Пример #1
def _decode_metadata(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    items_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    items = []

    for x in range(items_count):
        sig = fp.read(4)
        if sig != b"8BIM":
            raise Error("Invalid signature in metadata item (%r)" % sig)

        key, copy_on_sheet, data_length = read_fmt("4s ? 3x I", fp)

        data = fp.read(data_length)
        if data_length < 4 + 12:
            # descr_version is 4 bytes, descriptor is at least 12 bytes,
            # so data can't be a descriptor.
            descr_ver = None
            # try load data as a descriptor
            fp2 = io.BytesIO(data)
            descr_ver = read_fmt("I", fp2)[0]
                data = decode_descriptor(None, fp2)
            except UnknownOSType as e:
                # FIXME: can it fail with other exceptions?
                descr_ver = None
                warnings.warn("Can't decode metadata item (%s)" % e)

        items.append(MetadataItem(key, copy_on_sheet, descr_ver, data))

    return items
Пример #2
def _read_layers(fp, encoding, depth, length=None):
    Reads info about layers.
    logger.debug('reading layers...')

    if length is None:
        length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    layer_count = read_fmt("h", fp)[0]

    logger.debug('layer_count=%d, length=%d', layer_count, length)

    layer_records = []
    for idx in range(abs(layer_count)):
        logger.debug('reading layer record %d, pos=%d', idx, fp.tell())
        layer = _read_layer_record(fp, encoding)

    channel_image_data = []
    for idx, layer in enumerate(layer_records):
        logger.debug('reading layer channel data %d, pos=%d', idx, fp.tell())
        data = _read_channel_image_data(fp, layer, depth)

    return Layers(length, layer_count, layer_records, channel_image_data)
Пример #3
def _decode_bevel_info(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)

    version, angle, depth, blur = read_fmt("IiII", fp)

    highlight_blend_mode = _read_blend_mode(fp)
    shadow_blend_mode = _read_blend_mode(fp)

    highlight_color = decode_color(fp)
    shadow_color = decode_color(fp)

    bevel_style, highlight_opacity, shadow_opacity = read_fmt("3B", fp)
    enabled, use_global_angle, direction = read_fmt("3B", fp)

    real_highlight_color = None
    real_shadow_color = None
    if version == 2:
        real_highlight_color = decode_color(fp)
        real_shadow_color = decode_color(fp)

    return BevelInfo(
        version, bool(enabled),
        depth, direction, blur,
        angle, bool(use_global_angle),
        highlight_blend_mode, highlight_color, highlight_opacity,
        shadow_blend_mode, shadow_color, shadow_opacity,
        real_highlight_color, real_shadow_color
Пример #4
def _decode_section_divider(data):
    data_length = len(data)
    blend_mode = None
    sub_type = None

    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    tp = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    if not SectionDivider.is_known(tp):
        warnings.warn("Unknown section divider type (%s)" % tp)

    if data_length >= 12:
        sig = fp.read(4)
        if sig != b"8BIM":
            raise Error("Invalid signature in section divider block (%r)" % sig)

        blend_mode = fp.read(4)
        if not BlendMode.is_known(blend_mode):
            warnings.warn("Unknown section divider blend mode (%s)" % blend_mode)

        if data_length >= 16:
            sub_type = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
            if not SectionDividerSub.is_known(sub_type):
                warnings.warn("Unknown section divider sub-type (%s)" % sub_type)

    return Divider(tp, blend_mode, sub_type)
Пример #5
def _decode_type_tool_object_setting(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    ver, xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty, txt_ver, desc_ver1 = read_fmt("H 6Q H I", fp)

    # This decoder needs to be updated if we have new formats.
    if ver != 1 or txt_ver != 50 or desc_ver1 != 16:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block due to old versions")

        text_data = decode_descriptor(None, fp)
    except UnknownOSType as e:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block (%s)" % e)

    # XXX: Until Engine Data is parsed properly, the following cannot be parsed.
    # The end of the engine data dictates where this starts.
    return TypeToolObjectSetting(ver, xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty, txt_ver, desc_ver1, text_data)

    warp_ver, desc_ver2 = read_fmt("H I", fp)
    if warp_ver != 1 or desc_ver2 != 16:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block due to old versions")

        warp_data = decode_descriptor(None, fp)
    except UnknownOSType as e:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block (%s)" % e)

    left, top, right, bottom = read_fmt("4Q", fp)
    return TypeToolObjectSetting(ver, xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty, txt_ver, desc_ver1,
                                 text_data, warp_ver, desc_ver2, warp_data,
                                 left, top, right, bottom)
Пример #6
def decode(effects):
    Reads and decodes info about layer effects.
    fp = io.BytesIO(effects)

    version, effects_count = read_fmt("HH", fp)

    effects_list = []
    for idx in range(effects_count):
        sig = fp.read(4)
        if sig != b'8BIM':
            raise Error("Error parsing layer effect: invalid signature (%r)" % sig)

        effect_type = fp.read(4)
        if not EffectOSType.is_known(effect_type):
            warnings.warn("Unknown effect type (%s)" % effect_type)

        effect_info_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
        effect_info = fp.read(effect_info_length)

        decoder = _effect_info_decoders.get(effect_type, lambda data: data)
        effects_list.append(LayerEffect(effect_type, decoder(effect_info)))

    return Effects(version, effects_count, effects_list)
Пример #7
def decode_prop(key, fp):
    name = read_unicode_string(fp)[:-1]
    classID_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    classID = fp.read(classID_length or 4)
    keyID_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    keyID = fp.read(keyID_length or 4)
    return Property(name, classID, keyID)
Пример #8
def _decode_type_tool_object_setting(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    ver, xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty, txt_ver, descr1_ver = read_fmt("H 6d H I", fp)

    # This decoder needs to be updated if we have new formats.
    if ver != 1 or txt_ver != 50 or descr1_ver != 16:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block due to old versions")
        return data

        text_data = decode_descriptor(None, fp)
    except UnknownOSType as e:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block (%s)" % e)
        return data

    warp_ver, descr2_ver = read_fmt("H I", fp)
    if warp_ver != 1 or descr2_ver != 16:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block due to old versions")
        return data

        warp_data = decode_descriptor(None, fp)
    except UnknownOSType as e:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring type setting tagged block (%s)" % e)
        return data

    left, top, right, bottom = read_fmt("4i", fp)   # wrong info in specs...
    return TypeToolObjectSetting(
        ver, xx, xy, yx, yy, tx, ty, txt_ver, descr1_ver, text_data,
        warp_ver, descr2_ver, warp_data, left, top, right, bottom
Пример #9
def _read_layer_record(fp, encoding):
    Reads single layer record.
    top, left, bottom, right, num_channels = read_fmt("4i H", fp)
    logger.debug('  top=%d, left=%d, bottom=%d, right=%d, num_channels=%d',
                 top, left, bottom, right, num_channels)

    channel_info = []
    for channel_num in range(num_channels):
        info = ChannelInfo(*read_fmt("hI", fp))

    sig = fp.read(4)
    if sig != b'8BIM':
        raise Error("Error parsing layer: invalid signature (%r)" % sig)

    blend_mode = fp.read(4)
    if not BlendMode.is_known(blend_mode):
        warnings.warn("Unknown blend mode (%s)" % blend_mode)

    opacity, clipping, flags, extra_length = read_fmt("BBBxI", fp)

    if not Clipping.is_known(clipping):
        warnings.warn("Unknown clipping (%s)" % clipping)
    logger.debug('  extra_length=%s', extra_length)

    flags = LayerFlags(
        bool(flags & 1), not bool(flags & 2),           # why "not"?
        bool(flags & 16) if bool(flags & 8) else None

    start_pos = fp.tell()
    mask_data = _read_layer_mask_data(fp)
    blending_ranges = _read_layer_blending_ranges(fp)

    name = read_pascal_string(fp, encoding, 4)

    remaining_length = extra_length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)

    logger.debug('  reading layer tagged blocks...')
    logger.debug('    length=%d, start_pos=%d', remaining_length, fp.tell())

    tagged_blocks = _read_layer_tagged_blocks(fp, remaining_length)

    remaining_length = extra_length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
    if remaining_length > 0:
        fp.seek(remaining_length, 1) # skip the remainder
        logger.debug('  skipping %s bytes', remaining_length)

    return LayerRecord(
        top, left, bottom, right,
        num_channels, channel_info,
        blend_mode, opacity, clipping, flags,
        mask_data, blending_ranges, name,
Пример #10
def decode_enum_ref(key, fp):
    name = read_unicode_string(fp)[:-1]
    classID_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    classID = fp.read(classID_length or 4)
    typeID_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    typeID = fp.read(typeID_length or 4)
    enum_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    enum = fp.read(enum_length or 4)
    return EnumReference(name, classID, typeID, enum)
Пример #11
def _decode_metadata(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    items_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    items = []
    for x in range(items_count):
        sig, key, copy_on_sheet, data_length = read_fmt("4s 4s ? 3x I", fp)
        data = fp.read(data_length)
        items.append(MetadataItem(sig, key, copy_on_sheet, data))
    return items
Пример #12
def _decode_version_info(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)

    return VersionInfo(
        read_fmt("I", fp)[0],
        read_fmt("?", fp)[0],
        read_fmt("I", fp)[0],
Пример #13
def decode_descriptor(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    name = read_unicode_string(fp)

    classID_length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    classID = fp.read(classID_length or 4)

    item_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    items = fp.read() # TODO: detailed parsing

    return Descriptor(name, classID, item_count, items)
Пример #14
def decode_color(fp):
    color_space_id = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

    if not ColorSpaceID.is_known(color_space_id):
        warnings.warn("Unknown color space (%s)" % color_space_id)

    if color_space_id == ColorSpaceID.LAB:
        color_data = read_fmt("4h", fp)
        color_data = read_fmt("4H", fp)
    return Color(color_space_id, color_data)
Пример #15
def decode_list(key, fp):
    items_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    items = []
    for _ in range(items_count):
        ostype = read_fmt("I", fp)

        decode_ostype = get_ostype(ostype)
        if decode_ostype:
            value = decode_ostype(fp)
            if value is not None:

    return List(items)
Пример #16
def decode_unit_floats(key, fp):
    unit_key = fp.read(4)
    if not UnitFloatType.is_known(unit_key):
        warnings.warn("Unknown UnitFloatType: %r" % unit_key)

    floats_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    floats = []

    for n in range(floats_count):
        value = read_fmt("d", fp)[0]
        floats.append(UnitFloat(UnitFloatType.name_of(unit_key), value))

    return floats
Пример #17
def decode_object_array(key, fp):
    items_per_object_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    classObj = decode_class(None, fp)
    items_count = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    items = []

    for n in range(items_count):
        object_array_item = decode_object_array_item(None, fp)

        if object_array_item is not None:

    return ObjectArray(classObj, items)
Пример #18
def decode_unit_float(key, fp):
    unit_key = read_fmt("I", fp)
    unit = {
        b'#Ang': 'angle',
        b'#Rsl': 'density',
        b'#Rlt': 'distance',
        b'#Nne': 'none',
        b'#Prc': 'percent',
        b'#Pxl': 'pixels',
    }.get(unit_key, None)
    if unit:
        value = read_fmt("d", fp)
        return UnitFloat(unit, value)
Пример #19
def decode(data):
    Reads and decodes info about linked layers.

    These are embedded files (embedded smart objects). But Adobe calls
    them "linked layers", so we'll follow that nomenclature. Note that
    non-embedded smart objects are not included here.
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    layers = []
    while True:
        start = fp.tell()
        length_buf = fp.read(8)
        if not length_buf:
            break   # end of file
        length = struct.unpack(str('>Q'), length_buf)[0]
        liFD, version = read_fmt('4s I', fp)
        if liFD != b'liFD':
            warnings.warn('unknown layer type')
        unique_id = read_pascal_string(fp, 'ascii')
        filename = read_unicode_string(fp)
        filetype, creator, filelength, have_file_open_descriptor = read_fmt('4s 4s Q B', fp)
        filetype = str(filetype)
        if have_file_open_descriptor:
            # Does not seem to contain any useful information
            undocumented_integer = read_fmt("I", fp)
            file_open_descriptor = decode_descriptor(None, fp)
            file_open_descriptor = None
        decoded = fp.read(filelength)
        # Undocumented extra field
        if version == 5:
            uuid = read_unicode_string(fp)
            uuid = None
            LinkedLayer(version, unique_id, filename, filetype, file_open_descriptor,
                        creator, decoded, uuid)
        # Gobble up anything that we don't know how to decode
        expected_position = start + 8 + length      # first 8 bytes contained the length
        if expected_position != fp.tell():
            warnings.warn('skipping over undocumented additional fields')
            fp.read(expected_position - fp.tell())
        # Each layer is padded to start and end at 4-byte boundary
        pad = -fp.tell() % 4
    return LinkedLayerCollection(layers)
Пример #20
def _decode_solid_fill_info(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)

    version = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    blend_mode = _read_blend_mode(fp)
    color = decode_color(fp)
    opacity, enabled = read_fmt("2B", fp)

    native_color = decode_color(fp)

    return SolidFillInfo(
        version, bool(enabled),
        blend_mode, color, opacity,
Пример #21
def decode_color(fp):
    color_space_id = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

    if not ColorSpaceID.is_known(color_space_id):
        warnings.warn("Unknown color space (%s)" % color_space_id)

    if color_space_id in (ColorSpaceID.RGB, ColorSpaceID.HSB):
        color_data = read_fmt("3H 2x", fp)
    elif color_space_id == ColorSpaceID.LAB:
        color_data = read_fmt("Hhh 2x", fp)
    elif color_space_id == ColorSpaceID.GRAYSCALE:
        color_data = read_fmt("H 6x", fp)
        color_data = read_fmt("4H", fp)

    return Color(color_space_id, color_data)
Пример #22
def _decode_old_display_info(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)

    return DisplayInfo(
        *(read_fmt("HB", fp))
Пример #23
def _read_global_mask_info(fp):
    Reads global layer mask info.
    # XXX: Does it really work properly? What is it for?
    start_pos = fp.tell()
    length = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

    if length:
        overlay_color_space, c1, c2, c3, c4, opacity, kind = read_fmt("H 4H HB", fp)
        filler_length = length - (fp.tell()-start_pos)
        if filler_length > 0:
            fp.seek(filler_length, 1)
        return GlobalMaskInfo(overlay_color_space, (c1, c2, c3, c4), opacity, kind)
        return None
Пример #24
def decode_unit_float(key, fp):
    unit_key = fp.read(4)
    if not UnitFloatType.is_known(unit_key):
        warnings.warn("Unknown UnitFloatType: %r" % unit_key)

    value = read_fmt("d", fp)[0]
    return UnitFloat(UnitFloatType.name_of(unit_key), value)
Пример #25
def read(fp, encoding, depth):
    Reads layers and masks information.
    logger.debug('reading layers and masks information...')
    length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    start_pos = fp.tell()

    logger.debug('length=%d, start_pos=%d', length, start_pos)

    layers = _read_layers(fp, encoding, depth)

    global_mask_info = None
    tagged_blocks = []

    remaining_length = length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
    if remaining_length > 0:
        logger.debug('reading global mask info...')

        global_mask_info = _read_global_mask_info(fp)

        synchronize(fp) # hack hack hack
        remaining_length = length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
        if remaining_length > 0:
            tagged_blocks = _read_layer_tagged_blocks(fp, remaining_length, 4)

            # remaining_length = length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
            # if remaining_length > 0:
            #     fp.seek(remaining_length, 1)
            #     logger.debug('skipping %s bytes', remaining_length)

    return LayerAndMaskData(layers, global_mask_info, tagged_blocks)
Пример #26
def _read_block(fp, encoding):
    Reads single image resource block. Such blocks contain non-pixel data
    for the images (e.g. pen tool paths).
    sig = fp.read(4)
    if sig != b"8BIM":
        raise Error("Invalid resource signature (%r)" % sig)

    resource_id = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]
    name = read_pascal_string(fp, encoding, 2)

    data_size = pad(read_fmt("I", fp)[0], 2)
    data = fp.read(data_size)

    return ImageResource(resource_id, name, data)
Пример #27
def _decode_soco(data):
    fp = io.BytesIO(data)
    version = read_fmt("I", fp)
        data = decode_descriptor(None, fp)
        return SolidColorSettings(version, data)
    except UnknownOSType as e:
        warnings.warn("Ignoring solid color tagged block (%s)" % e)
Пример #28
def _read_layer_record(fp, encoding):
    Reads single layer record.
    top, left, bottom, right, num_channels = read_fmt("4i H", fp)

    channel_info = []
    for channel_num in range(num_channels):
        info = ChannelInfo(*read_fmt("hI", fp))

    sig = fp.read(4)
    if sig != b'8BIM':
        raise Error("Error parsing layer: invalid signature (%r)" % sig)

    blend_mode = fp.read(4).decode('ascii')
    if not BlendMode.is_known(blend_mode):
        warnings.warn("Unknown blend mode (%s)" % blend_mode)

    opacity, clipping, flags, extra_length = read_fmt("BBBxI", fp)

    flags = LayerFlags(bool(flags & 1), not bool(flags & 2)) # why not?

    if not Clipping.is_known(clipping):
        warnings.warn("Unknown clipping: %s" % clipping)

    start = fp.tell()
    mask_data = _read_layer_mask_data(fp)
    blending_ranges = _read_layer_blending_ranges(fp)

    name = read_pascal_string(fp, encoding, 4)

    remaining_length = extra_length - (fp.tell()-start)
    tagged_blocks = _read_layer_tagged_blocks(fp, remaining_length)

    remaining_length = extra_length - (fp.tell()-start)
    fp.seek(remaining_length, 1) # skip the reminder

    return LayerRecord(
        top, left, bottom, right,
        num_channels, channel_info,
        blend_mode, opacity, clipping, flags,
        mask_data, blending_ranges, name,
Пример #29
def _read_layer_mask_data(fp):
    """ Reads layer mask or adjustment layer data. """
    length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    start_pos = fp.tell()

    logger.debug('  reading layer mask data...')
    logger.debug('    length=%d, start_pos=%d', length, start_pos)

    if not length:
        return None

    top, left, bottom, right, background_color, flags = read_fmt("4i 2B", fp)
    flags = MaskFlags(
        bool(flags & 1), bool(flags & 2), bool(flags & 4),
        bool(flags & 8), bool(flags & 16)

    # Order is based on tests. The specification is messed up here...

    if length < 36:
        real_flags, real_background_color = None, None
        real_top, real_left, real_bottom, real_right = None, None, None, None
        real_flags, real_background_color = read_fmt("2B", fp)
        real_flags = MaskFlags(
            bool(real_flags & 1), bool(real_flags & 2), bool(real_flags & 4),
            bool(real_flags & 8), bool(real_flags & 16)

        real_top, real_left, real_bottom, real_right = read_fmt("4i", fp)

    if flags.parameters_applied:
        parameters = read_fmt("B", fp)[0]
        parameters = MaskParameters(
            read_fmt("B", fp)[0] if bool(parameters & 1) else None,
            read_fmt("d", fp)[0] if bool(parameters & 2) else None,
            read_fmt("B", fp)[0] if bool(parameters & 4) else None,
            read_fmt("d", fp)[0] if bool(parameters & 8) else None
        parameters = None

    padding_size = length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
    if padding_size > 0:
        fp.seek(padding_size, 1)

    return MaskData(
        top, left, bottom, right, background_color, flags, parameters,
        real_flags, real_background_color, real_top, real_left, real_bottom, real_right
Пример #30
def _read_global_mask_info(fp):
    Reads global layer mask info.
    length = read_fmt("I", fp)[0]
    if not length:
        return None

    start_pos = fp.tell()

    overlay_color = fp.read(10)
    opacity, kind = read_fmt("HB", fp)

    filler_length = length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
    if filler_length > 0:
        fp.seek(filler_length, 1)

    return GlobalMaskInfo(overlay_color, opacity, kind)
Пример #31
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     count = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     items = []
     for _ in range(count):
     return cls(items)
Пример #32
 def read(cls, fp):
     unit, count = read_fmt('4sI', fp)
     values = list(read_fmt('%dd' % count, fp))
     return cls(unit, values)
Пример #33
 def read(cls, fp):
     return cls(*decode_fixed_point(read_fmt('5i4x', fp)))
Пример #34
 def read(cls, fp):
     items_count = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     return cls(items_count=items_count, **cls._read_body(fp))
Пример #35
 def read(cls, fp):
     number, id = read_fmt('2I', fp)
     name = read_unicode_string(fp)
     return cls(number, id, name)
Пример #36
 def read(cls, fp):
     unit, value = read_fmt('4sd', fp)
     return cls(unit=UnitFloatType(unit), value=value)
Пример #37
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     version, has_composite = read_fmt('I?', fp)
     writer = read_unicode_string(fp)
     reader = read_unicode_string(fp)
     file_version = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     return cls(version, has_composite, writer, reader, file_version)
Пример #38
 def read(cls, fp):
     return cls(*read_fmt(cls._FORMAT, fp))
Пример #39
def _read_channel_image_data(fp, layer, depth):
    Reads image data for all channels in a layer.
    channel_data = []

    bytes_per_pixel = depth // 8

    for idx, channel in enumerate(layer.channels):
        logger.debug("  reading %s", channel)
        if channel.id == ChannelID.USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.width(), layer.mask_data.height()
        elif channel.id == ChannelID.REAL_USER_LAYER_MASK:
            w, h = layer.mask_data.real_width(), layer.mask_data.real_height()
            w, h = layer.width(), layer.height()

        start_pos = fp.tell()
        compress_type = read_fmt("H", fp)[0]

        logger.debug("    start_pos=%s, compress_type=%s", start_pos,

        data = None

        # read data size
        if compress_type == Compression.RAW:
            data_size = w * h * bytes_per_pixel
            logger.debug('    data size = %sx%sx%s=%s bytes', w, h,
                         bytes_per_pixel, data_size)

        elif compress_type == Compression.PACK_BITS:
            byte_counts = read_be_array("H", h, fp)
            data_size = sum(byte_counts)
            logger.debug('    data size = %s bytes', data_size)

        elif compress_type in (Compression.ZIP,
            data_size = channel.length - 2
            logger.debug('    data size = %s-2=%s bytes', channel.length,

            warnings.warn("Bad compression type %s" % compress_type)
            return []

        # read the data itself
        if data_size > channel.length:
            warnings.warn("Incorrect data size: %s > %s" %
                          (data_size, channel.length))
            raw_data = fp.read(data_size)
            if compress_type in (Compression.RAW, Compression.PACK_BITS):
                data = raw_data
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP:
                data = zlib.decompress(raw_data)
            elif compress_type == Compression.ZIP_WITH_PREDICTION:
                decompressed = zlib.decompress(raw_data)
                data = compression.decode_prediction(decompressed, w, h,

            if data is None:
                return []

                ChannelData(compress_type, data, layer.mask_data))

        remaining_length = channel.length - (fp.tell() - start_pos)
        if remaining_length > 0:
            fp.seek(remaining_length, 1)
            logger.debug('    skipping %s bytes', remaining_length)

    return channel_data
Пример #40
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     return cls(SheetColorType(*read_fmt('H6x', fp)))
Пример #41
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     return cls(list(read_fmt('2d', fp)))
Пример #42
 def read_channel_range():
     src_start, src_end, dest_start, dest_end = read_fmt("4H", fp)
     return (src_start, src_end), (dest_start, dest_end)
Пример #43
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     kind, version = read_fmt('4sI', fp)
     data = DescriptorBlock.read(fp)
     return cls(kind, version, data)
Пример #44
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     color = Color.read(fp)
     opacity, flag = read_fmt('HBx', fp)
     return cls(color, opacity, flag)
Пример #45
 def read(cls, fp):
     read_fmt('24x', fp)
     return cls()
Пример #46
 def _read_body(cls, fp):
     overlay_color = list(read_fmt('5H', fp))
     opacity, kind = read_fmt('HB', fp)
     return cls(overlay_color, opacity, kind)
Пример #47
 def read(cls, fp):
     preceding = decode_fixed_point(read_fmt('2i', fp))
     anchor = decode_fixed_point(read_fmt('2i', fp))
     leaving = decode_fixed_point(read_fmt('2i', fp))
     return cls(preceding, anchor, leaving)
Пример #48
 def read(cls, fp):
     name = read_unicode_string(fp)
     classID = read_length_and_key(fp)
     offset = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     return cls(name, classID, offset)
Пример #49
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     color = Color.read(fp)
     opacity = read_fmt('H', fp)[0]
     return cls(color, opacity)
Пример #50
 def read(cls, fp):
     return cls(*read_fmt('d', fp))
Пример #51
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     items = []
     while is_readable(fp, 4):
         items.append(read_fmt('I', fp)[0])
     return cls(items)
Пример #52
 def read(cls, fp):
     return cls(*read_fmt('H22x', fp))
Пример #53
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     version, flags = read_fmt('2I', fp)
     assert version == 3, 'Unknown vector mask version %d' % version
     path = Path.read(fp)
     return cls(version, flags, path)
Пример #54
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     key, version = read_fmt('4sI', fp)
     return cls(key=key, version=version, **cls._read_body(fp))
Пример #55
 def read(cls, fp):
     return cls(read_fmt('i', fp)[0])
Пример #56
 def read_channel_range(f):
     values = read_fmt("4H", f)
     return [values[0:2], values[2:4]]
Пример #57
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     curve = read_fmt('13H', fp)
     override = read_fmt('H', fp)[0]
     return cls(curve, override)
Пример #58
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     version, data_version = read_fmt('2I', fp)
     return cls(version=version, data_version=data_version,
Пример #59
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     version = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     return cls(version=version, **cls._read_body(fp))
Пример #60
 def read(cls, fp, **kwargs):
     count = read_fmt('I', fp)[0]
     items = []
     for _ in range(count):
     return cls(items)