Пример #1
    def setup(self, **kwargs):
        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(RemotesConfigurable, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # If remotes are passed
        if "remotes" in kwargs:

            # Get the remotes
            self.remotes = kwargs.pop("remotes")

            # Check if they are setup
            for remote in self.remotes:
                if not remote.connected:
                    raise RuntimeError("Remotes must be connected")

        # Remotes are not passed

            # Gather host IDs
            if self.config.not_remotes is not None:
                host_ids = [
                    host_id for host_id in self.config.host_ids
                    if host_id not in self.config.not_remotes
                host_ids = self.config.host_ids

            # Loop over the different hosts
            for host_id in host_ids:

                # Setup the remote (login)
                remote = Remote(log_conda=kwargs.pop("log_conda", False))
                if not remote.setup(host_id,
                    log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id +
                                "' is down: skipping")

                # Add the remote to the list
Пример #2
    def detach(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Detaching from the screen session '" + self.screen_name + "' ...")

        # Check
        if not self.attached: log.warning("Not attached")

        # Set displayhook back to custom function
        self.remote.execute("sys.displayhook = my_display", expect=">>>")

        # Tmux
        if self.tmux:

            # Send Ctrl+b d to detach
            self.remote.execute("\\x02") # CONTROL B

            # Match the prompt

        # Screen

            # Send Ctrl+A d to detach
            self.remote.ssh.send("\\x01")  # CONTROL A

            # Match the prompt

            #print("before", self.remote.ssh.before)
            #print("after", self.remote.ssh.after)

            # Extra empty line
Пример #3
    def detach(self):
        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Detaching from the screen session '" + self.screen_name +
                 "' ...")

        # Check
        if not self.attached: log.warning("Not attached")

        # Set displayhook back to custom function
        self.remote.execute("sys.displayhook = my_display", expect=">>>")

        # Tmux
        if self.tmux:

            # Send Ctrl+b d to detach
            self.remote.execute("\\x02")  # CONTROL B

            # Match the prompt

        # Screen

            # Send Ctrl+A d to detach
            self.remote.ssh.send("\\x01")  # CONTROL A

            # Match the prompt

            #print("before", self.remote.ssh.before)
            #print("after", self.remote.ssh.after)

            # Extra empty line
Пример #4
    def setup(self, **kwargs):

        This function ...
        :param kwargs:

        # Call the setup function of the base class
        super(RemotesConfigurable, self).setup(**kwargs)

        # If remotes are passed
        if "remotes" in kwargs:

            # Get the remotes
            self.remotes = kwargs.pop("remotes")

            # Check if they are setup
            for remote in self.remotes:
                if not remote.connected: raise RuntimeError("Remotes must be connected")

        # Remotes are not passed

            # Gather host IDs
            #if self.config.not_remotes is not None: host_ids = [host_id for host_id in self.config.host_ids if host_id not in self.config.not_remotes]
            #else: host_ids = self.config.host_ids

            # Loop over the different hosts
            #for host_id in host_ids:
            for host in self.config.hosts:

                # Create the remote object
                remote = Remote(log_conda=kwargs.pop("log_conda", False))

                # Login to the remote
                #if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=self.config.one_attempt, cluster_name=self.config.clustername):
                if not remote.setup(host, one_attempt=self.config.one_attempt):
                    log.warning("Remote host '" + host.id + "' is down: skipping")

                # Add the remote to the list
Пример #5
    def restore_differences(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making a backup of the flux differences ...")

        # Loop over the generations
        for generation_name in self.generation_names:

            # Has generation?
            if not self.has_generation(generation_name): continue

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Creating backups for generation '" + generation_name + "' ...")

            # Get the generation
            generation = self.generations[generation_name]

            # Get restore path
            generation_path = self.get_generation_restore_path(generation_name)

            # Loop over the simulations
            for simulation_name in generation.simulation_names:

                # Set simulation path
                simulation_path = fs.join(generation_path, simulation_name)

                # Check whether the simulation has differences
                filepath = fs.join(simulation_path, "differences.dat")
                if not fs.is_file(filepath):
                    log.warning("No differences table for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' of generation '" + generation_name + "'")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Restoring differences table for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' ...")

                # Copy the file
                fs.copy_file(filepath, generation.get_simulation_sed_differences_path(simulation_name))
Пример #6
    def restore_fluxes_plots(self):

        This function ...

        # Inform the user
        log.info("Making a backup of the mock fluxes plots ...")

        # Loop over the generations
        for generation_name in self.generation_names:

            # Has generation?
            if not self.has_generation(generation_name): continue

            # Debugging
            log.debug("Creating backups for generation '" + generation_name + "' ...")

            # Get the generation
            generation = self.generations[generation_name]

            # Get restore path
            generation_path = self.get_generation_restore_path(generation_name)

            # Loop over the simulations
            for simulation_name in generation.simulation_names:

                # Set simulation path
                simulation_path = fs.join(generation_path, simulation_name)

                # Check whether fluxes are present
                filepath = fs.join(simulation_path, "earth_fluxes.pdf")
                if not fs.is_file(filepath):
                    log.warning("No mock SED plot for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' of generation '" + generation_name + "'")

                # Debugging
                log.debug("Restoring fluxes plot for simulation '" + simulation_name + "' ...")

                # Copy the plot file
                fs.copy_file(filepath, generation.get_mock_sed_plot_path(simulation_name))
Пример #7
    def import_package(self,
        This function ...
        :param name:
        :param as_name:
        :param from_name:
        :param show_output:

        command = ""

        if from_name is not None:
            command += "from " + from_name + " "

        command += "import " + name

        if as_name is not None:
            command += " as " + as_name

        # Execute the import command
        #output = self.send_line(command, output=True, show_output=log.is_debug())
        output = self.send_line(command, show_output=show_output)

        # If output is given, this is normally not so good
        if len(output) > 0:

            # Check output
            last_line = output[-1]
            if "cannot import" in last_line: log.warning(last_line)
            if "ImportError" in last_line: log.warning(last_line)

            return False

        return True
Пример #8
# Loop over the names
for prep_name in environment.preparation_names:

    # Load the statistics
    statistics = load_statistics(modeling_path, prep_name)

    # Determine filter
    fltr = parse_filter(prep_name)

    # Get the extinction
    att = attenuation.extinction_for_filter(fltr)

    if att == 0.0:
        if statistics.attenuation != 0.0:
                prep_name +
                ": attenuation is zero but preparation attenuation value was "
                + str(statistics.attenuation))

    # Ratio
    ratio = statistics.attenuation / att
    rel = abs((statistics.attenuation - att) / att)

    #print(prep_name, statistics.attenuation, ext, ratio, rel * 100)

    print(" - preparation: " + str(statistics.attenuation))
    print(" - real: " + str(ext))
    print(" - ratio: " + str(ratio))
    print(" - rel difference: " + str(rel * 100) + "%")
Пример #9
        local_version = None

    # Check present and version remotely
    if dependency in remote_packages:
        remotely_present = True
        remote_version = remote_packages[dependency]
        # Check again for present by importing
        remotely_present = remote_python.is_present_package(dependency)
        remote_version = None

    # If present both locally and remotely
    if locally_present and remotely_present:

        if config.versions:

            if local_version is None and remote_version is not None: log.warning(dependency + ": local version unknown")
            elif remote_version is None and local_version is not None: log.warning(dependency + ": remote version unknown")
            elif remote_version is None and local_version is None: log.warning(dependency + ": local and remote version unknown")
            elif local_version == remote_version: log.success(dependency + ": OK")
            else: log.warning(dependency + ": version " + local_version + " locally and version " + remote_version + " remotely")

        else: log.success(dependency + ": OK")

    # Not present on at least one system
    elif remotely_present and not locally_present: log.error(dependency + ": not present on this system")
    elif locally_present and not remotely_present: log.error(dependency + ": not present on remote '" + config.remote + "'")
    else: log.error(dependency + ": not present on either this sytem or remote '" + config.remote + "'")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #10
    # No maps
    if len(maps) == 0:
        log.error("No " + which_map + " maps (yet)")

    # Loop over the maps
    for name in maps:

        # Get the map
        comparison_map = maps[name]


        if not comparison_map.wcs.is_celestial:
            log.warning("The " + name + " " + which_map +
                        " dust map doesn't have a celestial WCS: skipping ...")

        # Debugging
            "Bringing the reference and comparison image to the same resolution ..."

        # Rebin to same pixel grid
        frames = NamedFrameList(reference=the_map, comparison=comparison_map)


Пример #11
    def import_package(self, name, as_name=None, from_name=None, show_output=False, return_false_if_fail=True, return_failed_module=False):

        This function ...
        :param name:
        :param as_name:
        :param from_name:
        :param show_output:
        :param return_false_if_fail:
        :param return_failed_module:

        command = ""

        if from_name is not None:
            command += "from " + from_name + " "

        command += "import " + name

        if as_name is not None:
            command += " as " + as_name

        # Execute the import command
        #output = self.send_line(command, output=True, show_output=log.is_debug)
        output = self.send_line(command, show_output=show_output)

        # If output is given, this is normally not so good
        if len(output) > 0:

            # Check output
            last_line = output[-1]

            # Error
            if "cannot import" in last_line:
                which = last_line.split("cannot import")[1]
                message = "[" + self.host_id + "] Cannot import " + which
                if return_false_if_fail: log.warning(message)
                else: raise ImportError(message)

            # Error
            elif "ImportError" in last_line:
                message = last_line.split("ImportError")[1]
                message = "[" + self.host_id + "] " + message
                if return_false_if_fail: log.warning(message)
                else: raise ImportError(message)

            # What else?

                # Show output
                for line in output: log.warning(line)

                # Probably OKAY, RETURN SUCCESS
                if return_failed_module: return True, None, None
                else: return True

            # NOT SUCCESS

            # Read the traceback
            module_name = None
            import_statement = None
            for line in reversed(output[:-1]):
                line = line.strip()
                if line.startswith("import"):
                    module_name = line.split("import ")[1].split(" ")[0]
                    import_statement = line
                elif line.startswith("from") and "import" in line:
                    module_name = line.split("from ")[1].split(" ")[0]
                    import_statement = line

            # Get base module name
            if module_name is not None: base_module_name = module_name.split(".")[0]
            else: base_module_name = None

            # Give command
            if base_module_name: import_statement = command

            # Import failed
            if return_failed_module: return False, base_module_name, import_statement
            else: return False

        # Import was succesfull
        if return_failed_module: return True, None, None
        else: return True
Пример #12
# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments(
    description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id +
                        "' is not available: skipping ...")
        remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.skirt_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are simulations
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No simulations for host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Loop over the simulation files in the run directory
Пример #13
# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Parse the arguments into a configuration
config = parse_arguments("clear_tasks", definition, description="Clear PTS tasks for a certain remote host")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Check whether the remote is available
    if config.full:
        remote = Remote()
        if not remote.setup(host_id):
            log.warning("The remote host '" + host_id + "' is not available: skipping ...")
    else: remote = None

    # Determine the path to the run directory for the specified remote host
    host_run_path = fs.join(introspection.skirt_run_dir, host_id)

    # Check if there are simulations
    if not fs.is_directory(host_run_path):
        log.debug("No run directory for host '" + host_id + "'")
    if fs.is_empty(host_run_path): log.debug("No simulations for host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Loop over the simulation files in the run directory
    for path, name in fs.files_in_path(host_run_path, extension="sim", returns=["path", "name"], sort=int):
Пример #14
    # Create remote
    remote = Remote(host_id=config.remote)

    # Determine path
    if config.remote_path is not None: find_path = remote.absolute_or_in_home(config.remote_path)
    else: find_path = remote.home_directory


    #print(remote.items_in_path(find_path, recursive=True))

    # Loop over the files
    paths = remote.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, not_contains=config.not_contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive, exact_name=config.exact_name, exact_not_name=config.exact_not_name)
    nfiles = len(paths)

    if nfiles == 0: log.warning("No files found")
        log.info(str(nfiles) + " files found")
        for path in paths:
            if config.full: print(path)
            else: print(path.split(find_path)[1])
            if config.remove: remote.remove_file(path)


    # Determine path
    find_path = fs.cwd()

    # Loop over the files
    paths = fs.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive,
Пример #15
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")
                    "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Get the config
config = parse_arguments("deinstall_all", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    # Setup
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=config.one_attempt):
        log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id + "' is offline")

    # Create uninstaller
    uninstaller = Uninstaller()

    # Set options
    uninstaller.config.skirt_and_or_pts = config.skirt_and_or_pts
    uninstaller.config.conda = config.conda
    uninstaller.config.qt = config.qt

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Running the uninstaller for remote host '" + host_id + "' ...")

    # Uninstall
Пример #16
        # Determine origin
        origin = instrument_to_origin(name.split("_")[1])

        # Determine local directory for this image
        origin_path = fs.join(environment.data_images_path, origin)
        if not fs.is_directory(origin_path): fs.create_directory(origin_path)

        # Determine local path
        local_path = fs.join(origin_path, name)


        # Check whether the image is not present
        if fs.is_file(local_path):
                "The '" + name +
                "' remotely cached image is still present locally. Keeping this file and throwing the remote file away."
            # Infomr
            log.info("Downloading the '" + name + "' file to [" + origin_path +
                     "] ...")

            # Download
            remote.download_file_to(path, origin_path, remove=True)

            # Success
            log.success("Succesfully retrieved the '" + name + "' image ...")

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Clearing the remote data structure ...")
Пример #17
# Import the relevant PTS classes and modules
from pts.core.basics.configuration import ConfigurationDefinition, parse_arguments
from pts.core.remote.host import find_host_ids
from pts.core.remote.remote import Remote
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
definition.add_positional_optional("remotes", "string_list", "remote hosts on which to clear", choices=find_host_ids(), default=find_host_ids())

# Create setter
config = parse_arguments("clear_sessions_and_temp", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Setup the remote
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id):
        log.warning("Could not connect to remote host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Clear temporary directory and clear sessions

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #18
definition.add_flag("conda", "also remove conda installation")
definition.add_flag("qt", "also remove Qt installation")
definition.add_flag("one_attempt", "only perform one attempt at connecting to a remote")

# Get the config
config = parse_arguments("deinstall_all", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in find_host_ids():

    # Setup
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id, one_attempt=config.one_attempt):
        log.warning("Remote host '" + host_id + "' is offline")

    # Create uninstaller
    uninstaller = Uninstaller()

    # Set options
    uninstaller.config.skirt_and_or_pts = config.skirt_and_or_pts
    uninstaller.config.conda = config.conda
    uninstaller.config.qt = config.qt

    # Inform the user
    log.info("Running the uninstaller for remote host '" + host_id + "' ...")

    # Uninstall
Пример #19
    for name in tests_for_subproject(subproject):

        # Determine the test path
        test_path = path_for_test(subproject, name)

        # Find file with name test.py
        filepath = fs.join(test_path, "test.py")

        # Load the test module
        test_module = imp.load_source(name, filepath)

        # Get properties of the test module
            description = test_module.description
        except AttributeError:
            log.warning("Description not specified for test '" + name + "'")

        # Iterate over these:
        commands = test_module.commands

        # Loop over the commands
        for command in commands:

            the_command = command.command

            # Find match
            match = introspection.resolve_command_tables(command, tables)

            # Get the class name
            cls = introspection.get_class(match.module_path, match.class_name)
Пример #20
    # Check present and version remotely
    if dependency in remote_packages:
        remotely_present = True
        remote_version = remote_packages[dependency]
        # Check again for present by importing
        remotely_present = rmeote_python.is_present_package(dependency)
        remote_version = None

    # If present both locally and remotely
    if locally_present and remotely_present:

        if config.versions:

            if local_version is None and remote_version is not None:
                log.warning(dependency + ": local version unknown")
            elif remote_version is None and local_version is not None:
                log.warning(dependency + ": remote version unknown")
            elif remote_version is None and local_version is None:
                log.warning(dependency + ": local and remote version unknown")
            elif local_version == remote_version:
                log.success(dependency + ": OK")
                log.warning(dependency + ": version " + local_version +
                            " locally and version " + remote_version +
                            " remotely")

            log.success(dependency + ": OK")

    # Not present on at least one system
Пример #21
    # Show which wavelengths are used to create filter frames
    if len(used_wavelengths) > 0:
        print(fmt.underlined + fmt.blue + "Used wavelengths and corresponding filter(s):" + fmt.reset)
        for wavelength_micron in used_wavelengths:
            filters = used_wavelengths[wavelength_micron]
            filter_names = [str(f) for f in filters]
            nfilters = len(filter_names)
            if nfilters == 1: print(fmt.green + " - " + str(wavelength_micron) + " micron: " + filter_names[0] + fmt.reset)
            else: print(fmt.yellow + " - " + str(wavelength_micron) + " micron: " + fmt.bold + ", ".join(filter_names) + fmt.reset)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Wavelength grid for use with spectral convolution
if spectral_convolution: check_grid_convolution()

# No spectral convolution
else: check_grid_no_convolution()

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

if config.show and config.grid_path is not None: log.warning("Cannot show")
elif config.show:
    path = fitting_run.get_wavelength_grid_plot_path(config.name)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #22
    # Create remote
    remote = Remote(host_id=config.remote)

    # Determine path
    if config.remote_path is not None: find_path = remote.absolute_or_in_home(config.remote_path)
    else: find_path = remote.home_directory


    #print(remote.items_in_path(find_path, recursive=True))

    # Loop over the files
    paths = remote.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, not_contains=config.not_contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive)

    if len(paths) == 0: log.warning("No files found")
        for path in paths:
            if config.full: print(path)
            else: print(path.split(find_path)[1])


    # Determine path
    find_path = fs.cwd()

    # Loop over the files
    paths =  fs.files_in_path(find_path, contains=config.contains, extension=config.extension, recursive=config.recursive)

    if len(paths) == 0: log.warning("No files found")
Пример #23
from pts.core.basics.log import log

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Create definition
definition = ConfigurationDefinition()
                                   "remote hosts on which to clear",

# Create setter
config = parse_arguments("clear_sessions_and_temp", definition)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Loop over the remote hosts
for host_id in config.remotes:

    # Setup the remote
    remote = Remote()
    if not remote.setup(host_id):
        log.warning("Could not connect to remote host '" + host_id + "'")

    # Clear temporary directory and clear sessions

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #24
    # Get the test names for this subproject
    for name in tests_for_subproject(subproject):

        # Determine the test path
        test_path = path_for_test(subproject, name)

        # Find file with name test.py
        filepath = fs.join(test_path, "test.py")

        # Load the test module
        test_module = imp.load_source(name, filepath)

        # Get properties of the test module
        try: description = test_module.description
        except AttributeError: log.warning("Description not specified for test '" + name + "'")

        # Iterate over these:
        commands = test_module.commands

        # Loop over the commands
        for command in commands:

            the_command = command.command

            # Find match
            match = introspection.resolve_command_tables(command, tables)

            # Get the class name
            cls = introspection.get_class(match.module_path, match.class_name)
Пример #25
    # Load the preparation statistics
    statistics = load_statistics(modeling_path, prep_name)

    # Determine filter
    fltr = parse_filter(prep_name)

    # Get the extinction
    att = attenuation.extinction_for_filter(fltr)

    # Attenuation zero but still corrected for attenuation that is nonzero
    if att == 0.0 and statistics.attenuation != 0.0:

        # Give warning and add
            prep_name +
            ": attenuation is zero but preparation attenuation value was " +
        fix[prep_name] = (att, statistics.attenuation)

    # Attenuation nonzero but not corrected
    if att != 0.0 and statistics.attenuation == 0.0:

        # Give warning and add
        log.warning(prep_name + ": attenuation is nonzero but not corrected")
        fix[prep_name] = (att, statistics.attenuation)

    # Attenuations not equal
    elif not numbers.is_close(att, statistics.attenuation):

        # Give warning and add
        log.warning(prep_name + ": attenuation of " + tostr(att) +