def _update_schemas_1_to_2(self, cur): """ Given a Cursor for a Postgres Connection, upgrade table schemas at version 1 to version 2. :param cur: Cursor :return: None """ cur.execute( sql.SQL(''' SELECT c.relname, obj_description(c.oid, 'pg_class') FROM pg_namespace AS n INNER JOIN pg_class AS c ON n.oid = c.relnamespace WHERE n.nspname = {}; ''').format(sql.Literal(self.postgres_schema))) for mapped_name, raw_json in cur.fetchall(): metadata = None if raw_json: try: metadata = json.loads(raw_json) except: pass if metadata and metadata.get( 'schema_version', 0) == 1 and metadata.get('table_mappings'): 'Migrating root_table `{}` children from schema_version 1 to 2' .format(mapped_name)) table_path = tuple() for mapping in metadata.get('table_mappings'): table_name = mapping['to'] table_path = mapping['from'] table_metadata = self._get_table_metadata(cur, table_name) 'Migrating `{}` (`{}`) from schema_version 1 to 2'. format(table_path, table_name)) version_2_metadata = _update_schema_1_to_2( table_metadata, table_path) self._set_table_metadata(cur, table_name, version_2_metadata) root_version_2_metadata = _update_schema_1_to_2( metadata, table_path[0:1]) self._set_table_metadata(cur, mapped_name, root_version_2_metadata)
def to_dollar(cid): """ convert currency of the corresponding id to dollar ratio for example if currency A = 2 dollars, then the conversion would be 0.5, for another currency B = 0.5 dollar, then the conversion to dollar would be 2 such that for given cost of xA, would be 0.5x$. @param cid is the id of the corresponding currency @return transformation ratio to dollar """ query = sql.SQL("SELECT * FROM currency WHERE id=cid;").\ format(cid=sql.Literal(cid)) db_log.debug(query) ratio = 1.0/pd.read_sql(query, conn)['currency_value'].ix[0] return ratio
def get_all_vacancy(): user = check_auth(request.headers, __name__) if user == True: user = authorize.get(request.headers.get('UserToken')) try: database = Database() except TypeError: return jsonify({"messageError": "Нет подключения к БД"}) status_id = [2] fields = [("v", "id"), ("v", "create_date"), ("sp", "title"), ("pa", "title"), ("sv", "title")] if type(user) != tuple: if user.get_role() == 1: status_id = [1, 2, 3] result = [] res = database.select_data( sql.SQL(""" SELECT {fields} FROM vacancy v LEFT JOIN specializations sp on = v.specializations_id LEFT JOIN professional_area pa on = sp.professional_area_id LEFT JOIN statuses_vacancy sv on = v.status_id WHERE status_id in ({status_id}) """).format(fields=sql.SQL(",").join( sql.Identifier(i[0], i[1]) for i in fields), status_id=sql.SQL(",").join(sql.Literal(i) for i in status_id))) if res: for id, dt, specialization, professional_area, status in res: result.append({ "id": id, "dt": time.mktime( datetime.datetime.strptime(dt.strftime("%d/%m/%Y"), "%d/%m/%Y").timetuple()), "specialization": specialization, "professional_area": professional_area }) if type(user) != tuple: if user.get_role() == 1: result[-1]['status'] = status database.close() return jsonify(result)
def get_client_id_byemail(self, email): """ retrieve the corresponding client_id of the given banking_id (bid) (called at the server side) @param bid: banking id @return cid: contact id """ query=sql.SQL("SELECT (client_id) FROM clients WHERE client_email={email} LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED;").\ format(email=sql.Literal(email)) self.db_log.debug(query) self.cur.execute(query) ret = self.cur.fetchone() if None: return False return ret[0]
def filter_imei_list_sql_by_device_type(conn, exempted_device_types, imei_list_sql): """Function to return SQL filtering out exempted device types.""" # If certain device types are exempted, first select the IMEIs passed in imei_list_sql query. # These IMEIs are then joined against GSMA TAC db to get their device type. # Finally, any IMEIs that belong to exempted device types are excluded. return sql.SQL("""SELECT imei_norm FROM (SELECT imei_norm, SUBSTRING(imei_norm, 1, 8) AS tac FROM ({0}) imeis) imeis_with_tac JOIN gsma_data USING (tac) WHERE device_type NOT IN {1} """).format(sql.SQL(imei_list_sql), sql.Literal(tuple(exempted_device_types))).as_string(conn)
def get_df_column_types(table_name: str) -> List[str]: """Get the list of data types in the given table. :param table_name: Table name :return: List of SQL types """ with connection.connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(sql.SQL( 'SELECT DATA_TYPE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS ' + 'WHERE TABLE_NAME = {0}').format(sql.Literal(table_name))) type_names = cursor.fetchall() return [sql_to_ontask_datatype_names[dtype[0]] for dtype in type_names]
def all_stores_count(self): county = input("Enter County Name") try: query = sql.SQL( """select 'Total Liquor Stores' as Type, count(l.serial_number) as Total from liquor_address l \ where l.premise_zip_code in (Select zip from global_county_zip_code where county ilike {c1}) \ union \ select 'Total Retail Stores' as Type, count(rs.license) as Total from retail_food_stores rs \ where rs.zip_code in (Select zip from global_county_zip_code where county ilike {c2})\ union \ select 'Total Farmer Market Stores' as Type, count(fm.market_name) as Total from farmers_market fm \ where in (Select zip from global_county_zip_code where county ilike {c3}) \ """).format(c1=sql.Literal(county), c2=sql.Literal(county), c3=sql.Literal(county)) cursor = self.conn.cursor( cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) # print(cursor.mogrify(query, params)) # print(cursor.mogrify(query, params)) cursor.execute(query) r = cursor.fetchall() # print(r) print("Following are the Stores in the County ", county) for name, count in r: print(name, ':', count) return except Exception as e: self.conn.rollback() print("This is the Error") print(str(e)) print( "There is some problem with the variables contraints. Please ask for assistance from the owner of the code" ) return
def search_retail_store(self): try: cursor = self.conn.cursor( cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) name = input( "Enter the keyword you want to search for in retail store (name) " ) sq_foot = input( "Enter minimum Sqaure Foot Area for the retail store ") query = sql.SQL( """ select rf.entity_name, rf.street_number, rf.street_name,, rf.state, \ from retail_food_stores rf inner join global_county_zip_code gl \ on\ where rf.entity_name ilike {name} and square_footage > {sq_foot}""" ).format( name=sql.Literal("%" + name + "%"), sq_foot=sql.Literal(sq_foot), ) cursor.execute(query) # print(cursor.mogrify(query)) result = cursor.fetchall() for r in result: print(" store name : ", r[0].rstrip(), " Street Number: ", r[1].rstrip(), " Street Name: ", r[2].rstrip(), " City : ", r[3].rstrip(), " State : ", r[4].rstrip(), " Zip : ", r[5]) except Exception as e: self.conn.rollback() print("This is the Error") print(str(e)) print( "There is some problem with the variables contraints. Please ask for assistance from the owner of the code" ) return
def insert_multiple_user_jsonb_data(stats_type, stats_range, from_ts, to_ts, values): query = """ INSERT INTO statistics.user (user_id, stats_type, stats_range, data, count, from_ts, to_ts, last_updated) SELECT "user".id , {stats_type} , {stats_range} , stats::jsonb , count , {from_ts} , {to_ts} , NOW() FROM (VALUES %s) AS t(user_id, count, stats) -- this JOIN serves no other purpose than to filter out users for whom stats were calculated but -- no longer exist in LB. if we don't filter, we'll get a FK conflict when such a case occurs JOIN "user" ON "user".id = user_id ON CONFLICT (user_id, stats_type, stats_range) DO UPDATE SET data = , count = EXCLUDED.count , from_ts = EXCLUDED.from_ts , to_ts = EXCLUDED.to_ts , last_updated = EXCLUDED.last_updated """ formatted_query = sql.SQL(query).format( stats_type=sql.Literal(stats_type), stats_range=sql.Literal(stats_range), from_ts=sql.Literal(from_ts), to_ts=sql.Literal(to_ts)) connection = db.engine.raw_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: execute_values(cursor, formatted_query, values) connection.commit() except psycopg2.errors.OperationalError: connection.rollback() current_app.logger.error("Error while inserting user stats:", exc_info=True)
def travel_sheds(self, block_ids, out_table, composite=True, overwrite=False, dry=None): """ Creates a new DB table showing the high- and low-stress travel sheds for the block(s) identified by block_ids. If more than one block is passed to block_ids the table will have multiple travel sheds that need to be filtered by a user. args block_ids -- the ids to use building travel sheds out_table -- the table to save travel sheds to composite -- whether to save the output as a composite of all blocks or as individual sheds for each block overwrite -- whether to overwrite an existing table dry -- a path to save SQL statements to instead of executing in DB """ conn = self.get_db_connection() schema, out_table = self.parse_table_name(out_table) if schema is None: schema = self.get_default_schema() if overwrite and dry is None: self.drop_table(out_table, conn=conn, schema=schema) # set global sql vars subs = dict(self.sql_subs) subs["table"] = sql.Identifier(out_table) subs["schema"] = sql.Identifier(schema) subs["block_ids"] = sql.Literal(block_ids) subs["sidx"] = sql.Identifier("sidx_" + out_table + "_geom") subs["idx"] = sql.Identifier(out_table + "_source_blockid") if composite: self._run_sql_script("travel_shed_composite.sql", subs, ["sql"], dry=dry, conn=conn) else: self._run_sql_script("travel_shed.sql", subs, ["sql"], dry=dry, conn=conn) conn.commit() conn.close()
def get_questions_for_teseting(vacancy_id): try: database = Database() except TypeError: return jsonify({"messageError": "Нет подключения к БД"}) result = {} questons = database.select_data(sql.SQL(""" SELECT questons_id, qt.title question_type_title, qt.description question_type_description, g.title grade_title, s.title skills_title, q.title questons_title, q.question questons_question, answer_id, aoq.answer answer_text FROM questons q LEFT JOIN grade g on q.grade_id = LEFT JOIN skills s on q.skill_id = LEFT JOIN question_types qt on q.question_type_id = LEFT JOIN answers_on_question aoq on = aoq.question_id WHERE in (SELECT skill_id FROM vacancy v WHERE{vacancy_id}); """).format(vacancy_id=sql.Literal(vacancy_id))) for quest in questons: if result.get(quest['questons_id']): result[quest['questons_id']]['answers'].append((quest['answer_id'], quest['answer_text'])) else: res = { "answers": [] } for key in quest.keys(): if not key.split('_')[0] == 'answer': res[key] = quest[key] res["answers"].append((quest['answer_id'], quest['answer_text'])) result[res['questons_id']] = res if len(result) == 4: result.pop(res['questons_id']) break result = [result[key] for key in result] database.close() return jsonify(result)
def get_pk_columns(self, table, schema='public'): qualified_table = quote_ident(schema, self.conn) + "." + quote_ident( table, self.conn) query = sqlbuilder.SQL(""" SELECT a.attname AS field_name FROM pg_index i JOIN pg_attribute a ON a.attrelid = i.indrelid AND a.attnum = ANY(i.indkey) WHERE i.indrelid = ({schema_table})::regclass AND i.indisprimary """).format(schema_table=sqlbuilder.Literal(qualified_table)) self.cursor.execute(query) return [r[0] for r in self.cursor.fetchall()]
def getComments(cls, place_id, chat_id): stmt = SQL( 'SELECT comment FROM "Reviews" WHERE adr = {} and chat_id != {} ORDER BY submit_time DESC LIMIT 3;' ).format(sql.Literal(place_id), sql.Literal(chat_id)) result = run_query(stmt) if len(result) == 0: return [] return ([msg[0] for msg in result]) #EXAMPLES # User.addNewUser(100500, 'Testname', 'TestLastName','chat','unmae') # print(User.getUser(100500)[0].checkLocation()) # print(User.getUser(100500)[0].updateLocation(100, 500)) # print(User.getUser(100500)) # print(Form.getForm(1)) # print(Form.addForm('TestYForm', [1,2])) # print(Question.getQuestion(1, 'RU')) # print(Question.getQuestion(1, 'UA')) # print(Question.addQuestion('Hellot there?')) # print(Review.getReview(1)) # print (type(Review.getReview(1)[0].q_json)) # Review.addReview(100500, json.dumps({'1':0}), 1,1,1,'Tereshkovoy10', 'ONPU', 'cmnt', 10) # Form example # print(Question.getQuestions([1,2,3], 'UA')) # form = Form.getForm(1)[0] # questions = Question.getQuestions(form.questions, 'UA') # for q in questions: # print (q) # print(Review.getMark('--')) # print(Review.getComments('--', 100500)) # print(Review.isReviewEstimate('ChIJg8PGGlzUhg4RDMUagWtgV6E', 516233921)) # User.setUserLang(384341805, 'ru') # print(User.getUserLang(384341805))
def get_table_schema(self, cur, path, name): cur.execute( sql.SQL( 'SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns ' ) + sql.SQL('WHERE table_schema = {} and table_name = {};').format( sql.Literal(self.postgres_schema), sql.Literal(name))) properties = {} for column in cur.fetchall(): properties[column[0]] = json_schema.from_sql( column[1], column[2] == 'YES') metadata = self._get_table_metadata(cur, name) if metadata is None and not properties: return None if metadata is None: metadata = {'version': None} if len(path) > 1: table_mappings = self.get_table_schema(cur, path[:1], path[0])['table_mappings'] else: table_mappings = [] for mapping in metadata.get('table_mappings', []): if mapping['type'] == 'TABLE': table_mappings.append(mapping) metadata['name'] = name metadata['path'] = path metadata['type'] = 'TABLE_SCHEMA' metadata['schema'] = {'properties': properties} metadata['table_mappings'] = table_mappings return metadata
def update_table(table_name, columns, col_values, attr=None, value=None): try: conn = connect() db = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) if type(columns) is list and type(col_values) is list: if len(columns) != len(col_values): raise ValueError( 'columns list and value list must be equal in size') if value and attr: for i in range(len(columns)): query = sql.SQL( "UPDATE {tbl} SET {colval} = {vals} WHERE {att} = {val} " ).format(colval=sql.Identifier(columns[i]), vals=sql.Literal(col_values[i]), tbl=sql.Identifier(table_name), att=sql.Identifier(attr), val=sql.Literal(value)) else: for i in range(len(columns)): query = sql.SQL( "UPDATE {tbl} SET {colval} = {vals} ").format( colval=sql.Identifier(columns[i]), vals=sql.Literal(col_values[i]), tbl=sql.Identifier(table_name)) elif type(columns) is str and type(col_values) in [str, int, bool]: if value and attr: query = sql.SQL( "UPDATE {tbl} SET {colval} = {vals} WHERE {att} = {val} " ).format(colval=sql.Identifier(columns), vals=sql.Literal(col_values), tbl=sql.Identifier(table_name), att=sql.Identifier(attr), val=sql.Literal(value)) else: query = sql.SQL("UPDATE {tbl} SET {colval} = {vals} ").format( colval=sql.Identifier(columns), vals=sql.Literal(col_values), tbl=sql.Identifier(table_name)) print() else: raise TypeError( 'columns and values must be of type list or str and of same type ' ) db.execute(query) conn.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error: logger.error(error) val = False else: val = True finally: db.close() if conn is not None: conn.close() return val
def get_alarm_texts_from_db(session_id): conn = psycopg2.connect(CONNECTION_STRING) cur = conn.cursor() query = sql.SQL(""" SELECT alarm_text, alarm_time FROM ringring.alarms WHERE session_id = {session_id} """).format(session_id=sql.Literal(session_id)) cur.execute(query) data = [] for result in cur.fetchall(): data.append(result[0]) conn.commit() conn.close() return data
def delete_invoice(invoice_number): conn = psycopg2.connect(CONNECTION_STRING) cur = conn.cursor() query = sql.SQL(""" DELETE FROM invoices.invoices WHERE invoice_number = {number}; """).format(number=sql.Literal(invoice_number)) try: cur.execute(query) conn.commit() conn.close() return True except psycopg2.ProgrammingError: return False
def users_to_email(cls, conn, idlist): result = [] ids_for_request = [] for idl in idlist: (ids_for_request if type(idl) is int else result).append(idl) if len(ids_for_request): query = sql.SQL( 'SELECT "Email" as eml FROM "Users" WHERE "Id" IN {}').format( sql.Literal(tuple(ids_for_request))) def fact(row, res): res.append(row.eml) cls._sql_exec(conn, query, result, fact, named_result=True) return result
def _matching_imeis_sql(self, conn, app_config, virt_imei_range_start, virt_imei_range_end, curr_date=None): """Overrides Dimension._matching_imeis_sql.""" analysis_start_date, analysis_end_date = self._calc_analysis_window(conn, curr_date) """Matches duplicate IMEIs where the average daily number of UIDs seen with that IMEI over a configurable period exceeds a configurable threshold if that IMEI was seen on at least a configurable number of days during that period. """ return sql.SQL( """SELECT imei_norm FROM (SELECT imei_norm, bitcount(bit_or(combined_date_bitmask)) AS days_seen, SUM(unique_bitcount(combined_date_bitmask)) AS uids_per_imei FROM (SELECT mno.imei_norm, srs.uid, bit_or(get_bitmask_within_window(mno.date_bitmask, mno.first_seen, mno.last_seen, {analysis_start_date}, {analysis_start_dom}, {analysis_end_date}, {analysis_end_dom}) ) AS combined_date_bitmask FROM monthly_network_triplets_country AS mno INNER JOIN subscribers_registration_list AS srs ON srs.imsi = mno.imsi WHERE mno.imei_norm IS NOT NULL AND mno.last_seen >= {analysis_start_date} AND mno.first_seen < {analysis_end_date} AND mno.virt_imei_shard >= {virt_imei_range_start} AND mno.virt_imei_shard < {virt_imei_range_end} AND is_valid_imsi(mno.imsi) AND is_valid_imsi(srs.imsi) GROUP BY mno.imei_norm, srs.uid) all_seen_triplets GROUP BY imei_norm) triplet_monthly_days GROUP BY imei_norm HAVING SUM(days_seen) >= {min_seen_days_threshold} AND (SUM(uids_per_imei)/SUM(days_seen)) >= {threshold} """).format(analysis_start_date=sql.Literal(analysis_start_date), # noqa: Q447, Q449 analysis_start_dom=sql.Literal(, analysis_end_date=sql.Literal(analysis_end_date), analysis_end_dom=sql.Literal(, virt_imei_range_start=sql.Literal(virt_imei_range_start), virt_imei_range_end=sql.Literal(virt_imei_range_end), min_seen_days_threshold=sql.Literal(self._min_seen_days), threshold=sql.Literal(self._threshold)).as_string(conn)
def get_schema(self, cur, table_schema, table_name): cur.execute( sql.SQL( 'SELECT column_name, data_type, is_nullable FROM information_schema.columns ' ) + sql.SQL('WHERE table_schema = {} and table_name = {};').format( sql.Literal(table_schema), sql.Literal(table_name))) properties = {} for column in cur.fetchall(): properties[column[0]] = json_schema.from_sql( column[1], column[2] == 'YES') metadata = self.get_table_metadata(cur, table_schema, table_name) if metadata is None and not properties: return None elif metadata is None: metadata = {} metadata['name'] = table_name metadata['type'] = 'TABLE_SCHEMA' metadata['schema'] = {'properties': properties} return metadata
def trial_to_paid(tablename: str, email: str): con = psycopg2.connect(dbname='test', user='******', password='******', host='localhost') cur = con.cursor() state = sql.SQL( """UPDATE {tablename} SET status = CASE WHEN email = {email} AND status IS true THEN false END""" ).format(tablename=sql.Identifier(tablename), email=sql.Literal(email)) try: cur.execute(state) con.commit() return True except: return False
def is_email_exist(tablename: str, email: str): con = psycopg2.connect(dbname='test', user='******', password='******', host='localhost') cur = con.cursor() state = sql.SQL( """SELECT email FROM {tablename} WHERE email ={email}""").format( tablename=sql.Identifier(tablename), email=sql.Literal(email)) cur.execute(state) result = cur.fetchone() if (result != None): return True else: return False
def count_from_db(self, days, start_id): q = sql.SQL(''' select count( as total from eventlog_log l inner join eventlog_action a on = l.action_id and = {} where {} ''').format(sql.Literal(self.action_name), self.get_filters(days, start_id)) self.cur.execute(q) rows = self.cur.fetchall() return rows[0]["total"]
def sql_table_exists(table_name): """ Verifies that user's requested table is a public table in the SQL database. Use string for input. """ query = sql.SQL("""SELECT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = {} );""").format(sql.Literal(table_name)) xCURSORx.execute(query) extant = xCURSORx.fetchall()[0][0] logging.debug("SQL table " + table_name + " exists = " + str(extant)) return extant
def get_tag_ids(cursor, question_id): tag_ids = [] cursor.execute( sql.SQL("""SELECT tag_id FROM question_tag WHERE question_id = {question_id}; """).format(question_id=sql.Literal(question_id))) data = cursor.fetchall() for id in data: tag_ids.append(id['tag_id']) tag_ids = tuple(tag_ids) return tag_ids
def get_chats_favourite_users(self, unique_id: str): """ Method returns a list of ids of chats associated with the certain tiktoker. :param unique_id: the nickname of a tiktoker :return: a list of chat ids """ with self.connection.cursor() as cur: query = sql.SQL("SELECT chat_id FROM favourite_users " "WHERE unique_id = {}").format( sql.Literal(unique_id)) cur.execute(query) chat_ids = [chat_id[0] for chat_id in cur.fetchall()] return chat_ids
def get_balance_by_cid(self, cid): """called at the server side to retrieve the account balance d of the given client_id (cid) @param cid: client id @return dict {'balance':balance, 'base': base} """ #remove LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED query=sql.SQL("SELECT (banking.balance, cur.currency_name) FROM banking INNER JOIN currency AS cur ON ( WHERE banking.client_id={cid} ;").\ format(cid=sql.Literal(cid)) self.db_log.debug(query) self.cur.execute(query) fet=eval(self.cur.fetchone()[0]) balance=fet[0] base=fet[1] return {'balance':balance, 'base': base}
def stock_labels(stk, elim_dct=get_eliminated_words()): q = sql.Composed( [ sql.SQL("SELECT name FROM etfs WHERE ticker IN "), sql.SQL("(SELECT etf FROM stk_etfs WHERE stk = "), sql.Literal(stk), sql.SQL(")") ] ) res = stxdb.db_read_cmd(q.as_string(stxdb.db_get_cnx())) etf_words = ' '.join([x[0] for x in res]) etf_words_list = etf_words.split() labels = [x for x in etf_words_list if x not in elim_dct] labels = list(set(labels)) return labels
def get_tokens_for_user_uuid(user_uuid, revoked=None): with get_connection() as connection: cursor = connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) statement = sql.SQL( "SELECT user_uuid, jti, created, name, revoked from api_tokens where user_uuid = {}" ).format(sql.Placeholder()) if revoked is not None: statement = sql.SQL(" ").join([ statement, sql.SQL("AND revoked = {}").format(sql.Literal(revoked)) ]) cursor.execute(statement, (user_uuid, )) data = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return data
def get_cursor(self, schema=None): """Get a database cursor object to be used for making queries. The optional schema indicated will cause a SET SCHEMA command, but only if required. If schema is None, it means that any previous SET SCHEMA command on the connection won't matter (the queries will use explicit schemas).""" #FIXME: maybe use server side cursors? conn = self.connection cursor = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=DictCursor) if schema and self._last_schema.get(id(conn)) != schema: cursor.execute( sql.SQL("SET SCHEMA {}").format(sql.Literal(schema))) self._last_schema[id(conn)] = schema return cursor