Пример #1
    def startsystem(self):
		# Name: startsystem
		# Description: Start the system with the previously deployed template
		# Input: Takes no argument
		# Examples:
		#   startsystem()
		#       It will start TBSLTE sytem with the previously deployed template
		#       and check if system is running at end
		# Return: StatusResult() object
        if not self._get_tbslteutil_handle():
            return StatusResult.Error("TBSLTEUtil handle not initialized")

            output = self._tbslte_handle.start_system()
        except Exception as e:
            return StatusResult.Error(
                f"TBSLTEUtil threw an exception while starting the system: {e}"

        if output == 0:
            return StatusResult.Error("Failed to start the TBS system")
        elif output == 2:
                "TBSLTE system was already running before calling the 'startsystem' function"

        logger.info("TBSLTE system is up and running")
        return StatusResult.Success()
Пример #2
    def stopsystem(self):
		# Name: stopsystem
		# Description: Stop the TBSLTE system and check system is in stopped mode at end
		# Input: Takes no argument
		# Examples:
		#   stopsystem()
		#       It will stop TBSLTE sytem
		# Return: StatusResult() object
        if not self._get_tbslteutil_handle():
            return StatusResult.Error("TBSLTEUtil handle not initialized")

            output = self._tbslte_handle.stop_system()
        except Exception as e:
            return StatusResult.Error(
                f"TBSLTEUtil threw an exception while stopping the system: {e}"

        if output == 0:
            return StatusResult.Error("Failed to stop the TBS system")
        elif output == 2:
                "TBSLTE system was already stopped before calling the 'stopsystem' function"

        logger.info("TBSLTE system is stopped successfully")
        return StatusResult.Success()
    def CheckTSens(self, thermalZone):
        # Name: CheckTSens
        # Input: Takes 1 argument
        #       argument1: thermalZone
        # Description: Checks temperature on device and reports when it's stable
        logger.info("Calling CheckTSens function")
        methodString = "-m CheckTSens-" + str(thermalZone)
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(methodString)
        if result.Status.HasError():
            logger.error("Error in running CheckTSens")
            return result.Status

        tSens5Temperature = "TSens5Temperature : "
        match = re.findall(tSens5Temperature + '(.*?);',
                           result.CmdResult.Output, re.DOTALL)
        if len(match) < 1:
            return None

        tSens5Temperature = match[0]
        logger.debug("CheckTSens function working fine")
        return tSens5Temperature
    def ControlTemperature(self,
        # Name: ControlTemperature
        # Input: Takes 4 argument
        #       argument1: thermalZone
        #       argument2: desiredTemperature
        #       argument3: timeout in seconds
        #       argument4: SVTemp
        # Description: Controls temperature on device
        logger.info("Calling ControlTemperature function")
        methodString = "-m ControlTemperature-" + str(thermalZone) + "," + str(
            desiredTemperature) + "," + str(timeout * 1000) + "," + str(SVTemp)
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(methodString, timeout)
        if result.Status.HasError():
            logger.error("Error in running ControlTemperature")
            return result.Status

        logger.debug("ControlTemperature function working fine")
        return StatusResult.Success()
    def PIDControl(self, thermalZone, desiredTemperature, timeout, SVTemp=25):
        # Name: PIDControl
        # Input: Takes 4 arguments
        #       argument1: thermal Zone
        #       argument2: desiredTemperature in degree C
        #       argument3: timeout in seconds.
        #       argument4: SVTemp Temperature in degree C, default value is 25.0C
        # Description: Sets RV temperature, reports device temperature
        msTimeout = timeout * 1000
        logger.info("Inside PIDControl function")
        methodString = "-m PIDControl-" + str(thermalZone) + "," + str(
            desiredTemperature) + "," + str(msTimeout) + "," + str(SVTemp)
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(methodString, timeout)
        if result.Status.HasError():
            logger.error("Error in running PIDControl")
            return result.Status

        logger.debug("PIDControl function working fine")
        return StatusResult.Success()
 def __init__(self):
     # Name: __init__
     # Description: creates a Constructor
     logger.debug("ThermalController Constructor called")
Пример #7
    def initialize_handler(self):
		# Name: initialize_handler
		# Description: Create TBSLTEUtility handle and connect to Qualcomm LTE(4G) Test Base Station based on key tbslte_host_id
		# Input: Takes no argument
		# Return: StatusResult() object
        self._host_id = TestSuiteConfig.TbsLteHostId
        if self._host_id is None:
            return StatusResult.Error("TbsLteHostId is not provisioned")

            f"TBSLTE Host ID {self._host_id} obtained from input XML key TbsLteHostId"
        return StatusResult.Success()
    def SetTemperature(self, temperature):
        # Name: SetTemperature
        # Input: Takes one argument
        #       argument1: Temperature in degree C
        # Description: Sets temperature on Thermal Controller
        logger.info("Setting temperature to " + str(temperature))
        methodString = "-m SetTemperature-" + str(temperature)
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(methodString)
        if result.Status.HasError():
            logger.error("Error in setting Temperature" +
            return result.Status

        logger.debug("SetTemperatue function working fine")
        return StatusResult.Success()
Пример #9
    def SendCommandAndGetResponse(self, methodStrings, timeout=120):
        # Name: SendCommandAndGetResponse
        # Input: Takes argument:
        #           methodStrings: methods name followed by their parameters.
        #           For example : -m methodName-param1,param2
        # Description: check If it is Qualcomm Root Build
        # Return: StatusResult() object

        cptfInterfaceExecutable = CommonApplicationUtilities._ResourcesProgramPath + "CPTF_LibraryInterface\\Qualcomm.CPTF.LibraryInterface.exe"
        dllPath = CommonApplicationUtilities._ResourcesProgramPath + "CPTF_LibraryInterface\\Qualcomm.CPT.Automation.Plugins.HW.Kratos.dll"
        className = 'Qualcomm.CPT.Automation.Plugins.HW.Kratos.KratosRecovery'
        executionString = cptfInterfaceExecutable + " -a " + dllPath + " -c " + className + methodStrings
        logger.debug("Executing Command :" + executionString)
        result = CommandLine.RunCommand(executionString, timeout)
        return result
Пример #10
    def ReleaseTacPort(self):
        # Name: ReleaseTacPort
        # Input: Takes no argument
        # Description: close TAC port
        # Return: StatusResult() object
        if self.boardHasTac and hasattr(self.tac, 'ser'):
                logger.debug('Releasing TAC port')
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('Failed to close TAC port')
                return StatusResult.Error('Failed to close TAC port : ', str(e))

        return StatusResult.Success()
Пример #11
    def CoolDevice(self, temperature, timeout):
        # Name: CoolDevice
        # Input: Takes 2 arguments
        #       argument1: Temperature
        #       argument2: Timeout
        # Description: Cools down temperature on device
        logger.info("Calling CoolDevice function")
        methodString = "-m CoolDevice-" + str(temperature) + "," + str(
            timeout * 1000)
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(methodString, timeout)
        if result.Status.HasError():
            logger.error("Error in running CoolDevice")
            return result.Status

        logger.debug("CoolDevice function working fine")
        return StatusResult.Success()
Пример #12
    def GetUeIpAddress():
        # Name: GetUeIpAddress
        # Input: Takes no arguments
        # Description: Function used to get UE IP Address
        # Return: UE IP Address
        logger.info("Calling GetUeIpAddress function")
        logger.info("TBS: Detecting MME State")
        str1 = "/opt/lte/bin/appTestability.py -s localhost -p 15004 \\\"MME COMMAND GET MME_QUERY_STATE\\\""
        command = TbsTestabilityActions.plinkstr + "\"" + str1 + "\""
        logger.debug("Command is: " + str(command))
        result = CommandLine.RunCommand(command, 15)
        matched = 0
        OutputLines = str(result.CmdResult.OutputLines)
        OutputLines = OutputLines.split("\\n")
        logger.info("OutputLines: " + str(OutputLines) + "\n")

        for line in OutputLines:
            #logger.debug("Line contains: " + str(line))

            if matched == 1:
                if "IPV4_ADDRESS" in line:
                    match = re.search(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}',
                    if "10.1.1" in match:
                        ipAddress = match
                        logger.info("TBS: UE IP Address: " + str(ipAddress))
                        return ipAddress

                        if ipAddress == "":
                            logger.error("Failed to detect UE IP Address")
                            return None
                match = re.search(r"\"IP_TYPE\" : \"IPV4\",", line)
                if match != None:
                    matched = 1
                    logger.debug("Line contains: " + str(line))
Пример #13
    def configuretemplateonltetbs(self, **kwargs):
		# Name: configuretemplateonltetbs
		# Description: configure template for ltetbs
		# Input: Takes argument :
		#   template_path (:class:`str`): : Required: The TBS server accessible
		#       template file path. The template will be deployed to the system
		#       regardless of its current state
		# Examples:
		#   configuretemplateonltetbs({template_path: '/prj/qct/octopus/test/templates/Golden/LabOps/Wildcat_v27/BC01_EPN_4cell_20MHz_XOR_CAT11.xml'})
		#       It will configure and load /prj/qct/octopus/test/templates/Golden/LabOps/Wildcat_v27/BC01_EPN_4cell_20MHz_XOR_CAT11.xml
		#       in tbslte station template and run system, make sure system running
		# Return: StatusResult() object
        if not self._get_tbslteutil_handle():
            return StatusResult.Error(f"TBSLTEUtil handle not initialized")

            template_path = kwargs.get('template_path')
                f"Deploying template {template_path} on TBSLTE station {self._host_id}"
            output = self._tbslte_handle.deploy_template(template_path)
        except Exception as e:
            return StatusResult.Error(
                f"TBSLTEUtil threw an exception while deploying the template: {e}"

        if not output:
            return StatusResult.Error(
                f"Failed to deploy template {template_path}")

            f"Template {template_path} is deployed successful and LTETBS is running"
        return StatusResult.Success()
Пример #14
    def ReadPVTemperature(self):
        # Name: ReadPVTemperature
        # Description: Reads PV temperature on Thermal Controller
        logger.info("Read PV temperature from Thermal Controller")
        methodString = "-m ReadPVTemperature-1"
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(methodString)
        if result.Status.HasError():
            logger.error("Error in reading PV Temperature")
            return result.Status

        pvTemp = "PVTemp : "
        match = re.findall(pvTemp + '(.*?);', result.CmdResult.Output,
        if len(match) < 1:
            return None

        pvTemp = match[0]
        logger.debug("ReadPVTemperature function working fine")
        return pvTemp
Пример #15
    def SendCommandAndGetResponse(self, methodStrings, timeout=30):
        # Name: SendCommandAndGetResponse
        # Input: Takes 2 arguments
        #       methodStrings: method names followed by their parameters
        #       timeout: default value is 30 seconds
        # Description: Sends execution command to TEC dll
        # Return: StatusResult() object
        cptfInterfaceExecutable = CommonApplicationUtilities._ResourcesProgramPath + "CPTF_LibraryInterface\\Qualcomm.CPTF.LibraryInterface.exe"
        dllPath = CommonApplicationUtilities._ResourcesProgramPath + "CPTF_LibraryInterface\\Qualcomm.CPT.Automation.TEC.dll"
        className = 'Qualcomm.CPT.Automation.TEC.ThermalController'

        executionString = cptfInterfaceExecutable + " -a " + dllPath + " -c " + className + " " + " -s " + " " + methodStrings
        logger.debug("Executing Command :" + executionString)
        result = CommandLine.RunCommand(executionString, timeout)
        logger.debug("Result contains: " + result.CmdResult.Output)
        if result.Status.HasError():

        return result
Пример #16
    def SendCommandAndGetResponse(self, methodStrings, timeout=120):
		# Name: SendCommandAndGetResponse
		# Input: Takes argument :
		# 	methodStrings: methods name followed by their parameters.
		#	For example : -m methodName-param1,param2
		# Description: check If it is Qualcomm Root Build
		# Return: StatusResult() object
        #cptfInterfaceExecutable = 'C:\\Automation\\PTAS_Engine\\CPTF_Lib_Interface\\CPTF_LibraryInterface.exe'
        cptfInterfaceExecutable = CommonApplicationUtilities._ResourcesProgramPath + "CPTF_LibraryInterface\\Qualcomm.CPTF.LibraryInterface.exe"
        dllPath = CommonApplicationUtilities._ResourcesProgramPath + "CPTF_LibraryInterface\\Qualcomm.CPT.Automation.Plugins.HW.Kratos.dll"
        className = 'Qualcomm.CPT.Automation.Plugins.HW.Kratos.KratosApi'

        executionString = cptfInterfaceExecutable + " -a " + dllPath + " -c " + className + " -m SetupKratos-" + self.kratosPcIpAddress + " " + methodStrings
        logger.debug("Executing Command :" + executionString)
        result = CommandLine.RunCommand(executionString, timeout)
        if result.Status.HasError() or 'Error' in result.CmdResult.Output:

        return result
Пример #17
    def CheckCalibrationStatus(self, calibrationStatusList):
		# Name: CheckCalibrationStatus
		# Description: Checks Status of Self Calibration, DMM Calibration & External Calibration
        logger.info("Checking Calibration")
        commandToRun = "CheckCalibrationStatus()"
        result = self.SendCommandAndGetResponse(commandToRun)
        if result.HasError():
                "Kratos: Error in sending command to check the calibration status"
            return result

        response = self.LastApiResponse.split(',')
        if (response == None or len(response) != 3):
            return StatusResult.Error(
                f"Incorrect response from Kratos while checking calibration status. Response: {self.LastApiResponse}"

        logger.debug(f"External Calibration Status : {response[0]}")
        logger.debug(f"Self     Calibration Status : {response[1]}")
        logger.debug(f"DMM      Calibration Status : {response[2]}")

        if "PASS" not in response[0]:
                "External calibration is expired, please contact the IPS team to do the external calibration"

        selfCalibrationStatus = 'True' if ("PASS" in response[1]) else 'False'
        dmmCalibrationStatus = 'True' if ("PASS" in response[2]) else 'False'
        externalCalibrationStatus = 'True' if ("PASS"
                                               in response[0]) else 'False'


        return result
Пример #18
    def ExecuteCommand(self, command):
         Name: ExecuteCommand
         Input: Takes one argument
            command : command or data to write on COM port
         Description: Handle the serial COM port connection to the Spiderboard, Writes data and read from COM port
         Return: StatusResult() object

        logger.debug('Sending command : %s on spider board', command)
        #Make sure the COM port is up and running.
        result = self.HandleComPort()
        if result.HasError():
            return result

        result, response = WindowsComPort.WriteReadOnComPort(
            self.serObj, command + '\r')
        if result.HasError():
            return result

        if 'ok' not in response:
            return StatusResult.Error("Error in Spiderboard communication.")

        logger.debug('Recieved response from spider board')

        result = self.CloseSpiderboardComPort()
        if result.HasError():
            return result

        return StatusResult.Success()
Пример #19
    def StartAcquisition(self):

        logger.debug('ALPACA : No action required')

        return StatusResult.Success()