def test_fusetrans_error_not_same_parent():
    ''' Check that we reject attempts to fuse loops which don't share the
    same parent '''
    from psyclone.psyGen import Loop, Schedule, Literal
    from psyclone.transformations import LoopFuseTrans, TransformationError

    sch1 = Schedule()
    sch2 = Schedule()
    loop1 = Loop(variable_name="i", parent=sch1)
    loop2 = Loop(variable_name="j", parent=sch2)

    loop1.addchild(Literal("1", parent=loop1))  # start
    loop1.addchild(Literal("10", parent=loop1))  # stop
    loop1.addchild(Literal("1", parent=loop1))  # step
    loop1.addchild(Schedule(parent=loop1))  # loop body

    loop2.addchild(Literal("1", parent=loop2))  # start
    loop2.addchild(Literal("10", parent=loop2))  # stop
    loop2.addchild(Literal("1", parent=loop2))  # step
    loop2.addchild(Schedule(parent=loop2))  # loop body

    fuse = LoopFuseTrans()

    # Try to fuse loops with different parents
    with pytest.raises(TransformationError) as err:
        fuse._validate(loop1, loop2)
    assert "Error in LoopFuse transformation. Loops do not have the " \
        "same parent" in str(err.value)
def test_fusetrans_error_incomplete():
    ''' Check that we reject attempts to fuse loops which are incomplete. '''
    from psyclone.psyGen import Loop, Schedule, Literal, Return
    from psyclone.transformations import LoopFuseTrans, TransformationError
    sch = Schedule()
    loop1 = Loop(variable_name="i", parent=sch)
    loop2 = Loop(variable_name="j", parent=sch)

    fuse = LoopFuseTrans()

    # Check first loop
    with pytest.raises(TransformationError) as err:
        fuse._validate(loop1, loop2)
    assert "Error in LoopFuse transformation. The first loop does not have " \
        "4 children." in str(err.value)

    loop1.addchild(Literal("start", parent=loop1))
    loop1.addchild(Literal("stop", parent=loop1))
    loop1.addchild(Literal("step", parent=loop1))

    # Check second loop
    with pytest.raises(TransformationError) as err:
        fuse._validate(loop1, loop2)
    assert "Error in LoopFuse transformation. The second loop does not have " \
        "4 children." in str(err.value)

    loop2.addchild(Literal("start", parent=loop2))
    loop2.addchild(Literal("stop", parent=loop2))
    loop2.addchild(Literal("step", parent=loop2))

    # Validation should now pass
    fuse._validate(loop1, loop2)