def _save_fbx(file_, force=False): """Save fbx file. Args: file_ (str): fbx path force (bool): replace without confirmation """ _file = File(get_path(file_)) _file.delete(wording='Replace', force=force) for _mel in [ 'FBXExportUpAxis z', 'FBXExportFileVersion -v FBX201800', 'FBXExportSmoothingGroups -v true', 'FBXExportSmoothMesh -v true', 'FBXExportTangents -v true', 'FBXExportSkins -v true', 'FBXExportShapes -v true', 'FBXExportEmbeddedTextures -v false', 'FBXExportApplyConstantKeyReducer -v true', 'FBXExportSplitAnimationIntoTakes -c', 'FBXExport -f "{}"'.format(_file.path), ]: mel.eval(_mel) dprint('Wrote file', _file.nice_size(), _file.path) assert _file.exists()
def reference_publish(file_, verbose=0): """Reference a publish into the current scene. Args: file_ (str): path to reference verbose (int): print process data """ _file = get_path(file_) assert isinstance(_file, six.string_types) # Find ref util module _mgr = find_tank_app('assetmanager') _ref_util = find_tank_mod( 'tk_multi_assetmanager.reference_util', catch=True) if not _ref_util: _init_tank() _ref_util = find_tank_mod('tk_multi_assetmanager.reference_util') lprint('REF UTIL', _ref_util, verbose=verbose) _ref_list = _mgr.reference_list _pub_dir = _ref_list.asset_manager.publish_directory _publish = _pub_dir.publish_from_path(_file) lprint('PUBLISH', _publish, verbose=verbose) if not _publish: raise RuntimeError('Failed to build publish '+_file) _ref = _ref_util.reference_publish(_publish) lprint('REF', _ref, verbose=verbose) _ref_list.update() return _ref[0]
def open_scene(file_, force=False, prompt=False, lazy=False, load_refs=True): """Open the given scene. Args: file_ (str): file to open force (bool): lose unsaved changes without confirmation prompt (bool): show missing reference dialogs lazy (bool): abandon load if scene is already open load_refs (bool): load references """ from psyhive import host _file = get_path(file_) if lazy and host.cur_scene() == _file: return if not force: host.handle_unsaved_changes() if File(_file).extn == 'fbx': load_plugin('fbxmaya') _kwargs = {} if not load_refs: _kwargs['loadReferenceDepth'] = 'none' cmds.file(_file, open=True, force=True, prompt=prompt, ignoreVersion=True, **_kwargs)
def render(file_, camera=None, layer='defaultRenderLayer', col_mgt=True, force=False, verbose=0): """Render the current scene. Args: file_ (str): path to save rendered image camera (str): camera to render through layer (str): layer to render col_mgt (bool): apply colour management force (bool): replace existing without confirmation verbose (int): print process data """ from maya_psyhive import open_maya as hom cmds.loadPlugin('mtoa', quiet=True) from mtoa.cmds import arnoldRender _cam = camera if not _cam: _cam = hom.get_active_cam() # Prepare output path _file = File(get_path(file_)) _file.test_dir() _file.delete(force=force, wording='Replace') # Prepare arnold cmds.setAttr("defaultArnoldRenderOptions.abortOnError", False) cmds.setAttr("defaultArnoldDriver.colorManagement", int(col_mgt)) cmds.setAttr("defaultArnoldDriver.mergeAOVs", True) _extn = {'jpg': 'jpeg'}.get(_file.extn, _file.extn) cmds.setAttr('defaultArnoldDriver.aiTranslator', _extn, type='string') cmds.setAttr('defaultArnoldDriver.prefix', "{}/{}".format(_file.dir, _file.basename), type='string') cmds.setAttr("defaultRenderGlobals.animation", False) # Execute renders assert not _file.exists() arnoldRender.arnoldRender(640, 640, True, True, _cam, ' -layer ' + layer) if not _file.exists(): _tmp_file = File('{}/{}_1.{}'.format(_file.dir, _file.basename, _file.extn)) print ' - TMP FILE', _tmp_file.path assert _tmp_file.exists() _tmp_file.move_to(_file) assert _file.exists() lprint('RENDERED IMAGE', _file.path, verbose=verbose)
def build(mod, all_defs=True): """Build an interface for the given module. In maya it will build a MayaPyGui, otherwise it will build a QtPyGui. Args: mod (module): module to build gui from all_defs (bool): build all defs (not just install_gui decorated ones) Returns: (BasePyGui): interface instance """ _file = get_path(mod).replace('.pyc', '.py') if host.NAME == 'maya': from .pyg_maya import MayaPyGui as _class else: from .pyg_qt import QtPyGui as _class return _class(_file, all_defs=all_defs)
def swap_to(self, file_): """Swap this reference file path. Args: file_ (str): new file path """ _file = get_path(file_) if not os.path.exists(_file): raise OSError("Missing file: {}".format(_file)) try: cmds.file(_file, loadReference=self.ref_node, ignoreVersion=True, options="v=0", force=True) except RuntimeError as _exc: if _exc.message == 'Maya command error': raise RuntimeError('Maya errored on opening file ' + _file) raise _exc
def open_scene(file_, func=None, force=False, lazy=False): """Open the given scene file. A warning is raised if the current scene has been modified. Args: file_ (str): file to open func (fn): override save function force (bool): lose current scene with no warning lazy (bool): abandon open scene if file is already open """ _file = get_path(file_) if lazy and cur_scene() == _file: print 'SCENE ALREADY OPEN', _file return if not force and _scene_modified(): handle_unsaved_changes() _func = func or wrap_fn(_force_open_scene, _file) _func()
def save_as(file_, revert_filename=True, force=False, verbose=0): """Save the current scene at the given path without changing cur filename. Args: file_ (str): path to save file to revert_filename (bool): disable revert filename force (bool): overwrite with no confirmation verbose (int): print process data """ _cur_filename = # Test file paths _file = File(abs_path(get_path(file_))) _file.delete(wording='replace existing', force=force) # Execute save _file.test_dir() dprint('SAVED SCENE', _file.nice_size(), _file.path, verbose=verbose) if revert_filename: hou.hipFile.setName(_cur_filename)