Пример #1
def _read_channel_image_data(fp, layer, depth):
    Reads image data for all channels in a layer.
    channel_data = []

    bytes_per_pixel = depth // 8

    for channel in layer.channels:
        if channel.id == ChannelID.USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.width(), layer.mask_data.height()
            w, h = layer.width(), layer.height()

        start_pos = fp.tell()
        compress_type = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

        data = None

        if compress_type == Compression.RAW:
            data_size = w * h * bytes_per_pixel
            data = fp.read(data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.PACK_BITS:
            byte_counts = read_be_array("H", h, fp)
            data_size = sum(byte_counts) * bytes_per_pixel
            data = fp.read(data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP:
            data = zlib.decompress(fp.read(channel.length - 2))

        elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION:
            decompressed = zlib.decompress(fp.read(channel.length - 2))
            data = compression.decode_prediction(decompressed, w, h, bytes_per_pixel)

        if data is None:
            return []

        channel_data.append(ChannelData(compress_type, data))

        remaining_bytes = channel.length - (fp.tell() - start_pos) - 2
        if remaining_bytes > 0:
            fp.seek(remaining_bytes, 1)

    return channel_data
Пример #2
def test_prediction(fixture, width, height, depth):
    encoded = encode_prediction(fixture, width, height, depth)
    decoded = decode_prediction(encoded, width, height, depth)
    assert fixture == decoded
Пример #3
def _read_channel_image_data(fp, layer, depth):
    Reads image data for all channels in a layer.
    bytes_per_pixel = depth // 8
    channel_data = []

    for channel in layer.channels:
        logger.debug("  reading %s", channel)

        if channel.id == ChannelID.USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.width(), layer.mask_data.height()
        elif channel.id == ChannelID.REAL_USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.real_width(), layer.mask_data.real_height()
            w, h = layer.width(), layer.height()

        start_pos = fp.tell()
        compress_type = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

        logger.debug("    start_pos=%s, compress_type=%s",
                     start_pos, Compression.name_of(compress_type))

        # read or calculate data size
        if compress_type == Compression.RAW:
            data_size = w * h * bytes_per_pixel
            logger.debug('    data size = %sx%sx%s=%s bytes', w, h, bytes_per_pixel, data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.PACK_BITS:
            byte_counts = read_be_array("H", h, fp)
            data_size = sum(byte_counts)
            logger.debug('    data size = %s bytes', data_size)

        elif compress_type in (Compression.ZIP, Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION):
            data_size = channel.length - 2
            logger.debug('    data size = %s-2=%s bytes', channel.length, data_size)

            warnings.warn("Bad compression type %s" % compress_type)
            return []

        # read the data itself
        if data_size > channel.length:
            warnings.warn("Incorrect data size: %s > %s" % (data_size, channel.length))
            data = fp.read(data_size)
            if compress_type == Compression.ZIP:
                data = zlib.decompress(data)
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION:
                data = zlib.decompress(data)
                data = compression.decode_prediction(data, w, h, bytes_per_pixel)
                if data is None:
                    warnings.warn("Prediction decode failed!")
                    return []

            channel_data.append(ChannelData(compress_type, data))

        remaining_length = channel.length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
        if remaining_length > 0:
            fp.seek(remaining_length, 1)
            logger.debug('    skipping %s bytes', remaining_length)

    return channel_data
Пример #4
def _read_channel_image_data(fp, layer, depth):
    Reads image data for all channels in a layer.
    channel_data = []

    bytes_per_pixel = depth // 8

    for idx, channel in enumerate(layer.channels):
        logger.debug("  reading %s", channel)
        if channel.id == ChannelID.USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.width(), layer.mask_data.height()
        elif channel.id == ChannelID.REAL_USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.real_width(), layer.mask_data.real_height()
            w, h = layer.width(), layer.height()

        start_pos = fp.tell()
        compress_type = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

        logger.debug("    start_pos=%s, compress_type=%s", start_pos,

        data = None

        # read data size
        if compress_type == Compression.RAW:
            data_size = w * h * bytes_per_pixel
            logger.debug('    data size = %sx%sx%s=%s bytes', w, h,
                         bytes_per_pixel, data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.PACK_BITS:
            byte_counts = read_be_array("H", h, fp)
            data_size = sum(byte_counts)
            logger.debug('    data size = %s bytes', data_size)

        elif compress_type in (Compression.ZIP,
            data_size = channel.length - 2
            logger.debug('    data size = %s-2=%s bytes', channel.length,

            warnings.warn("Bad compression type %s" % compress_type)
            return []

        # read the data itself
        if data_size > channel.length:
            warnings.warn("Incorrect data size: %s > %s" %
                          (data_size, channel.length))
            raw_data = fp.read(data_size)
            if compress_type in (Compression.RAW, Compression.PACK_BITS):
                data = raw_data
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP:
                data = zlib.decompress(raw_data)
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION:
                decompressed = zlib.decompress(raw_data)
                data = compression.decode_prediction(decompressed, w, h,

            if data is None:
                return []

            channel_data.append(ChannelData(compress_type, data))

        remaining_length = channel.length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
        if remaining_length > 0:
            fp.seek(remaining_length, 1)
            logger.debug('    skipping %s bytes', remaining_length)

    return channel_data
Пример #5
def _read_channel_image_data(fp, layer, depth):
    Reads image data for all channels in a layer.
    channel_data = []

    bytes_per_pixel = depth // 8

    for idx, channel in enumerate(layer.channels):
        logger.debug("  reading %s", channel)
        if channel.id == ChannelID.USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.width(), layer.mask_data.height()
            w, h = layer.width(), layer.height()

        start_pos = fp.tell()
        compress_type = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

        logger.debug("    start_pos=%s, compress_type=%s",
                     start_pos, Compression.name_of(compress_type))

        data = None

        # read data size
        if compress_type == Compression.RAW:
            data_size = w * h * bytes_per_pixel
            logger.debug('    data size = %sx%sx%s=%s bytes', w, h, bytes_per_pixel, data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.PACK_BITS:
            byte_counts = read_be_array("H", h, fp)
            sum_counts = sum(byte_counts)
            data_size = sum_counts * bytes_per_pixel
            logger.debug('    data size = %sx%s=%s bytes', sum_counts, bytes_per_pixel, data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP:
            data_size = channel.length - 2
            logger.debug('    data size = %s-2=%s bytes', channel.length, data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION:
            data_size = channel.length - 2
            logger.debug('    data size = %s-2=%s bytes', channel.length, data_size)

            warnings.warn("Bad compression type %s" % compress_type)
            return []

        # read the data itself
        if data_size > channel.length:
            warnings.warn("Incorrect data size: %s > %s" % (data_size, channel.length))
            raw_data = fp.read(data_size)
            if compress_type in (Compression.RAW, Compression.PACK_BITS):
                data = raw_data
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP:
                data = zlib.decompress(raw_data)
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION:
                decompressed = zlib.decompress(raw_data)
                data = compression.decode_prediction(decompressed, w, h, bytes_per_pixel)

            if data is None:
                return []

            channel_data.append(ChannelData(compress_type, data))

        remaining_bytes = channel.length - (fp.tell() - start_pos) - 2
        if remaining_bytes > 0:
            fp.seek(remaining_bytes, 1)
            logger.debug('    skipping %s bytes', remaining_bytes)

    return channel_data