def talker(): rospy.init_node("sender", anonymous=True) pub_total = rospy.Publisher("/sig_info", total, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(5) a = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if a < 10: info = pubmsg() totaldd = total() info.label = 11 info.confidence = 0.88 info.x = 11.256 info.y = 21.257 info.z = 31.259 for i in range(3): totaldd.result.append(info) rospy.loginfo(totaldd) #print(type(totaldd)) rospy.loginfo(len(totaldd.result)) pub_total.publish(totaldd) rate.sleep() a = a + 1 else: time.sleep(20)
def doit(): rate = rospy.Rate(30) global cv_image, color_img_update, depth_img, depth_img_update, stage, sig_info_update # rospy.loginfo("Lo the VideoCapture") # capture = cv2.VideoCapture(9) # rospy.loginfo("9 the VideoCapture") pub_total = rospy.Publisher("/total_info", total, queue_size=1) get_total_update = 0 local_flag = 0 capture = [] open_down_cam = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): get_total = total() total_dect = total() ############################ # if color_img_update == 1 and depth_img_update==1 : #and sig_info_update==1 if stage != 1: stage = 1 # if stage==100: # if(local_flag==0): # local_flag=1 # for i in range(5): # et, frame = # else: # et, frame = # if et: # if len(frame)!=0: # try: # get_total=detect(total_dect,frame) # except: # info=pubmsg() # info.label=88 # info.confidence=0 # info.x=0 # info.y=0 # info.z=0 # get_total.result.append(info) # rospy.loginfo("stage--0 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd") # del frame # get_total_update=1 # et=False if stage == 1 and color_img_update == 1 and depth_img_update == 1: if len(cv_image) != 0 and len(depth_img) != 0: try: get_total = detect(total_dect, cv_image, depth_img) except: info = pubmsg() info.label = 88 info.confidence = 0 info.x = 0 info.y = 0 info.z = 0 get_total.result.append(info) rospy.loginfo( "stage--1 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" ) get_total_update = 1 color_img_update = 0 depth_img_update = 0 local_flag = 0 if stage == 2: info = pubmsg() info.label = 100 info.confidence = 0 info.x = 0 info.y = 0 info.z = 0 get_total.result.append(info) get_total_update = 1 if stage == 3: if open_down_cam == 0: rospy.loginfo("open camera") time.sleep(3) capture = cv2.VideoCapture("/dev/video20") open_down_cam = 1 rospy.loginfo("camera opened success") if (local_flag == 0): local_flag = 1 for i in range(5): et, frame = else: et, frame = if et: if len(frame) != 0: try: get_total = detect(total_dect, frame) except: info = pubmsg() info.label = 88 info.confidence = 0 info.x = 0 info.y = 0 info.z = 0 get_total.result.append(info) rospy.loginfo( "stage--3 dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd" ) del frame get_total_update = 1 et = False if get_total_update == 1: get_total_update = 0 # if len(get_total)==0: # info1=pubmsg() # info1.label=30 # info1.confidence=0 # info1.x=0 # info1.y=0 # info1.z=0 # get_total_now.result.append(info1) pub_total.publish(get_total) rate.sleep()
def detect(current_total_dect, current_image, current_depth_img=[]): global fx, fy, cx, cy, stage, time_stamp (rows, cols, channels) = current_image.shape # cv2.imshow("Image window", current_image) #cv2.waitKey(3) getimg = current_image.copy() ##ori 16~44 lower_blue = np.array([22, 0, 0]) upper_blue = np.array([36, 255, 255]) getimg = np.zeros([rows, cols, channels], np.uint8) hsv = cv2.cvtColor(current_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) mask = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_blue, upper_blue) getimg = cv2.add(getimg, current_image, mask=mask) # # Read and pre-process input images n, c, h, w = net.inputs[input_blob].shape is_async_mode = False wait_key_code = 0 cur_request_id = 0 next_request_id = 1 render_time = 0 parsing_time = 0 request_id = cur_request_id in_frame = cv2.resize(getimg, (w, h)) # resize input_frame to network size in_frame = in_frame.transpose( (2, 0, 1)) # Change data layout from HWC to CHW in_frame = in_frame.reshape((n, c, h, w)) try: exec_net.start_async(request_id=request_id, inputs={input_blob: in_frame}) except: info = pubmsg() info.label = 88 info.confidence = 0 info.x = 0 info.y = 0 info.z = 0 current_total_dect.result.append(info) rospy.loginfo( "eddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd") return current_total_dect # Collecting object detection results objects = list() if exec_net.requests[cur_request_id].wait(-1) == 0: try: output = exec_net.requests[cur_request_id].outputs except: info = pubmsg() info.label = 88 info.confidence = 0 info.x = 0 info.y = 0 info.z = 0 current_total_dect.result.append(info) rospy.loginfo( "eddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd") return current_total_dect # start_time = time() for layer_name, out_blob in output.items(): layer_params = YoloV3Params(net.layers[layer_name].params, out_blob.shape[2])"Layer {} parameters: ".format(layer_name)) layer_params.log_params() objects += parse_yolo_region(out_blob, in_frame.shape[2:], getimg.shape[:-1], layer_params, args.prob_threshold) # parsing_time = time() - start_time # Filtering overlapping boxes with respect to the --iou_threshold CLI parameter objects = sorted(objects, key=lambda obj: obj['confidence'], reverse=True) for i in range(len(objects)): if objects[i]['confidence'] == 0: continue for j in range(i + 1, len(objects)): if intersection_over_union(objects[i], objects[j]) > args.iou_threshold: objects[j]['confidence'] = 0 # Drawing objects with respect to the --prob_threshold CLI parameter objects = [ obj for obj in objects if obj['confidence'] >= args.prob_threshold ] if len(objects) and args.raw_output_message:"\nDetected boxes for batch {}:".format(1))" Class ID | Confidence | XMIN | YMIN | XMAX | YMAX | COLOR ") origin_im_size = getimg.shape[:-1] #print(objects) for obj in objects: # Validation bbox of detected object if obj['xmax'] > origin_im_size[1] or obj['ymax'] > origin_im_size[ 0] or obj['xmin'] < 0 or obj['ymin'] < 0: continue color = (int(min(obj['class_id'] * 15, 255)), min(obj['class_id'] * 20, 255), min(obj['class_id'] * 25 + 100, 255)) det_label = labels_map[obj['class_id']] if labels_map and len(labels_map) >= obj['class_id'] else \ str(obj['class_id']) if args.raw_output_message:"{:^9} | {:10f} | {:4} | {:4} | {:4} | {:4} | {} ".format( det_label, obj['confidence'], obj['xmin'], obj['ymin'], obj['xmax'], obj['ymax'], color)) cv2.rectangle(getimg, (obj['xmin'], obj['ymin']), (obj['xmax'], obj['ymax']), color, 2) #rospy.loginfo("detect "+det_label) cv2.putText( getimg, "#" + det_label + ' ' + str(round(obj['confidence'] * 100, 1)) + ' %', (obj['xmin'], obj['ymin'] - 7), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.6, color, 1) #pos_x,pos_y,pos_z=find_pos(obj['xmin'],obj['ymin'],obj['xmax'],obj['ymax'],current_depth_img) x_pos = 0 y_pos = 0 z_pos = 0 info = pubmsg() #info.label=0 #info.confidence=0 info.x = 0 info.y = 0 info.z = 0 info.label = obj['class_id'] # rospy.loginfo("id==="+str(info.label)) info.confidence = round(obj['confidence'] * 100, 1) if stage == 1 and len(current_depth_img) != 0 and ( obj['xmax'] - obj['xmin']) * (obj['ymax'] - obj['ymin']) >= 0: current_total_dect.header = time_stamp #get_depth_img=current_depth_img.copy() depth_box_width = obj['xmax'] - obj['xmin'] depth_box_height = obj['ymax'] - obj['ymin'] #print(depth_box_width) delta_rate = 0.25 x_box_min = int(obj['xmin'] + depth_box_width * delta_rate) y_box_min = int(obj['ymin'] + depth_box_height * delta_rate) x_box_max = int(obj['xmax'] - depth_box_width * delta_rate) y_box_max = int(obj['ymax'] - depth_box_height * delta_rate) #print(x_box_min) after_width = (depth_box_width * (1 - 2 * delta_rate)) after_height = (depth_box_height * (1 - 2 * delta_rate)) bb = current_depth_img[y_box_min:y_box_max, x_box_min:x_box_max] z_pos = bb.sum() / (after_width * after_height) * 0.001 #z_pos=sum(map(sum,bb))/(after_width*after_height)*0.001 x_pos = (0.5 * (x_box_min + x_box_max) - cx) * z_pos / fx y_pos = (0.5 * (y_box_min + y_box_max) - cy) * z_pos / fy #print(x_pos) cv2.rectangle(getimg, (x_box_min, y_box_min), (x_box_max, y_box_max), (0, 255, 255), 2) #"x="+str(x_pos)+" y="+str(y_pos)+ info_pos = " z=" + str(z_pos) cv2.putText(getimg, info_pos, (x_box_min, y_box_min), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 0), 1) info.x = x_pos info.y = y_pos info.z = z_pos elif stage != 1 and (obj['xmax'] - obj['xmin']) * (obj['ymax'] - obj['ymin']) >= 0: locate_x = (obj['xmax'] + obj['xmin']) / 2 locate_y = (obj['ymax'] + obj['ymin']) / 2 #print(depth_box_width) #print(getimg.shape) h, w, c = getimg.shape info.x = locate_x - w / 2 info.y = locate_y - h / 2 info.z = 0 cv2.putText(getimg, (str(round(info.x)) + " " + str(round(info.y))), (int(locate_x), int(locate_y)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.6, (0, 255, 150), 1) else: info.confidence = 0 current_total_dect.result.append(info) # sort_obj=sorted(current_total_dect.result,key=lambda obj : current_total_dect.result['label'], reverse=True) cv2.imshow("DetectionResults", getimg) #cv2.imshow("current_depth_img", current_depth_img) cv2.waitKey(3) return current_total_dect