Пример #1
def _initialize_psyops():
    from . import config

    import os
    import sys
    from warnings import warn

    # If this __init__.py file is in ./psyops/ then import is within a source dir
    is_psyops_source_dir = (os.path.abspath(
        os.path.dirname(__file__)) == os.path.abspath('psyops')
                            and os.path.exists('setup.py'))

    # try to import pssepath and pssypy
        import pssepath
        import psspy
        ret = _alt_init_psspy()
        print 'init_psspy result:', ret

    def _alt_init_psspy(psse_ver_req=0, control_psse=True \
                   , pti_path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PTI' \
                   , bug_prt=False):
        # _alt_init_psspy is an alternative psse/python initializer in case pssepath
        # is not available.  
        # alternatively, you can use just the commented out lines of code directly 
        # below, but it is less robust than pssepath.
        # for PSSE 32 and Python 2.5
            #import sys
            #sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32.2.2\PSSBIN') # dbl-check path
            #import psspy
            #import redirect
        # for PSSE 34 and Python 2.7
            #import sys
            #sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSBIN') # dbl-check path
            #import psspy
            #import redirect
        # init_psspy()
            # 1. Confirms user has required PSS/e version installed.
            # 2. Confirms user is running version of Python
            #    required
            # 3. Initializes Python for PSSE interaction.
        # Returns list of [code, remark]
                # + value = success
                # - value = error
            #remark: informational remark such as failure reason.
        # Parameters (inputs)
            # psse_ver_req: PSSE version required for this
            #       script to function properly.
            #       valid values are integers: 31, 32, 33, 34.
            # control_psse: 
            #       True: issue command: redirect.redirect.psse2py().
            #       False: do not issue the psse2py() command.
        import sys
        import os
        errs = []
        # run compatibility check?
        check_result = [1, 'PSS//e and Python versions are compatible. '
                        ]  # check passed until proven to failed
        cont = True
        if psse_ver_req == 0:
            check_result = [2, 'Compatibility check declined. ']
            cont = False  # skip compatibility check
        # ----- Start: Check user PSSE and PY versions for compatibility) -----
        # initialize variables
        psse_py = [[31, 2.5], [32, 2.5], [33, 2.7],
                   [34, 2.7]]  # psse/py compatibility
        # validate psse_ver_req parameter: is it a number
        if cont:
                psse_ver_req = int(float(psse_ver_req))
                cont = False
                check_result = [
                    -1, 'psse_ver_req must be a version number from 31 to 34. '
                if bug_prt: print check_result
        # validate psse_ver_req parameter: is it in the psse_py compatability list
        if cont:
            cont = False  # don't cont compatibility check
            for i in range(len(psse_py)):
                if psse_py[i][0] == psse_ver_req:
                    cont = True
            if not cont:
                check_result = [
                    -1, 'psse_ver_req must be a version number from 31 to 34. '
                if bug_prt: print check_result
        py_ver = 0
        # get version number for python instance running now (sys.version command)
        if cont:
                py_ver = str(sys.version).split(' ')[0].split(
                    '.')  #extract version from beginning of string
                py_ver = float(
                    str(py_ver[0]) + '.' + str(py_ver[1])
                )  # keep only 1 level of subversioning, e.g., keep 2.5 from 2.5.3
                if bug_prt: print 'set py_ver:', py_ver
                print r'Warning: init_psspy() had trouble determining python version number.'

            cont = False
            for i in range(len(psse_py)):
                if py_ver == psse_py[i][1]: cont = True
            if not cont:
                check_result = [
                    -1, 'Python version ' + str(py_ver) + ' not compatible. '
                if bug_prt: print check_result
        if bug_prt: print 'py_ver', py_ver
        # Find PSS/e installations
        if cont:
            # pti_path folder exists?
            if bug_prt: print 'Checking pti_path:', pti_path
            if not os.path.isdir(pti_path):
                check_result = [
                    -3, r'Unable to find PSS/e installation folder "' +
                    pti_path + '" on this computer. '
                if bug_prt: print check_result
                print check_result
                cont = False
        # Find PSS/e folder(s)
        if cont:
                psse_paths = os.listdir(
                    pti_path)  # get all psse installation paths
                if bug_prt:
                    print 'Found', len(
                        psse_paths), r'PSS/e install paths: ', psse_paths
                check_result = [
                    r'Unable to find PSS/e installation folder on this computer. '
                if bug_prt: print check_result
                cont = False
        # Get installed PSS/e version numbers from path  # (e.g. path, 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32.2.2')
        if cont:
            psse_vers = []
            psse_path = ''
            for i in range(
                    len(psse_paths)):  # check each path for psse_ver_req
                if bug_prt: print 'path', psse_paths[i]
                x = str(psse_paths[i])[4:6]
                if bug_prt:
                    print 'path ver:', x, ';   psse_ver_req:', str(
                    x = int(x)
                    x = 0
                if 31 <= x <= 34 and str(psse_ver_req) == str(x):
                    psse_path = psse_paths[
                        i]  # used later to load psspy library
                    if bug_prt: print 'Found psse_path:', psse_path
                    if bug_prt:
                        print 'Did not find a psse_path in psse_paths:', psse_paths, 'where version = ', x
            if psse_path == '':
                check_result = [
                    r'Unable to find PSS/e installation folder on this computer. '
                if bug_prt: print check_result
                cont = False
        # is psse / py version pair in compatibility list.
        cont = False
        if bug_prt:
            print 'Checking psse and python version against compatibility list.'
        for i in range(len(psse_py)):
            if bug_prt:
                print '   ', psse_py[i][0], psse_ver_req, py_ver, psse_py[i][1]
            if psse_py[i][0] == psse_ver_req and py_ver == psse_py[i][1]:
                cont = True
                if bug_prt:
                    print '   Winner - psse and python versions are compatible!'
        if not cont:
            check_result=[-6,'Python version ' + str(py_ver) \
                          + r' not compatible with PSS/e version ' \
                          + str(psse_ver_req) + '. Compatibility list. '] # + str(psse_py)<-compaibility list
        # ----- Done: Check user PSSE and PY versions for compatibility) -----

        # -----      Start: Initialize python to interact with PSSE      -----
        if bug_prt: print ' Starting: Initialize python to interact with PSSE'
        if check_result[0] < 1:
            if bug_prt:
                print r'Python - PSS/e compatibility check: ', check_result
        else:  #compatibility check passed or was skipped
            check_result = [
                'Unexpected error initializing libraries (sys, psspy and redirect). '
                import sys
                check_result = [
                    'Imported sys library. Failed to import psspy and redirect. '
                s = pti_path + '\\' + psse_path + "\PSSBIN"
                if bug_prt: print r'attempting to add to sys.path:', s
                if bug_prt: print r'sys.path:', sys.path
                if bug_prt: print r'attempting to load psspy.'
                import psspy
                check_result = [4, 'Imported sys and psspy libraries. ']
                if control_psse:
                    if bug_prt: print r'attempting to load redirect.'
                    check_result = [
                        'Imported sys and psspy libraries. Failed to import redirect. '
                    import redirect
                    if bug_prt:
                        print r'attempting to execute: redirect.psse2py()'
                    check_result = [
                        5, r'Successfully configured Python to control PSS/e. '
                    if bug_prt: print check_result
                if bug_prt:
                    print 'init_psspy() completed successfully. ', check_result
                if bug_prt: print 'init_psspy() failed,  Code:', check_result
                if psse_ver_req == 0:
                    print r'init_psspy() failed.  For more info, run w/PSSE version like: init_psspy(32)'
                    if not bug_prt:
                        print 'Consider setting bug_prt=False for verbose debugging comments.'
                    print r'If that doesn\'t solve your problem, check your PSSE and Pyton installations.'
                    print r'Check out this onenote article for more information:'
                    help_page = r'onenote:///\\corp\shares\TransmissionServices\TSD,%20Shared%20Interest\OneNote%20Notebooks\Software%20Development\Python.one#PSS/E%20library%20for%20Toad&section-id={A3CDFF46-74C6-4A36-B5F7-805ECC3539D9}&page-id={185CE924-9A62-4B5D-9921-1D2E4A30F244}&end'
                    print help_page
                    import urllib
        return check_result
        # -----      Done: Initialize python to interact with PSSE      -----

    def _rollback_import(message):
        # Now disable exception logging to avoid an annoying error in the
        # exception logger before we raise the import error:

        # Roll back any psyops sub-modules that have been imported thus
        # far

        for key in list(sys.modules):
            if key.startswith('psyops.'):
                del sys.modules[key]
        raise ImportError('psyops')

    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and is_psyops_source_dir:
            "You appear to be trying to import psyops from within a source "
            "checkout. This is currently not possible using Python 3 due to "
            "the reliance of 2to3 to convert some of psyops's subpackages "
            "for Python 3 compatibility.")

        from .utils import _compiler
    except ImportError:
        if is_psyops_source_dir:
                'You appear to be trying to import psyops from within a '
                'source checkout; please run `./setup.py develop` or '
                '`./setup.py build_ext --inplace` first so that extension '
                'modules can be compiled and made importable.')
            # Outright broken installation; don't be nice.

    # add these here so we only need to cleanup the namespace at the end
    config_dir = None
    config_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)

        config.configuration.update_default_config(__package__, config_dir)
    except config.configuration.ConfigurationDefaultMissingError as e:
        wmsg = (e.args[0] + " Cannot install default profile. If you are "
                "importing from source, this is expected.")
Пример #2
# add PSS/E path to python
import pssepath


# import all psspy functions
from psspy import *

# redirect PSS/E alerts/messages to python command line
import redirect


# declare 'with mute:' block to silent PSS/E alerts
import os
from contextlib2 import redirect_stdout

mute = redirect_stdout(open(os.devnull, 'w'))

class PssError(BaseException):


# Bus
class Bus:
    def __init__(self, id):
        if id is int:
Пример #3
for app_dir in reversed([APP_DIR, ADMIN_DIR, UTILS_DIR, META_DIR,
                         LIB_DIR]):  #BOTTLE_TEMPLATE_DIR, STATIC_DIR,

if 'Windows' in platform.platform():
    import pssepath
    pssepath.ignore_python_mismatch = True

# ====   sqlite3 options
detect_types_arg = sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES

# ====   db options
SLURP_DB = os.path.join(APP_DIR, 'admin', 'slurp.db')
COMPARE_DB = os.path.join(APP_DIR, 'admin', 'compare.db')
JOB_TABLE = 'jobs'
MSG_TABLE = 'msg'

# ====   Psse options:
# this adds pssbin to system path. System path is global for all modules so
# there is no need to run this in any files that import app_settings, just run
# import psspy
if 'Windows' in platform.platform():
    # python exec required for the selected psse.
    PYTHON_EXEC = pssepath.req_python_exec
    # If not windows, define this as just the currently running python.
    PYTHON_EXEC = sys.executable
Пример #4
def _initialize_psyops():
    from . import config

    import os
    import sys
    from warnings import warn

    # If this __init__.py file is in ./psyops/ then import is within a source dir
    is_psyops_source_dir = (os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) ==
                             os.path.abspath('psyops') and os.path.exists('setup.py'))

    # try to import pssepath and pssypy
        import pssepath
        import psspy
        ret = _alt_init_psspy()
        print 'init_psspy result:', ret

    def _alt_init_psspy(psse_ver_req=0, control_psse=True \
                   , pti_path='C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PTI' \
                   , bug_prt=False):
        # _alt_init_psspy is an alternative psse/python initializer in case pssepath
        # is not available.  
        # alternatively, you can use just the commented out lines of code directly 
        # below, but it is less robust than pssepath.
        # for PSSE 32 and Python 2.5
            #import sys
            #sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32.2.2\PSSBIN') # dbl-check path
            #import psspy
            #import redirect
        # for PSSE 34 and Python 2.7
            #import sys
            #sys.path.append(r'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE34\PSSBIN') # dbl-check path
            #import psspy
            #import redirect
        # init_psspy()
            # 1. Confirms user has required PSS/e version installed.
            # 2. Confirms user is running version of Python
            #    required
            # 3. Initializes Python for PSSE interaction.
        # Returns list of [code, remark]
                # + value = success
                # - value = error
            #remark: informational remark such as failure reason.
        # Parameters (inputs)
            # psse_ver_req: PSSE version required for this
            #       script to function properly.
            #       valid values are integers: 31, 32, 33, 34.
            # control_psse: 
            #       True: issue command: redirect.redirect.psse2py().
            #       False: do not issue the psse2py() command.
        import sys
        import os
        # run compatibility check?
        check_result=[1,'PSS//e and Python versions are compatible. ']   # check passed until proven to failed
        if psse_ver_req==0:
            check_result=[2,'Compatibility check declined. ']
            cont=False     # skip compatibility check 
        # ----- Start: Check user PSSE and PY versions for compatibility) -----
        # initialize variables
        psse_py = [[31,2.5],[32,2.5],[33,2.7],[34,2.7]] # psse/py compatibility
        # validate psse_ver_req parameter: is it a number
        if cont:        
                check_result=[-1,'psse_ver_req must be a version number from 31 to 34. ']
                if bug_prt: print check_result
        # validate psse_ver_req parameter: is it in the psse_py compatability list
        if cont:
            cont=False     # don't cont compatibility check 
            for i in range(len(psse_py)):
                if psse_py[i][0]==psse_ver_req:
            if not cont:
                check_result=[-1,'psse_ver_req must be a version number from 31 to 34. ']
                if bug_prt: print check_result
        # get version number for python instance running now (sys.version command)
        if cont:
                py_ver = str(sys.version).split(' ')[0].split('.') #extract version from beginning of string
                py_ver = float(str(py_ver[0])+'.'+str(py_ver[1])) # keep only 1 level of subversioning, e.g., keep 2.5 from 2.5.3
                if bug_prt: print 'set py_ver:', py_ver
                print r'Warning: init_psspy() had trouble determining python version number.'

            cont = False
            for i in range(len(psse_py)):
                if py_ver==psse_py[i][1]: cont=True
            if not cont:
                check_result=[-1,'Python version ' + str(py_ver) +' not compatible. ']
                if bug_prt: print check_result
        if bug_prt: print 'py_ver', py_ver        
        # Find PSS/e installations 
        if cont:
            # pti_path folder exists?
            if bug_prt: print 'Checking pti_path:', pti_path
            if not os.path.isdir(pti_path):
                check_result=[-3,r'Unable to find PSS/e installation folder "' + pti_path + '" on this computer. ']
                if bug_prt: print check_result
                print check_result
                cont = False
        # Find PSS/e folder(s)
        if cont:
                psse_paths = os.listdir(pti_path) # get all psse installation paths
                if bug_prt: print 'Found', len(psse_paths), r'PSS/e install paths: ', psse_paths
                check_result=[-4,r'Unable to find PSS/e installation folder on this computer. ']
                if bug_prt: print check_result
                cont = False
        # Get installed PSS/e version numbers from path  # (e.g. path, 'C:\Program Files (x86)\PTI\PSSE32.2.2')
        if cont:
            for i in range(len(psse_paths)):  # check each path for psse_ver_req
                if bug_prt: print 'path',psse_paths[i]
                if bug_prt: print 'path ver:', x,';   psse_ver_req:',str(psse_ver_req)
                try: x=int(x)
                except: x=0
                if 31<=x<=34 and str(psse_ver_req)==str(x):
                    psse_path=psse_paths[i] # used later to load psspy library
                    if bug_prt: print 'Found psse_path:',psse_path
                    if bug_prt: print 'Did not find a psse_path in psse_paths:',psse_paths, 'where version = ',x
            if psse_path=='':
                check_result=[-5,r'Unable to find PSS/e installation folder on this computer. ']
                if bug_prt: print check_result
                cont = False
        # is psse / py version pair in compatibility list.
        cont = False
        if bug_prt: print 'Checking psse and python version against compatibility list.'
        for i in range(len(psse_py)):
            if bug_prt: print '   ', psse_py[i][0], psse_ver_req,  py_ver, psse_py[i][1]
            if psse_py[i][0]==psse_ver_req and py_ver==psse_py[i][1]:
                cont = True
                if bug_prt: print '   Winner - psse and python versions are compatible!'
        if not cont:
            check_result=[-6,'Python version ' + str(py_ver) \
                          + r' not compatible with PSS/e version ' \
                          + str(psse_ver_req) + '. Compatibility list. '] # + str(psse_py)<-compaibility list
        # ----- Done: Check user PSSE and PY versions for compatibility) -----

        # -----      Start: Initialize python to interact with PSSE      -----
        if bug_prt: print ' Starting: Initialize python to interact with PSSE'
        if check_result[0]<1:
            if bug_prt: print r'Python - PSS/e compatibility check: ', check_result
        else:  #compatibility check passed or was skipped
            check_result=[-7,'Unexpected error initializing libraries (sys, psspy and redirect). ']
                import sys
                check_result=[-8,'Imported sys library. Failed to import psspy and redirect. ']
                s= pti_path+'\\'+psse_path+"\PSSBIN"
                if bug_prt: print r'attempting to add to sys.path:', s
                if bug_prt: print r'sys.path:',sys.path
                if bug_prt: print r'attempting to load psspy.'
                import psspy
                check_result=[4,'Imported sys and psspy libraries. ']
                if control_psse:
                    if bug_prt: print r'attempting to load redirect.'
                    check_result=[-9,'Imported sys and psspy libraries. Failed to import redirect. ']
                    import redirect
                    if bug_prt: print r'attempting to execute: redirect.psse2py()'
                    check_result=[5,r'Successfully configured Python to control PSS/e. ']
                    if bug_prt: print check_result
                if bug_prt: print 'init_psspy() completed successfully. ', check_result
                if bug_prt: print 'init_psspy() failed,  Code:', check_result
                if psse_ver_req==0:
                    print r'init_psspy() failed.  For more info, run w/PSSE version like: init_psspy(32)'
                    if not bug_prt: print 'Consider setting bug_prt=False for verbose debugging comments.'
                    print r'If that doesn\'t solve your problem, check your PSSE and Pyton installations.'
                    print r'Check out this onenote article for more information:'
                    help_page = r'onenote:///\\corp\shares\TransmissionServices\TSD,%20Shared%20Interest\OneNote%20Notebooks\Software%20Development\Python.one#PSS/E%20library%20for%20Toad&section-id={A3CDFF46-74C6-4A36-B5F7-805ECC3539D9}&page-id={185CE924-9A62-4B5D-9921-1D2E4A30F244}&end'
                    print help_page
                    import urllib
        return check_result
        # -----      Done: Initialize python to interact with PSSE      -----
    def _rollback_import(message):
        # Now disable exception logging to avoid an annoying error in the
        # exception logger before we raise the import error:

        # Roll back any psyops sub-modules that have been imported thus
        # far

        for key in list(sys.modules):
            if key.startswith('psyops.'):
                del sys.modules[key]
        raise ImportError('psyops')

    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and is_psyops_source_dir:
            "You appear to be trying to import psyops from within a source "
            "checkout. This is currently not possible using Python 3 due to "
            "the reliance of 2to3 to convert some of psyops's subpackages "
            "for Python 3 compatibility.")

        from .utils import _compiler
    except ImportError:
        if is_psyops_source_dir:
                'You appear to be trying to import psyops from within a '
                'source checkout; please run `./setup.py develop` or '
                '`./setup.py build_ext --inplace` first so that extension '
                'modules can be compiled and made importable.')
            # Outright broken installation; don't be nice.
Пример #5
# File:"C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\psyops\psse_compare.py", generated on TUE, APR 26 2016  14:20, release 32.02.02

#                        Initialize
import pssepath
import psspy
import os

compare_opt = \
{'bus identifiers':1 ,'bus type codes':2, \
 'machine status':3, 'generator MW':4, \
 'generator MW or MVAR':5, 'bus loads':6, \
 'bus shunts':7, 'switched shunts':8, \
 'voltage':9, 'voltage and angle':10, \
 'Mbase and Zsorce':11, 'Mbase and Zpos':12, \
 'Mbase and Zneg':13, 'Mbase and Zzero':14,  \
 'negative sequence bus shunts':15, 'zero sequence bus shunts':16,  \
 'branch status':17, "line R:'X:'B":18,  \
 'line shunts':19, 'line ratings':20,  \
 'metered end':21, 'transformers':22,  \
 'flow MW or MVAR (from bus)':23, 'flow MW or MVAR (from & to)':24,  \
 'line MW or MVAR losses':25, "zero sequence R:'X:'B":26,  \
 'zero sequence line shunts':27, 'connection codes':28,  \
 'zero sequence mutuals':29, 'multi-section lines':30,  \
 'multi-section metered end':31, 'load status':32,  \
 'line lengths':33, 'generator MVAR':34,  \
 'flow MW (from bus)':35, 'flow MVAR (from bus)':36,  \
 'flow MW (from and to)':37, 'flow MVAR (from and to)':38,  \
 'line MW losses':39, 'line MVAR losses':40,  \