class DataFrameEditor(DockMixin, QWidget): """An editor for data frames""" dock_cls = DataFrameDock #: A signal that is emitted, if the table is cleared cleared = QtCore.pyqtSignal() #: A signal that is emitted when a cell has been changed. The argument #: is a tuple of two integers and one float: #: the row index, the column index and the new value cell_edited = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int, object, object) #: A signal that is emitted, if rows have been inserted into the dataframe. #: The first value is the integer of the (original) position of the row, #: the second one is the number of rows rows_inserted = QtCore.pyqtSignal(int, int) @property def hidden(self): return not self.table.filled def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(DataFrameEditor, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.error_msg = PyErrorMessage(self) # Label for displaying the DataFrame size self.lbl_size = QLabel() # A Checkbox for enabling and disabling the editability of the index self.cb_index_editable = QCheckBox('Index editable') # A checkbox for enabling and disabling the change of data types self.cb_dtypes_changeable = QCheckBox('Datatypes changeable') # A checkbox for enabling and disabling sorting self.cb_enable_sort = QCheckBox('Enable sorting') # A button to open a dataframe from the file self.btn_open_df = QToolButton(parent=self) self.btn_open_df.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('run_arrow.png'))) self.btn_open_df.setToolTip('Open a DataFrame from your disk') self.btn_from_console = LoadFromConsoleButton(pd.DataFrame) self.btn_from_console.setToolTip('Show a DataFrame from the console') # The table to display the DataFrame self.table = DataFrameView(pd.DataFrame(), self) # format line edit self.format_editor = QLineEdit() self.format_editor.setText(self.table.model()._format) # format update button self.btn_change_format = QPushButton('Update') self.btn_change_format.setEnabled(False) # table clearing button self.btn_clear = QPushButton('Clear') self.btn_clear.setToolTip( 'Clear the table and disconnect from the DataFrame') # refresh button self.btn_refresh = QToolButton() self.btn_refresh.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('refresh.png'))) self.btn_refresh.setToolTip('Refresh the table') # close button self.btn_close = QPushButton('Close') self.btn_close.setToolTip('Close this widget permanentely') # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------ layout -------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- vbox = QVBoxLayout() self.top_hbox = hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.cb_index_editable) hbox.addWidget(self.cb_dtypes_changeable) hbox.addWidget(self.cb_enable_sort) hbox.addWidget(self.lbl_size) hbox.addStretch(0) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_open_df) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_from_console) vbox.addLayout(hbox) vbox.addWidget(self.table) self.bottom_hbox = hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.format_editor) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_change_format) hbox.addStretch(0) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_clear) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_close) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_refresh) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.setLayout(vbox) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------ Connections -------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------- self.cb_dtypes_changeable.stateChanged.connect( self.set_dtypes_changeable) self.cb_index_editable.stateChanged.connect(self.set_index_editable) self.btn_from_console.object_loaded.connect(self._open_ds_from_console) self.rows_inserted.connect(lambda i, n: self.set_lbl_size_text()) self.format_editor.textChanged.connect(self.toggle_fmt_button) self.btn_change_format.clicked.connect(self.update_format) self.btn_clear.clicked.connect(self.clear_table) self.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.clear_table) self.btn_close.clicked.connect(lambda: self.close()) self.btn_refresh.clicked.connect(self.table.reset_model) self.btn_open_df.clicked.connect(self._open_dataframe) self.table.set_index_action.triggered.connect( self.update_index_editable) self.table.append_index_action.triggered.connect( self.update_index_editable) self.cb_enable_sort.stateChanged.connect( self.table.setSortingEnabled) def update_index_editable(self): model = self.table.model() if len(model.df.index.names) > 1: model.index_editable = False self.cb_index_editable.setEnabled(False) self.cb_index_editable.setChecked(model.index_editable) def set_lbl_size_text(self, nrows=None, ncols=None): """Set the text of the :attr:`lbl_size` label to display the size""" model = self.table.model() nrows = nrows if nrows is not None else model.rowCount() ncols = ncols if ncols is not None else model.columnCount() if not nrows and not ncols: self.lbl_size.setText('') else: self.lbl_size.setText('Rows: %i, Columns: %i' % (nrows, ncols)) def clear_table(self): """Clear the table and emit the :attr:`cleared` signal""" df = pd.DataFrame() self.set_df(df, show=False) def _open_ds_from_console(self, oname, df): self.set_df(df) @docstrings.dedent def set_df(self, df, *args, **kwargs): """ Fill the table from a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` Parameters ---------- %(DataFrameModel.parameters.no_parent)s show: bool If True (default), show and raise_ the editor """ show = kwargs.pop('show', True) self.table.set_df(df, *args, **kwargs) self.set_lbl_size_text(*df.shape) model = self.table.model() self.cb_dtypes_changeable.setChecked(model.dtypes_changeable) if len(model.df.index.names) > 1: model.index_editable = False self.cb_index_editable.setEnabled(False) else: self.cb_index_editable.setEnabled(True) self.cb_index_editable.setChecked(model.index_editable) self.cleared.emit() if show: self.show_plugin() self.dock.raise_() def set_index_editable(self, state): """Set the :attr:`DataFrameModel.index_editable` attribute""" self.table.model().index_editable = state == Qt.Checked def set_dtypes_changeable(self, state): """Set the :attr:`DataFrameModel.dtypes_changeable` attribute""" self.table.model().dtypes_changeable = state == Qt.Checked def toggle_fmt_button(self, text): try: text % 1.1 except (TypeError, ValueError): self.btn_change_format.setEnabled(False) else: self.btn_change_format.setEnabled( text.strip() != self.table.model()._format) def update_format(self): """Update the format of the table""" self.table.model().set_format(self.format_editor.text().strip()) def to_dock(self, main, *args, **kwargs): connect = self.dock is None super(DataFrameEditor, self).to_dock(main, *args, **kwargs) if connect: self.dock.toggleViewAction().triggered.connect(self.maybe_tabify) def maybe_tabify(self): main = self.dock.parent() if self.is_shown and main.dockWidgetArea( main.help_explorer.dock) == main.dockWidgetArea(self.dock): main.tabifyDockWidget(main.help_explorer.dock, self.dock) def _open_dataframe(self): self.open_dataframe() def open_dataframe(self, fname=None, *args, **kwargs): """Opens a file dialog and the dataset that has been inserted""" if fname is None: fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, 'Open dataset', os.getcwd(), 'Comma separated files (*.csv);;' 'Excel files (*.xls *.xlsx);;' 'JSON files (*.json);;' 'All files (*)' ) if with_qt5: # the filter is passed as well fname = fname[0] if isinstance(fname, pd.DataFrame): self.set_df(fname) elif not fname: return else: ext = osp.splitext(fname)[1] open_funcs = { '.xls': pd.read_excel, '.xlsx': pd.read_excel, '.json': pd.read_json, '.tab': partial(pd.read_csv, delimiter='\t'), '.dat': partial(pd.read_csv, delim_whitespace=True), } open_func = open_funcs.get(ext, pd.read_csv) try: df = open_func(fname) except Exception: self.error_msg.showTraceback( '<b>Could not open DataFrame %s with %s</b>' % ( fname, open_func)) return self.set_df(df) def close(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.dock is not None: self.dock.close(*args, **kwargs) # removes the dock window del self.dock return super(DataFrameEditor, self).close(*args, **kwargs)
class StackedReader(DataReader, StraditizerControlBase): """A DataReader for stacked area plots This reader only works within the straditizer GUI because the digitization (see :meth:`digitize`) is interactive. The user has to manually distinguish the stacked variables.""" #: The QTreeWidgetItem that holds the digitization widgets digitize_child = None #: A QPushButton to select the previous variable during the digitization #: (see :meth:`decrease_current_col`) btn_prev = None #: A QPushButton to select the next variable during the digitization #: (see :meth:`increase_current_col`) btn_next = None #: A QPushButton to select the features in the image for the current #: variable (see :meth:`select_current_column`) btn_edit = None #: A QPushButton to add a new variable to the current ones #: (see :meth:`select_and_add_current_column`) btn_add = None #: A QLabel to display the current column lbl_col = None strat_plot_identifier = 'stacked' _current_col = 0 def digitize(self): """Digitize the data interactively This method creates a new child item for the digitize button in the straditizer control to manually distinguish the variables in the stacked diagram.""" if getattr(self, 'straditizer_widgets', None) is None: self.init_straditizercontrol(get_straditizer_widgets()) digitizer = self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer digitizing = digitizer.btn_digitize.isChecked() if digitizing and self.digitize_child is None: raise ValueError("Apparently another digitization is in progress!") elif not digitizing and self.digitize_child is None: if len(self.columns) == 1 or self._current_col not in self.columns: self._current_col = self.columns[0] if len(self.columns) == 1: super(StackedReader, self).digitize() # start digitization digitizer.btn_digitize.setCheckable(True) digitizer.btn_digitize.setChecked(True) self._init_digitize_child() # Disable the changing of readers digitizer.cb_readers.setEnabled(False) digitizer.tree.expandItem(digitizer.digitize_item) self.enable_or_disable_navigation_buttons() self.reset_lbl_col() elif not digitizing: # stop digitization digitizer.btn_digitize.setChecked(False) digitizer.btn_digitize.setCheckable(False) self._remove_digitze_child(digitizer) digitizer.cb_readers.setEnabled( digitizer.should_be_enabled(digitizer.cb_readers)) del self.straditizer_widgets def _init_digitize_child(self): self.lbl_col = QLabel('') self.btn_prev = QPushButton('<') self.btn_next = QPushButton('>') self.btn_edit = QPushButton('Edit') self.btn_add = QPushButton('+') self.reset_lbl_col() self.btn_box = w = QWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.lbl_col) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.btn_prev) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_next) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_edit) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_add) vbox.addLayout(hbox) w.setLayout(vbox) self.digitize_child = QTreeWidgetItem(0) self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.digitize_item.addChild( self.digitize_child) self.straditizer_widgets.digitizer.tree.setItemWidget( self.digitize_child, 0, w) self.widgets2disable = [self.btn_prev, self.btn_next, self.btn_edit, self.btn_add] self.btn_next.clicked.connect(self.increase_current_col) self.btn_prev.clicked.connect(self.decrease_current_col) self.btn_edit.clicked.connect(self.select_current_column) self.btn_add.clicked.connect(self.select_and_add_current_column) def reset_lbl_col(self): """Reset the :attr:`lbl_col` to display the current column""" self.lbl_col.setText('Part %i of %i' % ( self.columns.index(self._current_col) + 1, len(self.columns))) def increase_current_col(self): """Take the next column as the current column""" self._current_col = min(self.columns[-1], self._current_col + 1) self.reset_lbl_col() self.enable_or_disable_navigation_buttons() def decrease_current_col(self): """Take the previous column as the current column""" self._current_col = max(self.columns[0], self._current_col - 1) self.reset_lbl_col() self.enable_or_disable_navigation_buttons() def _remove_digitze_child(self, digitizer): digitizer.digitize_item.takeChild( digitizer.digitize_item.indexOfChild( self.digitize_child)) digitizer.btn_digitize.setChecked(False) digitizer.btn_digitize.setCheckable(False) for btn in self.widgets2disable: btn.clicked.disconnect() del (self.digitize_child, self.btn_prev, self.btn_next, self.btn_add, self.btn_edit, self.lbl_col, self.btn_box) self.widgets2disable.clear() def enable_or_disable_navigation_buttons(self): """Enable or disable :attr:`btn_prev` and :attr:`btn_next` Depending on the current column, we disable the navigation buttons :attr:`btn_prev` and :attr:`btn_next`""" disable_all = self.columns is None or len(self.columns) == 1 self.btn_prev.setEnabled(not disable_all and self._current_col != self.columns[0]) self.btn_next.setEnabled(not disable_all and self._current_col != self.columns[-1]) def select_and_add_current_column(self): """Select the features for a column and create it as a new one""" return self._select_current_column(True) def select_current_column(self): """Select the features of the current column""" return self._select_current_column() def _select_current_column(self, add_on_apply=False): image = self.to_grey_pil(self.image).astype(int) + 1 start = self.start_of_current_col end = start + self.full_df[self._current_col].values all_end = start + self.full_df.loc[:, self._current_col:].values.sum( axis=1) x = np.meshgrid(*map(np.arange, image.shape[::-1]))[0] image[(x < start[:, np.newaxis]) | (x > all_end[:, np.newaxis])] = 0 labels = skim.label(image, 8) self.straditizer_widgets.selection_toolbar.data_obj = self self.apply_button.clicked.connect( self.add_col if add_on_apply else self.update_col) self.apply_button.clicked.connect(self.update_plotted_full_df) self.straditizer_widgets.selection_toolbar.start_selection( labels, rgba=self.image_array(), remove_on_apply=False) self.select_all_labels() # set values outside the current column to 0 self._selection_arr[(x < start[:, np.newaxis]) | (x >= end[:, np.newaxis])] = -1 self._select_img.set_array(self._selection_arr) self.draw_figure() @property def start_of_current_col(self): """The first x-pixel of the current column""" if self._current_col == self.columns[0]: start = np.zeros(self.binary.shape[:1]) else: idx = self.columns.index(self._current_col) start = self.full_df.iloc[:, :idx].values.sum(axis=1) start += self.column_starts[0] return start def update_plotted_full_df(self): """Update the plotted full_df if it is shown See Also -------- plot_full_df""" pc = self.straditizer_widgets.plot_control.table if pc.can_plot_full_df() and pc.get_full_df_lines(): pc.remove_full_df_plot() pc.plot_full_df() def update_col(self): """Update the current column based on the selection. This method updates the end of the current column and adds or removes the changes from the columns to the right.""" current = self._current_col start = self.start_of_current_col selected = self.selected_part end = (self.binary.shape[1] - selected[:, ::-1].argmax(axis=1) - start) not_selected = ~selected.any() end[not_selected] = 0 diff_end = self.parent._full_df.loc[:, current] - end self.parent._full_df.loc[:, current] = end if current != self.columns[-1]: self.parent._full_df.loc[:, current + 1] += diff_end def get_binary_for_col(self, col): s, e = self.column_bounds[self.columns.index(col)] if self.parent._full_df is None: return self.binary[:, s:e] else: vals = self.full_df.loc[:, col].values ret = np.zeros((self.binary.shape[0], int(vals.max()))) dist = np.tile(np.arange(ret.shape[1])[np.newaxis], (len(ret), 1)) ret[dist <= vals[:, np.newaxis]] = 1 return ret def add_col(self): """Create a column out of the current selection""" def increase_col_nums(df): df_cols = df.columns.values df_cols[df_cols >= current] += 1 df.columns = df_cols current = self._current_col start = self.start_of_current_col selected = self.selected_part end = (self.binary.shape[1] - selected[:, ::-1].argmax(axis=1) - start) not_selected = ~selected.any() end[not_selected] = 0 # ----- Update of reader column numbers ----- for reader in self.iter_all_readers: for i, col in enumerate(reader.columns): if col >= current: reader.columns[i] += 1 self.columns.insert(self.columns.index(current + 1), current) self.parent._column_starts = np.insert( self.parent._column_starts, current, self._column_starts[current]) if self.parent._column_ends is not None: self.parent._column_ends = np.insert( self.parent._column_ends, current, self.parent._column_ends[current]) # ----- Update of column numbers in dataframes ----- # increase column numbers in full_df full_df = self.parent._full_df increase_col_nums(full_df) # increase column numbers in samples samples = self.parent._sample_locs if samples is not None: increase_col_nums(samples) # ----- Update of DataFrames ----- # update the current column in full_df and add the new one full_df.loc[:, current + 1] -= end full_df[current] = end full_df.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) # update the current column in samples and add the new one if samples is not None: new_samples = full_df.loc[samples.index, current] samples.loc[:, current + 1] -= new_samples samples[current] = new_samples samples.sort_index(axis=1, inplace=True) rough_locs = self.parent.rough_locs if rough_locs is not None: rough_locs[(current + 1, 'vmin')] = rough_locs[(current, 'vmin')] rough_locs[(current + 1, 'vmax')] = rough_locs[(current, 'vmax')] rough_locs.loc[:, current] = -1 rough_locs.sort_index(inplace=True, level=0) self.reset_lbl_col() self.enable_or_disable_navigation_buttons() def plot_full_df(self, ax=None): """Plot the lines for the digitized diagram""" vals = self.full_df.values starts = self.column_starts self.lines = lines = [] y = np.arange(np.shape(self.image)[0]) ax = ax or if self.extent is not None: y += self.extent[-1] starts += self.extent[0] x = np.zeros_like(vals[:, 0]) + starts[0] for i in range(vals.shape[1]): x += vals[:, i] lines.extend(ax.plot(x.copy(), y, lw=2.0)) def plot_potential_samples(self, excluded=False, ax=None, plot_kws={}, *args, **kwargs): """Plot the ranges for potential samples""" vals = self.full_df.values.copy() starts = self.column_starts.copy() self.sample_ranges = lines = [] y = np.arange(np.shape(self.image)[0]) ax = ax or plot_kws = dict(plot_kws) plot_kws.setdefault('marker', '+') if self.extent is not None: y += self.extent[-1] starts = starts + self.extent[0] x = np.zeros(vals.shape[0]) + starts[0] for i, (col, arr) in enumerate(zip(self.columns, vals.T)): all_indices, excluded_indices = self.find_potential_samples( i, *args, **kwargs) if excluded: all_indices = excluded_indices if not all_indices: x += arr continue mask = np.ones(arr.size, dtype=bool) for imin, imax in all_indices: mask[imin:imax] = False for imin, imax in all_indices: lines.extend(ax.plot( np.where(mask, np.nan, arr)[imin:imax] + x[imin:imax], y[imin:imax], **plot_kws)) x += arr def resize_axes(self, grouper, bounds): """Reimplemented to do nothing""" xmin = bounds.min() xmax = bounds.max() grouper.plotters[0].update(xlim=(xmin, xmax)) return
class PatternSelectionWidget(QWidget, DockMixin): """A wdiget to select patterns in the image This widget consist of an :class:`EmbededMplCanvas` to display the template for the pattern and uses the :func:`skimage.feature.match_template` function to identify it in the :attr:`arr` See Also -------- straditize.widget.selection_toolbar.SelectionToolbar.start_pattern_selection """ #: The template to look for in the :attr:`arr` template = None #: The selector to select the template in the original image selector = None #: The extents of the :attr:`template` in the original image template_extents = None #: The matplotlib artist of the :attr:`template` in the #: :attr:`template_fig` template_im = None #: The :class:`EmbededMplCanvas` to display the :attr:`template` template_fig = None axes = None #: A QSlider to set the threshold for the template correlation sl_thresh = None _corr_plot = None key_press_cid = None def __init__(self, arr, data_obj, remove_selection=False, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- arr: np.ndarray of shape ``(Ny, Nx)`` The labeled selection array data_obj: straditize.label_selection.LabelSelection The data object whose image shall be selected remove_selection: bool If True, remove the selection on apply """ super(PatternSelectionWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.arr = arr self.data_obj = data_obj self.remove_selection = remove_selection self.template = None # the figure to show the template self.template_fig = EmbededMplCanvas() # the button to select the template self.btn_select_template = QPushButton('Select a template') self.btn_select_template.setCheckable(True) # the checkbox to allow fractions of the template self.fraction_box = QGroupBox('Template fractions') self.fraction_box.setCheckable(True) self.fraction_box.setChecked(False) self.fraction_box.setEnabled(False) self.sl_fraction = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.lbl_fraction = QLabel('0.75') self.sl_fraction.setValue(75) # the slider to select the increments of the fractions self.sl_increments = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.sl_increments.setValue(3) self.sl_increments.setMinimum(1) self.lbl_increments = QLabel('3') # the button to perform the correlation self.btn_correlate = QPushButton('Find template') self.btn_correlate.setEnabled(False) # the button to plot the correlation self.btn_plot_corr = QPushButton('Plot correlation') self.btn_plot_corr.setCheckable(True) self.btn_plot_corr.setEnabled(False) # slider for subselection self.btn_select = QPushButton('Select pattern') self.sl_thresh = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self.lbl_thresh = QLabel('0.5') self.btn_select.setCheckable(True) self.btn_select.setEnabled(False) self.sl_thresh.setValue(75) self.sl_thresh.setVisible(False) self.lbl_thresh.setVisible(False) # cancel and close button self.btn_cancel = QPushButton('Cancel') self.btn_close = QPushButton('Apply') self.btn_close.setEnabled(False) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.template_fig) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(0) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_select_template) vbox.addLayout(hbox) fraction_layout = QGridLayout() fraction_layout.addWidget(QLabel('Fraction'), 0, 0) fraction_layout.addWidget(self.sl_fraction, 0, 1) fraction_layout.addWidget(self.lbl_fraction, 0, 2) fraction_layout.addWidget(QLabel('Increments'), 1, 0) fraction_layout.addWidget(self.sl_increments, 1, 1) fraction_layout.addWidget(self.lbl_increments, 1, 2) self.fraction_box.setLayout(fraction_layout) vbox.addWidget(self.fraction_box) vbox.addWidget(self.btn_correlate) vbox.addWidget(self.btn_plot_corr) vbox.addWidget(self.btn_select) thresh_box = QHBoxLayout() thresh_box.addWidget(self.sl_thresh) thresh_box.addWidget(self.lbl_thresh) vbox.addLayout(thresh_box) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.btn_cancel) hbox.addWidget(self.btn_close) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.setLayout(vbox) self.btn_select_template.clicked.connect( self.toggle_template_selection) self.sl_fraction.valueChanged.connect( lambda i: self.lbl_fraction.setText(str(i / 100.))) self.sl_increments.valueChanged.connect( lambda i: self.lbl_increments.setText(str(i))) self.btn_correlate.clicked.connect(self.start_correlation) self.btn_plot_corr.clicked.connect(self.toggle_correlation_plot) self.sl_thresh.valueChanged.connect( lambda i: self.lbl_thresh.setText(str((i - 50) / 50.))) self.sl_thresh.valueChanged.connect(self.modify_selection) self.btn_select.clicked.connect(self.toggle_selection) self.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(self.cancel) self.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.close) def toggle_template_selection(self): """Enable or disable the template selection""" if (not self.btn_select_template.isChecked() and self.selector is not None): self.selector.set_active(False) for a in self.selector.artists: a.set_visible(False) self.btn_select_template.setText('Select a template') elif self.selector is not None and self.template_im is not None: self.selector.set_active(True) for a in self.selector.artists: a.set_visible(True) self.btn_select_template.setText('Apply') else: self.selector = RectangleSelector(, self.update_image, interactive=True) if self.template_extents is not None: self.selector.draw_shape(self.template_extents) self.key_press_cid = 'key_press_event', self.update_image) self.btn_select_template.setText('Cancel') self.data_obj.draw_figure() if self.template is not None: self.fraction_box.setEnabled(True) self.sl_increments.setMaximum(min(self.template.shape[:2])) self.btn_correlate.setEnabled(True) def update_image(self, *args, **kwargs): """Update the template image based on the :attr:`selector` extents""" if self.template_im is not None: self.template_im.remove() del self.template_im elif self.axes is None: self.axes = self.template_fig.figure.add_subplot(111) self.template_fig.figure.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.3) if not self.selector.artists[0].get_visible(): self.template_extents = None self.template = None self.btn_select_template.setText('Cancel') else: self.template_extents = np.round(self.selector.extents).astype(int) x, y = self.template_extents.reshape((2, 2)) if getattr(self.data_obj, 'extent', None) is not None: extent = self.data_obj.extent x -= int(min(extent[:2])) y -= int(min(extent[2:])) slx = slice(*sorted(x)) sly = slice(*sorted(y)) self.template = template = self.arr[sly, slx] if template.ndim == 3: self.template_im = self.axes.imshow(template) else: self.template_im = self.axes.imshow(template, cmap='binary') self.btn_select_template.setText('Apply') self.template_fig.draw() def start_correlation(self): """Look for the correlations of template and source""" if self.fraction_box.isChecked(): self._fraction = self.sl_fraction.value() / 100. increments = self.sl_increments.value() else: self._fraction = 0 increments = 1 corr = self.correlate_template(self.arr, self.template, self._fraction, increments) if corr is not None: self._correlation = corr enable = self._correlation is not None self.btn_plot_corr.setEnabled(enable) self.btn_select.setEnabled(enable) def toggle_selection(self): """Modifiy the selection (or not) based on the template correlation""" obj = self.data_obj if self.btn_select.isChecked(): self._orig_selection_arr = obj._selection_arr.copy() self._selected_labels = obj.selected_labels self._select_cmap = obj._select_cmap self._select_norm = obj._select_norm self.btn_select.setText('Reset') self.btn_close.setEnabled(True) obj.unselect_all_labels() self.sl_thresh.setVisible(True) self.lbl_thresh.setVisible(True) self.modify_selection(self.sl_thresh.value()) else: if obj._selection_arr is not None: obj._selection_arr[:] = self._orig_selection_arr obj._select_img.set_array(self._orig_selection_arr) obj.select_labels(self._selected_labels) obj._update_magni_img() del self._orig_selection_arr, self._selected_labels self.btn_select.setText('Select pattern') self.btn_close.setEnabled(False) self.sl_thresh.setVisible(False) self.lbl_thresh.setVisible(False) obj.draw_figure() def modify_selection(self, i): """Modify the selection based on the correlation threshold Parameters ---------- i: int An integer between 0 and 100, the value of the :attr:`sl_thresh` slider""" if not self.btn_select.isChecked(): return obj = self.data_obj val = (i - 50.) / 50. # select the values above 50 if not self.remove_selection: # clear the selection obj._selection_arr[:] = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() select_val = obj._selection_arr.max() + 1 obj._selection_arr[self._correlation >= val] = select_val else: obj._selection_arr[:] = self._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._selection_arr[self._correlation >= val] = -1 obj._select_img.set_array(obj._selection_arr) obj._update_magni_img() obj.draw_figure() def correlate_template(self, arr, template, fraction=False, increment=1, report=True): """Correlate a template with the `arr` This method uses the :func:`skimage.feature.match_template` function to find the given `template` in the source array `arr`. Parameters ---------- arr: np.ndarray of shape ``(Ny,Nx)`` The labeled selection array (see :attr:`arr`), the source of the given `template` template: np.ndarray of shape ``(nx, ny)`` The template from ``arr`` that shall be searched fraction: float If not null, we will look through the given fraction of the template to look for partial matches as well increment: int The increment of the loop with the `fraction`. report: bool If True and `fraction` is not null, a QProgressDialog is opened to inform the user about the progress""" from skimage.feature import match_template mask = self.data_obj.selected_part x = mask.any(axis=0) if not x.any(): raise ValueError("No data selected!") y = mask.any(axis=1) xmin = x.argmax() xmax = len(x) - x[::-1].argmax() ymin = y.argmax() ymax = len(y) - y[::-1].argmax() if arr.ndim == 3: mask = np.tile(mask[..., np.newaxis], (1, 1, arr.shape[-1])) src = np.where(mask[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax], arr[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax], 0) sny, snx = src.shape if not fraction: corr = match_template(src, template) full_shape = np.array(corr.shape) else: # loop through the template to allow partial hatches shp = np.array(template.shape, dtype=int)[:2] ny, nx = shp fshp = np.round(fraction * shp).astype(int) fny, fnx = fshp it = list( product(range(0, fny, increment), range(0, fnx, increment))) ntot = len(it) full_shape = fshp - shp + src.shape corr = np.zeros(full_shape, dtype=float) if report: txt = 'Searching template...' dialog = QProgressDialog(txt, 'Cancel', 0, ntot) dialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) t0 = for k, (i, j) in enumerate(it): if report: dialog.setValue(k) if k and not k % 10: passed = ( - t0).total_seconds() dialog.setLabelText(txt + ' %1.0f seconds remaning' % ((passed * (ntot / k - 1.)))) if report and dialog.wasCanceled(): return else: y_end, x_start = fshp - (i, j) - 1 sly = slice(y_end, full_shape[0]) slx = slice(0, -x_start or full_shape[1]) corr[sly, slx] = np.maximum( corr[sly, slx], match_template(src, template[:-i or ny, j:])) ret = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=corr.dtype) dny, dnx = src.shape - full_shape for i, j in product(range(dny + 1), range(dnx + 1)): ret[ymin + i:ymax - dny + i, xmin + j:xmax - dnx + j] = np.maximum( ret[ymin + i:ymax - dny + i, xmin + j:xmax - dnx + j], corr) return np.where(mask, ret, 0) def toggle_correlation_plot(self): """Toggle the correlation plot between :attr:`template` and :attr:`arr` """ obj = self.data_obj if self._corr_plot is None: self._corr_plot = self._correlation, extent=obj._select_img.get_extent(), zorder=obj._select_img.zorder + 0.1) self._corr_cbar =, orientation='vertical') self._corr_cbar.set_label('Correlation') else: for a in [self._corr_cbar, self._corr_plot]: try: a.remove() except ValueError: pass del self._corr_plot, self._corr_cbar obj.draw_figure() def to_dock(self, main, title=None, position=None, docktype='df', *args, **kwargs): if position is None: position = main.dockWidgetArea(main.help_explorer.dock) connect = self.dock is None ret = super(PatternSelectionWidget, self).to_dock(main, title, position, docktype=docktype, *args, **kwargs) if connect: self.dock.toggleViewAction().triggered.connect(self.maybe_tabify) return ret def maybe_tabify(self): main = self.dock.parent() if self.is_shown and main.dockWidgetArea( main.help_explorer.dock) == main.dockWidgetArea(self.dock): main.tabifyDockWidget(main.help_explorer.dock, self.dock) def cancel(self): if self.btn_select.isChecked(): self.btn_select.setChecked(False) self.toggle_selection() self.close() def close(self): from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow if self.selector is not None: self.selector.disconnect_events() for a in self.selector.artists: try: a.remove() except ValueError: pass self.data_obj.draw_figure() del self.selector if self._corr_plot is not None: self.toggle_correlation_plot() if self.key_press_cid is not None: for attr in ['data_obj', 'arr', 'template', 'key_press_cid']: try: delattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: pass mainwindow.removeDockWidget(self.dock) return super(PatternSelectionWidget, self).close()
class DependenciesDialog(QDialog): """A dialog for displaying the dependencies""" #: description label label = None #: the QVBoxLayout containing all the widgets vbox = None #: The :class:`DependenciesTree` that contains the package infos tree = None #: The QPushButton used for copying selected packages to the clipboard bt_copy = None #: A simple info label for info messages info_label = None #: A QTimer that clears the :attr:`info_label` after some time timer = None @docstrings.dedent def __init__(self, versions, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- %(DependenciesTree.parameters)s """ super(DependenciesDialog, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setWindowTitle('Dependencies') self.versions = versions self.vbox = layout = QVBoxLayout() self.label = QLabel(""" psyplot and the plugins depend on several python libraries. The tree widget below lists the versions of the plugins and the requirements. You can select the items in the tree and copy them to clipboard.""", parent=self) layout.addWidget(self.label) self.tree = DependenciesTree(versions, parent=self) self.tree.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.MultiSelection) layout.addWidget(self.tree) # copy button self.bt_copy = QPushButton('Copy selection to clipboard') self.bt_copy.setToolTip( 'Copy the selected packages in the above table to the clipboard.') self.bt_copy.clicked.connect(lambda: self.copy_selected()) self.bbox = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) self.bbox.accepted.connect(self.accept) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.bt_copy) hbox.addStretch(1) hbox.addWidget(self.bbox) layout.addLayout(hbox) #: A label for simple status update self.info_label = QLabel('', self) layout.addWidget(self.info_label) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(self) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.clear_label) self.setLayout(layout) def copy_selected(self, label=None): """Copy the selected versions and items to the clipboard""" d = {} items = self.tree.selectedItems() if not items: QMessageBox.warning(self, "No packages selected!", "Please select packages in the tree!") return for item in items: d[item.text(0)] = item.text(1) if label is None: label = QApplication.clipboard() label.setText("\n".join( '%s: %s' % t for t in d.items())) self.info_label.setText('Packages copied to clipboard.') self.timer.start(3000) def clear_label(self): """Clear the info label""" self.info_label.setText('')
class SelectionToolbar(QToolBar, StraditizerControlBase): """A toolbar for selecting features in the straditizer and data image The current data object is set in the :attr:`combo` and can be accessed through the :attr:`data_obj` attribute. It's either the straditizer or the data_reader that is accessed""" _idPress = None _idRelease = None #: A signal that is emitted when something is selected selected = QtCore.pyqtSignal() set_cursor_id = None reset_cursor_id = None #: The QCombobox that defines the data object to be used combo = None @property def ax(self): """The :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` of the :attr:`data_obj`""" return @property def data(self): """The np.ndarray of the :attr:`data_obj` image""" text = self.combo.currentText() if text == 'Reader': return self.straditizer.data_reader.binary elif text == 'Reader - Greyscale': return self.straditizer.data_reader.to_grey_pil( self.straditizer.data_reader.image) else: from straditize.binary import DataReader return DataReader.to_grey_pil(self.straditizer.image) @property def data_obj(self): """The data object as set in the :attr:`combo`. Either a :class:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer` or a :class:`straditize.binary.DataReader` instance. """ text = self.combo.currentText() if text in ['Reader', 'Reader - Greyscale']: return self.straditizer.data_reader else: return self.straditizer @data_obj.setter def data_obj(self, value): """The data object as set in the :attr:`combo`. Either a :class:`~straditize.straditizer.Straditizer` or a :class:`straditize.binary.DataReader` instance. """ if self.straditizer is None: return if isinstance(value, six.string_types): possible_values = { self.combo.itemText(i) for i in range(self.combo.count())} if value not in possible_values: raise ValueError( 'Do not understand %r! Please use one of %r' % ( value, possible_values)) else: self.combo.setCurrentText(value) else: if value is self.straditizer: self.combo.setCurrentText('Straditizer') elif value and value is self.straditizer.data_reader: self.combo.setCurrentText('Reader') else: raise ValueError('Do not understand %r! Please either use ' 'the Straditizer or DataReader instance!' % ( value, )) @property def fig(self): """The :class:`~matplotlib.figure.Figure` of the :attr:`data_obj`""" try: return except AttributeError: return None @property def canvas(self): """The canvas of the :attr:`data_obj`""" try: return self.fig.canvas except AttributeError: return None @property def toolbar(self): """The toolbar of the :attr:`canvas`""" return self.canvas.toolbar @property def select_action(self): """The rectangle selection tool""" return self._actions['select'] @property def wand_action(self): """The wand selection tool""" return self._actions['wand_select'] @property def new_select_action(self): """The action to make new selection with one of the selection tools""" return self._type_actions['new_select'] @property def add_select_action(self): """The action to add to the current selection with the selection tools """ return self._type_actions['add_select'] @property def remove_select_action(self): """ An action to remove from the current selection with the selection tools """ return self._type_actions['remove_select'] @property def select_all_action(self): """An action to select all features in the :attr:`data`""" return self._actions['select_all'] @property def expand_select_action(self): """An action to expand the current selection to the full feature""" return self._actions['expand_select'] @property def invert_select_action(self): """An action to invert the current selection""" return self._actions['invert_select'] @property def clear_select_action(self): """An action to clear the current selection""" return self._actions['clear_select'] @property def select_right_action(self): """An action to select everything in the data column to the right""" return self._actions['select_right'] @property def select_pattern_action(self): """An action to start a pattern selection""" return self._actions['select_pattern'] @property def widgets2disable(self): if not self._actions: return [] elif self._selecting: return [self.combo] else: return list(chain([self.combo], self._actions.values(), self._appearance_actions.values())) @property def labels(self): """The labeled data that is displayed""" if self.data_obj._selection_arr is not None: return self.data_obj._selection_arr text = self.combo.currentText() if text == 'Reader': return self.straditizer.data_reader.labels.copy() elif text == 'Reader - Greyscale': return self.straditizer.data_reader.color_labels() else: return self.straditizer.get_labels() @property def rect_callbacks(self): """The functions to call after the rectangle selection. If not set manually, it is the :meth:`select_rect` method. Note that this is cleared at every call of the :meth:`end_selection`. Callables in this list must accept two arguments ``(slx, sly)``: the first one is the x-slice, and the second one the y-slice. They both correspond to the :attr:`data` attribute.""" return self._rect_callbacks or [self.select_rect] @rect_callbacks.setter def rect_callbacks(self, value): """The functions to call after the rectangle selection. If not set manually, it is the :meth:`select_rect` method. Note that this is cleared at every call of the :meth:`end_selection`. Callables in this list must accept two arguments ``(slx, sly)``: the first one is the x-slice, and the second one the y-slice. They both correspond to the :attr:`data` attribute.""" self._rect_callbacks = value @property def poly_callbacks(self): """The functions to call after the polygon selection If not set manually, it is the :meth:`select_poly` method. Note that this is cleared at every call of the :meth:`end_selection`. Callables in this list must accept one argument, a ``np.ndarray`` of shape ``(N, 2)``. This array defines the ``N`` x- and y-coordinates of the points of the polygon""" return self._poly_callbacks or [self.select_poly] @poly_callbacks.setter def poly_callbacks(self, value): """The functions to call after the polygon selection. If not set manually, it is the :meth:`poly_callbacks` method. Note that this is cleared at every call of the :meth:`end_selection`. Callables in this list must accept one argument, a ``np.ndarray`` of shape ``(N, 2)``. This array defines the ``N`` x- and y-coordinates of the points of the polygon""" self._poly_callbacks = value #: A :class:`PointOrRectangleSelector` to select features in the image selector = None _pattern_selection = None def __init__(self, straditizer_widgets, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectionToolbar, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._actions = {} self._wand_actions = {} self._pattern_actions = {} self._select_actions = {} self._appearance_actions = {} # Boolean that is True if we are in a selection process self._selecting = False self.init_straditizercontrol(straditizer_widgets) self._ids_select = [] self._rect_callbacks = [] self._poly_callbacks = [] self._selection_mode = None self._lastCursor = None self.create_actions() self._changed_selection = False self._connected = [] self._action_clicked = None self.wand_type = 'labels' self.select_type = 'rect' self.pattern_type = 'binary' self.auto_expand = False def create_actions(self): """Define the actions for the toolbar and set everything up""" # Reader toolbar self.combo = QComboBox() self.combo.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QComboBox.AdjustToContents) self.addWidget(self.combo) select_group = QActionGroup(self) # select action self._actions['select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('select.png')), 'select', self.toggle_selection) a.setToolTip('Select pixels within a rectangle') a.setCheckable(True) select_group.addAction(a) # select menu select_menu = QMenu(self) self._select_actions['rect_select'] = menu_a = select_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('select.png')), 'rectangle', self.set_rect_select_mode) menu_a.setToolTip('Select a rectangle') a.setToolTip(menu_a.toolTip()) self._select_actions['poly_select'] = menu_a = select_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('poly_select.png')), 'polygon', self.set_poly_select_mode) menu_a.setToolTip('Select a rectangle') a.setToolTip(menu_a.toolTip()) a.setMenu(select_menu) # wand_select action self._actions['wand_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('wand_select.png')), 'select', self.toggle_selection) a.setCheckable(True) select_group.addAction(a) # wand menu tool_menu = QMenu(self) self._wand_actions['wand_select'] = menu_a = tool_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('wand_select.png')), 'wand', self.set_label_wand_mode) menu_a.setToolTip('Select labels within a rectangle') a.setToolTip(menu_a.toolTip()) self._wand_actions['color_select'] = menu_a = tool_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('color_select.png')), 'color wand', self.set_color_wand_mode) menu_a.setToolTip('Select colors') self._wand_actions['row_select'] = menu_a = tool_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('row_select.png')), 'row selection', self.set_row_wand_mode) menu_a.setToolTip('Select pixel rows') self._wand_actions['col_select'] = menu_a = tool_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('col_select.png')), 'column selection', self.set_col_wand_mode) menu_a.setToolTip('Select pixel columns') a.setMenu(tool_menu) # color_wand widgets self.distance_slider = slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) slider.setMinimum(0) slider.setMaximum(255) slider.setValue(30) slider.setSingleStep(1) self.lbl_slider = QLabel('30') slider.valueChanged.connect(lambda i: self.lbl_slider.setText(str(i))) slider.setMaximumWidth(self.combo.sizeHint().width()) self.cb_whole_fig = QCheckBox('Whole plot') self.cb_whole_fig.setToolTip('Select the colors on the entire plot') self.cb_use_alpha = QCheckBox('Use alpha') self.cb_use_alpha.setToolTip('Use the alpha channel, i.e. the ' 'transparency of the RGBA image.') self.color_wand_actions = [ self.addWidget(slider), self.addWidget(self.lbl_slider), self.addWidget(self.cb_whole_fig), self.addWidget(self.cb_use_alpha)] self.set_label_wand_mode() self.addSeparator() type_group = QActionGroup(self) self._type_actions = {} # new selection action self._type_actions['new_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('new_selection.png')), 'Create a new selection') a.setToolTip('Select pixels within a rectangle and ignore the current ' 'selection') a.setCheckable(True) type_group.addAction(a) # add to selection action self._type_actions['add_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('add_select.png')), 'Add to selection') a.setToolTip('Select pixels within a rectangle and add them to the ' 'current selection') a.setCheckable(True) type_group.addAction(a) # remove action self._type_actions['remove_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('remove_select.png')), 'Remove from selection') a.setToolTip('Select pixels within a rectangle and remove them from ' 'the current selection') a.setCheckable(True) type_group.addAction(a) # info button self.addSeparator() self.info_button = InfoButton(self, 'selection_toolbar.rst') self.addWidget(self.info_button) # selection appearence options self.addSeparator() self.sl_alpha = slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) self._appearance_actions['alpha'] = self.addWidget(slider) slider.setMinimum(0) slider.setMaximum(100) slider.setValue(100) slider.setSingleStep(1) self.lbl_alpha_slider = QLabel('100 %') slider.valueChanged.connect( lambda i: self.lbl_alpha_slider.setText(str(i) + ' %')) slider.valueChanged.connect(self.update_alpha) slider.setMaximumWidth(self.combo.sizeHint().width()) # Select all and invert selection buttons self.addSeparator() self._actions['select_all'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('select_all.png')), 'all', self.select_all) a.setToolTip('Select all labels') self._actions['expand_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('expand_select.png')), 'expand', self.expand_selection) a.setToolTip('Expand the selected areas to select the entire feature') self._actions['invert_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('invert_select.png')), 'invert', self.invert_selection) a.setToolTip('Invert selection') self._actions['clear_select'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('clear_select.png')), 'clear', self.clear_selection) a.setToolTip('Clear selection') self._actions['select_right'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('select_right.png')), 'right', self.select_everything_to_the_right) a.setToolTip('Select everything to the right of each column') self._actions['select_pattern'] = a = self.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('pattern.png')), 'pattern', self.start_pattern_selection) a.setCheckable(True) a.setToolTip( 'Select a binary pattern/hatch within the current selection') # wand menu pattern_menu = QMenu(self) self._pattern_actions['binary'] = menu_a = pattern_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('pattern.png')), 'Binary', self.set_binary_pattern_mode) menu_a.setToolTip( 'Select a binary pattern/hatch within the current selection') a.setToolTip(menu_a.toolTip()) self._pattern_actions['grey'] = menu_a = pattern_menu.addAction( QIcon(get_icon('pattern_grey.png')), 'Greyscale', self.set_grey_pattern_mode) menu_a.setToolTip( 'Select a pattern/hatch within the current selection based on ' 'grey scale colors') a.setMenu(pattern_menu) self.new_select_action.setChecked(True) for a in self._type_actions.values(): a.toggled.connect(self.add_or_remove_pattern) self.refresh() def should_be_enabled(self, w): if self.straditizer is None: return False elif (self._actions and w in [self.remove_select_action, self.invert_select_action, self.clear_select_action, self.expand_select_action, self.select_right_action] and not self._selecting): return False elif w in self._appearance_actions.values() and not self._selecting: return False elif (self.combo and not self.combo.currentText().startswith('Reader') and w is self.select_right_action): return False return True def disable_actions(self): if self._changed_selection: return for a in self._actions.values(): if a.isChecked(): a.setChecked(False) self.toggle_selection() else: a.setChecked(False) def select_all(self): """Select all features in the image See Also -------- straditize.label_selection.LabelSelection.select_all_labels""" obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: rgba = obj.image_array() if hasattr(obj, 'image_array') else None self.start_selection(self.labels, rgba=rgba) obj.select_all_labels() self.canvas.draw() def invert_selection(self): """Invert the current selection""" obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: rgba = obj.image_array() if hasattr(obj, 'image_array') else None self.start_selection(self.labels, rgba=rgba) if (obj._selection_arr != obj._orig_selection_arr).any(): selection = obj.selected_part # clear the current selection obj._selection_arr[:] = np.where( obj._selection_arr.astype(bool) & (~selection), obj._orig_selection_arr.max() + 1, obj._orig_selection_arr) obj._select_img.set_array(obj._selection_arr) obj.unselect_all_labels() else: obj.select_all_other_labels() self.canvas.draw() def clear_selection(self): """Clear the current selection""" obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: return obj._selection_arr[:] = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._select_img.set_array(obj._selection_arr) obj.unselect_all_labels() self.canvas.draw() def expand_selection(self): """Expand the selected areas to select the full labels""" obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: return arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() selected_labels = np.unique(arr[obj.selected_part]) obj._selection_arr = arr obj._select_img.set_array(arr) obj.unselect_all_labels() obj.select_labels(selected_labels) self.canvas.draw() def update_alpha(self, i): """Set the transparency of the selection image Parameters ---------- i: int The transparency between 0 and 100""" self.data_obj._select_img.set_alpha(i / 100.) self.data_obj._update_magni_img() self.canvas.draw() def select_everything_to_the_right(self): """Selects everything to the right of the current selection""" reader = self.data_obj if reader._selection_arr is None: return bounds = reader.column_bounds selection = reader.selected_part new_select = np.zeros_like(selection) for start, end in bounds: can_be_selected = reader._selection_arr[:, start:end].astype(bool) end = start + can_be_selected.shape[1] last_in_row = selection[:, start:end].argmax(axis=-1).reshape( (-1, 1)) dist2start = np.tile(np.arange(end - start)[np.newaxis], (len(selection), 1)) can_be_selected[dist2start <= last_in_row] = False can_be_selected[~np.tile(last_in_row.astype(bool), (1, end - start))] = False new_select[:, start:end] = can_be_selected max_label = reader._orig_selection_arr.max() reader._selection_arr[new_select] = max_label + 1 reader._select_img.set_array(reader._selection_arr) reader._update_magni_img() self.canvas.draw() def start_pattern_selection(self): """Open the pattern selection dialog This method will enable the pattern selection by starting a :class:`straditize.widgets.pattern_selection.PatternSelectionWidget`""" from straditize.widgets.pattern_selection import PatternSelectionWidget if self.select_pattern_action.isChecked(): from straditize.binary import DataReader from psyplot_gui.main import mainwindow obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: if hasattr(obj, 'image_array'): rgba = obj.image_array() else: rgba = None self.start_selection(self.labels, rgba=rgba) self.select_all() if not obj.selected_part.any(): self.select_pattern_action.setChecked(False) raise ValueError( "No data in the image is selected. Please select the " "coarse region in which the pattern should be searched.") if self.pattern_type == 'binary': arr = DataReader.to_binary_pil(obj.image) else: arr = DataReader.to_grey_pil(obj.image) self._pattern_selection = w = PatternSelectionWidget( arr, obj) w.to_dock(mainwindow, 'Pattern selection') w.btn_close.clicked.connect(self.uncheck_pattern_selection) w.btn_cancel.clicked.connect(self.uncheck_pattern_selection) self.disable_actions() pattern_action = self.select_pattern_action for a in self._actions.values(): a.setEnabled(False) pattern_action.setEnabled(True) pattern_action.setChecked(True) w.show_plugin() w.maybe_tabify() w.raise_() elif self._pattern_selection is not None: self._pattern_selection.cancel() self._pattern_selection.close() self.uncheck_pattern_selection() del self._pattern_selection def uncheck_pattern_selection(self): """Disable the pattern selection""" self.select_pattern_action.setChecked(False) del self._pattern_selection for a in self._actions.values(): a.setEnabled(self.should_be_enabled(a)) def add_or_remove_pattern(self): """Enable the removing or adding of the pattern selection""" if getattr(self, '_pattern_selection', None) is None: return current = self._pattern_selection.remove_selection new = self.remove_select_action.isChecked() if new is not current: self._pattern_selection.remove_selection = new if self._pattern_selection.btn_select.isChecked(): self._pattern_selection.modify_selection( self._pattern_selection.sl_thresh.value()) def set_rect_select_mode(self): """Set the current wand tool to the color wand""" self.select_type = 'rect' self.select_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('select.png'))) self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() def set_poly_select_mode(self): """Set the current wand tool to the color wand""" self.select_type = 'poly' self.select_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('poly_select.png'))) self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() def set_label_wand_mode(self): """Set the current wand tool to the color wand""" self.wand_type = 'labels' self.wand_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('wand_select.png'))) for a in self.color_wand_actions: a.setVisible(False) self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() def set_color_wand_mode(self): """Set the current wand tool to the color wand""" self.wand_type = 'color' self.wand_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('color_select.png'))) for a in self.color_wand_actions: a.setVisible(True) self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() def set_row_wand_mode(self): """Set the current wand tool to the color wand""" self.wand_type = 'rows' self.wand_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('row_select.png'))) for a in self.color_wand_actions: a.setVisible(False) self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() def set_col_wand_mode(self): """Set the current wand tool to the color wand""" self.wand_type = 'cols' self.wand_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('col_select.png'))) for a in self.color_wand_actions: a.setVisible(False) self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() def set_binary_pattern_mode(self): """Set the current pattern mode to the binary pattern""" self.pattern_type = 'binary' self.select_pattern_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('pattern.png'))) def set_grey_pattern_mode(self): """Set the current pattern mode to the binary pattern""" self.pattern_type = 'grey' self.select_pattern_action.setIcon(QIcon(get_icon('pattern_grey.png'))) def disconnect(self): if self.set_cursor_id is not None: if self.canvas is None: self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.set_cursor_id) self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self.reset_cursor_id) self.set_cursor_id = None self.reset_cursor_id = None if self.selector is not None: self.selector.disconnect_events() self.selector = None def toggle_selection(self): """Activate selection mode""" if self.canvas is None: return self.disconnect() key = next((key for key, a in self._actions.items() if a.isChecked()), None) if key is None or key == self._action_clicked: self._action_clicked = None if key is not None: self._actions[key].setChecked(False) else: if self.wand_action.isChecked() and self.wand_type == 'color': self.selector = PointOrRectangleSelector(, self.on_rect_select, rectprops=dict(fc='none'), lineprops=dict(c='none'), useblit=True) elif self.select_action.isChecked() and self.select_type == 'poly': self.selector = mwid.LassoSelector(, self.on_poly_select) else: self.selector = PointOrRectangleSelector(, self.on_rect_select, useblit=True) self.set_cursor_id = self.canvas.mpl_connect( 'axes_enter_event', self._on_axes_enter) self.reset_cursor_id = self.canvas.mpl_connect( 'axes_leave_event', self._on_axes_leave) self._action_clicked = next(key for key, a in self._actions.items() if a.isChecked()) self.toolbar.set_message(self.toolbar.mode) def enable_or_disable_widgets(self, b): super(SelectionToolbar, self).enable_or_disable_widgets(b) if not b: for w in [self.clear_select_action, self.invert_select_action, self.expand_select_action]: w.setEnabled(self.should_be_enabled(w)) if self._actions and not self.select_action.isEnabled(): for a in self._actions.values(): if a.isChecked(): a.setChecked(False) self.toggle_selection() def refresh(self): super(SelectionToolbar, self).refresh() combo = self.combo if self.straditizer is None: combo.clear() else: if not combo.count(): combo.addItem('Straditizer') if self.straditizer.data_reader is not None: if not any(combo.itemText(i) == 'Reader' for i in range(combo.count())): combo.addItem('Reader') combo.addItem('Reader - Greyscale') else: for i in range(combo.count()): if combo.itemText(i).startswith('Reader'): combo.removeItem(i) def _on_axes_enter(self, event): ax = if ax is None: return if (event.inaxes is ax and self.toolbar._active == '' and self.selector is not None): if self._lastCursor != cursors.SELECT_REGION: self.toolbar.set_cursor(cursors.SELECT_REGION) self._lastCursor = cursors.SELECT_REGION def _on_axes_leave(self, event): ax = if ax is None: return if (event.inaxes is ax and self.toolbar._active == '' and self.selector is not None): if self._lastCursor != cursors.POINTER: self.toolbar.set_cursor(cursors.POINTER) self._lastCursor = cursors.POINTER def end_selection(self): """Finish the selection and disconnect everything""" if getattr(self, '_pattern_selection', None) is not None: self._pattern_selection.close() del self._pattern_selection self._selecting = False self._action_clicked = None self.toggle_selection() self.auto_expand = False self._labels = None self._rect_callbacks.clear() self._poly_callbacks.clear() self._wand_actions['color_select'].setEnabled(True) def get_xy_slice(self, lastx, lasty, x, y): """Transform x- and y-coordinates to :class:`slice` objects Parameters ---------- lastx: int The initial x-coordinate lasty: int The initial y-coordinate x: int The final x-coordinate y: int The final y-coordinate Returns ------- slice The ``slice(lastx, x)`` slice The ``slice(lasty, y)``""" all_x = np.floor(np.sort([lastx, x])).astype(int) all_y = np.floor(np.sort([lasty, y])).astype(int) extent = getattr(self.data_obj, 'extent', None) if extent is not None: all_x -= np.ceil(extent[0]).astype(int) all_y -= np.ceil(min(extent[2:])).astype(int) if self.wand_action.isChecked() and self.wand_type == 'color': all_x[0] = all_x[1] all_y[0] = all_y[1] all_x[all_x < 0] = 0 all_y[all_y < 0] = 0 all_x[1] += 1 all_y[1] += 1 return slice(*all_x), slice(*all_y) def on_rect_select(self, e0, e1): """Call the :attr:`rect_callbacks` after a rectangle selection Parameters ---------- e0: matplotlib.backend_bases.Event The initial event e1: matplotlib.backend_bases.Event The final event""" slx, sly = self.get_xy_slice(e0.xdata, e0.ydata, e1.xdata, e1.ydata) for func in self.rect_callbacks: func(slx, sly) def select_rect(self, slx, sly): """Select the data defined by a rectangle Parameters ---------- slx: slice The x-slice of the rectangle sly: slice The y-slice of the rectangle See Also -------- rect_callbacks""" obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: arr = self.labels rgba = obj.image_array() if hasattr(obj, 'image_array') else None self.start_selection(arr, rgba=rgba) expand = False if self.select_action.isChecked(): arr = self._select_rectangle(slx, sly) expand = True elif self.wand_type == 'labels': arr = self._select_labels(slx, sly) elif self.wand_type == 'rows': arr = self._select_rows(slx, sly) elif self.wand_type == 'cols': arr = self._select_cols(slx, sly) else: arr = self._select_colors(slx, sly) expand = True if arr is not None: obj._selection_arr = arr obj._select_img.set_array(arr) obj._update_magni_img() if expand and self.auto_expand: self.expand_selection() else: self.canvas.draw() def on_poly_select(self, points): """Call the :attr:`poly_callbacks` after a polygon selection Parameters ---------- e0: matplotlib.backend_bases.Event The initial event e1: matplotlib.backend_bases.Event The final event""" for func in self.poly_callbacks: func(points) def select_poly(self, points): """Select the data defined by a polygon Parameters ---------- points: np.ndarray of shape (N, 2) The x- and y-coordinates of the vertices of the polygon See Also -------- poly_callbacks""" obj = self.data_obj if obj._selection_arr is None: rgba = obj.image_array() if hasattr(obj, 'image_array') else None self.start_selection(self.labels, rgba=rgba) arr = self.labels mpath = mplp.Path(points) x = np.arange(obj._selection_arr.shape[1], dtype=int) y = np.arange(obj._selection_arr.shape[0], dtype=int) extent = getattr(obj, 'extent', None) if extent is not None: x += np.ceil(extent[0]).astype(int) y += np.ceil(min(extent[2:])).astype(int) pointsx, pointsy = np.array(points).T x0, x1 = x.searchsorted([pointsx.min(), pointsx.max()]) y0, y1 = y.searchsorted([pointsy.min(), pointsy.max()]) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x[x0:x1], y[y0:y1]) points = np.array((X.flatten(), Y.flatten())).T mask = np.zeros_like(obj._selection_arr, dtype=bool) mask[y0:y1, x0:x1] = ( mpath.contains_points(points).reshape(X.shape) & obj._selection_arr[y0:y1, x0:x1].astype(bool)) if self.remove_select_action.isChecked(): arr[mask] = -1 else: if self.new_select_action.isChecked(): arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._select_img.set_cmap(obj._select_cmap) obj._select_img.set_norm(obj._select_norm) arr[mask] = arr.max() + 1 obj._selection_arr = arr obj._select_img.set_array(arr) obj._update_magni_img() if self.auto_expand: self.expand_selection() else: self.canvas.draw() def _select_rectangle(self, slx, sly): """Select a rectangle within the array""" obj = self.data_obj arr = self.labels data_mask = obj._selection_arr.astype(bool) if self.remove_select_action.isChecked(): arr[sly, slx][data_mask[sly, slx]] = -1 else: if self.new_select_action.isChecked(): arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._select_img.set_cmap(obj._select_cmap) obj._select_img.set_norm(obj._select_norm) arr[sly, slx][data_mask[sly, slx]] = arr.max() + 1 return arr def _select_labels(self, slx, sly): """Select the unique labels in the array""" obj = self.data_obj arr = self.labels data_mask = obj._selection_arr.astype(bool) current_selected = obj.selected_labels new_selected = np.unique( arr[sly, slx][data_mask[sly, slx]]) valid_labels = np.unique( obj._orig_selection_arr[sly, slx][data_mask[sly, slx]]) valid_labels = valid_labels[valid_labels > 0] if not len(valid_labels): return if new_selected[0] == -1 or new_selected[-1] > obj._select_nlabels: mask = np.isin(obj._orig_selection_arr, valid_labels) current_selected = np.unique( np.r_[current_selected, obj._orig_selection_arr[sly, slx][ arr[sly, slx] > obj._select_nlabels]]) arr[mask] = obj._orig_selection_arr[mask] curr = set(current_selected) valid = set(valid_labels) if self.remove_select_action.isChecked(): new = curr - valid elif self.add_select_action.isChecked(): new = curr | valid else: new = valid arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj.select_labels(np.array(sorted(new))) return arr def _select_rows(self, slx, sly): """Select the pixel rows defined by `sly` Parameters ---------- slx: slice The x-slice (is ignored) sly: slice The y-slice defining the rows to select""" obj = self.data_obj arr = self.labels rows = np.arange(arr.shape[0])[sly] if self.remove_select_action.isChecked(): arr[rows, :] = np.where(arr[rows, :], -1, 0) else: if self.new_select_action.isChecked(): arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._select_img.set_cmap(obj._select_cmap) obj._select_img.set_norm(obj._select_norm) arr[rows, :] = np.where(arr[rows, :], arr.max() + 1, 0) return arr def _select_cols(self, slx, sly): """Select the pixel columns defined by `slx` Parameters ---------- slx: slice The x-slice defining the columns to select sly: slice The y-slice (is ignored)""" obj = self.data_obj arr = self.labels cols = np.arange(arr.shape[1])[slx] if self.remove_select_action.isChecked(): arr[:, cols] = np.where(arr[:, cols], -1, 0) else: if self.new_select_action.isChecked(): arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._select_img.set_cmap(obj._select_cmap) obj._select_img.set_norm(obj._select_norm) arr[:, cols] = np.where(arr[:, cols], arr.max() + 1, 0) return arr def _select_colors(self, slx, sly): """Select the array based on the colors""" if self.cb_use_alpha.isChecked(): rgba = self._rgba n = 4 else: rgba = self._rgba[..., :-1] n = 3 rgba = rgba.astype(int) # get the unique colors colors = list( map(np.array, set(map(tuple, rgba[sly, slx].reshape((-1, n)))))) obj = self.data_obj arr = self.labels mask = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=bool) max_dist = self.distance_slider.value() data_mask = obj._selection_arr.astype(bool) for c in colors: mask[np.all(np.abs(rgba - c.reshape((1, 1, -1))) <= max_dist, axis=-1)] = True if not self.cb_whole_fig.isChecked(): import skimage.morphology as skim all_labels = skim.label(mask, 8, return_num=False) selected_labels = np.unique(all_labels[sly, slx]) mask[~np.isin(all_labels, selected_labels)] = False if self.remove_select_action.isChecked(): arr[mask & data_mask] = -1 else: if self.new_select_action.isChecked(): arr = obj._orig_selection_arr.copy() obj._select_img.set_cmap(obj._select_cmap) obj._select_img.set_norm(obj._select_norm) arr[mask & data_mask] = arr.max() + 1 return arr def _remove_selected_labels(self): self.data_obj.remove_selected_labels(disable=True) def _disable_selection(self): return self.data_obj.disable_label_selection() def start_selection(self, arr=None, rgba=None, rect_callbacks=None, poly_callbacks=None, apply_funcs=(), cancel_funcs=(), remove_on_apply=True): """Start the selection in the current :attr:`data_obj` Parameters ---------- arr: np.ndarray The labeled selection array that is used. If specified, the :meth:`~straditize.label_selection.enable_label_selection` method is called of the :attr:`data_obj` with the given `arr`. If this parameter is ``None``, then we expect that this method has already been called rgba: np.ndarray The RGBA image that shall be used for the color selection (see the :meth:`set_color_wand_mode`) rect_callbacks: list A list of callbacks that shall be called after a rectangle selection has been made by the user (see :attr:`rect_callbacks`) poly_callbacks: list A list of callbacks that shall be called after a polygon selection has been made by the user (see :attr:`poly_callbacks`) apply_funcs: list A list of callables that shall be connected to the :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.apply_button` cancel_funcs: list A list of callables that shall be connected to the :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.cancel_button` remove_on_apply: bool If True and the :attr:`~straditize.widgets.StraditizerWidgets.apply_button` is clicked, the selected labels will be removed.""" obj = self.data_obj if arr is not None: obj.enable_label_selection( arr, arr.max(), set_picker=False, zorder=obj.plot_im.zorder + 0.1, extent=obj.plot_im.get_extent()) self._selecting = True self._rgba = rgba if rgba is None: self.set_label_wand_mode() self._wand_actions['color_select'].setEnabled(False) else: self._wand_actions['color_select'].setEnabled(True) self.connect2apply( (self._remove_selected_labels if remove_on_apply else self._disable_selection), obj.remove_small_selection_ellipses, obj.draw_figure, self.end_selection, *apply_funcs) self.connect2cancel(self._disable_selection, obj.remove_small_selection_ellipses, obj.draw_figure, self.end_selection, *cancel_funcs) if self.should_be_enabled(self._appearance_actions['alpha']): self.update_alpha(self.sl_alpha.value()) for w in chain(self._actions.values(), self._appearance_actions.values()): w.setEnabled(self.should_be_enabled(w)) if remove_on_apply: self.straditizer_widgets.apply_button.setText('Remove') if rect_callbacks is not None: self._rect_callbacks = rect_callbacks[:] if poly_callbacks is not None: self._poly_callbacks = poly_callbacks[:] del obj