def get_info(component_path, format): component_details = open(os.path.join(component_path, ZATO_INFO_FILE)).read() out = { 'component_details': component_details, 'component_full_path': component_path, 'component_host': current_host(), 'component_running': False, 'current_time':, 'current_time_utc': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'master_proc_connections': None, 'master_proc_pid': None, 'master_proc_name': None, 'master_proc_create_time': None, 'master_proc_create_time_utc': None, 'master_proc_username': None, 'master_proc_workers_no': None, 'master_proc_workers_pids': None, } master_proc_pid = None try: master_proc_pid = int( open(os.path.join(component_path, MISC.PIDFILE)).read()) except (IOError, ValueError): # Ok, no such file or it's empty pass if master_proc_pid: out['component_running'] = True master_proc = Process(master_proc_pid) workers_pids = sorted( for elem in master_proc.children()) out['master_proc_connections'] = format_connections( master_proc.connections(), format) out['master_proc_pid'] = out['master_proc_create_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp( master_proc.create_time()).isoformat() out['master_proc_create_time_utc'] = datetime.fromtimestamp( master_proc.create_time(), UTC).isoformat() out['master_proc_username'] = master_proc.username() out['master_proc_name'] = out['master_proc_workers_no'] = len(workers_pids) out['master_proc_workers_pids'] = workers_pids for pid in workers_pids: worker = Process(pid) out['worker_{}_create_time'.format(pid)] = datetime.fromtimestamp( worker.create_time()).isoformat() out['worker_{}_create_time_utc'.format( pid)] = datetime.fromtimestamp(worker.create_time(), UTC).isoformat() out['worker_{}_connections'.format(pid)] = format_connections( worker.connections(), format) return out
def get_info(component_path, format): component_details = open(os.path.join(component_path, ZATO_INFO_FILE)).read() out = { 'component_details': component_details, 'component_full_path': component_path, 'component_host': current_host(), 'component_running': False, 'current_time':, 'current_time_utc': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'master_proc_connections': None, 'master_proc_pid': None, 'master_proc_name': None, 'master_proc_create_time': None, 'master_proc_create_time_utc': None, 'master_proc_username': None, 'master_proc_workers_no': None, 'master_proc_workers_pids': None, } master_proc_pid = None try: master_proc_pid = int(open(os.path.join(component_path, MISC.PIDFILE)).read()) except(IOError, ValueError): # Ok, no such file or it's empty pass if master_proc_pid: out['component_running'] = True master_proc = Process(master_proc_pid) workers_pids = sorted( for elem in master_proc.children()) out['master_proc_connections'] = format_connections(master_proc.connections(), format) out['master_proc_pid'] = out['master_proc_create_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(master_proc.create_time()).isoformat() out['master_proc_create_time_utc'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(master_proc.create_time(), UTC).isoformat() out['master_proc_username'] = master_proc.username() out['master_proc_name'] = out['master_proc_workers_no'] = len(workers_pids) out['master_proc_workers_pids'] = workers_pids for pid in workers_pids: worker = Process(pid) out['worker_{}_create_time'.format(pid)] = datetime.fromtimestamp(worker.create_time()).isoformat() out['worker_{}_create_time_utc'.format(pid)] = datetime.fromtimestamp(worker.create_time(), UTC).isoformat() out['worker_{}_connections'.format(pid)] = format_connections(worker.connections(), format) return out
def _check_connections(proc: psutil.Process, laddr: Tuple) -> bool: try: return laddr in [i.laddr for i in proc.connections()] except psutil.AccessDenied: return False except psutil.ZombieProcess: return False except psutil.NoSuchProcess: return False
def collect_status(pid, appname, site): ip_out = get_host_info()[0] ip_inner = get_host_info()[1] server_id = get_host_info()[2] physical_mem = psutil.virtual_memory().total / 1024 / 1024 #Unit of M cpu_count = psutil.cpu_count() its = int(time.time()) p_ins = Process(pid) pstatus = p_ins.status() create_time = time.strftime("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(p_ins.create_time())) memory_percent = p_ins.memory_percent() memory_used = memory_percent * physical_mem cpu_calc_list = [] for i in range(6): cpu_calc = p_ins.cpu_percent(interval=0.1) cpu_calc_list.append(cpu_calc) cpu_percent = float(sum(cpu_calc_list) / len(cpu_calc_list)) num_fds = p_ins.num_fds() connections = p_ins.connections() connections_num = len(connections) #appname=p_ins.cwd() if == 'jsvc': app_path = p_ins.exe().split('/')[:-2] else: app_path = p_ins.cwd() #appname = app_path.split('/')[-1] appname = appname if p_ins.children(recursive=True): children_list = str(p_ins.children(recursive=True)) else: children_list = None message = { 'site': site, 'ip': ip_out, 'ip_inner': ip_inner, 'server_id': server_id, 'pstatus': pstatus, 'metric_name': 'app_monitor', 'its': its, 'pid': pid, 'physical_mem': physical_mem, 'memory_used': memory_used, 'memory_percent': memory_percent, 'cpu_count': cpu_count, 'cpu_percent': cpu_percent, 'num_fds': num_fds, 'connections_num': connections_num, 'create_time': create_time, 'appname': appname, 'app_path': app_path, 'children': children_list } return message
def common_option(pid): ''' common options to be used in both restore and dump ''' options = list() proc = Process(pid) if proc.terminal(): options.append("--shell-job") if proc.connections(kind="inet"): options.append("--tcp-established") return options
def _restart_program(args): """Restarts the current program, with file objects and descriptors cleanup""" try: p = Process(getpid()) for handler in p.open_files() + p.connections(): close(handler.fd) except Exception as e: print("error found > ", e) python3 = executable print(args) execv(python3, ["python3"] + [__file__] + args)
def restart(self, *args, **kwargs): shutdown_msg = 'restart failed, shutting down...' try: p = Process(getpid()) for handler in p.get_open_files() + p.connections(): close(handler.fd) except Exception as e: self.logger.error(shutdown_msg, 'BlueShift') self.graceful_exit(*args, **kwargs) python = sys_executable execl(python, python, *sys_argv) sys_exit(1)
def restart_self(): #'Shutting down') try: p = Process(getpid()) for handler in p.open_files() + p.connections(): close(handler.fd) except Exception as e: log.warning(e) python = executable args = argv # weird hack that i don't understand args = ['-m', 'ch2'] + args[1:]'Restarting {python} {args}') execl(python, python, *args)
def status(self): """Check by socket if the openoffice work.""" pid = if pid is None or not pid_exists(pid): return False process = Process(pid) try: for connection in process.connections(): if connection.status == 'LISTEN' and \ connection.local_address[1] == self.port: return True except AccessDenied: return False return False
def status(self): """Check by socket if the openoffice work.""" pid = if pid is None or not pid_exists(pid): return False process = Process(pid) try: for connection in process.connections(): if connection.status == 'LISTEN' and \ connection.laddr[1] == self.port: return True except AccessDenied: return False return False
def add_new_information_from_process_object(self, process: psutil.Process, data_retrieval_timestamp: datetime.datetime) -> None: """ Adds the new information about the process to the application profile. This should be mainly used for applications with only one process. :raises TypeError if process is not of type psutil.Process or data_retrieval_timestamp is not of type datetime.datetime. :raises ValueError if data_retrieval_timestamp is newer than current time. :param process: Information about the specific process. :type process: psutil.Process :param data_retrieval_timestamp: The time the data was retrieved. :type data_retrieval_timestamp: datetime.datetime """ if not (isinstance(process, psutil.Process)): raise TypeError(expected_type_but_received_message.format("process", "psutil.Process", process)) if not (isinstance(data_retrieval_timestamp, datetime.datetime)): raise TypeError(expected_type_but_received_message.format("data_retrieval_timestamp", "datetime.datetime", data_retrieval_timestamp)) if data_retrieval_timestamp.replace(tzinfo=None) > raise ValueError("Argument data_retrieval_timestamp cannot be newer than current time. Value receive: {}" .format(data_retrieval_timestamp)) # Get info from the process object. One of the following calls may raise an Error (OS, AccessDenied, etc). open_files = process.open_files() memory_info = process.memory_info() child_process_count = len(process.children()) username = process.username() threads_number = process.num_threads() process.cpu_percent() try: connections_num = len(process.connections()) except psutil.AccessDenied: connections_num = 0 time.sleep(0.1) # wait for cpu_percent to return a meaningful value. cpu_percentage = process.cpu_percent() self.add_open_files(open_files=open_files, data_retrieval_timestamp=data_retrieval_timestamp) self.__memory_usages.append(memory_info.rss) self.__data_retrieval_timestamp.append(data_retrieval_timestamp) self.__child_processes_count.append(child_process_count) self.__users.extend(username) self.__cpu_percent_usages.append(cpu_percentage) self.__threads_numbers.append(threads_number) self.__connections_numbers.append(connections_num)
async def reboot(self, ctx): """Restart the bot on the system level.""" em = Embed(title="Rebooting the bot!", description="Please wait while the bot reboots...", color=message_color) em.set_footer(text=generate_footer(ctx)) await ctx.send(embed=em) # Get bot process p = Process(getpid()) for handler in p.open_files() + p.connections(): # Close all active connections and processes close(handler.fd) # Get python exec python = executable # Start python process execl(python, python, *argv)
def main(): '''Main Function.''' try: if len(argv) < 2: show_process_pid_name() print("\nYou need to provided a process PID.") finish(1) pid = int(argv[1]) if not pid_exists(pid): print("\nPID not found.") finish(1) p = Process(pid) print("Proccess: {} ({})".format(, print("----------------------------------------------") print("Files opens:") files = p.open_files() for f in files: print(f.path) print("----------------------------------------------") print("Network Connections:") connections = p.connections() printed_connections = [] for c in connections: if hasattr(c, "laddr"): laddr = c.laddr if hasattr(laddr, "ip") and hasattr(laddr, "port"): if laddr not in printed_connections: printed_connections.append(laddr) print("Local - {}:{}".format(laddr.ip, laddr.port)) if hasattr(c, "raddr"): raddr = c.raddr if hasattr(raddr, "ip") and hasattr(raddr, "port"): if raddr not in printed_connections: printed_connections.append(raddr) print("Remote - {}:{}".format(raddr.ip, raddr.port)) print("") printed_connections.clear() except Exception: print("\n[ERROR] {}".format(format_exc())) finish(1) finish(0)
def _on_server(self, args): os.chdir(self.original_dir) abs_args_path = os.path.abspath(args.path) component_details = open(os.path.join(abs_args_path, ZATO_INFO_FILE)).read() out = { 'component_details': component_details, 'component_full_path': abs_args_path, 'component_host': current_host(), 'component_running': False, 'current_time':, 'current_time_utc': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'master_proc_connections': None, 'master_proc_pid': None, 'master_proc_name': None, 'master_proc_create_time': None, 'master_proc_create_time_utc': None, 'master_proc_username': None, 'master_proc_workers_no': None, 'master_proc_workers_pids': None, } master_proc_pid = None try: master_proc_pid = int(open(os.path.join(abs_args_path, MISC.PIDFILE)).read()) except(IOError, ValueError): # Ok, no such file or it's empty pass if master_proc_pid: out['component_running'] = True master_proc = Process(master_proc_pid) workers_pids = sorted( for elem in master_proc.children()) out['master_proc_connections'] = master_proc.connections() out['master_proc_pid'] = out['master_proc_create_time'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(master_proc.create_time()).isoformat() out['master_proc_create_time_utc'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(master_proc.create_time(), UTC).isoformat() out['master_proc_username'] = master_proc.username() out['master_proc_name'] = out['master_proc_workers_no'] = len(workers_pids) out['master_proc_workers_pids'] = workers_pids for pid in workers_pids: worker = Process(pid) out['worker_{}_create_time'.format(pid)] = datetime.fromtimestamp(worker.create_time()).isoformat() out['worker_{}_create_time_utc'.format(pid)] = datetime.fromtimestamp(worker.create_time(), UTC).isoformat() out['worker_{}_connections'.format(pid)] = worker.connections() if getattr(args, 'json', False): out['component_details'] = loads(out['component_details']) else: cols_width = args.cols_width if args.cols_width else DEFAULT_COLS_WIDTH cols_width = (elem.strip() for elem in cols_width.split(',')) cols_width = [int(elem) for elem in cols_width] table = Texttable() table.set_cols_width(cols_width) # Use text ('t') instead of auto so that boolean values don't get converted into ints table.set_cols_dtype(['t', 't']) rows = [['Key', 'Value']] rows.extend(sorted(out.items())) table.add_rows(rows)
def gerar_processo(PID): process = Process(PID) conn = process.connections() return json.dumps(conn)
assert not find_objects(zeronimo.Collector) @pytest.mark.trylast def test_no_call_leak(): assert not find_objects(zeronimo.messaging.Call) @pytest.mark.trylast def test_no_reply_leak(): assert not find_objects(zeronimo.messaging.Reply) proc = Process(os.getpid()) collect_conns = lambda: set( conn for conn in proc.connections() if conn.status not in ('CLOSE_WAIT', 'NONE') ) # Mark initial connections. They are not leacked connections. initial_conns = collect_conns() @pytest.mark.trylast def test_no_socket_leak(): for x in range(3): conns = collect_conns() - initial_conns if not conns: break gevent.sleep(0.1) else:'{0} connections leacked:\n{1}'.format(
def gerar_processo(PID): # Função que retorna informações de um processo pelo PID (em JSON) process = Process(PID) conn = process.connections() return json.dumps(conn)
class _ProcessMonitor: WARNING_THRESHOLD = 100 * 1024 * 1024 busy = False def __init__(self): self.process = Process() self.peak_mem_res = 0 self.low_mem_warning = False def monitor_task(self): if sys.stdout.isatty(): while self.busy: try: # only print the data out every 10 seconds if / 10 == 0: info = self._get_info() output.debug(info) else: # call get_mem so that we record peak more accurately self._get_mem() time.sleep(1) except Exception: output.debug_exception() self.busy = False pass else: # if this isn't a TTY, no point in doing any of this self.busy = False def _get_info(self) -> str: from yawast.external.memory_size import Size # prime the call to cpu_percent, as the first call doesn't return useful data self.process.cpu_percent(interval=1) # use oneshot() to cache the data, so we minimize hits with self.process.oneshot(): pct = self.process.cpu_percent() times = self.process.cpu_times() mem = self._get_mem() mem_res = "{0:cM}".format(Size(mem.rss)) mem_virt = "{0:cM}".format(Size(mem.vms)) thr = self.process.num_threads() vm = psutil.virtual_memory() mem_total = "{0:cM}".format(Size( mem_avail_bytes = vm.available mem_avail = "{0:cM}".format(Size(vm.available)) if mem_avail_bytes < self.WARNING_THRESHOLD and not self.low_mem_warning: self.low_mem_warning = True output.error(f"Low RAM Available: {mem_avail}") cons = -1 try: cons = len(self.process.connections(kind="inet")) except Exception: # we don't care if this fails output.debug_exception() cpu_freq = psutil.cpu_freq() info = (f"Process Stats: CPU: {pct}% - Sys: {times.system} - " f"User: {times.user} - Res: {mem_res} - Virt: {mem_virt} - " f"Available: {mem_avail}/{mem_total} - Threads: {thr} - " f"Connections: {cons} - CPU Freq: " f"{int(cpu_freq.current)}MHz/{int(cpu_freq.max)}MHz") return info def _get_mem(self): mem = self.process.memory_info() if mem.rss > self.peak_mem_res: self.peak_mem_res = mem.rss output.debug(f"New high-memory threshold: {self.peak_mem_res}") return mem def __enter__(self): self.busy = True threading.Thread(target=self.monitor_task).start() return self def __exit__(self, exception, value, tb): self.busy = False if exception is not None: return False