def getBackupAddMap(self): """""" data = None if Io.file_exists(self.addmapPath + Kirmah.EXT): call = " ".join( [ Sys.executable, "", "dec", "-qf", self.addmapPath + Kirmah.EXT, "-z", "-r", "-m", "-o", self.addmapPath, "-k", self.idxu.index.keyPath, ] ) print(call) Sys.sysCall(call) data = jloads(Io.get_data(self.addmapPath)) Io.removeFile(self.addmapPath) return data
def getCountParts(self, fromPath): """""" fsize = Sys.getsize(fromPath) count = Sys.ceil(fsize / 19710000) minp, maxp = 52, 62 if fsize < 4800000: minp, maxp = 8, 16 elif fsize < 22200000: minp, maxp = 16, 22 elif fsize < 48000000: minp, maxp = 22, 32 elif fsize < 222000000: minp, maxp = 32, 42 if count < minp: count = choice(list(range(minp, maxp))) if not count > 62: return count else: raise Exception( fromPath + " size exceeds limits (max : " + formatBytes( * 62) + " [" + str( * 64) + " bytes])" )
def update(self): """""" self.switchFileAccount(self.conf.profile) try: if self.idx != None : if not isinstance(self.idx,bytes): self.idx = Io.bytes(self.idx) self.delids.append(self.idx) except Exception as e : Sys.dprint('error : ') Sys.dprint(e) self.index.fixDuplicateIds() #~ self.index.fixAccount('gmail5') self.index.encrypt() msgIndex = self.mb.buildIndex(self.pathIdx) _, self.idx = self.ih.send(msgIndex.as_string(), self.rootBox) date = self.ih.headerField(self.idx, 'date', True) self.conf.sets((['uid' , self.idx , 'index'], ['date' , date , 'index'], ['time' , str(, 'index'])) Sys.pwlog([(' Index updated (' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(int(self.idx)) , Const.CLZ_2), (') ' , Const.CLZ_0), (str(date) , Const.CLZ_7, True)]) try : self.ih.delete(self.delids, True) except : Sys.dprint('error : ') Sys.dprint(e) self.ih.clearTrash() return True
def onCommandInfo(self): """""" key = self.getMatchKey() if key is not None: Sys.clear() self.pheader() self.impst.getInfo(int(self.a[1]))
def save(self,path=None,notAssign=False): """""" path = path if path is not None else self.path Io.set_data(path, '# last updated : '+str( call = ' '.join(['python3', '', 'enc', '-qf', path, '-z', '-r', '-m', '-o', path+'.kmh', '-k', self.keyPath ]) Sys.sysCall(call) Io.removeFile(path) if not notAssign : self.path = path
def pheader(self): self.Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) self.Cli.printHeaderTitle(self.Cli.conf.PRG_CLI_NAME) self.Cli.printHeaderPart("account", self.account) self.Cli.printHeaderPart("index", self.uid) self.Cli.printHeaderPart("box", self.rootBox) Sys.echo(, Sys.Clz.fgB7, True, True) self.Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN)
def createDefaultKeyIfNone(self): """""" kpath = self.getDefaultKeyPath() if not Io.file_exists(kpath): if Sys.isUnix(): if not Sys.isdir(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_PATH): Sys.mkdir_p(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_PATH) Io.set_data(kpath, KeyGen(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_LENGHT).key) self.selectKey(kpath)
def on_new_file_source(self, fc, data=None): """""" try: self.IS_SOURCE_DEF = True except FileNotFoundException as e: Sys.eprint('FileNotFoundException :' + str(fc.get_filename()), Const.ERROR) self.IS_SOURCE_DEF = False self.refreshProceed()
def main(): try: c = 0 Cli('.'+Sys.sep) except Exception as e : Sys.pwarn((('main : ',(str(e),Sys.CLZ_ERROR_PARAM), ' !'),), True) #~ raise e c = 1 return c
def main(): try: c = 0 AppGui() except Exception as e: Sys.pwarn((('main : ',(str(e),Sys.CLZ_ERROR_PARAM), ' !'),), True) raise e c = 1 return c
def createDefaultKeyIfNone(self): """""" kpath = self.getDefaultKeyPath() if not Io.file_exists(kpath): if Sys.isUnix() : if not Sys.isdir(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_PATH) : Sys.mkdir_p(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_PATH) Io.set_data(kpath, KeyGen(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_LENGHT).key) self.selectKey(kpath)
def printHeaderPart(label,value): """""" a, b, c = ' [',':' ,'] ' Sys.echo(a , Sys.CLZ_HEAD_SEP, False) Sys.echo(label, Sys.CLZ_HEAD_KEY, False) Sys.echo(b , Sys.CLZ_HEAD_SEP, False) Sys.echo(value, Sys.CLZ_HEAD_VAL, False) Sys.echo(c , Sys.CLZ_HEAD_SEP, False) return [(a,Const.CLZ_HEAD_SEP),(label,Const.CLZ_HEAD_KEY),(b,Const.CLZ_HEAD_SEP),(value,Const.CLZ_HEAD_VAL),(c,Const.CLZ_HEAD_SEP)]
def add(self, key, label, count, ext='', usr='', cat='', fhash='', size=0, account=''): """Add an entry to the index """ if self.get(fhash) == None : self.dic[fhash] = (, fhash, label, size, count, ext, usr, cat, account, key) +=1 return else : Sys.dprint(label+' already exist')
def build(self): Sys.pwlog([(' Reading index, please wait...', Const.CLZ_7, True)]) self.index = ImpraIndex(self.conf.get('key','keys'), self.pathIdx, self.getIndexDefaultCatg(), self.getAccountList()) defUsers = self.conf.get('users','catg') if not ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users' in self.index.dic: self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'] = {} for k in self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users']: if self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][k] not in [ i.strip() for i in defUsers.split(',')]: self.conf.set('users',defUsers+', '+self.index.dic[ImpraIndex.SEP_KEY_INTERN+'users'][k],'catg')
def halt_thread(self, *args): Sys.wlog(Sys.dprint()) Sys.pwarn(('thread interrupt',), False) self.get('button1').set_sensitive(False) if self.thkmh is not None and self.thkmh.isAlive(): self.thkmh.cancel() else : self.textbuffer.insert_at_cursor('Kmh Thread is not Alive\n') self.on_proceed_end(True) self.pb.hide() self.show_log()
def stop(self): """""" if self.isAlive(): self.cancel() if current_thread().getName()==self.getName(): try: self.emit('interrupted') Sys.thread_exit() except RuntimeError as e : print(str(self.getName()) + ' COULD NOT BE TERMINATED') raise e
def stop(self): """""" if self.isAlive(): self.cancel() if current_thread().getName() == self.getName(): try: self.emit("interrupted") Sys.thread_exit() except RuntimeError as e: print(str(self.getName()) + ' COULD NOT BE TERMINATED') raise e
def halt_thread(self, *args): Sys.wlog(Sys.dprint()) Sys.pwarn(('thread interrupt', ), False) self.get('button1').set_sensitive(False) if self.thkmh is not None and self.thkmh.isAlive(): self.thkmh.cancel() else: self.textbuffer.insert_at_cursor('Kmh Thread is not Alive\n') self.on_proceed_end(True) self.pb.hide() self.show_log()
def load_profile(self): """""" if self.check_profile(self.o.active_profile): Sys.dprint(" ", end=" ") Sys.echo(" == profile `", Sys.Clz.bg2 + Sys.Clz.fgb7, False) Sys.echo(self.o.active_profile, Sys.Clz.bg2 + Sys.Clz.fgB3, False) Sys.echo("` loaded == ", Sys.Clz.bg2 + Sys.Clz.fgb7) Sys.dprint() self.ini.set("profile", self.o.active_profile) else: self.check_profile(self.o.active_profile, True)
def clearTrash(self): """"""[self.TRASH]) ids ='ALL',True) if len(ids) > 0 and ids[0]!='' and ids[0]!=None: delids = ImapHelper._getIdsList(ids) status, resp = self.cnx.uid('store', delids, self.FLAGS, self.DELETED ) Sys.pwlog([(' Deleting msg ', Const.CLZ_0), (delids , Const.CLZ_1), (' '+status , Const.CLZ_7, True)]) self.cnx.expunge()
def remove(self): """""" self._getId() try: if self.idx!= None : self.delids.append(Io.bytes(self.idx)) self.ih.delete(self.delids, True) self.idx = None except Exception as e : Sys.dprint('error : ') Sys.dprint(e) self.ih.clearTrash() self.removeLocal()
def on_refresh(self, btn, data=None): """""" self.BLOCK_REPOPULATE = True self.get('treestore1').clear() if btn is not None : Sys.cli_emit_progress(0) self.get('checkbutton1').set_sensitive(False) self.get('checkbutton1').set_active(False) self.unselect_actions() self.get('button9').set_sensitive(False) self.launch_action(ImpraThread.TASK_REFRESH, []) else : self.populate_index()
def setDestFile(self, path): """""" if path is not None : self.dst = ''.join([path, Sys.sep, '' if self.src is None else Sys.basename(self.src)]) if self.encmode: self.dst = ''.join([self.dst, Kirmah.EXT if not self.splitmode else Kirmah.EXT_TARK]) else : self.dst, ext = Sys.getFileExt(self.dst) if not ext == (Kirmah.EXT if not self.splitmode else Kirmah.EXT_TARK): self.dst += ext #~ if Io.file_exists(self.dst): #~ raise FileNeedOverwriteException(self.dst) else : self.dst = None
def populate_index(self): """""" self.BLOCK_REPOPULATE = False if self.index is None or self.index != self.thimpra.impst.idxu.index : self.index = self.thimpra.impst.idxu.index data = sorted([(self.index.dic.get(k),k) for i, k in enumerate(self.index.dic) if not k.startswith(self.index.SEP_KEY_INTERN)], reverse=False, key=lambda lst:lst[0][self.index.UID]) store = self.get('treestore1') store.clear() drow = None i = 0 tsize = 0 psize = 0 accounts = self.thimpra.impst.idxu.getAccountList() allCatg, allUsers, allAccounts, tmp = [], [], [ accounts[a] for a in accounts], '' for row, key in data : tsize += row[self.index.SIZE] if self.filterIds==None or row[self.index.UID] in self.filterIds: drow = list(row[:-1]) psize += row[self.index.SIZE] if drow[self.index.CATG] not in allCatg : allCatg.append(drow[self.index.CATG]) tmp = self.index.getUser(drow[self.index.USER]) if tmp not in allUsers : allUsers.append(tmp) drow[self.index.PARTS] = ('%s' % drow[self.index.PARTS]).rjust(2,' ') drow[self.index.UID] = ('%s' % drow[self.index.UID]).rjust(4,' ') drow[self.index.HASH] = '%s' % drow[self.index.HASH][0:6]+'…' drow[self.index.SIZE] = Sys.readableBytes(row[self.index.SIZE]).rjust(11,' ')+' ' drow[self.index.USER] = self.index.getUser(drow[self.index.USER]) drow[self.index.ACCOUNT] = self.index.acclist[drow[self.index.ACCOUNT]] drow.append('#222222' if i%2!=0 else '#1C1C1C') drow.append('#640000' if i%2!=0 else '#900000') store.append(None, drow) i += 1 self.progressbar.set_fraction(10+i*90/len(data)/100.0) # repopulate only if not search if self.filterIds==None : #~ Sys.pwlog([(' Populating search filters...', Const.CLZ_0, True)]) self.populate_search_filters(allCatg, allUsers, allAccounts) self.get('checkbutton1').set_sensitive(True) self.get('label12').set_label(' '+(Sys.readableBytes(psize)+' / ' if psize != tsize else '')+Sys.readableBytes(tsize)) self.get('button9').set_sensitive(True) self.get('button12').set_sensitive(True) return False
def on_proceed_end(self, abort=False): """""" try : btn = self.get('button1') btn.set_label('Proceed') btn.set_sensitive(True) self.PROCEED = False if not abort : btn.set_label(conf.GUI_LABEL_OK) self.get('checkbutton3').hide() except Exception as e: Sys.pwarn((('on_proceed_end : ',(str(e),Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'),), False) pass return False
def createDefaultKeyIfNone(self): """""" kpath = self.getDefaultKeyPath() if not Io.file_exists(kpath): #if Sys.isUnix() : if not Sys.isdir(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_PATH) : Sys.mkdir_p(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_PATH) k = KeyGen(conf.DEFVAL_UKEY_LENGHT) print(k) content = k.key print('content') Io.set_data(kpath, content) print('set content') self.selectKey(kpath)
def onCommandKey(self): """""" if int(self.o.length) >= 128 and int(self.o.length) <= 4096: self.parser.print_header() if not self.o.outputfile: self.o.outputfile = self.home + '.kirmah' + Sys.sep + '.default.key' kg = KeyGen(int(self.o.length)) done = True if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((( 'the key file ', (self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !' ), 'if you rewrite this file, all previous files encrypted with the corresponding key will be unrecoverable !' )) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done: Io.set_data(self.o.outputfile, kg.key) Sys.pstep('Generate key file', self.stime, done) if done: Sys.print(' ' * 5 + Sys.realpath(self.o.outputfile), Sys.Clz.fgB1, True) else: self.parser.error_cmd( (('invalid option ', ('-l, --length', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('128', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' to ', ('4096', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ')'), ))
def __init__(self, appname, debug, gui, color, loglvl, ppid, event, id, wp, delay, task, *args, **kwargs): def mptask(id, *args, **kwargs): Sys.sendMainProcMsg(Manager.MSG_INIT, None) otask = task(id=id, event=event, *args, **kwargs) Sys.sendMainProcMsg(Manager.MSG_END, None) return otask init(appname, debug, ppid, color, loglvl) Sys.g.WPIPE = wp Sys.g.CPID = id Sys.g.GUI = gui # initialize child process event with parent process event Sys.g.MPEVENT = event if delay : Sys.sleep(delay) mptask(id, *args, **kwargs)
def on_progress(self, thread=None, progress=None, ref=None): #~ print('thread_progress',, progress) while not Sys.g.LOG_QUEUE.empty(): cth, data = Sys.g.LOG_QUEUE.get() #~ print('*'+str(cth)) if data is not None : if data is Sys.g.SIGNAL_STOP : Sys.dprint('STOP') if thread is not None : thread.cancel() elif data is Sys.g.SIGNAL_CLEAR : self.clearLog(thname=cth) else: self.printTextView(data, thname=cth) if progress is not None : self.update_progress(progress,
def on_start(self): """""" Sys.g.GUI_PRINT_STDOUT = False Sys.g.GUI = True init(conf.PRG_NAME, False, Sys.getpid(), True, Const.LOG_ALL) self.conf = ImpraConf(KiniFile('impra2.ini')) self.populate_profiles() self.populate_config() self.taskLabel = ImpraThread.TASK_LABEL self.taskStock = ImpraThread.TASK_STOCK self.progressbar = self.get('progressbar1') self.textview = self.get('textview1') try : self.textview.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1.0)) self.textview.modify_font(Pango.font_description_from_string ('DejaVu Sans Mono Book 11' if Sys.isUnix() else 'Lucida Conosle 11')) except : pass self.textbuffer = self.textview.get_buffer() self.tags = self.buildTxtTags(self.textbuffer) self.initWidgetByThread('impra-1', self.textview, self.textbuffer, self.progressbar, self.tags) self.initWidgetByThread('MainThread', self.textview, self.textbuffer, self.progressbar, self.tags) self.tree = self.get('treeview1') self.tree.connect('row-activated', self.on_row_select) self.tree.get_selection().connect('changed', self.on_tree_selection_changed) self.launch_thread(self.on_ended) self.searchCatg = self.get('comboboxtext1') self.searchUser = self.get('comboboxtext4') self.searchAccount = self.get('comboboxtext5') self.filterIds = None self.index = None self.taskList = {} self.threads_work = [False, False]
def on_proceed_end(self, abort=False): """""" try: btn = self.get('button1') btn.set_label('Proceed') btn.set_sensitive(True) self.PROCEED = False if not abort: btn.set_label(conf.GUI_LABEL_OK) self.get('checkbutton3').hide() except Exception as e: Sys.pwarn( (('on_proceed_end : ', (str(e), Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'), ), False) pass return False
def run(self): """""" self.cancelled = False Sys.g.MPEVENT.clear() print(Sys.g.LOG_LEVEL) Cli('./', Sys.getpid(), self.cliargs, self, Sys.g.LOG_LEVEL) self.emit("completed")
def run(self): """""" self.cancelled = False Sys.g.MPEVENT.clear() print(Sys.g.LOG_LEVEL) Cli("./", Sys.getpid(), self.cliargs, self, Sys.g.LOG_LEVEL) self.emit("completed")
def onCommandList(self): """""" matchIdsCatg = None matchIdsUser = None matchIdsAcc = None matchIds = None if self.o.account is not None: matchIdsAcc = [] # print(self.impst.idxu.index.acclist) # print(self.impst.idxu.index.acclist.keys()) if self.impst.idxu.conf.ini.has("user", self.o.account + ".imap"): usr = self.impst.idxu.conf.ini.get("user", self.o.account + ".imap") if usr in self.impst.idxu.index.acclist.keys(): print(usr) for k in self.impst.idxu.index.acclist.keys(): if self.impst.idxu.index.acclist[k] == usr: print("matched") matchIdsAcc = self.impst.idxu.index.getByAccount(k) print(matchIdsAcc) break else: matchIdsAcc = [] if self.o.category is not None: matchIdsCatg = self.impst.idxu.index.getByCategory(self.o.category) if self.o.user is not None: matchIdsUser = self.impst.idxu.index.getByUser(self.o.user) if self.o.category is not None: if self.o.user is not None: matchIds = self.impst.idxu.index.getIntersection(matchIdsCatg, matchIdsUser) else: matchIds = matchIdsCatg elif self.o.user is not None: matchIds = matchIdsUser if matchIdsAcc is not None: matchIds = matchIdsAcc if matchIds is None else self.impst.idxu.index.getIntersection(matchIdsAcc, matchIds) order = self.o.order if self.o.order_inv is not None: order = "-" + self.o.order_inv Sys.clear() self.pheader() self.impst.idxu.index.print(order, matchIds)
def send(self, msg, box='INBOX'): """""" mid = None date = Time2Internaldate(Sys.time()) status, resp = self.cnx.append(box, '\Draft', date, bytes(msg,'utf-8')) if status==self.OK: mid = str(resp[0],'utf-8')[11:-11].split(' ') return mid
def on_start(self): """""" key, size, mark = self.curKey = self.DEFAULT_KEY self.get('filechooserbutton1').set_filename( self.get('filechooserbutton3').set_current_folder( conf.DEFVAL_USER_PATH) devPath = '/home/dev/git_repos/kirmah2.15/' #~ self.get('filechooserbutton3').set_current_folder(devPath) self.get('checkbutton1').set_active(conf.DEFVAL_NPROC >= 2) self.get('checkbutton3').set_active(True) self.get('checkbutton4').set_active(True) self.get('spinbutton2').set_value(conf.DEFVAL_NPROC) if conf.DEFVAL_NPROC >= 2: self.disable('spinbutton2', False) self.get('checkbutton2').set_active(conf.DEFVAL_MIXMODE) self.get('checkbutton4').set_active(conf.DEFVAL_RANDOMMODE) self.get('entry1').set_text(mark) Sys.g.UI_AUTO_SCROLL = True self.textview = self.get('textview1') self.textview.override_background_color(Gtk.StateFlags.NORMAL, Gdk.RGBA(0, 0, 0, 1.0)) self.textview.modify_font( Pango.font_description_from_string('DejaVu Sans Mono Book 11')) self.textbuffer = self.textview.get_buffer() self.tags = self.buildTxtTags(self.textbuffer) self.progressbar = self.get('progressbar1') cbt = self.get('comboboxtext1') cbt.connect("changed", self.on_compression_changed) tree_iter = cbt.get_model().get_iter_first() print(cbt.get_model().get_string_from_iter(tree_iter)) tree_iter = cbt.get_model().get_iter_from_string('3') cbt.set_active_iter(tree_iter) cbt = self.get('comboboxtext2') cbt.connect("changed", self.on_logging_changed) tree_iter = cbt.get_model().get_iter_first() tree_iter = cbt.get_model().get_iter_from_string('4') cbt.set_active_iter(tree_iter) Sys.clear() Sys.dprint('INIT UI') self.start = True self.thkmh = None
def update_progress(self, progress, lvl=20, thname=None): #~ print('update_progress : '+str(thname)) if True : pbar = self.widgetByThread[thname]['pbar'] if progress > 0 : pbar.set_text(str(progress)) lp = pbar.get_fraction() diff = (progress/100.0 - lp) if diff > 0 : for i in range(lvl): nf = lp+(i*diff/lvl) if nf < progress/100.0 : pbar.set_fraction(nf) Sys.sleep(0.015) pbar.set_fraction(progress/100.0) else : pbar.set_fraction(pbar.get_fraction()+0.01)
def thread_progress(self, thread, progress, ref): while not Sys.g.LOG_QUEUE.empty(): data = Sys.g.LOG_QUEUE.get() if data is not None: if data is not Sys.g.SIGNAL_STOP: for item in data: ei = self.textbuffer.get_end_iter() offs = ei.get_offset() self.textbuffer.insert_at_cursor(item[0]) ei = self.textbuffer.get_end_iter() oi = self.textbuffer.get_iter_at_offset(offs) tagName = item[1] self.textbuffer.apply_tag(self.tags[tagName], oi, ei) self.textbuffer.insert_at_cursor('\n') self.scroll_end() else: Sys.dprint('STOP') thread.cancel() self.update_progress(progress)
def __init__(self, debug=True, color=True, loglvl=Const.LOG_DEFAULT): """""" self.encmode = conf.DEFVAL_ENCMODE self.splitmode = False self.compression = conf.DEFVAL_COMP self.mix = conf.DEFVAL_MIXMODE self.random = conf.DEFVAL_RANDOMMODE self.nproc = conf.DEFVAL_NPROC self.src = None self.dst = None self.kpath = None Sys.g.GUI = True init(conf.PRG_NAME, debug, Sys.getpid(), color, loglvl)
def onCommandDec(self): """""" done = True if self.o.outputfile is None: self.o.outputfile = self.a[1][:-4] if self.a[1][ -4:] == Kirmah.EXT else self.a[1] if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.parser.print_header() if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ', (self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'), )) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done: try: if (self.o.multiprocess is not None and not represents_int(self.o.multiprocess)) or ( not self.o.multiprocess is None and not (int(self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <= 8)): self.parser.error_cmd( (('invalid option ', ('-j, --multiprocess', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('2', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' to ', ('8', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ')'), )) nproc = int(self.o.multiprocess ) if not self.o.multiprocess is None and int( self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int( self.o.multiprocess) <= 8 else 1 Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key) km.decrypt(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile, nproc) except BadKeyException: done = False Sys.pwarn((('BadKeyException : ', ('wrong key ', Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'), ), False) if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Decrypt', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)
def print_options(): """""" Sys.dprint('\n') Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.print(' MAIN OPTIONS :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-v'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --version', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'display programm version', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-d'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --debug', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'enable debug mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-f'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --force', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'force rewriting existing files without alert', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-q'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --quiet', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'don\'t print status messages to stdout', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-h'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --help', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'display help', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.dprint('\n') Sys.print(' KEY OPTIONS :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-l ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('LENGTH'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --length'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('LENGTH'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 50 + 'specified key length (128 to 4096 - default:1024)', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --outputfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'specified key output filename', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.dprint('\n') Sys.print(' ENCRYPT OPTIONS :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-a'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --fullcompress', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'enable full compression mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-z'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --compress', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'enable compression mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-Z'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --nocompress', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'disable compression mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-r'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --random', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'enable random mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-R'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --norandom', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'disable random mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-m'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --mix', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'enable mix mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-M'.ljust(13, ' ') + ', --nomix', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'disable mix mode', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-j ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('COUNT'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --multiprocess'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('COUNT'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'number of process for encryption (2 to 8)', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --keyfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'key filename used to encrypt', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --outputfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'specified encrypted output filename', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.dprint('\n') Sys.print(' DECRYPT OPTIONS :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-j ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('COUNT'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --multiprocess'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('COUNT'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'number of process for decryption (2 to 8)', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --keyfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'key filename used to decrypt', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --outputfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'specified decrypted output filename', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.dprint('\n') Sys.print(' SPLIT OPTIONS :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-p ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('COUNT'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --part'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('COUNT'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'count part to split', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --keyfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'key filename used to split', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('TARFILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --outputfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('TARFILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'specified tar output filename', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.dprint('\n') Sys.print(' MERGE OPTIONS :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --keyfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'key filename used to merge', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.print(' ' * 4 + '-o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(', --outputfile'.ljust(18, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('FILE'.ljust(10, ' '), Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print(' ' * 50 + 'specified decrypted output filename', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG_INFO) Sys.dprint('\n')
def createNewKey(self, filename, size): """""" if not Sys.isdir(Sys.dirname(filename)): Sys.mkdir_p(Sys.dirname(filename)) Io.set_data(filename,KeyGen(size).key[:size])
def print_help(): """""" Cli.print_header() Sys.print(Cli.conf.PRG_DESC, Sys.CLZ_HELP_DESC) Cli.print_usage('', True) Cli.print_options() Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.dprint() Sys.print(' EXEMPLES :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) CHQ = "'" Sys.print(' ' * 4 + 'command key :', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + '# generate a new crypted key of 2048 length', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('key -l ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('2048 ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# generate a new crypted key (default length is 1024) in a specified location', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('key -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print(Cli.DIRKEY + '.myNewKey', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.print('\n' + ' ' * 4 + 'command encrypt :', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# encrypt specified file with default crypted key and default options', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('enc ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print(Cli.HOME + 'mySecretTextFile.txt', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# encrypt specified file with specified crypted key (full compression, no random but mix mode)', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + '# on specified output location', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('enc ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('mySecretTextFile.txt', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -aRm -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(Cli.DIRKEY + '.myNewKey', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('test.kmh', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# encrypt specified file with default crypted key (no compression but random & mix mode and multiprocessing)', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('enc ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('myBigTextFile.txt', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -Zrm -j ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('4', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.print('\n' + ' ' * 4 + 'command decrypt :', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# decrypt specified file with default crypted key', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('dec ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print(Cli.HOME + 'mySecretFile.kmh', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# decrypt specified file with specified crypted key on specified output location', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + Cli.conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('dec ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('myEncryptedSecretFile.kmh', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(Cli.HOME + '.kirmah' + Sys.sep + '.myNewKey', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('myDecryptedSecretFile.txt', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# decrypt specified file with default crypted key and multiprocessing', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('dec ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('myEncryptedSecretFile.kmh', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -j ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('4', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.print('\n' + ' ' * 4 + 'command split :', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + '# split specified file with default crypted key', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('split ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print(Cli.HOME + 'myBigBinaryFile.avi', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# split specified file on 55 parts with specified crypted key on specified output location', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('split ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('myBigBinaryFile.avi', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -p ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('55', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(Cli.DIRKEY + '.myNewKey', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('myBigBinaryFile.encrypted', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.print('\n' + ' ' * 4 + 'command merge :', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# merge specified splitted file with default crypted key', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('merge ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print( Cli.HOME + '6136bd1b53d84ecbad5380594eea7256176c19e0266c723ea2e982f8ca49922b.kcf', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Sys.print( ' ' * 8 + '# merge specified tark splitted file with specified crypted key on specified output location', Sys.CLZ_HELP_COMMENT) Sys.print(' ' * 8 + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('merge ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('myBigBinaryFile.encrypted.tark', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(Cli.DIRKEY + '.myNewKey', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('myBigBinaryFile.decrypted.avi', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM) Cli.printLineSep(Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR, Const.LINE_SEP_LEN) Sys.dprint()
def print_usage(data, withoutHeader=False): """""" if not withoutHeader: Cli.print_header() Sys.print(' USAGE :\n', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' + Cli.conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('help ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD) Sys.print(' ' + Cli.conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('key ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('[ -l ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('length', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('outputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(']', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' + Cli.conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('enc ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('inputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('} ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('[', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(' -z|Z|a -r|R -m|M -j ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('numProcess', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('keyFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('outputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(']', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('dec ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('inputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('} ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('[', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(' -j ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('numProcess', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('keyFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('outputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(']', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('split ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('inputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('} ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('[', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(' -p ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('numParts', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('keyFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('tarOutputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(']', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG) Sys.print(' ' + conf.PRG_CLI_NAME + ' ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PRG, False) Sys.print('merge ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_CMD, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('inputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('} ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('[', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print(' -k ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('keyFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(' -o ', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG, False) Sys.print('{', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('outputFile', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print('}', Sys.CLZ_HELP_PARAM, False) Sys.print(']', Sys.CLZ_HELP_ARG)
def onend_cmd(self, title, stime, done, outputfile): """""" s = Const.LINE_SEP_CHAR * Const.LINE_SEP_LEN Sys.print(s, Sys.CLZ_HEAD_LINE) Sys.wlog([(s, Const.CLZ_HEAD_SEP)]) Sys.pstep(title, stime, done, True) Sys.print(s, Sys.CLZ_HEAD_LINE) Sys.wlog([(s, Const.CLZ_HEAD_SEP)]) if done and outputfile is not None: Sys.cli_emit_progress(100) Sys.print(' ' * 5 + Sys.realpath(outputfile), Sys.Clz.fgB1, False) Sys.print(' (' + Sys.getFileSize(outputfile) + ')', Sys.Clz.fgB3) bdata = [(' ' * 5 + Sys.realpath(outputfile), 'io'), (' (' + Sys.getFileSize(outputfile) + ')', 'func')] Sys.wlog(bdata) Sys.wlog(Sys.dprint())
def onCommandMerge(self): """""" done = True if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.parser.print_header() if done: toPath = None try: Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key) kcf = None istar = True try: import tarfile dpath = Sys.dirname( Sys.realpath(self.o.outputfile) ) + Sys.sep if self.o.outputfile is not None else Sys.dirname( Sys.realpath(self.a[1])) + Sys.sep if self.o.outputfile is None: self.o.outputfile = dpath with[1], mode='r') as tar: #~ print(dpath) tar.extractall(path=dpath) kcf = None for tarinfo in tar: #~ print( if tarinfo.isreg() and[-4:] == '.kcf': #~ print( kcf = dpath + if kcf is not None: km.DIR_OUTBOX = dpath toPath = km.mergeFile(kcf, self.o.outputfile) except BadKeyException: Sys.pwarn((('BadKeyException : ', ('wrong key ', Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'), ), False) done = False except Exception: istar = False toPath = km.mergeFile(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile) #~ if self.o.outputfile is not None : #~ Io.rename(toPath, self.o.outputfile) #~ toPath = self.o.outputfile except BadKeyException: Sys.pwarn((('BadKeyException : ', ('wrong key ', Sys.CLZ_WARN_PARAM), ' !'), ), False) done = False except Exception as e: done = False if Sys.g.DEBUG: print(e) elif not Sys.g.QUIET: Sys.pwarn((str(e), )) if not done: if istar: with[1], mode='r') as tar: for tarinfo in tar: Sys.removeFile(dpath + if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Merge', self.stime, done, toPath)
def onCommandSplit(self): """""" done = True Sys.cli_emit_progress(1) if not is None and not (int( >= 12 and int( <= 62): self.parser.error_cmd( (('invalid option ', ('-p, --parts', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('12', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' to ', ('62', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ')'), )) else: = int( if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.parser.print_header() if self.o.outputfile is not None: if self.o.outputfile[-5:] != '.tark': self.o.outputfile += '.tark' if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ', (self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'), )) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done: try: Sys.ptask() Sys.cli_emit_progress(2) key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key) hlst =[1]),, True) Sys.cli_emit_progress(3) kcf = km.splitFile(self.a[1], hlst) t = int(Sys.time()) times = (t, t) p = 85 Sys.cli_emit_progress(p) Io.touch(kcf, times) frav = 0.24 for row in hlst['data']: p += frav Io.touch(row[1] + km.EXT, times) Sys.cli_emit_progress(p) if self.o.outputfile is not None: d = if Sys.g.DEBUG: Sys.wlog(Sys.dprint()) Sys.ptask('Preparing tark file') hlst['data'] = sorted(hlst['data'], key=lambda lst: lst[4]) with, mode='w') as tar: tar.add(kcf, arcname=Sys.basename(kcf)) p = 90 for row in hlst['data']: tar.add(row[1] + km.EXT, arcname=Sys.basename(row[1] + km.EXT)) p += frav Sys.cli_emit_progress(p) Sys.pstep('Packing destination file', d, True) d = Sys.ptask('Finalize') for row in hlst['data']: Io.removeFile(row[1] + km.EXT) p += frav Sys.cli_emit_progress(p) Io.removeFile(kcf) Sys.pstep('Cleaning', d, True) except Exception as e: done = False if Sys.g.DEBUG: print('split exception') print(e) #~ raise e elif not Sys.g.QUIET: Sys.pwarn((str(e), )) if not Sys.g.QUIET: Sys.cli_emit_progress(100) self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Split', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)
def onCommandEnc(self): """""" done = True if self.o.outputfile is None: self.o.outputfile = Sys.basename(self.a[1]) if self.o.outputfile[-len(Kirmah.EXT):] != Kirmah.EXT: print(self.o.outputfile[-len(Kirmah.EXT):]) self.o.outputfile += Kirmah.EXT print(self.o.outputfile) d = self.getDefaultOption( (self.o.compress, self.o.fullcompress, self.o.nocompress)) compress = (KirmahHeader.COMP_END if d == 0 or (d is None and Io.is_binary(self.a[1])) else (KirmahHeader.COMP_ALL if d == 1 or d is None else KirmahHeader.COMP_NONE)) random = True if (self.o.random is None and self.o.norandom is None) or self.o.random else False mix = True if (self.o.mix is None and self.o.nomix is None) or self.o.mix else False if (self.o.multiprocess is not None and not represents_int(self.o.multiprocess)) or ( not self.o.multiprocess is None and not (int(self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int(self.o.multiprocess) <= 8)): self.parser.error_cmd( (('invalid option ', ('-j, --multiprocess', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' value (', ('2', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' to ', ('8', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ')'), )) nproc = int( self.o.multiprocess) if not self.o.multiprocess is None and int( self.o.multiprocess) >= 2 and int( self.o.multiprocess) <= 8 else 1 if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.parser.print_header() if Io.file_exists(self.o.outputfile) and not self.o.force: Sys.pwarn((('the file ', (self.o.outputfile, Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' already exists !'), )) done = Sys.pask('Are you sure to rewrite this file') self.stime = if done: try: Sys.ptask() key = Io.get_data(self.o.keyfile) km = Kirmah(key, None, compress, random, mix) km.encrypt(self.a[1], self.o.outputfile, nproc) except Exception as e: done = False print(e) raise e pass if not Sys.g.QUIET: self.onend_cmd('Kirmah Encrypt', self.stime, done, self.o.outputfile)
def __init__(self, path, remote=False, rwargs=None, thread=None, loglvl=Const.LOG_DEFAULT): """""" AbstractCli.__init__(self, conf, self) Cli.HOME = conf.DEFVAL_USER_PATH Cli.DIRKEY = Cli.HOME + '.' + conf.PRG_NAME.lower() + Sys.sep if not Sys.isUnix(): CHQ = '"' self.HOME = 'C:' + Sys.sep + conf.PRG_NAME.lower() + Sys.sep self.DIRKEY = self.HOME + 'keys' + Sys.sep Sys.mkdir_p(Cli.DIRKEY) gpData = OptionGroup(self.parser, '') gpData.add_option('-a', '--fullcompress', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-z', '--compress', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-Z', '--nocompress', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-r', '--random', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-R', '--norandom', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-m', '--mix', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-M', '--nomix', action='store_true') gpData.add_option('-j', '--multiprocess', action='store') gpData.add_option('-k', '--keyfile', action='store') gpData.add_option('-l', '--length', action='store', default=1024) gpData.add_option('-p', '--parts', action='store', default=22) gpData.add_option('-o', '--outputfile', action='store') self.parser.add_option_group(gpData) # rewrite argv sended by remote if rwargs is not None: import sys sys.argv = rwargs (o, a) = self.parser.parse_args() Sys.g.QUIET = o.quiet Sys.g.THREAD_CLI = thread Sys.g.GUI = thread is not None init(conf.PRG_NAME, o.debug, remote, not o.no_color, loglvl) if not a: try: if not or not o.version: self.parser.error_cmd(('no command specified', ), True) else: Sys.clear() Cli.print_help() except: if not o.version: self.parser.error_cmd(('no command specified', ), True) else: Cli.print_header() else: if a[0] == 'help': Sys.clear() Cli.print_help() elif a[0] in ['key', 'enc', 'dec', 'split', 'merge']: app = CliApp(self.HOME, path, self, a, o) if a[0] == 'key': app.onCommandKey() else: if not len(a) > 1: self.parser.error_cmd( (('an ', ('inputFile', Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' is required !'), ), True) elif not Io.file_exists(a[1]): self.parser.error_cmd( (('the file ', (a[1], Sys.Clz.fgb3), ' doesn\'t exists !'), ), True) elif a[0] == 'enc': app.onCommandEnc() elif a[0] == 'dec': app.onCommandDec() elif a[0] == 'split': app.onCommandSplit() elif a[0] == 'merge': app.onCommandMerge() Sys.dprint('PUT END SIGNAL') if Sys.g.LOG_QUEUE is not None: Sys.g.LOG_QUEUE.put(Sys.g.SIGNAL_STOP) else: self.parser.error_cmd( (('unknow command ', (a[0], Sys.Clz.fgb3)), )) if not o.quiet: Sys.dprint()