Пример #1
def getUser(tid, tbName):

    :param tid: one tid
    :param tbName: table name
    :return: associated user ID of the input tid
    # sql = "select tu_id from " + tbName + " where tid = '" + str(tid) + "'"
    sql = "select tu_name from " + tbName + " where tid = '" + str(tid) + "'"
    userID = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)[0][0]
    return userID
def allCoor(tb):

    :param tb:
    sql = "select eid, concat(lat, ', ', lng) as coor, tids from " + tb + " where lat is not null"
    coorList = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)

    return coorList
def getMaxRT(tidList):

    :param tb:
    tids = ', '.join(tidList)
    sql = "select max(t_recount) from original where tid in (" + tids + ")"
    result = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)[0][0]
    print('Max re tweet number:', result)

    return result
Пример #4
def getData(col, eid):
    Input event id from credibility table, and return a list of supporting tids
    :param col: column name
    :param eid: event id
    :return: list of associated data
    sql = "select " + col + " from " + tb_out_Event + " where eid = '" + str(eid) + "'"
    data = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)[0][0]
    if isinstance(data, str):
        data = data.split(', ')
    print(col, data)
    return data
Пример #5
def getTIDs(eid, tbName):
    Input event id from credibility table, and return a list of supporting tids

    :param eid: event id
    :param tbName: table name
    :return: list of supporting tids
    sql = "select tids from " + tbName + " where eid = '" + str(eid) + "'"
    data = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)[0][0]
    if isinstance(data, str):
        data = data.split(', ')
    return data
Пример #6
def getEvlScore(tidList):
    Input a list of supporting tids for certain event from credibility table, and locate their post time in original
    tweet table
    :param tidList: supporting tids
    :return: list of post time
    tb_out_Name = "original"
    timeLine = []
    for tid in tidList:
        sql = "select tcreate from " + tb_out_Name + " where tid = '" + str(tid) + "'"
        pt = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)[0][0]
    return timeLine
Пример #7
def getRTs(tid, tbName):
    find all the tids and users of associated retweets of the input tids of original twitter

    :param tid: tid of original twitter (supporting tweets under certain event)
    :param tbName: table name
    :return: tids of associated retweets
    RTids = []
    sql = "select tid from " + tbName + " where t_reid = '" + str(tid) + "'"
    RTid = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)
    if len(RTid) > 0:
        for id in RTid:
    return RTids
Пример #8
def matchTime(col, tidList):

    :param colName:
    :param tidList:
    sql = "select " + col + " from " + tb_join2 + " where tid in (" + tidList[
        -1] + ")"
    timeList = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbConnect, sql)
    spaceTime = []
    for t in range(len(timeList)):
        if tidList[0] is not None and tidList[
                1] is not None and timeList[t][0] != '':
                (tidList[0], tidList[1], tidList[2] + ',' + tidList[3],
                 timeList[t][0], str(timeList[t][1])))
    return spaceTime
def get_followers(dbc, uname_list):

    :param dbc:
    :param uname_list: list of user names or ids
    :return: retrieve follower info from db
    resultList = []
    count, listLen = 0, len(uname_list)
    for uname in uname_list:
        print(count, listLen)
            sql = "select max(tu_Followers) from tweets where tu_Name = '" + uname + "'"
            result = queryFromDB.freeQuery(dbc, sql)
            result = result[0][0]
            resultList.append((uname, result))
            count += 1
            count += 1

    return resultList