def makeEdgeGauss(width, center, size=512): """Create a matrix of given size that switches from 0 to 1 using a gaussian profile 31/5/11: Added to option to create an edge with no blur for staircase procedures, etc. RJS :params: width: (float) the sd of the gauss used to smooth as a fraction of the matrix size center: (float) the location of the center of the ramp as a fraction of the total matrix size: (int=256) width and height of the matrix """ if width==0: edge = np.ones(size*3, float) centerLocation = int(size+center*size) edge[:centerLocation]=0 shpEdge = (edge[size:size*2]-edge.min())/(edge.max()-edge.min()) shpEdge.shape = (1,size) return np.tile(shpEdge, (size,1))*2-1 else: edge = np.ones(size*3, float)#3x to achieve edge-padding centerLocation = int(size+center*size) edge[:centerLocation]=0 gauss = filters.makeGauss(x=np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,size), mean=0, sd=width)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*width**2) smthEdge = np.convolve(edge, gauss,'same') smthEdge = (smthEdge[size:size*2]-smthEdge.min())/(smthEdge.max()-smthEdge.min())#just take the middle section smthEdge.shape=(1,size) return np.tile(smthEdge,(size,1))*2-1
def makeRevEdgeGauss(width, center, size=512): edge = np.ones(size*3, float)#3x to achieve edge-padding centerLocation = int(size+center*size) edge[centerLocation:]=0 gauss = filters.makeGauss(x=np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,size), mean=0, sd=width)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*width**2) smthEdge = np.convolve(edge, gauss,'same') smthEdge = (smthEdge[size:size*2]-smthEdge.min())/(smthEdge.max()-smthEdge.min())#just take the middle section smthEdge.shape=(1,size) return np.tile(smthEdge,(size,1))*2-1
def makeEdgeGauss(width, center, size=512): """Create a matrix of given size that switches from 0 to 1 using a gaussian profile :params: width: (float) the sd of the gauss used to smooth as a fraction of the matrix size center: (float) the location of the center of the ramp as a fraction of the total matrix size: (int=256) width and height of the matrix """ edge = np.ones(size * 3, float) # 3x to achieve edge-padding centerLocation = int(size + center * size) edge[:centerLocation] = 0 gauss = filters.makeGauss(x=np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, size), mean=0, sd=width) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * width ** 2) smthEdge = np.convolve(edge, gauss, "same") smthEdge = (smthEdge[size : size * 2] - smthEdge.min()) / ( smthEdge.max() - smthEdge.min() ) # just take the middle section smthEdge.shape = (1, size) return np.tile(smthEdge, (size, 1)) * 2 - 1
#def GaussSmooth(matrix, width, center, size): # """put an image/matrix through a Gaussian smoothing filter # # params: # matrix: array to be smoothed # width: (float) the sd of the gauss used to smooth as a fraction of the matrix size # center: (float) the location of the center of the ramp as a fraction of the total matrix # size: (int=256) width and height of the matrix # """ # centerLocation = int(size+center*size) # matrix from psychopy import visual, filters, event import Image, scipy import numpy as np from scipy.signal import convolve2d width = 0.5 picture = np.array('Leaf512.jpg').transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM))/127.5-1 gauss = filters.makeGauss(picture, mean=0, sd=width)/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*width**2) smth = scipy.signal.convolve2d(picture, gauss, 'same') myWin = visual.Window(size=(1024, 768), monitor = 'testMonitor', units = 'degs', fullscr=False, allowGUI=True) img = visual.PatchStim(myWin, tex=smth, units='deg', sf=(1/10.0), size=10.0) img.draw() myWin.flip() event.waitKeys()