Пример #1
    def gen_code(self, parent):
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Generates the code required for NAN/infinite verification of the
        parameters of one or more Nodes. It uses the PSyData API (via
        the base class PSyDataNode) to create the required callbacks
        that will allow a library to do checks on parameters.

        :param parent: the parent of this Node in the PSyIR.
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`.


        # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        # This cannot be moved to the top, it would cause a circular import
        from psyclone.psyir.tools.dependency_tools import DependencyTools
        # Determine the variables to check:
        dep = DependencyTools()
        input_list, output_list = dep.get_in_out_parameters(self)

        options = {'pre_var_list': input_list, 'post_var_list': output_list}

        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, " NanTestStart"))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
        super(NanTestNode, self).gen_code(parent, options)
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, " NanTestEnd"))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
Пример #2
def test_inout_parameters_nemo(parser):
    '''Test detection of input and output parameters in NEMO.
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                         integer :: ji, jj, jpi, jpj
                         real :: a(5,5), c(5,5), b
                         do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                            do ji = 1, jpi
                               a(ji, jj) = b+c(ji, jj)
                             end do
                         end do
                         end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule

    dep_tools = DependencyTools()
    input_list = dep_tools.get_input_parameters(loops)
    # Use set to be order independent
    input_set = set(input_list)
    assert input_set == set(["b", "c", "jpi", "jpj"])

    output_list = dep_tools.get_output_parameters(loops)
    # Use set to be order independent
    output_set = set(output_list)
    assert output_set == set(["jj", "ji", "a"])

    in_list1, out_list1 = dep_tools.get_in_out_parameters(loops)

    assert in_list1 == input_list
    assert out_list1 == output_list
Пример #3
def test_arrays_parallelise(parser):
    '''Tests the array checks of can_loop_be_parallelised.
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 integer ji, jj, jk
                                 integer, parameter :: jpi=5, jpj=10
                                 real, dimension(jpi,jpi) :: mask, umask
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       mask(jk, jk) = -1.0d0
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 1
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       mask(ji, jj) = umask(jk, jk)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 2
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       mask(jj, jj) = umask(ji, jj)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 3
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       mask(ji, jj) = mask(ji, jj+1)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    # Write to array that does not depend on parallel loop variable
    # Test that right default variable name (outer loop jj) is used.
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0])
    assert not parallel
    assert "Variable 'mask' is written to, and does not depend on the loop "\
           "variable 'jj'" in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    # Write to array that does not depend on parallel loop variable
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj")
    assert parallel
    assert not dep_tools.get_all_messages()

    # Use parallel loop variable in more than one dimension
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[2], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Variable 'mask' is using loop variable jj in index 0 and 1" in \

    # Use a stencil access (with write), which prevents parallelisation
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[3], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Variable mask is written and is accessed using indices jj + 1 "\
           "and jj and can therefore not be parallelised" \
           in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]
Пример #4
def test_loop_parallelise_errors():
    '''Tests errors that should be raised from the can_loop_be_parallelised

    dep_tools = DependencyTools()
    with pytest.raises(TypeError) as err:
        # The loop object must be a Loop, not e.g. an int:
        loop = 1
        dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loop, "i")
    assert "node must be an instance of class Loop but got" in str(err)
Пример #5
def test_const_argument():
    '''Check that using a const scalar as parameter works, i.e. is not
    listed as input variable.'''
    _, invoke = get_invoke("test00.1_invoke_kernel_using_const_scalar.f90",
    dep_tools = DependencyTools()
    input_list = dep_tools.get_input_parameters(invoke.schedule)
    # Make sure the constant '0' is not listed
    assert input_list == [
        'p_fld', 'p_fld%grid%subdomain%internal%xstop', 'p_fld%grid%tmask'
Пример #6
def test_derived_type(parser):
    ''' Tests assignment to derived type variables. '''
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 use my_mod, only: my_type
                                 type(my_type) :: a, b
                                 integer :: ji, jj, jpi, jpj
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       a%b(ji, jj) = a%b(ji, jj-1)+1
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       a%b(ji, jj) = a%b(ji, jj-1)+1
                                       b%b(ji, jj) = b%b(ji, jj-1)+1
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0], "jj")
    assert not parallel

    # Test that testing is stopped with the first unparallelisable statement
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    # Test that only one message is stored, i.e. no message for the
    # next assignment to a derived type.
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 1

    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1],
    assert not parallel
    # Now we must have two messages, one for each of the two assignments
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 2

    # Test that variables are ignored as expected.
    parallel = dep_tools.\
        can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj",
                                 signatures_to_ignore=[Signature(("a", "b"))])
    assert not parallel
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 1

    # If both derived types are ignored, the loop should be marked
    # to be parallelisable
    parallel = dep_tools.\
        can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj",
                                 signatures_to_ignore=[Signature(("a", "b")),
                                                       Signature(("b", "b"))])
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 0
    assert parallel
Пример #7
def test_loop_type(parser):
    '''Tests general functionality of can_loop_be_parallelised.
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 do ji = 1, jpi
                                   xmask(ji,1,1) = -1.0d0
                                 end do
                                 end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loop = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule[0]
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    # Check a loop that has the wrong loop type
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loop, "ji", False)
    assert not parallel
    assert "wrong loop type 'lon'" in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]
Пример #8
def test_scalar_parallelise(parser):
    '''Tests the scalar checks of can_loop_be_parallelised.
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 integer :: ji, jj, b
                                 integer, parameter :: jpi=7, jpj=9
                                 integer, dimension(jpi,jpj) :: a, c
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       a(ji, jj) = b
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 1
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       b = a(ji, jj)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 2
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       b = a(ji, jj)
                                       c(ji, jj) = b*b
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 3
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       b = b + a(ji, jj)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    # Read only scalar variable: a(ji, jj) = b
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0], "jj")
    assert parallel

    # Write only scalar variable: a(ji, jj) = b
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Scalar variable 'b' is only written once" \
        in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    # Write to scalar variable happens first
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[2], "jj")
    assert parallel

    # Reduction operation on scalar variable
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[3], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Variable 'b' is read first, which indicates a reduction."\
        in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]
Пример #9
def test_nested_loop_detection(parser):
    '''Tests if nested loop are handled correctly.
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 do jk = 1, jpk   ! loop 0
                                   umask(1,1,jk) = -1.0d0
                                 end do
                                 do ji = 1, jpi   ! loop 1
                                   xmask(ji,1,1) = -1.0d0
                                 end do
                                 end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    # Not a nested loop
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0], "jk")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Not a nested loop" in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    # Now disable the test for nested loops:
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0], "jk", False)
    assert parallel
    # Make sure can_loop_be_parallelised clears old messages automatically
    assert not dep_tools.get_all_messages()
Пример #10
    def gen_code(self, parent):
        # pylint: disable=arguments-differ
        Generates the code required for extraction of one or more Nodes.
        It uses the PSyData API (via the base class PSyDataNode) to create
        the required callbacks that will allow a library to write the
        kernel data to a file.

        :param parent: the parent of this Node in the PSyIR.
        :type parent: :py:class:`psyclone.psyir.nodes.Node`.

        # Determine the variables to write:
        from psyclone.psyir.tools.dependency_tools import DependencyTools
        dep = DependencyTools()
        self._input_list, self._output_list = dep.get_in_out_parameters(self)

        # Add a callback here so that derived classes can adjust the list
        # of variables to provide, or the suffix used (which might
        # depend on the variable name which could create clashes).

        options = {
            'pre_var_list': self._input_list,
            'post_var_list': self._output_list,
            'post_var_postfix': self._post_name

        from psyclone.f2pygen import CommentGen
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, " ExtractStart"))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
        super(ExtractNode, self).gen_code(parent, options)
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, " ExtractEnd"))
        parent.add(CommentGen(parent, ""))
Пример #11
def test_messages():
    '''Tests the messaging system of the dependency tools.'''

    dep_tools = DependencyTools()
    assert dep_tools.get_all_messages() == []
    assert dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0] == "Info: info-test"
    assert dep_tools.get_all_messages()[1] == "Warning: warning-test"
    assert dep_tools.get_all_messages()[2] == "Error: error-test"

    assert dep_tools.get_all_messages() == []
Пример #12
def test_derived_type(parser):
    '''Tests assignment to derived type variables. For now (see #363)
    they are only partially supported, and as default assume that these
    kind of statements are not parallelisable.
    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       a%b(ji, jj) = 0
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       a%b(ji, jj) = 0
                                       b%b(ji, jj) = 0
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 end program test''')
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Assignment to derived type 'a % b(ji, jj)' is not supported yet" \
           in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    # Test that testing is stopped with the first unparallelisable statement
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    # Test that only one message is stored, i.e. no message for the
    # next assignment to a derived type.
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 1
    assert "Assignment to derived type 'a % b(ji, jj)' is not supported yet" \
           in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1],
    assert not parallel
    # Now we must have two messages, one for each of the two assignments
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 2
    assert "Assignment to derived type 'a % b(ji, jj)' is not supported yet" \
           in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]
    assert "Assignment to derived type 'b % b(ji, jj)' is not supported yet" \
           in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[1]

    # Test that variables are ignored as expected.
    parallel = dep_tools.\
        can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj", variables_to_ignore=["a % b"])
    assert not parallel
    assert len(dep_tools.get_all_messages()) == 1
    assert "Assignment to derived type 'b % b(ji, jj)' is not supported yet" \
           in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    # If both derived types are ignored, the loop should be marked
    # to be parallelisable
    parallel = dep_tools.\
        can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj",
                                 variables_to_ignore=["a % b", "b % b"])
    assert parallel
Пример #13
def test_scalar_parallelise(declaration, variable, parser):
    '''Tests that scalar variables are correctly handled. It tests for
    'normal' scalar variables ('b') as well as scalar variables in derived
    types ('b%b').

    :param str declaration: the declaration of the variable (e.g. \
        'integer :: b', or 'type(my_type) :: b'')
    :param str variable: the variable (e.g. 'b', or 'b%b')

    reader = FortranStringReader('''program test
                                 implicit none
                                 type :: my_sub_type
                                    integer :: scalar
                                 end type my_sub_type
                                 type :: my_type
                                    integer :: scalar
                                    type(my_sub_type) :: sub
                                 end type my_type

                                 {0}  ! Declaration of variable here
                                 integer :: ji, jj
                                 integer, parameter :: jpi=7, jpj=9
                                 integer, dimension(jpi,jpj) :: b, c
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 0
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       b(ji, jj) = {1}
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 1
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       {1} = b(ji, jj)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 2
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       {1} = b(ji, jj)
                                       c(ji, jj) = {1}*{1}
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 do jj = 1, jpj   ! loop 3
                                    do ji = 1, jpi
                                       {1} = {1} + b(ji, jj)
                                     end do
                                 end do
                                 end program test'''.format(
        declaration, variable))
    prog = parser(reader)
    psy = PSyFactory("nemo", distributed_memory=False).create(prog)
    loops = psy.invokes.get("test").schedule
    dep_tools = DependencyTools(["levels", "lat"])

    # Read only scalar variable: a(ji, jj) = b
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[0], "jj")
    assert parallel

    # Write only scalar variable: a(ji, jj) = b
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[1], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Scalar variable '{0}' is only written once".format(variable) \
        in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]

    # Write to scalar variable happens first
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[2], "jj")
    assert parallel

    # Reduction operation on scalar variable
    parallel = dep_tools.can_loop_be_parallelised(loops[3], "jj")
    assert not parallel
    assert "Variable '{0}' is read first, which indicates a reduction."\
        .format(variable) in dep_tools.get_all_messages()[0]