Пример #1
    def clean_isbn(self):
        '''Converts the user inputted isbn into a valid ISBN-13, or
           raises a validation error if the isbn does not exist or is
           incorrectly formatted'''

        # check formatting
        isbn = cleanisbn(self.cleaned_data['isbn'])
        if isbn == '':
            raise forms.ValidationError('The ISBN you entered is not valid')

        # check if book exists either here at PTX or at amazon
            if len(isbn) == 13:
                book = Book.objects.get(isbn13=isbn)
            elif len(isbn) == 10:
                book = Book.objects.get(isbn10=isbn)

        except Book.DoesNotExist:
            # book does not exist in PTX, so try fetching it from amazon
            book = book_details(isbn)
            if book == None:
                raise forms.ValidationError(
                    'A book with this ISBN could not be found')

        return book.isbn13
Пример #2
    def clean_isbn(self):
        '''Converts the user inputted isbn into a valid ISBN-13, or
           raises a validation error if the isbn does not exist or is
           incorrectly formatted'''

        # check formatting
        isbn = cleanisbn(self.cleaned_data['isbn'])
        if isbn == '':
            raise forms.ValidationError('The ISBN you entered is not valid')

        # check if book exists either here at PTX or at amazon
            if len(isbn) == 13:
                book = Book.objects.get(isbn13=isbn)
            elif len(isbn) == 10:
                book = Book.objects.get(isbn10=isbn)

        except Book.DoesNotExist:
            # book does not exist in PTX, so try fetching it from amazon
            book = book_details(isbn)
            if book == None:
                raise forms.ValidationError('A book with this ISBN could not be found')

        return book.isbn13
Пример #3
def process_add(request, form_data):
    '''Returns the added book if add is successful, None if the field is blank, 
    or raises Book.DoesNotExist if no such book is found'''

    form = AddForm(form_data)

    if not form.is_valid():
        raise Book.DoesNotExist

    # Clean up the ISBN, or stop if there has been no ISBN entered
    isbn = form.cleaned_data['add']
    if len(isbn) == 0: return None
    isbn = cleanisbn(isbn)

    # Get the book, or raise the exception that it does not exist
    if len(isbn) == 13: 
            book = Book.objects.get(isbn13=isbn)
        except Book.DoesNotExist:
            book = book_details(isbn)
            if book != None: book.save()
            else: raise Book.DoesNotExist

    elif len(isbn) == 10: 
            book = Book.objects.get(isbn10=isbn)
        except Book.DoesNotExist:
            book = book_details(isbn)
            if book != None: book.save()
            else: raise Book.DoesNotExist

        raise Book.DoesNotExist

    # Check that the item is not already in the wishlist
    user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(net_id=request.user.username)
    req_list = Request.objects.filter(user=user,
            status='o', book=book)
    if len(req_list) > 0:
        raise AlreadyInWishlist

    req = Request(user=user, book = book, status = 'o', maxprice = 0)

    return book
Пример #4
def process_add(request, form_data):
    '''Returns the added book if add is successful, None if the field is blank, 
    or raises Book.DoesNotExist if no such book is found'''

    form = AddForm(form_data)

    if not form.is_valid():
        raise Book.DoesNotExist

    # Clean up the ISBN, or stop if there has been no ISBN entered
    isbn = form.cleaned_data['add']
    if len(isbn) == 0: return None
    isbn = cleanisbn(isbn)

    # Get the book, or raise the exception that it does not exist
    if len(isbn) == 13:
            book = Book.objects.get(isbn13=isbn)
        except Book.DoesNotExist:
            book = book_details(isbn)
            if book != None: book.save()
            else: raise Book.DoesNotExist

    elif len(isbn) == 10:
            book = Book.objects.get(isbn10=isbn)
        except Book.DoesNotExist:
            book = book_details(isbn)
            if book != None: book.save()
            else: raise Book.DoesNotExist

        raise Book.DoesNotExist

    # Check that the item is not already in the wishlist
    user, created = User.objects.get_or_create(net_id=request.user.username)
    req_list = Request.objects.filter(user=user, status='o', book=book)
    if len(req_list) > 0:
        raise AlreadyInWishlist

    req = Request(user=user, book=book, status='o', maxprice=0)

    return book
Пример #5
def search(request):
    """Given a search query argument, treats each token as another
    filter on the set of all books. Two types of filters are
    recognized: ISBN and strings."""

    book_list = Book.objects.all()
    st = request.GET.get("s")

    if st:
        # Progressively whittle down the entire book_list.
        for token in st.split():
            clean_isbn = cleanisbn(token)
            if len(clean_isbn) > 0:
                query = Q(isbn13__icontains=clean_isbn)
                query = query | Q(isbn10__icontains=clean_isbn)
                query = Q(title__icontains=token)
                query = query | Q(author__icontains=token)
                query = query | Q(course__dept__icontains=token)
                query = query | Q(course__num__icontains=token)

            book_list = book_list.filter(query)

    book_list = book_list.distinct().order_by('title')
    showofferings = any(book.hasOfferings() for book in book_list)
    showunoffered = any(not book.hasOfferings() for book in book_list)

    # Dictionary for displaying stuff on template
    data = {
        'book_list': book_list,
        'showofferings': showofferings,
        'showunoffered': showunoffered,
        'num_books': len(book_list),
        'st': st

    # Render to template
    return render_to_response(request, 'ptx/browsebooks.html', data)
Пример #6
def search(request):
    """Given a search query argument, treats each token as another
    filter on the set of all books. Two types of filters are
    recognized: ISBN and strings."""

    book_list = Book.objects.all()
    st = request.GET.get("s")

    if st:
        # Progressively whittle down the entire book_list.
        for token in st.split():
            clean_isbn = cleanisbn(token)
            if len(clean_isbn) > 0:
                query = Q(isbn13__icontains=clean_isbn)
                query = query | Q(isbn10__icontains=clean_isbn)
                query = Q(title__icontains=token)
                query = query | Q(author__icontains=token)
                query = query | Q(course__dept__icontains=token)
                query = query | Q(course__num__icontains=token)

            book_list = book_list.filter(query)

    book_list     = book_list.distinct().order_by('title')
    showofferings = any(book.hasOfferings() for book in book_list)
    showunoffered = any(not book.hasOfferings() for book in book_list)

    # Dictionary for displaying stuff on template
    data = {'book_list': book_list,
            'showofferings': showofferings,
            'showunoffered': showunoffered,
            'num_books': len(book_list),
            'st': st}

    # Render to template
    return render_to_response(request, 'ptx/browsebooks.html', data)