Пример #1
async def testing(ctx, *, action=None):
    """These are testing commands, usually for debugging purposes"""
    if action == 'refresh':
        tbl, rtbl = p.get_char_sheet(refresh=True)
        raw_text = mkt.load_item_design_raw(refresh=True)
        await ctx.send('Refreshed')
    elif action == 'restart':
        await ctx.send('Bot will restart')
    elif action == 'info':
        server = ctx.server
        author = ctx.author
        channel = ctx.channel
        txt = 'Server: {} (id={})\n'.format(server, server.id)
        txt += 'Message Author: {} (id={})\n'.format(author, author.id)
        txt += 'This Channel: {} (id={})\n'.format(channel, channel.id)
        txt += 'Discord.py version: {}'.format(discord.__version__)
        await ctx.send(txt)
    elif action == 'say':
        if isinstance(text, str):
            await ctx.send(txt)
    elif action == 'actions':
        bot_actions = list(dir(bot))
        bot_actions = 'Bot actions:' + ', '.join(bot_actions)
        await ctx.send(bot_actions)

    await bot.delete_message(ctx.message)
    if action == 'restart':
        print('Attempting to restart')
Пример #2
def get_dropship_text():
    id2item = request_id2item()
    ctbl, tbl_i2n, tbl_n2i, rarity = p.get_char_sheet()
    rooms = rs.get_room_designs()
    id2roomname = rs.create_reverse_lookup(rooms, 'RoomDesignId', 'RoomName')

    d = request_dropship()
    catalog_txt = get_limited_catalog_txt(d, id2item, ctbl, id2roomname)
    merchantship_txt = get_merchantship_txt(d, id2item)
    sale_txt = get_sale_text(d, id2item, ctbl)

    txt = get_dropshipcrew_txt(d, ctbl)
    txt += '\n\n{}'.format(merchantship_txt)
    if catalog_txt is not None:
        txt += '\n\n{}'.format(catalog_txt)
    if sale_txt is not None:
        txt += '\n\n{}'.format(sale_txt)
    txt += '\n\n{}'.format(get_dailyrewards_txt(d, id2item))

    if 'News' in d.keys():
        txt = '{}\n\n'.format(d['News']) + txt
    return txt
Пример #3
async def refresh():
    write_log(command_prefix + 'refresh', None)
    tbl, rtbl = p.get_char_sheet(refresh=True)
    await bot.say('Refreshed')
Пример #4
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

from discord.ext import commands

import discord
import os
import logging
import pss_prestige as p
import pss_market as mkt
import time, datetime

# ----- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------
command_prefix = os.getenv('COMMAND_PREFIX')
tbl, rtbl = p.get_char_sheet()

# ----- Utilities -----------------------------------------------------
def write_log(log_text, ctx=None):
    if os.path.isfile("debug") is False:
    time_text = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S')
    ctx_text = '' if ctx is None else \
        '{}@{}'.format(ctx.message.author, ctx.message.server)

    final_text = '{} {}: {}'.format(time_text, ctx_text, log_text)
    with open("discord-bot.log", "a") as f:
        f.write(final_text + '\n')
Пример #5
import pss_market as mkt
import pss_prestige as p
import pss_research as rs
import pytz
import time, datetime, holidays

# ----- Setup ---------------------------------------------------------
command_prefix = os.getenv('COMMAND_PREFIX')
BOT_VERSION = '0.05'
BOT_DESCRIPTION = 'This is a bot for pixel starships'
RATE = 3

# tbl, rtbl = p.get_char_sheet()
ctbl, tbl_i2n, tbl_n2i, rarity = p.get_char_sheet()
df_research_designs = rs.get_research_designs()

raw_text = mkt.load_item_design_raw()
df_items = mkt.xmltext_to_df(raw_text)
item_rlookup = mkt.get_item_rlookup(df_items)

# welcome_txt = """**Welcome to the Pixel Starships Discord!**
# This is a place where we can interact with devs and players from other alliances/fleets
# 1. :zipper_mouth: you can mute any channel to avoid notifications from that channel
# 2. :microphone: #announcements-and-tips-of-the-day are for anything really important on PSS, as well as a means for the devs to post announcements
# 3. :bulb: if you have any suggestions for the game, you can post them in #suggestion-posts. previously discussed suggestions are in #summaries
# 4. :beetle: #game-support is for bugs, etc. \@@TheRealTiffany is usually there
# 5. :robot: We have a #dolores-bot-room. type “`/help`” to find out how to use this bot for character stats/prestige combos, and item prices/stats.
# 6. :art: Get a Discord color by posting a screenshot with your trophy level in #screenshots
# 7. :dove: The usual guidelines for any forum apply (try to be civil, don’t spam, etc)."""