Пример #1
    local_runpath = skirtrun.runpath()
    local_inpath = skirtrun.inpath()
    local_outpath = skirtrun.outpath()
    local_vispath = skirtrun.vispath()
    remote_runpath = local_runpath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])
    remote_inpath = local_inpath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])
    remote_outpath = local_outpath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])
    remote_vispath = local_vispath.replace(config.results_path, config.cosma["results_path"])

    # synchronize the files in each directory
    #  - skip subdirectories and symbolic links
    #  - for the vis directory, do not overwrite newer local versions
    error = subprocess.call(("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix+remote_runpath+"/*", local_runpath+"/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for run: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix+remote_inpath+"/*", local_inpath+"/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for in: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix+remote_outpath+"/*", local_outpath+"/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for out: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(("rsync", "-htvz", "--update", cosma_prefix+remote_vispath+"/*", local_vispath+"/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for vis: " + str(error))

    # update the record in the local database if needed
    if db.updaterow(runid, record): db.commit()

# close the database

print "--> Done synchronizing {} completed SKIRT-runs".format(len(records))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #2
    error = subprocess.call(("zip", "-rj", outzip, outdir))
    if error:
        raise ValueError("Error while zipping the out directory: " + str(error))

    # copy the archives offsite
    print "--> Copying archives for SKIRT-run {}...".format(runid)
    timestamp = config.timestamp()
    archdir = os.path.join(archive_path, "g-{0:04}".format(runid // 1000))
    archin = os.path.join(archdir, "r-{0:04}-{1:03}_in_{2}.zip".format(runid // 1000, runid % 1000, timestamp))
    archout = os.path.join(archdir, "r-{0:04}-{1:03}_out_{2}.zip".format(runid // 1000, runid % 1000, timestamp))
    if not os.path.isdir(archdir):
    error = subprocess.call(("cp", "-v", inzip, archin))
    if error:
        raise ValueError("Error while copying the in archive: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(("cp", "-v", outzip, archout))
    if error:
        raise ValueError("Error while copying the out archive: " + str(error))

    # update the runstatus in the database
    db.updatestatus((runid,), "archived")

# close the database

print "Done..."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #3
    # synchronize the files in each directory
    #  - skip subdirectories and symbolic links
    #  - for the vis directory, do not overwrite newer local versions
    error = subprocess.call(
        ("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix + remote_runpath + "/*",
         local_runpath + "/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for run: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(
        ("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix + remote_inpath + "/*",
         local_inpath + "/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for in: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(
        ("rsync", "-htvz", cosma_prefix + remote_outpath + "/*",
         local_outpath + "/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for out: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(
        ("rsync", "-htvz", "--update", cosma_prefix + remote_vispath + "/*",
         local_vispath + "/"))
    if error: raise ValueError("Error in rsync for vis: " + str(error))

    # update the record in the local database if needed
    if db.updaterow(runid, record): db.commit()

# close the database

print "--> Done synchronizing {} completed SKIRT-runs".format(len(records))

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
Пример #4

    # copy the archives offsite
    print "--> Copying archives for SKIRT-run {}...".format(runid)
    timestamp = config.timestamp()
    archdir = os.path.join(archive_path, "g-{0:04}".format(runid // 1000))
    archin = os.path.join(
        archdir, "r-{0:04}-{1:03}_in_{2}.zip".format(runid // 1000,
                                                     runid % 1000, timestamp))
    archout = os.path.join(
        archdir, "r-{0:04}-{1:03}_out_{2}.zip".format(runid // 1000,
                                                      runid % 1000, timestamp))
    if not os.path.isdir(archdir): os.makedirs(archdir)
    error = subprocess.call(("cp", "-v", inzip, archin))
    if error:
        raise ValueError("Error while copying the in archive: " + str(error))
    error = subprocess.call(("cp", "-v", outzip, archout))
    if error:
        raise ValueError("Error while copying the out archive: " + str(error))

    # update the runstatus in the database
    db.updatestatus((runid, ), 'archived')

# close the database

print "Done..."

# -----------------------------------------------------------------