download South Park url from zimuzu """ def load_url(self): """ load url form zimuzu """ url = '' detail = get_request_proxy(url, 0) total = []
class Get_playlist_song(): """ 1. get playlist id from classify; 2. get song from play list; use url: """ def __init__(self): self.Db = Db() self.classifylist = {} self.proxyclass = GetFreeProxy() self.playlists = [] self.failuredmap = {} self.songmap = {} self.songlist = [] self.finishlist = [] self.get_classify() self.select_one = '''SELECT playlist_id from playlist_queue WHERE `playlist_id` in %s AND classify = '%s' ''' self.select_ids = '''SELECT `id`, playlist_id from playlist_queue WHERE classify = '%s' AND is_finished = 0 ''' self.select_song = '''SELECT `id`, `song_id`, `time`, `play_time` from playlist_detail WHERE song_id in %s AND classify = '%s' ''' self.insert_sql = '''INSERT INTO playlist_queue(`playlist_id`, `classify`) VALUES %s''' self.insert_song = '''LOAD DATA INFILE '/Users/gunjianpan/Desktop/git/spider/song_detail' INTO TABLE playlist_detail FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' (`song_id`, `song_name`, `classify`, `time`, `play_time`)''' # change to your file absolute address self.replace_song = '''REPLACE INTO playlist_detail(`id`,`song_id`,`classify`,`song_name`,`time`,`play_time`) VALUES %s''' self.replace_queue = '''REPLACE INTO playlist_queue(`id`, `playlist_id`, `classify`, `is_finished`) VALUES %s''' def get_classify(self): """ get classify from /discover/playlist """ begin_time() self.classifylist = {} host = '' html = self.proxyclass.get_request_proxy(host, host[8:21], 0) if not html: print('Empty') self.proxyclass.cleancannotuse() if self.can_retry(host): self.get_classify() return [] alist = html.find_all('a', class_='s-fc1') if not len(alist): if self.can_retry(host): self.get_classify() print(html) for index in alist: self.classifylist[index.text] = index['href'] self.proxyclass.cleancannotuse() end_time() def get_playlist_id(self, classify, offset): """ get playlist id from classify """ host = '' allclassify = classify == '全部风格' url = host + self.classifylist[classify] + ( '?' if allclassify else '&') + 'order=hot&limit=35&offset=' + str(offset) # html = self.proxyclass.get_request_proxy(url, host[8:], 0) html = get_html(url, {}, host[8:]) if not html: if self.can_retry(url): self.get_playlist_id(classify, offset) else: self.proxyclass.log_write(url) return [] alist = html.find_all('a', class_='icon-play') if not len(alist): if self.can_retry(url): self.get_playlist_id(classify, offset) else: self.proxyclass.log_write(url) for index in alist: self.playlists.append(index['data-res-id']) def can_retry(self, url): """ judge can retry once """ if url not in self.failuredmap: self.failuredmap[url] = 0 # print("Retry " + str(self.failuredmap[url]) + ' ' + url) return True elif self.failuredmap[url] < 2: self.failuredmap[url] += 1 # print("Retry " + str(self.failuredmap[url]) + ' ' + url) return True else: print("Failured " + url) self.proxyclass.log_write(url) self.failuredmap[url] = 0 return False def get_playlist_id_thread(self): """ get play list id in threading """ begin_time() if not len(self.classifylist): self.get_classify() for index in self.classifylist: threadings = [] for offset in range(41): work = threading.Thread(target=self.get_playlist_id, args=( index, offset * 35, )) threadings.append(work) for work in threadings: work.start() for work in threadings: work.join() self.proxyclass.cleancannotuse() print(len(self.playlists)) self.test_queue(index) self.playlists = [] print(index + " Over") end_time() def test_queue(self, classify): """ test data if in playlist_queue """ if len(self.playlists) == 1: waitlist = '(' + str(self.playlists[0]) + ')' else: waitlist = tuple(self.playlists) results = self.Db.select_db(self.select_one % (str(waitlist), classify)) if not results: return [] hadexist = [] for index in results: hadexist.append(index[0]) insertlist = [] for index in self.playlists: if index not in hadexist: # file_d.write(str([index, classify])[1:-1] + '\n') insertlist.append((index, classify)) print('Insert ' + str(len(insertlist)) + ' ' + classify) self.insert_queue(insertlist) def insert_queue(self, ids): """ insert data to playlist_queue """ if not len(ids): return [] results = self.Db.insert_db(self.insert_sql % str(ids)[1:-1]) if results: if len(ids): print('Insert ' + ids[0][1] + ' ' + str(len(ids)) + ' Success!') else: pass def get_list_ids(self, classify): """ get list ids from db """ results = self.Db.select_db(self.select_ids % classify) ids = [] if results: for index in results: ids.append([index[0], index[1]]) return ids def get_song_detail_thread(self): """ get song detail threadings """ begin_time() for classify in self.classifylist: ids = self.get_list_ids(classify) threadings = [] for oneid in ids: work = threading.Thread(target=self.get_song_detail, args=(oneid[1], )) threadings.append(work) for work in threadings: work.start() for work in threadings: work.join() self.clean_data() self.test_song(classify, ids) self.songlist = [] self.songmap = {} self.finishlist = [] self.successtime = 0 print(classify + ' Over!') end_time() def clean_data(self): """ aggregation data """ for song in self.songlist: [songid, songname, playcount] = song if songid not in self.songmap: self.songmap[songid] = [1, playcount, songname] else: orgin = self.songmap[songid] self.songmap[songid] = [ orgin[0] + 1, orgin[1] + playcount, songname ] def get_song_detail(self, id): """ get song detail form playlist """ host = '' + str(id) json = self.proxyclass.get_request_proxy(host, host[7:20], 1) if json == 0: if self.can_retry(host): self.get_song_detail(id) else: self.proxyclass.log_write(host) return [] result = json['result'] tracks = result['tracks'] if len(tracks) <= 1: if self.can_retry(host): self.get_song_detail(id) else: self.proxyclass.log_write(host) return [] else: playcount = result['playCount'] for track in tracks: songid = track['id'] songname = track['name'] self.songlist.append([songid, songname, playcount]) self.finishlist.append(id) def test_song(self, classify, ids): """ test song if in db """ songs = [] for song in self.songmap: songs.append(song) if not len(songs): return [] elif len(songs) == 1: waitlist = '(' + songs[0] + ')' else: waitlist = tuple(songs) results = self.Db.select_db(self.select_song % (str(waitlist), classify)) resultmap = {} for detail in results: resultmap[detail[1]] = [detail[0], detail[2], detail[3]] replacelist = [] insertlist = [] replacequeue = [] file_d ="song_detail", 'a', encoding='utf-8') file_d.truncate() idsmap = {} for indexid in ids: idsmap[indexid[1]] = indexid[0] for song in self.songmap: songdetail = self.songmap[song] if song in resultmap: dbdetail = resultmap[song] replacelist.append( (dbdetail[0], song, classify, songdetail[2], songdetail[0] + dbdetail[1], songdetail[1] + dbdetail[2])) else: file_d.write(u'' + str([ song, u'' + str(u'' + songdetail[2].replace(',', ' ')) [0:20], classify, songdetail[0], songdetail[1] ])[1:-1] + '\n') insertlist.append((song, songdetail[2], classify, songdetail[0], songdetail[1])) for playlist in self.finishlist: replacequeue.append((idsmap[playlist], playlist, classify, 1)) file_d.close() if len(insertlist): self.db_song_detail(insertlist, 'Insert', replacequeue) if len(replacelist): self.db_song_detail(replacelist, 'Update', []) def db_song_detail(self, waitlist, types, replacequeue): """ batch insert/update song detail """ if types == 'Update': results = self.Db.update_db(self.replace_song % str(blocklist)[1:-1]) else: results = self.Db.update_db(self.insert_song) if results: if len(waitlist): print(types + ' song detail for ' + waitlist[0][2] + ' ' + str(len(waitlist)) + ' Success!') if types == 'Insert': self.replace_queue_db(replacequeue) def replace_queue_db(self, replacequeue): """ replace db for fininsh playlist id """ results = self.Db.update_db(self.replace_queue % str(replacequeue)[1:-1]) if results: if len(replacequeue): print('Update queue fininsh for ' + str(len(replacequeue)) + ' item!') else: pass
def __init__(self): super(BasicBilibili, self).__init__() self.proxy_req = GetFreeProxy().proxy_req self.del_map = {} self.rank_map = {} self.load_configure()
def update_proxy_basic(self): self.proxy_req = GetFreeProxy().proxy_req