def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HelpExplorer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.combo = QComboBox(parent=self) vbox.addWidget(self.combo) if _viewers: self.viewers = _viewers.copy() for w in self.viewers.values(): w.setParent(self) else: self.viewers = OrderedDict( [(key, cls(parent=self)) for key, cls in six.iteritems( self.viewers)]) # save the UrlHelp because QWebEngineView creates child processes # that are not properly closed by PyQt and as such use too much # memory if is_running_tests(): for key, val in self.viewers.items(): _viewers[key] = val for key, ini in six.iteritems(self.viewers): self.combo.addItem(key) ini.hide() vbox.addWidget(ini) self.viewer = next(six.itervalues(self.viewers)) self.combo.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.set_viewer) self.setLayout(vbox)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProjectContent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lists = OrderedDict() for attr in chain(['All'], sorted(Project._registered_plotters)): item = self.add_plotterlist(attr, force=(attr == 'All')) self.lists[attr] = item self.currentChanged.connect(self.update_current_list) Project.oncpchange.connect(self.update_lists)
def make_run_config(self, sp, info): for orig in self.names: info[orig] = d = OrderedDict() for plotter in sp(standard_name=orig).plotters: d[ if startswith('all') else int( )] = pctl_d = OrderedDict() for key in ['rsquared', 'slope', 'intercept']: val = plotter.plot_data[1].attrs.get(key) if val is not None: pctl_d[key] = float(val) return info
def fill_combos_from_project(self, project): """Fill :attr:`group_combo` and :attr:`fmt_combo` from a project Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The project to use""" current_text = self.group_combo.currentText() with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.clear() if project is None or project.is_main or not len(project.plotters): self.fmt_combo.clear() self.groups = [] self.fmtos = [] self.line_edit.setEnabled(False) return self.line_edit.setEnabled(True) # get dimensions coords = sorted(project.coords_intersect) coords_name = [COORDSGROUP] if coords else [] coords_verbose = ['Dimensions'] if coords else [] coords = [coords] if coords else [] # get formatoptions and group them alphabetically grouped_fmts = defaultdict(list) for fmto in project._fmtos: grouped_fmts[].append(fmto) for val in six.itervalues(grouped_fmts): val.sort(key=self.get_name) grouped_fmts = OrderedDict( sorted(six.iteritems(grouped_fmts), key=lambda t: psyp.groups.get(t[0], t[0]))) fmt_groups = list(grouped_fmts.keys()) # save original names self.groups = coords_name + [ALLGROUP] + fmt_groups # save verbose group names (which are used in the combo box) self.groupnames = coords_verbose + ['All formatoptions'] + list( map(lambda s: psyp.groups.get(s, s), fmt_groups)) # save formatoptions fmtos = list(grouped_fmts.values()) self.fmtos = coords + [sorted(chain(*fmtos), key=self.get_name) ] + fmtos self.group_combo.addItems(self.groupnames) ind = self.group_combo.findText(current_text) self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) self.fill_fmt_combo(self.group_combo.currentIndex())
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HelpExplorer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.combo = QComboBox(parent=self) vbox.addWidget(self.combo) self.viewers = OrderedDict([ (key, cls(parent=self)) for key, cls in six.iteritems(self.viewers) ]) for key, ini in six.iteritems(self.viewers): self.combo.addItem(key) ini.hide() vbox.addWidget(ini) self.viewer = next(six.itervalues(self.viewers)) self.combo.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.set_viewer) self.setLayout(vbox)
def __init__(self, parent, fmto, project): """ Parameters ---------- parent: psyplot_gui.fmt_widget.FormatoptionWidget The formatoption widget where this widget is inserted fmto: psyplot.plotter.Formatoption The formatoption that is represented by this widget project: psyplot.project.Project The current psyplot subproject""" QWidget.__init__(self, parent) hbox = QHBoxLayout() # Create a combo box for the rcParams 'labels' key label_combo = DictCombo(fmto.rc['labels'], parent, modulo_style=False) hbox.addWidget(label_combo) # Create a combo for the :attr:`enhanced_attrs` attrs = OrderedDict( sorted( utils.join_dicts([ getattr(plotter, fmto.key).enhanced_attrs for plotter in project.plotters ], delimiter=', ').items())) attr_combo = DictCombo(attrs, parent) hbox.addWidget(attr_combo) fmtos = [ # add a button to change to the properties formatoption getattr(fmto.plotter, fmto.key + 'props', None), getattr(fmto.plotter, fmto.key + 'size', None), getattr(fmto.plotter, fmto.key + 'weight', None) ] fmtos = list(filter(None, fmtos)) if fmtos: hbox.addWidget(Switch2FmtButton(parent, *fmtos)) self.setLayout(hbox)
def run(self, info): logger = self.logger'Calculating %s evaluation', quants_info = self.config['evaluation'].get('quants') ks_info = self.config['evaluation'].get('ks') missing = [] if quants_info is None: missing.append('quants task') if ks_info is None: missing.append('ks task') if missing: raise ValueError("%s requires that %s has been run before!" % (, ' and '.join(missing))) quantiles = self.task_config.quantiles if quantiles is None: quantiles = slice(None) possible_names = { 'wind', 'prcp', 'tmin', 'tmax', 'mean_cloud', 'cloud' } for v, v_ks in ks_info.items(): if v not in quants_info or v not in possible_names: continue #: Dataframe with intercept, rsquared and slope on index and #: quantiles as columns df = pd.DataFrame(quants_info[v]).loc[:, quantiles] try: del df['All'] except KeyError: pass slope = float((1 - np.abs(1 - df.loc['slope'].values)).mean()) rsquared = float(df.loc['rsquared'].values.mean()) info[v] = OrderedDict([ ('rsquared', rsquared), ('slope', slope), ('ks', v_ks / 100.), ('quality', float(np.mean([rsquared, slope, v_ks / 100.]))) ]) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug('Simulation quality:') for name, val in info.items(): logger.debug(' %s: %6.3f' % (name, val['quality']))
def run(self, info): self.__setup = False if self.setup_from == 'scratch': df = # we may use a parallel setup which requires a weighted average g = df.groupby(level='station_id') total_counts = g.counts.transform("sum") df['lat'] = df.counts / total_counts * df['lon'] = df.counts / total_counts * df.lon df['lat_std'] = (df.counts / total_counts) * df.lat_std**2 df['lon_std'] = (df.counts / total_counts) * df.lon_std**2 eecra = g.agg( OrderedDict([('lat', 'sum'), ('lon', 'sum'), ('lat_std', 'sum'), ('lon_std', 'sum'), ('year', ('min', 'max')), ('counts', 'sum')])) eecra.columns = [ 'lat', 'lon', 'lat_std', 'lon_std', 'firstyear', 'lastyear', 'counts' ] eecra[['lat_std', 'lon_std']] **= 0.5 use_xstall = self.task_config.xstall if use_xstall: to_replace = self.xstall_df # keep only matching stations to_replace = to_replace.join(eecra[[]], how='inner') eecra.loc[to_replace.index, ['lat', 'lon']] = to_replace = eecra if self.task_config.to_csv: self.write2file() if self.task_config.to_db: self.write2db()
from psyplot import rcParams import psyplot.config as psyc try: from textwrap import indent except ImportError: def indent(text, prefix, predicate=None): # python2 return '\n'.join(prefix + s if predicate is None or predicate(s) else s for s in text.splitlines()) docstrings = psyp.docstrings psyc.setup_logging(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'logging.yml')) results = OrderedDict() class TestFormatoption(psyp.Formatoption): @property def default(self): try: return super(TestFormatoption, self).default except KeyError: return '' _validate = str def update(self, value): key = '%s.%s' % (, self.key) if not value:
from functools import partial if with_qt5: from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QSpinBox, QFontDialog, QColorDialog else: from PyQt4.QtGui import QSpinBox, QFontDialog, QColorDialog if with_qt5: weights_mpl2qt = OrderedDict([ ('ultralight', QtGui.QFont.ExtraLight), ('light', QtGui.QFont.Light), ('normal', QtGui.QFont.Normal), ('regular', QtGui.QFont.Normal), ('book', QtGui.QFont.Normal), ('medium', QtGui.QFont.Medium), ('roman', QtGui.QFont.Medium), ('semibold', QtGui.QFont.DemiBold), ('demibold', QtGui.QFont.DemiBold), ('demi', QtGui.QFont.DemiBold), ('bold', QtGui.QFont.Bold), ('heavy', QtGui.QFont.Bold), ('extra bold', QtGui.QFont.ExtraBold), ('black', QtGui.QFont.Black), ]) else: weights_mpl2qt = OrderedDict([ ('ultralight', QtGui.QFont.Light), ('light', QtGui.QFont.Light), ('normal', QtGui.QFont.Normal), ('regular', QtGui.QFont.Normal), ('book', QtGui.QFont.Normal), ('medium', QtGui.QFont.Normal),
def __getitem__(self, key): try: return OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, key) except KeyError: return self.__missing__(key)
def __repr__(self): return 'DefaultOrderedDict(%s, %s)' % (self.default_factory, OrderedDict.__repr__(self))
def __init__(self, default_factory=None, *a, **kw): if (default_factory is not None and not callable(default_factory)): raise TypeError('first argument must be callable') OrderedDict.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.default_factory = default_factory
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QuantileEvaluation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) names = self.task_config.names if names is not None: self.names = OrderedDict(t for t in self.names.items() if t[0] in names)
class HelpExplorer(QWidget, DockMixin): """A widget for showing the documentation. It behaves somewhat similar to spyders object inspector plugin and can show restructured text either as html (if sphinx is installed) or as plain text. It furthermore has a browser to show html content Warnings -------- The :class:`HelpBrowser` class is known to crash under PyQt4 when new web page domains are loaded. Hence you should disable the browsing to different remote websites and even disable intersphinx""" #: The viewer classes used by the help explorer. :class:`HelpExplorer` #: instances replace this attribute with the corresponding HelpMixin #: instance viewers = OrderedDict([('HTML help', UrlHelp), ('Plain text', TextHelp)]) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HelpExplorer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.combo = QComboBox(parent=self) vbox.addWidget(self.combo) self.viewers = OrderedDict([ (key, cls(parent=self)) for key, cls in six.iteritems(self.viewers) ]) for key, ini in six.iteritems(self.viewers): self.combo.addItem(key) ini.hide() vbox.addWidget(ini) self.viewer = next(six.itervalues(self.viewers)) self.combo.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.set_viewer) self.setLayout(vbox) def set_viewer(self, name): """Sets the current documentation viewer Parameters ---------- name: str or object A string must be one of the :attr:`viewers` attribute. An object can be one of the values in the :attr:`viewers` attribute""" if isstring(name) and asstring(name) not in self.viewers: raise ValueError("Don't have a viewer named %s" % (name, )) elif not isstring(name): viewer = name else: name = asstring(name) viewer = self.viewers[name] self.viewer.hide() self.viewer = viewer if (isstring(name) and not self.combo.currentText() == name): self.combo.setCurrentIndex(list(self.viewers).index(name)) @docstrings.dedent def show_help(self, obj, oname='', files=None): """ Show the documentaion of the given object We first try to use the current viewer based upon it's :attr:`HelpMixin.can_document_object` attribute. If this does not work, we check the other viewers Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_help.parameters)s""" oname = asstring(oname) ret = None if self.viewer.can_document_object: try: ret = self.viewer.show_help(obj, oname=oname, files=files) except Exception: logger.debug("Could not document %s with %s viewer!", oname, self.combo.currentText(), exc_info=True) else: curr_i = self.combo.currentIndex() for i, (viewername, viewer) in enumerate(six.iteritems(self.viewers)): if i != curr_i and viewer.can_document_object: self.set_viewer(viewername) self.combo.blockSignals(True) self.combo.setCurrentIndex(i) self.combo.blockSignals(False) try: ret = viewer.show_help(obj, oname=oname, files=files) except Exception: logger.debug("Could not document %s with %s viewer!", oname, viewername, exc_info=True) if ret: self.parent().raise_() return ret @docstrings.dedent def show_rst(self, text, oname='', files=None): """ Show restructured text We first try to use the current viewer based upon it's :attr:`HelpMixin.can_show_rst` attribute. If this does not work, we check the other viewers Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_rst.parameters)s""" ret = None if self.viewer.can_show_rst: ret = self.viewer.show_rst(text, oname=oname, files=files) else: for viewer in six.itervalues(self.viewers): if viewer.can_show_rst: self.set_viewer(viewer) ret = viewer.show_rst(text, oname=oname, files=files) break if ret: self.parent().raise_() return ret @docstrings.dedent def show_intro(self, text=''): """ Show an intro text We first try to use the current viewer based upon it's :attr:`HelpMixin.can_show_rst` attribute. If this does not work, we check the other viewers Parameters ---------- %(HelpMixin.show_intro.parameters)s""" found = False for i, viewer in enumerate(six.itervalues(self.viewers)): viewer.show_intro(text) if not found and viewer.can_show_rst: if i: self.set_viewer(viewer) found = True def close(self, *args, **kwargs): self.viewers['HTML help'].close(*args, **kwargs) return super(HelpExplorer, self).close(*args, **kwargs)
def fill_combos_from_project(self, project): """Fill :attr:`group_combo` and :attr:`fmt_combo` from a project Parameters ---------- project: psyplot.project.Project The project to use""" if rcParams['fmt.sort_by_key']: def sorter(fmto): return fmto.key else: sorter = self.get_name current_text = self.group_combo.currentText() with self.no_fmtos_update: self.group_combo.clear() if project is None or project.is_main or not len(project): self.fmt_combo.clear() self.groups = [] self.fmtos = [] self.line_edit.setEnabled(False) return self.line_edit.setEnabled(True) # get dimensions it_vars = chain.from_iterable( arr.psy.iter_base_variables for arr in project.arrays) dims = next(it_vars).dims sdims = set(dims) for var in it_vars: sdims.intersection_update(var.dims) coords = [d for d in dims if d in sdims] coords_name = [COORDSGROUP] if coords else [] coords_verbose = ['Dimensions'] if coords else [] coords = [coords] if coords else [] if len(project.plotters): # get formatoptions and group them alphabetically grouped_fmts = defaultdict(list) for fmto in project._fmtos: grouped_fmts[].append(fmto) for val in six.itervalues(grouped_fmts): val.sort(key=sorter) grouped_fmts = OrderedDict( sorted(six.iteritems(grouped_fmts), key=lambda t: psyp.groups.get(t[0], t[0]))) fmt_groups = list(grouped_fmts.keys()) # save original names self.groups = coords_name + [ALLGROUP] + fmt_groups # save verbose group names (which are used in the combo box) self.groupnames = ( coords_verbose + ['All formatoptions'] + list( map(lambda s: psyp.groups.get(s, s), fmt_groups))) # save formatoptions fmtos = list(grouped_fmts.values()) self.fmtos = coords + [sorted( chain(*fmtos), key=sorter)] + fmtos else: self.groups = coords_name self.groupnames = coords_verbose self.fmtos = coords self.group_combo.addItems(self.groupnames) ind = self.group_combo.findText(current_text) self.group_combo.setCurrentIndex(ind if ind >= 0 else 0) self.fill_fmt_combo(self.group_combo.currentIndex())
return pathlib.Path(fname).as_uri() except ImportError: def file2html(fname): return 'file://' + fname def html2file(url): p = urlparse(asstring(url)) # skip the first '/' on windows platform return osp.abspath(osp.join(p.netloc, p.path[int(sys.platform == 'win32'):])) _viewers = OrderedDict() logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UrlCombo(QComboBox): """A editable ComboBox with autocompletion""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UrlCombo, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setInsertPolicy(self.InsertAtTop) self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.StrongFocus) self.setEditable(True) self.completer = QCompleter(self)
class ProjectContent(QToolBox): """Display the content in the current project This toolbox contains several :class:`PlotterList` that show the content of the current main and subproject""" #: :class:`OrderedDict` containing the :class:`PlotterList` instances #: of the different selection attributes lists = OrderedDict() @property def current_names(self): return [self.itemText(i) for i in range(self.count())] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ProjectContent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.lists = OrderedDict() for attr in chain(['All'], sorted(Project._registered_plotters)): item = self.add_plotterlist(attr, force=(attr == 'All')) self.lists[attr] = item self.currentChanged.connect(self.update_current_list) Project.oncpchange.connect(self.update_lists) def enable_list(self, list_widget): """Enable a given list widget based upon whether it is empty or not""" i = self.indexOf(list_widget) if i != -1: self.setItemEnabled(i, not list_widget.is_empty) def add_plotterlist(self, identifier, force=False): """Create a :class:`PlotterList` from an identifier from the :class:`psyplot.project.Project` class""" attr = identifier if identifier != 'All' else None item = PlotterList(attr) if not item.can_import_plotter: return item if force or not item.is_empty: item.setParent(self) item.updated_from_project.connect(self.enable_list) self.addItem(item, identifier) i = self.indexOf(item) self.setItemEnabled(i, not item.is_empty) return item def update_current_list(self): """Update the current list from the current main and sub project""" self.currentWidget().update_from_project(gcp(True)) self.currentWidget().update_from_project(gcp()) def update_lists(self, p): # check new lists current_items = self.current_names for name, l in self.lists.items(): if not p.is_main: l.update_from_project(p.main) l.update_from_project(p) if l.is_empty: l.disconnect_items() if name != 'All' and l.is_empty: i = self.indexOf(l) self.removeItem(i) elif not l.is_empty and name not in current_items: self.addItem(l, name)
def recursive_processing(self, base_dir, target_dir, it): """Method to recursivly process the notebooks in the `base_dir` Parameters ---------- base_dir: str Path to the base example directory (see the `examples_dir` parameter for the :class:`Gallery` class) target_dir: str Path to the output directory for the rst files (see the `gallery_dirs` parameter for the :class:`Gallery` class) it: iterable The iterator over the subdirectories and files in `base_dir` generated by the :func:`os.walk` function""" try: file_dir, dirs, files = next(it) except StopIteration: return '', [] readme_files = {'', 'README.rst', 'README.txt'} if readme_files.intersection(files): foutdir = file_dir.replace(base_dir, target_dir) create_dirs(foutdir) this_nbps = [ NotebookProcessor( infile=f, outfile=os.path.join(foutdir, os.path.basename(f)), disable_warnings=self.disable_warnings, preprocess=( (self.preprocess is True or f in self.preprocess) and not (self.dont_preprocess is True or f in self.dont_preprocess)), clear=((self.clear is True or f in self.clear) and not (self.dont_clear is True or f in self.dont_clear))) for f in map(lambda f: os.path.join(file_dir, f), filter(self.pattern.match, files))] readme_file = next(iter(readme_files.intersection(files))) else: return '', [] labels = OrderedDict() this_label = 'gallery_' + foutdir.replace(os.path.sep, '_') if this_label.endswith('_'): this_label = this_label[:-1] for d in dirs: label, nbps = self.recursive_processing( base_dir, target_dir, it) if label: labels[label] = nbps s = ".. _%s:\n\n" % this_label with open(os.path.join(file_dir, readme_file)) as f: s += + '\n\n' s += "\n\n.. toctree::\n\n" s += ''.join(' %s\n' % os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( nbp.get_out_file()))[0] for nbp in this_nbps) for d in dirs: findex = os.path.join(d, 'index.rst') if os.path.exists(os.path.join(foutdir, findex)): s += ' %s\n' % os.path.splitext(findex)[0] s += '\n' for nbp in this_nbps: s += nbp.thumbnail_div + '\n' s += "\n.. raw:: html\n\n <div style='clear:both'></div>\n" for label, nbps in labels.items(): s += '\n.. only:: html\n\n .. rubric:: :ref:`%s`\n\n' % ( label) for nbp in nbps: s += nbp.thumbnail_div + '\n' s += "\n.. raw:: html\n\n <div style='clear:both'></div>\n" s += '\n' with open(os.path.join(foutdir, 'index.rst'), 'w') as f: f.write(s) return this_label, list(chain(this_nbps, *labels.values()))
class UrlBrowser(QFrame): """Very simple browser with session history and autocompletion based upon the :class:`PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView` class Warnings -------- This class is known to crash under PyQt4 when new web page domains are loaded. Hence it should be handled with care""" completed = _temp_bool_prop( 'completed', "Boolean whether the html page loading is completed.", default=True) url_like_re = re.compile('^\w+://') doc_urls = OrderedDict([ ('startpage', ''), ('psyplot', ''), ('pyplot', ''), ('seaborn', ''), ('cartopy', ''), ('xarray', ''), ('pandas', ''), ('numpy', ''), ]) #: The initial url showed in the webview. If None, nothing will be #: displayed default_url = None #: adress line tb_url = None #: button to go to previous url bt_back = None #: button to go to next url bt_ahead = None #: refresh the current url bt_refresh = None #: button to go lock to the current url bt_lock = None #: button to disable browsing in www bt_url_lock = None #: The upper part of the browser containing all the buttons button_box = None #: The upper most layout aranging the button box and the html widget vbox = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(UrlBrowser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------- upper buttons -------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # adress line self.tb_url = UrlCombo(self) # button to go to previous url self.bt_back = QToolButton(self) # button to go to next url self.bt_ahead = QToolButton(self) # refresh the current url self.bt_refresh = QToolButton(self) # button to go lock to the current url self.bt_lock = QToolButton(self) # button to disable browsing in www self.bt_url_lock = QToolButton(self) # ---------------------------- buttons settings ----------------------- self.bt_back.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('previous.png'))) self.bt_back.setToolTip('Go back one page') self.bt_ahead.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('next.png'))) self.bt_back.setToolTip('Go forward one page') self.bt_refresh.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('refresh.png'))) self.bt_refresh.setToolTip('Refresh the current page') self.bt_lock.setCheckable(True) self.bt_url_lock.setCheckable(True) if not with_qt5 and rcParams[''] is None: # We now that the browser can crash with Qt4, therefore we disable # the browing in the internet rcParams[''] = False elif rcParams[''] is False: elif rcParams[''] is None: rcParams[''] = True rcParams.connect('', self.update_url_lock_from_rc) self.bt_url_lock.clicked.connect(self.toogle_url_lock) self.bt_lock.clicked.connect(self.toogle_lock) # tooltip and icons of lock and url_lock are set in toogle_lock and # toogle_url_lock self.toogle_lock() self.toogle_url_lock() # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # --------- initialization and connection of the web view ------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- #: The actual widget showing the html content self.html = QWebEngineView(parent=self) self.html.loadStarted.connect(self.completed) self.html.loadFinished.connect(self.completed) self.tb_url.currentIndexChanged[str].connect(self.browse) self.bt_back.clicked.connect(self.html.back) self.bt_ahead.clicked.connect(self.html.forward) self.bt_refresh.clicked.connect(self.html.reload) self.html.urlChanged.connect(self.url_changed) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------- layouts -------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # The upper part of the browser containing all the buttons self.button_box = button_box = QHBoxLayout() button_box.addWidget(self.bt_back) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_ahead) button_box.addWidget(self.tb_url) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_refresh) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_lock) button_box.addWidget(self.bt_url_lock) # The upper most layout aranging the button box and the html widget self.vbox = vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.vbox.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0) vbox.addLayout(button_box) vbox.addWidget(self.html) self.setLayout(vbox) if self.default_url is not None: self.tb_url.addItem(self.default_url) def browse(self, url): """Make a web browse on the given url and show the page on the Webview widget. """ if self.bt_lock.isChecked(): return if not self.url_like_re.match(url): url = 'https://' + url if self.bt_url_lock.isChecked() and url.startswith('http'): return if not self.completed: logger.debug('Stopping current load...') self.html.stop() self.completed = True logger.debug('Loading %s', url) # we use :meth:`PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView.setUrl` instead # of :meth:`PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView.load` because that # changes the url directly and is more useful for unittests self.html.setUrl(QtCore.QUrl(url)) def url_changed(self, url): """Triggered when the url is changed to update the adress line""" try: url = url.toString() except AttributeError: pass logger.debug('url changed to %s', url) try: self.tb_url.setCurrentText(url) except AttributeError: # Qt4 self.tb_url.setEditText(url) self.tb_url.add_text_on_top(url, block=True) def update_url_lock_from_rc(self, online): if (online and self.bt_url_lock.isChecked() or not online and not self.bt_url_lock.isChecked()): def toogle_url_lock(self): """Disable (or enable) the loading of web pages in www""" bt = self.bt_url_lock offline = bt.isChecked() bt.setIcon(QIcon( get_icon('world_red.png' if offline else 'world.png'))) online_message = "Go online" if not with_qt5: online_message += ("\nWARNING: This mode is unstable under Qt4 " "and might result in a complete program crash!") bt.setToolTip(online_message if offline else "Offline mode") if rcParams[''] is offline: rcParams[''] = not offline def toogle_lock(self): """Disable (or enable) the changing of the current webpage""" bt = self.bt_lock bt.setIcon( QIcon(get_icon('lock.png' if bt.isChecked() else 'lock_open.png'))) bt.setToolTip("Unlock" if bt.isChecked() else "Lock to current page")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FuncArgParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__arguments = OrderedDict() self.__funcs = [] self.__main = None
class FuncArgParser(ArgumentParser): """Subclass of an argument parser that get's parts of the information from a given function""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FuncArgParser, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__arguments = OrderedDict() self.__funcs = [] self.__main = None def setup_args(self, func): """Add the parameters from the given `func` to the parameter settings """ self.__funcs.append(func) args_dict = self.__arguments args, varargs, varkw, defaults = inspect.getargspec(func) full_doc = inspect.getdoc(func) doc = docstrings._get_section(full_doc, 'Parameters') + '\n' doc += docstrings._get_section(full_doc, 'Other Parameters') doc = doc.rstrip() default_min = len(args) - len(defaults) for i, arg in enumerate(args): if arg == 'self' or arg in args_dict: continue arg_doc = docstrings._keep_params(doc, [arg]) or \ docstrings._keep_types(doc, [arg]) args_dict[arg] = d = {'dest': arg, 'short': arg, 'long': arg} if arg_doc: lines = arg_doc.splitlines() d['help'] = '\n'.join(lines[1:]) metavar = lines[0].split(':', 1) if i >= default_min: d['default'] = defaults[i - default_min] if len(metavar) > 1: dtype = metavar[1].strip() if dtype == 'bool' and 'default' in d: d['action'] = 'store_false' if d['default'] else \ 'store_true' else: d['metavar'] = metavar[1].strip() else: d['positional'] = True def update_arg(self, arg, if_existent=True, **kwargs): """Update the `add_argument` data for the given parameter """ if not if_existent: self.__arguments.setdefault(arg, kwargs) self.__arguments[arg].update(kwargs) def pop_key(self, arg, key, *args, **kwargs): """Delete a previously defined key for the `add_argument` """ return self.__arguments[arg].pop(key, *args, **kwargs) def create_arguments(self): """Create and add the arguments""" ret = [] for arg, d in self.__arguments.items(): try: is_positional = d.pop('positional', False) short = d.pop('short') long_name = d.pop('long', None) if short == long_name: long_name = None args = [short, long_name] if long_name else [short] if not is_positional: for i, arg in enumerate(args): args[i] = '-' * (i + 1) + arg else: d.pop('dest', None) group = d.pop('group', self) ret.append(group.add_argument(*args, **d)) except Exception: print('Error while creating argument %s' % arg) raise return ret @docstrings.get_sectionsf('FuncArgParser.parse_to_func') @docstrings.dedent def parse_to_func(self, args=None): """ Parse the given arguments to the main function Parameters ---------- args: list The list of arguments given to the :meth:`ArgumentParser.parse_args` function. If None, the sys.argv is used.""" if args is not None: (self.__main or self.__funcs[0])(**vars(self.parse_args(args))) else: (self.__main or self.__funcs[0])(**vars(self.parse_args())) @docstrings.dedent def parse_known_to_func(self, args=None): """ Parse the known arguments from the given to the main function Parameters ---------- %(FuncArgParser.parse_to_func.parameters)s""" if args is not None: (self.__main or self.__funcs[0])( **vars(self.parse_known_args(args)[0])) else: (self.__main or self.__funcs[0])( **vars(self.parse_known_args()[0])) def set_main(self, func): """Set the function that is called by the :meth:`parse_to_func` and :meth:`parse_known_to_func` function""" self.__main = func
class QuantileEvaluation(Evaluator): """Evaluator to evaluate specific quantiles""" name = 'quants' summary = 'Compare the quantiles of simulation and observation' names = OrderedDict([('prcp', { 'long_name': 'Precipitation', 'units': 'mm' }), ('tmin', { 'long_name': 'Min. Temperature', 'units': 'degC' }), ('tmax', { 'long_name': 'Max. Temperature', 'units': 'degC' }), ('mean_cloud', { 'long_name': 'Cloud fraction', 'units': '-' }), ('wind', { 'long_name': 'Wind Speed', 'units': 'm/s' })]) @property def all_variables(self): return [[v + '_ref', v + '_sim'] for v in self.names] setup_requires = ['prepare', 'output'] has_run = True _datafile = 'quantile_evaluation.csv' dbname = 'quantile_evaluation' #: default formatoptions for the #: :class:`psyplot.plotter.linreg.DensityRegPlotter` plotter fmt = kwargs = dict( legend={'loc': 'upper left'}, cmap='w_Reds', title='%(pctl)sth percentile', xlabel='%(type)s {desc}', ylabel='%(type)s {desc}', xrange=(['minmax', 1], ['minmax', 99]), yrange=(['minmax', 1], ['minmax', 99]), legendlabels=['$R^2$ = %(rsquared)s'], bounds=['minmax', 11, 0, 99], cbar='', bins=10, ideal=[0, 1], id_color='r', sym_lims='max', ) @property def default_config(self): return default_quantile_config()._replace( **super(QuantileEvaluation, self).default_config._asdict()) @property def ds(self): """The dataset of the quantiles""" import xarray as xr data = ds = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe( data.set_index('pctl', append=True).swaplevel()) full = xr.Dataset.from_dataframe(data).drop( list(chain(, ['pctl']))) idx_name = full[next(v for v in self.names) + '_sim'].dims[-1] full.rename({idx_name: 'full_index'}, inplace=True) for vref, vsim in self.all_variables: full.rename({ vref: 'all_' + vref, vsim: 'all_' + vsim }, inplace=True) ds.merge(full, inplace=True) for orig, attrs, (vref, vsim) in zip(self.names, self.names.values(), self.all_variables): for prefix in ['', 'all_']: ds[prefix + vsim].attrs.update(attrs) ds[prefix + vref].attrs.update(attrs) ds[prefix + vsim].attrs['standard_name'] = orig ds[prefix + vref].attrs['standard_name'] = orig ds[prefix + vref].attrs['type'] = 'observed' ds[prefix + vsim].attrs['type'] = 'simulated' ds['all_' + vsim].attrs['pctl'] = 'All' ds['all_' + vsim].attrs['pctl'] = 'All' ds.pctl.attrs['long_name'] = 'Percentile' return ds def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(QuantileEvaluation, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) names = self.task_config.names if names is not None: self.names = OrderedDict(t for t in self.names.items() if t[0] in names) def setup_from_file(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['index_col'] = ['id', 'year'] return super(QuantileEvaluation, self).setup_from_file(*args, **kwargs) def setup_from_db(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['index_col'] = ['id', 'year'] return super(QuantileEvaluation, self).setup_from_db(*args, **kwargs) def setup_from_scratch(self): df_ref = self.prepare.reference_data dfi = self.prepare.input_data.reset_index(['lon', 'lat']) # create simulation dataframe df_sim = if len(df_ref) == 0 or len(df_sim) == 0: self.logger.debug( 'Skipping %s because reference data contains no information!', return names = self.names # load observed precision if self.task_config.no_rounding: for name in names: df_sim[name].values[:] = self.round_to_ref_prec( df_ref[name].values, df_sim[name].values) # merge reference and simulation into one single dataframe df = df_ref.merge(df_sim, left_index=True, right_index=True, suffixes=['_ref', '_sim']) if {'mean_cloud', 'wind'}.intersection(names): df.reset_index('day', inplace=True) df = df.merge(dfi[['mean_cloud', 'wind']], left_index=True, right_index=True) # mask out non-complete months for cloud validation and months with # 0 or 1 cloud fraction if 'mean_cloud' in names: df.ix[df['mean_cloud_ref'].isnull().values | (df['mean_cloud'] == 0.0) | (df['mean_cloud'] == 1.0), ['mean_cloud_sim', 'mean_cloud_ref']] = np.nan # mask out non-complete wind for wind validation and months with # a mean wind speed of 0 if 'wind' in names: df.ix[df['wind_ref'].isnull().values | (df['wind'] == 0.0), ['wind_sim', 'wind_ref']] = np.nan df.drop(['mean_cloud', 'wind'], 1, inplace=True) df.set_index('day', append=True, inplace=True) # transform wind if self.task_config.transform_wind and 'wind' in names: df['wind_ref'] **= 0.5 df['wind_sim'] **= 0.5 # calculate the percentiles for each station and month g = df.sort_index().groupby(level=['id', 'year']) self.logger.debug('Done with basic setup') data = g.apply(self.calc) if len(data): data.index = data.index.droplevel(2) = data @classmethod def _modify_parser(cls, parser): parser.setup_args(default_ks_config) parser.setup_args(default_quantile_config) parser, setup_grp, run_grp = super(QuantileEvaluation, cls)._modify_parser(parser) parser.update_arg('quantiles', short='q', group=run_grp, type=utils.str_ranges, metavar='f1[,f21[-f22[-f23]]]', help=docstrings.dedents(""" The quantiles to use for calculating the percentiles. %(str_ranges.s_help)s.""")) parser.pop_key('quantiles', 'nargs', None) parser.update_arg('no_rounding', short='nr', group=run_grp) parser.update_arg('names', short='n', group=setup_grp, nargs='+', metavar='variable', choices=list(cls.names)) parser.update_arg('transform_wind', short='tw', group=setup_grp) return parser, setup_grp, run_grp def create_project(self, ds): import psyplot.project as psy import seaborn as sns sns.set_style('white') for name, (vref, vsim) in zip(self.names, self.all_variables): self.logger.debug('Creating plots of %s', vsim) kwargs = dict(precision=0.1) if vref.startswith('prcp') else {} psy.plot.densityreg(ds, name='all_' + vsim, coord='all_' + vref, fmt=self.fmt, title='All percentiles', arr_names=['%s_all' % name], **kwargs) arr_names = ['%s_%1.2f' % (name, p) for p in ds.pctl.values] psy.plot.densityreg(ds, name=vsim, coord=vref, fmt=self.fmt, arr_names=arr_names, pctl=range(ds.pctl.size), **kwargs) return psy.gcp(True)[:] def make_run_config(self, sp, info): for orig in self.names: info[orig] = d = OrderedDict() for plotter in sp(standard_name=orig).plotters: d[ if startswith('all') else int( )] = pctl_d = OrderedDict() for key in ['rsquared', 'slope', 'intercept']: val = plotter.plot_data[1].attrs.get(key) if val is not None: pctl_d[key] = float(val) return info def calc(self, group): def calc_percentiles(vname): arr = group[vname].values arr = arr[~np.isnan(arr)] if vname.startswith('prcp'): arr = arr[arr > 0] if len(arr) == 0: return np.array([np.nan] * len(quantiles)) else: return np.percentile(arr, quantiles) quantiles = self.task_config.quantiles df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( dict( zip(chain(*self.all_variables), map(calc_percentiles, chain(*self.all_variables))))) df['pctl'] = quantiles df.set_index('pctl') return df @staticmethod def round_to_ref_prec(ref, sim, func=np.ceil): """Round one array to the precision of another Parameters ---------- ref: np.ndarray The reference array to get the precision from sim: np.ndarray The simulated array to round func: function The rounding function to use Returns ------- np.ndarray Rounded `sim`""" ref_sorted = np.unique(ref) if len(ref_sorted) < 2: return sim precision = (ref_sorted[1:] - ref_sorted[:-1]).min() return func((sim / precision) * precision)