def ray_aim(P, S, prescription, j, wvl, target=(0, 0, np.nan), debug=False): """Aim a ray such that it encounters the jth surface at target. Parameters ---------- P : numpy.ndarray shape (3,), a single ray's initial positions S : numpy.ndarray shape (3,) a single ray's initial direction cosines prescription : iterable sequence of surfaces in the prescription j : int the surface index in prescription at which the ray should hit (target) wvl : float wavelength of light to use in ray aiming, microns target : iterable of length 3 the position at which the ray should intersect the target surface NaNs indicate to ignore that position in aiming debug : bool, optional if True, returns the (ray-aiming) optimization result as well as the adjustment P Returns ------- numpy.ndarray deltas to P which result in ray intersection """ P = np.asarray(P).astype(config.precision).copy() S = np.asarray(S).astype(config.precision).copy() target = np.asarray(target) trace_path = prescription[:j + 1] def optfcn(x): P[:2] = x phist, _ = spencer_and_murty.raytrace(trace_path, P, S, wvl) final_position = phist[-1] euclidean_dist = (final_position - target)**2 euclidean_dist = np.nansum( euclidean_dist) / 3 # /3 = div by number of axes return euclidean_dist res = optimize.minimize(optfcn, np.zeros(2), method='L-BFGS-B') P[:] = 0 P[:2] = res.x if debug: return P, res else: return P
def _ensure_P_vec(P): if not hasattr(P, '__iter__'): P = np.array([0, 0, P], dtype=config.precision) else: # iterable P2 = np.zeros(3, dtype=config.precision) P2[-len(P):] = P P = P2 return np.asarray(P).astype(config.precision)
def fix_zero_singularity(arr, x, y, fill='xypoly', order=2): """Fix a singularity at the origin of arr by polynomial interpolation. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray array of dimension 2 to modify at the origin (x==y==0) x : numpy.ndarray array of dimension 2 of X coordinates y : numpy.ndarray array of dimension 2 of Y coordinates fill : str, optional, {'xypoly'} how to fill. Not used/hard-coded to X/Y polynomials, but made an arg today in case it may be added future for backwards compatibility order : int polynomial order to fit Returns ------- numpy.ndarray arr (modified in-place) """ zloc = find_zero_indices_2d(x, y) min_y = zloc[0] - order max_y = zloc[0] + order + 1 min_x = zloc[1] - order max_x = zloc[1] + order + 1 # newaxis schenanigans to get broadcasting right without # meshgrid ypts = np.arange(min_y, max_y)[:, np.newaxis] xpts = np.arange(min_x, max_x)[np.newaxis, :] window = arr[ypts, xpts].copy() c = [s // 2 for s in window.shape] window[c] = np.nan # no longer need xpts, ypts # really don't care about fp64 vs fp32 (very small arrays) xpts = xpts.astype(float) ypts = ypts.astype(float) # use Hermite polynomials as # XY polynomial-like basis orthogonal # over the infinite plane # H0 = 0 # H1 = x # H2 = x^2 - 1, and so on ns = np.arange(order + 1) xbasis = hermite_He_sequence(ns, xpts) ybasis = hermite_He_sequence(ns, ypts) xbasis = [mode_1d_to_2d(mode, xpts, ypts, 'x') for mode in xbasis] ybasis = [mode_1d_to_2d(mode, xpts, ypts, 'y') for mode in ybasis] basis_set = np.asarray([*xbasis, *ybasis]) coefs = lstsq(basis_set, window) projected =[:, c[0], c[1]], coefs) arr[zloc] = projected return arr
def sum_of_2d_modes(modes, weights): """Compute a sum of 2D modes. Parameters ---------- modes : iterable sequence of ndarray of shape (k, m, n); a list of length k with elements of shape (m,n) works weights : numpy.ndarray weight of each mode Returns ------- numpy.ndarry ndarray of shape (m, n) that is the sum of modes as given """ modes = np.asarray(modes) weights = np.asarray(weights).astype(modes.dtype) # dot product of the 0th dim of modes and weights => weighted sum return np.tensordot(modes, weights, axes=(0, 0))
def lstsq(modes, data): """Least-Squares fit of modes to data. Parameters ---------- modes : iterable modes to fit; sequence of ndarray of shape (m, n) data : numpy.ndarray data to fit, of shape (m, n) place NaN values in data for points to ignore Returns ------- numpy.ndarray fit coefficients """ mask = np.isfinite(data) data = data[mask] modes = np.asarray(modes) modes = modes.reshape((modes.shape[0], -1)) # flatten second dim modes = modes[:, mask.ravel()].T # transpose moves modes to columns, as needed for least squares fit c, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(modes, data, rcond=None) return c
def barplot(coefs, names=None, orientation='h', buffer=1, zorder=3, number=True, offset=0, width=0.8, fig=None, ax=None): """Create a barplot of coefficients and their names. Parameters ---------- coefs : dict with keys of Zn, values of numbers names : dict with keys of Zn, values of names (e.g. Primary Coma X) orientation : str, {'h', 'v', 'horizontal', 'vertical'} orientation of the plot buffer : float, optional buffer to use around the left and right (or top and bottom) bars zorder : int, optional zorder of the bars. Use zorder > 3 to put bars in front of gridlines number : bool, optional if True, plot numbers along the y=0 line showing indices offset : float, optional offset to apply to bars, useful for before/after Zernike breakdowns width : float, optional width of bars, useful for before/after Zernike breakdowns fig : matplotlib.figurnp.Figure Figure containing the plot ax : matplotlib.axes.Axis Axis containing the plot Returns ------- fig : matplotlib.figurnp.Figure Figure containing the plot ax : matplotlib.axes.Axis Axis containing the plot """ from matplotlib import pyplot as plt fig, ax = share_fig_ax(fig, ax) coefs2 = np.asarray(list(coefs.values())) idxs = np.asarray(list(coefs.keys())) coefs = coefs2 lims = (idxs[0] - buffer, idxs[-1] + buffer) if orientation.lower() in ('h', 'horizontal'): vmin, vmax = coefs.min(), coefs.max() drange = vmax - vmin offsetY = drange * 0.01 + offset, coefs, zorder=zorder, width=width) plt.xticks(idxs, names, rotation=90) if number: for i in idxs: ax.text(i, offsetY, str(i), ha='center') else: ax.barh(idxs + offset, coefs, zorder=zorder, height=width) plt.yticks(idxs, names) if number: for i in idxs: ax.text(0, i, str(i), ha='center') ax.set(xlim=lims) return fig, ax
def raytrace(surfaces, P, S, wvl, n_ambient=1): """Perform a raytrace through a sequence of surfaces. Notes ----- When P and S are single dimensional, a single ray is traced. When they have two dimensions, the first dimension is the "batch" and the second contains [X,Y,Z] and [k,l,m] for each ray in the batch. There is no internal ray aiming or other adjustment to P and S. In a batch raytrace, there is no reason all rows of P and S must belong to the same ray bundle. wvl does not matter and is not used in raytraces with only reflective surfaces A ray originating "at infinity" would have P = [Px, Py, -1e99] S = [0, 0, 1] # propagating in the +z direction though the value of P is not so important, since S defines the ray as moving in the +z direction only Parameters ---------- surfaces : iterable the surfaces to trace through; a surface is defined by the interface: surf.F(x,y) -> z sag surf.Fp(x,y) -> (Fx, Fy, 1) derivatives (with S&M convention for 1 in z) surf.typ in {STYPE} surf.P, surface global coordinates, [X,Y,Z] surf.R, surface rotation matrix (may be None) surf.n(wvl) -> refractive index (wvl in um) P : numpy.ndarray shape (3,) or (N,3), any float dtype position (X0,Y0,Z0) at the outset of the raytrace S : numpy.ndarray shape (3,) or (N,3), any float dtype (k,l,m) starting direction cosines wvl : float wavelength of light, um n_ambient : float ambient index of refraction (1=vacuum) Returns ------- P_hist, S_hist position history and direction cosine history Implementation Notes -------------------- See Spencer & Murty, General Ray-Tracing Procedure JOSA 1961 Steps (I, II, III, IV) utilize the functions: I -> transform_to_local_coords II -> newton_raphson_solve_s III -> reflect or refract IV -> transform_to_global_coords """ P = np.asarray(P) S = np.asarray(S) jj = len(surfaces) P_hist = np.empty((jj+1, *P.shape), dtype=P.dtype) S_hist = np.empty((jj+1, *S.shape), dtype=P.dtype) Pj = P Sj = S P_hist[0] = P S_hist[0] = S nj = n_ambient for j, surf in enumerate(surfaces): # I - transform from global to local coordinates P0, Sj = transform_to_local_coords(Pj, surf.P, Sj, surf.R) # II - find ray intersection Pj, r = intersect(P0, Sj, surf.sag_normal) # III - reflection or refraction if surf.typ == STYPE_REFLECT: Sjp1 = reflect(Sj, r) elif surf.typ == STYPE_REFRACT: nprime = surf.n(wvl) Sjp1 = refract(nj, nprime, Sj, r) nj = nprime else: # other surface types do not bend rays Sjp1 = Sj Pjp1 = Pj # IV - back to world coordinates if surf.R is None: Rt = None else: # transformation matrix has inverse which is its transpose Rt = surf.R.T Pjp1, Sjp1 = transform_to_global_coords(Pj, surf.P, Sjp1, Rt) P_hist[j+1] = Pjp1 S_hist[j+1] = Sjp1 Pj, Sj = Pjp1, Sjp1 return P_hist, S_hist
def generate_collimated_ray_fan(nrays, maxr, z=0, minr=None, azimuth=90, yangle=0, xangle=0, distribution='uniform', aim_at=None): """Generate a 1D fan of rays. Colloquially, an extended field in Y for an object at inf is represented by a ray fan with yangle != 0. Parameters ---------- nrays : int the number of rays in the fan maxr : float maximum radial value of the fan z : float z position for the ray fan minr : float, optional minimum radial value of the fan, -maxr if None azimuth: float angle in the XY plane, degrees. 0=X ray fan, 90=Y ray fan yangle : float propagation angle of the rays with respect to the Y axis, clockwise xangle : float propagation angle of the rays with respect to the X axis, clockwise distribution : str, {'uniform', 'random', 'cheby'} The distribution to use when placing the rays a uniform distribution has rays which are equally spaced from minr to maxr, random has rays randomly distributed in minr and maxr, while cheby has the Cheby-Gauss-Lobatto roots as its locations from minr to maxr aim_at : numpy.ndarray or float position [X,Y,Z] aim the rays such that the gut ray of the fan, when propagated in an open medium, hits (aim_at) if a float, interpreted as if x=0,y=0, z=aim_at This argument mimics ray aiming in commercial optical design software, and is used in conjunction with xangle/yangle to form off-axis ray bundles which properly go through the center of the stop Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray "P" and "S" variables, positions and direction cosines of the rays """ dtype = config.precision distribution = distribution.lower() if minr is None: minr = -maxr S = np.array([0, 0, 1], dtype=dtype) R = make_rotation_matrix((0, yangle, -xangle)) S = np.matmul(R, S) # need to see a copy of S for each ray, -> add empty dim and broadcast S = S[np.newaxis, :] S = np.broadcast_to(S, (nrays, 3)) # now generate the radial part of P if distribution == 'uniform': r = np.linspace(minr, maxr, nrays, dtype=dtype) elif distribution == 'random': r = np.random.uniform(low=minr, high=maxr, size=nrays).astype(dtype) t = np.asarray(np.radians(azimuth), dtype=dtype) t = np.broadcast_to(t, r.shape) x, y = polar_to_cart(r, t) z = np.array(z, dtype=x.dtype) z = np.broadcast_to(z, x.shape) xyz = np.stack([x, y, z], axis=1) return xyz, S