Пример #1
    def getPosition(self, fs_indc):
        get position of a waypoint/vor/ndb/... named as specified
        # check input
        # assert f_model

        # pesquisa aeródromos
        l_aer = self.dct_aer.get(fs_indc, None)

        if l_aer is not None:
            # return
            return pll.CPosLatLng(l_aer.f_aer_lat, l_aer.f_aer_lng)

        # pesquisa fixos
        l_key = self.dct_fix_indc.get(fs_indc, None)

        if l_key is not None:

            # acessa o fixo pela key
            l_fix = self.dct_fix[l_key]
            assert l_fix

            # return
            return pll.CPosLatLng(l_fix.f_fix_lat, l_fix.f_fix_lng)

        # pesquisa runway's
        for l_item in self.__dct_rwy:
            if l_item.s_indc == fs_indc:
                # return
                return l_item.position

        # return
        return None
Пример #2
    def get_position(self, fs_indc):
        get position of a aerodome/fix/vor/ndb/... named as specified

        @param fs_indc: indicativo do objeto (str)
        # check input
        # assert f_model

        # pesquisa aeródromos
        l_aer = self.dct_aer.get(fs_indc, None)

        if l_aer is not None:
            # return
            return pll.CPosLatLng(l_aer.f_aer_lat, l_aer.f_aer_lng)

        # pesquisa fixos
        l_key = self.dct_fix.get(fs_indc, None)

        if l_key is not None:
            # return
            return pll.CPosLatLng(l_fix.f_fix_lat, l_fix.f_fix_lng)

        # return
        return None
Пример #3
    def translate_xy(self, f_xy):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # check input
        if f_xy is None:
            # return
            return None

        # create answer
        l_pos = pll.CPosLatLng()
        assert l_pos is not None

        # get x/y
        lf_delta_x = (f_xy.f_x - self.__f_width / 2.) / cdefs.D_CNV_GR2NM
        lf_delta_y = (f_xy.f_y - self.__f_height / 2.) / cdefs.D_CNV_GR2NM

        # escala
        lf_esc = float(self.__f_zoom / self.__f_width)

        # calculate lat/lng
        l_pos.f_lat = self.__center.f_lat - lf_delta_y * lf_esc
        l_pos.f_lng = self.__center.f_lng + lf_delta_x / math.cos(
            math.radians(self.__center.f_lat)) * lf_esc

        # return
        return l_pos
Пример #4
    def draw_trajetoria(self, fo_widget, f_trj):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # logger
        # M_LOG.info("draw_trajetoria:>>")

        # check input
        assert fo_widget
        assert f_trj

        # M_LOG.debug("draw_trajetoria:i_prc_id:[{}]".format(f_trj.i_prc_id))
        # M_LOG.debug("draw_trajetoria:lst_trj_brk:[{}]".format(f_trj.lst_trj_brk))

        # get blip size
        lf_blip_size = fo_widget.viewport.f_blip_size

        # create painter
        lo_painter = QtGui.QPainter(fo_widget)
        assert lo_painter is not None

        # create pen
        l_pen = QtGui.QPen()
        assert l_pen

        # for all breakpoints...
        for l_ndx, l_brk in enumerate(f_trj.lst_trj_brk):
            # get breakpoint id
            ls_id = (ldefs.D_FMT_TRJ + "-{}").format(f_trj.i_prc_id, l_brk.i_brk_id)
            # M_LOG.debug("ls_id: " + str(ls_id))

            # breakpoint position
            l_pos = fo_widget.viewport.translate_pos(pll.CPosLatLng(l_brk.f_brk_lat, l_brk.f_brk_lng))

            # not first breakpoint ?
            if 0 != l_ndx:
                # set line colour
                # set line style
                # seleciona a caneta

                # draw line
                lo_painter.drawLine(tMath.round(l_pos_ant.f_x, 0), tMath.round(l_pos_ant.f_y, 0),
                                    tMath.round(l_pos.f_x, 0), tMath.round(l_pos.f_y, 0))

            # select colour & font
            lo_painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Arial", int(lf_blip_size)))

            # draw text (indicativo do breakpoint)
            lo_painter.drawText(int(l_pos.f_x - lf_blip_size * 2), int(l_pos.f_y - lf_blip_size), ls_id)

            # save last position
            l_pos_ant = l_pos
        # free painter
        del lo_painter
Пример #5
    def getPosition(self, fs_indc):
        get position of a waypoint/vor/ndb/... named as specified
        # logger
        # M_LOG.info("getPosition:>>")

        # check input
        # assert f_model

        # pesquisa aeródromos
        l_aer = self.dct_aer.get(fs_indc, None)

        if l_aer is not None:

            M_LOG.debug("getPosition:aer:[{}]/[{}]".format(l_aer.f_aer_lat, l_aer.f_aer_lng))

            # logger
            # M_LOG.info("getPosition:<E01")

            # return
            return pll.CPosLatLng(l_aer.f_aer_lat, l_aer.f_aer_lng)

        # pesquisa fixos
        l_key = self.dct_fix_indc.get(fs_indc, None)

        if l_key is not None:

            # acessa o fixo pela key
            l_fix = self.dct_fix[l_key]
            assert l_fix

            # logger
            # M_LOG.info("getPosition:<E02")

            # return
            return pll.CPosLatLng(l_fix.f_fix_lat, l_fix.f_fix_lng)

        # logger
        # M_LOG.info("getPosition:<<")

        # return
        return None
Пример #6
    def draw_subida(self, fo_widget, f_sub):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # check input
        assert fo_widget

        # get blip size
        lf_blip_size = fo_widget.viewport.f_blip_size

        # create painter
        lo_painter = QtGui.QPainter(fo_widget)
        assert lo_painter is not None

        # create pen
        l_pen = QtGui.QPen()
        assert l_pen

        # for all breakpoints...
        for l_ndx, l_brk in enumerate(f_sub.lst_sub_brk):
            # get breakpoint id
            ls_id = (ldefs.D_FMT_SUB + "-{}").format(f_sub.i_prc_id,

            # breakpoint position
            l_pos = fo_widget.viewport.translate_pos(
                pll.CPosLatLng(l_brk.f_brk_lat, l_brk.f_brk_lng))

            # not first breakpoint ?
            if 0 != l_ndx:
                # set line colour
                # set line style
                # seleciona a caneta

                # draw line
                lo_painter.drawLine(tMath.round(l_pos_ant.f_x, 0),
                                    tMath.round(l_pos_ant.f_y, 0),
                                    tMath.round(l_pos.f_x, 0),
                                    tMath.round(l_pos.f_y, 0))

            # seleciona a cor e fonte do texto
            lo_painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Arial", int(lf_blip_size)))

            # desenha o texto (indicativo do breakpoint)
            lo_painter.drawText(int(l_pos.f_x - lf_blip_size * 2),
                                int(l_pos.f_y - lf_blip_size), ls_id)

            # salva a posição anterior
            l_pos_ant = l_pos

        # remove o painter
        del lo_painter
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, fs_fix_indc="NONAME", ff_fix_lat=0., ff_fix_lng=0.):
        define um navaid
        @param fs_fix_indc: nome
        @param ff_fix_lat: latitude
        @param ff_fix_lng: longitude
        # inicia a super classe
        super(CFix, self).__init__()

        self.__s_indc = fs_fix_indc

        self.__position = pll.CPosLatLng(ff_fix_lat, ff_fix_lng)
        assert self.__position
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, fi_w, fi_h):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # inicia a super classe
        super(CViewport, self).__init__()

        # largura e altura da viewport
        self.__f_width = float(fi_w)
        self.__f_height = float(fi_h)

        # coordenada do centro da viewport
        self.__center = pll.CPosLatLng()
        assert self.__center is not None

        self.__f_blip_size = fi_w / 220.
        self.__f_zoom = 160.
Пример #9
    def translate_xy(self, f_xy):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # logger
        # M_LOG.info("translate_xy:>>")

        # verifica parâmetros de entrada
        if f_xy is None:

            # logger
            # M_LOG.info("translate_xy:<E01")

            # return
            return None

        # create answer
        l_pos = pll.CPosLatLng()
        assert l_pos is not None

        # get x/y
        lf_delta_x = (f_xy.f_x - self.__f_width / 2.) / cdefs.D_CNV_GR2NM
        # M_LOG.debug("lf_delta_x:[{:f}]".format(lf_delta_x))

        lf_delta_y = (f_xy.f_y - self.__f_height / 2.) / cdefs.D_CNV_GR2NM
        # M_LOG.debug("lf_delta_y:[{:f}]".format(lf_delta_y))

        # escala
        lf_esc = float(self.__f_zoom / self.__f_width)
        # M_LOG.debug("lf_esc:[{:f}]".format(lf_esc))

        # calculate lat/lng
        l_pos.f_lat = self.__center.f_lat - lf_delta_y * lf_esc
        # M_LOG.debug("l_pos.f_lat:[{:f}]".format(l_pos.f_lat))

        l_pos.f_lng = self.__center.f_lng + lf_delta_x / math.cos(
            math.radians(self.__center.f_lat)) * lf_esc
        # M_LOG.debug("l_pos.f_lng:[{:f}]".format(l_pos.f_lng))

        # logger
        # M_LOG.info("translate_xy:<<")

        # return
        return l_pos
Пример #10
    def update_radar_position(self, ff_tim):
        get new radar position, and push old one into history
        # check input
        # assert f_control

        # obtém a última posção conhecida
        l_last_pos = pll.CPosLatLng(self.pos)
        assert l_last_pos is not None

        # coloca no rastro

        # atualiza a posição da aeronave
        # self.pos = self.pos

        # salva o intervalo do rastro
        self.__f_trail_interval = ff_tim
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, fs_id="ABCDEF"):
        @param  fs_id: identificação da aeronave
        # check input
        assert fs_id

        # air data inertial reference unit
        self.__adiru = cadi.CADIRU()
        assert self.__adiru

        # callsign
        self.__s_callsign = "NONAME"

        # icao address
        self.__s_icao_addr = fs_id

        # posição lat/lng
        self.__pos = pll.CPosLatLng()
        assert self.__pos is not None
Пример #12
    def draw_aerodromo(self, fo_widget, f_aer):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # check input
        assert fo_widget

        # posição do aeródromo
        l_pos = fo_widget.viewport.translate_pos(
            pll.CPosLatLng(f_aer.f_aer_lat, f_aer.f_aer_lng))

        # X/Y do aeródromo
        lf_x = l_pos.f_x
        lf_y = l_pos.f_y

        # blip size
        lf_blip_size = fo_widget.viewport.f_blip_size

        # cria um QPainter
        lo_painter = QtGui.QPainter(fo_widget)
        assert lo_painter is not None

        # seleciona a cor do aeródromo

        # desenha o aeródromo (...um +)
        lo_painter.drawLine(int(lf_x - lf_blip_size / 2.), int(lf_y),
                            int(lf_x + lf_blip_size / 2.), int(lf_y))
        lo_painter.drawLine(int(lf_x), int(lf_y - lf_blip_size / 2.),
                            int(lf_x), int(lf_y + lf_blip_size / 2.))

        # seleciona a cor e fonte do texto
        lo_painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Arial", int(lf_blip_size * 1.5)))

        # desenha o texto (indicativo do aeródromo)
        lo_painter.drawText(int(lf_x + lf_blip_size),
                            int(lf_y + lf_blip_size * 2), f_aer.s_aer_indc)

        # para todas as pistas do aeródromo...
        for l_pis in f_aer.dct_aer_pistas.values():
            # posição da cabeceira da pista
            l_cab = fo_widget.viewport.translate_pos(
                pll.CPosLatLng(l_pis.f_pst_lat, l_pis.f_pst_lng))

            # obtém a posição da cabeceira oposta da pista
            l_cab_opos = fo_widget.viewport.translate_pos(

            # cria uma caneta
            l_pen = QtGui.QPen()
            assert l_pen

            # configura cor e estilo da caneta

            # seleciona a caneta

            # desenha a pista ( ...uma + )
            lo_painter.drawLine(int(l_cab.f_x), int(l_cab.f_y),
                                int(l_cab_opos.f_x), int(l_cab_opos.f_y))

        # libera o QPainter
        del lo_painter
Пример #13
    def draw_navaid(self, fo_widget, f_fix, f_kind=None):
        DOCUMENT ME!
        # check input
        assert fo_widget

        # get beacon position
        l_pos = fo_widget.viewport.translate_pos(
            pll.CPosLatLng(f_fix.f_fix_lat, f_fix.f_fix_lng))

        # get X/Y
        lf_x = l_pos.f_x
        lf_y = l_pos.f_y

        # get blip size
        lf_blip_size = fo_widget.viewport.f_blip_size

        # create QPainter
        lo_painter = QtGui.QPainter(fo_widget)
        assert lo_painter is not None

        # DME ?
        if ldefs.E_DME == f_fix.en_fix_tipo:
            # set DME colour

            # draw beacon (...um o)
            lo_painter.drawEllipse(int(lf_x), int(lf_y), int(lf_blip_size),

        # NDB ?
        elif ldefs.E_NDB == f_fix.en_fix_tipo:
            # set NDB colour

            # draw beacon (...um o)
            lo_painter.drawEllipse(int(lf_x), int(lf_y), int(lf_blip_size),

        # VOR ?
        elif ldefs.E_VOR == f_fix.en_fix_tipo:
            # set VOR colour

            # draw beacon (...um o)
            lo_painter.drawRect(int(lf_x - lf_blip_size / 2.),
                                int(lf_y - lf_blip_size / 2.),
                                int(lf_blip_size), int(lf_blip_size))

        # senão,...
            # set waypoint colour

            # draw beacon (...um +)
            lo_painter.drawLine(int(lf_x - lf_blip_size / 2.), int(lf_y),
                                int(lf_x + lf_blip_size / 2.), int(lf_y))
            lo_painter.drawLine(int(lf_x), int(lf_y - lf_blip_size / 2.),
                                int(lf_x), int(lf_y + lf_blip_size / 2.))

        # waypoint ?
        if f_kind is None:
            # set text colour & font
            lo_painter.setFont(QtGui.QFont("Arial", int(lf_blip_size * 1.5)))

            # draw waypoint name (indicativo do fixo)
            lo_painter.drawText(int(lf_x + lf_blip_size),
                                int(lf_y + lf_blip_size * 2), f_fix.s_fix_indc)

        # free QPainter
        del lo_painter
Пример #14
    def make_aircraft(self, f_data, fv_initial=False):
        create an aircraft from list
        # check input
        assert f_data is not None

        # inicia o índice de dados
        li_ndx = 0

        # identificacao da aeronave
        self.s_icao_addr = str(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # código transponder (ssr)
        self.__i_ssr = int(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # spi
        li_spi = int(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # altitude (m)
        self.adiru.f_alt = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # latitude
        lf_lat = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # longitude
        lf_lng = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.pos = pll.CPosLatLng(lf_lat, lf_lng)
        assert self.pos

        # if fv_initial:
        # self.pos = pll.CPosLatLng(lf_lat, lf_lng)
        # assert self.pos

        # velocidade (kt)
        lf_vel = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.adiru.f_ias = lf_vel
        self.adiru.f_vel = lf_vel

        # razão de subida
        self.__f_raz = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # proa
        lf_pro = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.adiru.f_proa = lf_pro
        self.adiru.f_true_heading = lf_pro

        # callsign
        self.s_callsign = str(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # performance
        self.__s_prf = str(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # hora
        self.__i_hora = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1
Пример #15
    def __make_aircraft(self, f_data, fv_initial=False):
        create an aircraft from list
        # check input
        assert f_data is not None

        # inicia o indice de dados
        li_ndx = 0

        # identificacao da aeronave
        li_id = int(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # código transponder (ssr)
        li_ssr = int(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # spi
        li_spi = int(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # altitude
        lf_alt = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.adiru.f_altitude = lf_alt

        # latitude
        lf_lat = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # longitude
        lf_lng = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.adiru.pos = pll.CPosLatLng(lf_lat, lf_lng)
        assert self.adiru.pos

        if fv_initial:
            self.pos = pll.CPosLatLng(lf_lat, lf_lng)
            assert self.pos

        # velocidade
        lf_vel = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.adiru.f_ias = lf_vel

        # razão de subida
        lf_raz = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # proa
        lf_pro = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.adiru.f_true_heading = lf_pro

        # callsign
        ls_ind = str(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        self.s_callsign = ls_ind

        # performance
        ls_prf = str(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1

        # hora
        lf_tim = float(f_data[li_ndx])
        li_ndx += 1