def plot_risk(): """ plot a two dimensional slack surface """ mua, vra, pra = pgen.get_pdf(plot=False, write=False) deadline = ptsl.D a1 = range(1, 17) a2 = range(1, 17) shape = (len(a1), len(a2)) X, Y = meshgrid(a1, a2) Z1 = np.full(shape, -1.0) # Risk Power Surface Z2 = np.full(shape, -1.0) # Peak Power Surface for x in a1: for y in a2: mu = mua[x - 1] + mua[y - 1] vr = vra[x - 1] + vra[y - 1] dist = stats.norm(loc=mu, scale=np.sqrt(vr)) risk = dist.sf(deadline) Z1[x - 1, y - 1] = risk Z2[x - 1, y - 1] = np.max([pra[x - 1], pra[y - 1]]) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z1, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.Greys, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.set_xlabel("alloc ph1") ax.set_ylabel("alloc ph2") ax.set_zlabel("Risk") fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) plt.savefig("risk-surface.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') surf = ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z2, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.Greys_r, linewidth=0, antialiased=False) ax.set_xlabel("alloc ph1") ax.set_ylabel("alloc ph2") ax.set_zlabel("peak power") # print(ax.azim) ax.view_init(azim=-30) fig.colorbar(surf, shrink=0.5, aspect=5) plt.savefig("pkp-surface.pdf", bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
def evaluate_all_points(): """ Assuming NPH = 5 """ start_time = timeit.default_timer() mua, vra = pgen.get_pdf() slack = ptsl.D all_alloc = list(itertools.product(range(1, ptsl.M + 1), repeat=ptsl.NPH)) riska = [] f2 = open("risk-file-D216-NPH5.csv", "w") f2.write("alloc1,alloc2,alloc3,alloc4,alloc5,risk,util\n") count = 0 for a in all_alloc: a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = a r = compute_risk(mua, vra, a, slack) if r > 0.00001 and r < 1 - 0.00001: riska.append(r) util = a1 * mua[a1 - 1] + a2 * mua[a2 - 1] + a3 * mua[ a3 - 1] + a4 * mua[a4 - 1] + a5 * mua[a5 - 1] f2.write("%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%f,%f\n" % (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, r, util)) count = count + 1 f2.close()"stored_risk", riska) elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time print("Brute Force Evaluation Time for %d points : %fs" % (count, elapsed))
def main(): # Load the Source Distribution mua, vra = pgen.get_pdf() # Creating the allocation vector alloc = list(itertools.product(range(1, 17), repeat=ptsl.NPH)) slack = ptsl.D #print(alloc) risk = [] n = 1 alloc2 = alloc alloc2.reverse() for a in alloc2: mu = 0 var = 0 for sa in a: mu = mu + mua[sa - 1] var = var + vra[sa - 1] dist = stats.norm(loc=mu, scale=np.sqrt(var)) r = dist.sf(slack) # Store only if risk is below a threshold if r < 1 - 1e-5: print("complete allocation %d," % n + " alloc : " + str(a) + ",risk %f" % r) print("mu : %f, std : %f" % (mu, np.sqrt(var))) print("\n") risk.append(r) # else : # print("complete allocation %d,"%n+" alloc : "+str(a)) n = n + 1 #risk2 = [r2 for r2 in risk if r2 < 0.999] # Histogram plt.hist(risk)"dmr-saved", risk) plt.savefig("dmr-hist.pdf")
def execute_1_ue(ns,dmr2,constrain=False,expshrink=False,introduce_slack=True): """ Main Execution program """ # Generate a list of input dmr = dmr2 num_subframes = ns crnti1 = 2386 crnti2 = 9983 crnti3 = 9128 crnti4 = 4451 ue_list1 = [dummy_ue(i,dmr,crnti1) for i in range(0,num_subframes)] ue_list2 = [] #[dummy_ue(i,dmr,crnti2) for i in range(0,num_subframes)] ue_list3 = [] #[dummy_ue(i,dmr,crnti3) for i in range(0,num_subframes)] ue_list4 = [] #[dummy_ue(i,dmr,crnti4) for i in range(0,num_subframes)] ue_list = ue_list1 + ue_list2 + ue_list3 + ue_list4 heapq.heapify(ue_list) # Initialize the state variables NZ = 100*num_subframes s = np.zeros(NZ) # Start of n-th phase (irrespective of the UE/SF) f = np.zeros(NZ) # Finish of the n-th phase m = [0 for i in range(NZ)] # Total cores busy at beginning of time step n d = [0 for i in range(NZ)] # demanded cores for the n-th phase a = [0 for i in range(NZ)] # Allocated cores at beginning of time step n u = [0 for i in range(NZ)] # Available/Free Cores u[0] = ptsl.M infq = queue.Queue(maxsize=0) # Stores the number of computations that are inflight # Construct the distributions (For now assume all phases are balanced) marray,varray = pgen.get_pdf() distarry = pgen.gen_hist(ptsl.NUMBINS) approx2 = [] for idx in range(len(marray)) : approx2.append(stats.norm(loc=marray[idx],scale=np.sqrt(varray[idx]))) print("Offline Profiling Complete\n\n") # "Global" Variables, whose state is maintained across subframe instances start_time = timeit.default_timer() missed1 = 0 missed2 = 0 missed3 = 0 missed4 = 0 n = 0 # The n-th phase while len(ue_list) > 0: ue = heapq.heappop(ue_list) # Execute if expshrink : ins_slack, d[n] = ue.get_demand(marray,varray,introduce_slack) else : d[n] = 11 # Statically Allocate the cores ins_slack = 0 s[n] = ue.get_curr_tick() m[n] = 0 # Constrain the number of cores available num_inflight = infq.qsize() # Compute the number of inflight instructions while num_inflight > 0: f2,a2 = infq.get(block=False) if (s[n] <= f2) : m[n] = m[n] + a2 # Decrement the number of available cores infq.put((f2,a2)) num_inflight = num_inflight-1 # The number of cores that are free u[n] = ptsl.M - m[n] + ue.alloc # Cap the number of demanded cores to the total available (in a constrained system) if constrain : if not expshrink : if d[n] > u[n] : a[n] = 0 # No cores to be allocated when demand is greater than is available else : a[n] = d[n] else : a[n] = np.min([d[n],u[n]]) else : a[n] = d[n] # print("UE(%d,%d,%d) - d[%d]:%d,u[%d]:%d,m[%d]:%d,a[%d]:%d,ue_alloc:%d"%(ue.subframe,ue.crnti,ue.state,n,d[n],n,u[n],n,m[n],n,a[n],ue.alloc)) try : #_,f[n] = ue.execute(a[n],distarry[a[n]-1]) #distarry is zero indexed if ins_slack == 0 : _,f[n] = ue.execute(a[n],ptsl.NW,approx2[a[n]-1]) else : _,f[n] = ue.execute(a[n],ins_slack,approx2[a[n]-1]) except IndexError : print("n:%d,a[n]:%d,NZ:%d"%(n,a[n],NZ)) exit infq.put((f[n],a[n])) # Enque the (potentially) inflight computation # print("UE(%d,%d,%d) - s[%d]:%f,f[%d]:%f,a[%d]:%d,ue_alloc:%d"%(ue.subframe,ue.crnti,ue.state,n,s[n],n,f[n],n,a[n],ue.alloc)) # print("\n") # Store it back or discard it. if (ue.state == ptsl.NPH or ue.state == -1): if (ue.state == -1): if ue.crnti == crnti1 : missed1 = missed1 + 1 elif ue.crnti == crnti2 : missed2 = missed2 + 1 elif ue.crnti == crnti3 : missed3 = missed3 + 1 if ue.crnti == crnti4 : missed4 = missed4 + 1 print(ue) print("-------------------------------------") print("\n\n\n") else : heapq.heappush(ue_list,ue) n = n+1 elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time print("\n") print("Simulation Time : %fs,DMR-App1(observed) : %f"%(elapsed,missed1/num_subframes)) # print("Simulation Time : %fs,DMR-App2(observed) : %f"%(elapsed,missed2/num_subframes)) # print("Simulation Time : %fs,DMR-App3(observed) : %f"%(elapsed,missed3/num_subframes)) # print("Simulation Time : %fs,DMR-App4(observed) : %f"%(elapsed,missed4/num_subframes)) odmr = missed1/num_subframes return (s,f,m,n,a,odmr,a[n-1])
import ptss_utils as ptsl import ptss_synthpdf as psyn import ptss_dfspdf as pgen import ptss_risksteepness as porc import heapq import queue import timeit from pprint import pprint import itertools from pylab import meshgrid from matplotlib import cm from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D from scipy import stats import pandas as pd mua, vra, _ = pgen.get_pdf() def alg4(): """ Find an allocation using greedy state-space search as discussed on 03/12/2018 """ greedyalloc = [1, 1] dmrexp = 0.30 deadline = ptsl.D greedyutil = 1.0 minutil = 1.0