Пример #1
    def seasonal_error(
        self, time_series: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame], forecast: Forecast
    ) -> float:
        .. math::

            seasonal_error = mean(|Y[t] - Y[t-m]|)

        where m is the seasonal frequency
        # Remove the prediction range
        # If the prediction range is not in the end of the time series,
        # everything after the prediction range is truncated
        forecast_date = pd.Timestamp(forecast.start_date, freq=forecast.freq)
        date_before_forecast = forecast_date - 1 * forecast_date.freq
        ts = time_series[:date_before_forecast]

        # Check if the length of the time series is larger than the seasonal frequency
        seasonality = (
            self.seasonality if self.seasonality else get_seasonality(forecast.freq)
        if seasonality < len(ts):
            forecast_freq = seasonality
            # edge case: the seasonal freq is larger than the length of ts
            # revert to freq=1
            # logging.info('The seasonal frequency is larger than the length of the time series. Reverting to freq=1.')
            forecast_freq = 1
        y_t = np.ma.masked_invalid(ts.values[:-forecast_freq])
        y_tm = np.ma.masked_invalid(ts.values[forecast_freq:])

        seasonal_mae = np.mean(abs(y_t - y_tm))

        return seasonal_mae if seasonal_mae is not np.ma.masked else np.nan
Пример #2
    def seasonal_error(self, past_data: np.ndarray, forecast: Forecast) -> float:
        .. math::

            seasonal_error = mean(|Y[t] - Y[t-m]|)

        where m is the seasonal frequency
        # Check if the length of the time series is larger than the seasonal frequency
        seasonality = (
            self.seasonality if self.seasonality else get_seasonality(forecast.freq)
        if seasonality < len(past_data):
            forecast_freq = seasonality
            # edge case: the seasonal freq is larger than the length of ts
            # revert to freq=1
            # logging.info('The seasonal frequency is larger than the length of the time series. Reverting to freq=1.')
            forecast_freq = 1
        y_t = past_data[:-forecast_freq]
        y_tm = past_data[forecast_freq:]

        seasonal_mae = np.mean(abs(y_t - y_tm))

        return seasonal_mae if seasonal_mae is not np.ma.masked else np.nan
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, loss_function: str, freq: str, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        super(NBEATSTrainingNetwork, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.loss_function = loss_function
        self.freq = freq

        self.periodicity = get_seasonality(self.freq)

        if self.loss_function == "MASE":
            assert self.periodicity < self.context_length + self.prediction_length, (
                "If the 'periodicity' of your data is less than 'context_length' + 'prediction_length' "
                "the seasonal_error cannot be calculated and thus 'MASE' cannot be used for optimization."
Пример #4
def test_get_seasonality(freq, expected_seasonality):
    assert get_seasonality(freq) == expected_seasonality