Пример #1
    def test_not_called_unless_subbed(self):
        """ Your callback is /only/ called when a channel its subscribed
        to is published to.

        Other publishes do nothing
        test_cb = RecordingCallback()
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)

        pubsub.pub("bar", "bar arg")

Пример #2
    def test_not_called_unless_subbed(self):
        """ Your callback is /only/ called when a channel its subscribed
        to is published to.

        Other publishes do nothing
        test_cb = RecordingCallback()
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)

        pubsub.pub("bar", "bar arg")

Пример #3
    def test_sub_multiple_channels(self):
        """ A callback can be subscribed to multiple channels.
        When either of the channels are published to, the callback is called
        test_cb = RecordingCallback()

        # Listen to multiple channels
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)
        pubsub.sub("bar", test_cb)

        # when 'foo' is published to, test_cb is called
        pubsub.pub("foo", "foo arg")
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("foo arg"), test_cb.pop_call())

        # when 'bar' is published to, test_cb is called
        pubsub.pub("bar", "bar arg")
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar arg"), test_cb.pop_call())

Пример #4
    def test_sub_multiple_channels(self):
        """ A callback can be subscribed to multiple channels.
        When either of the channels are published to, the callback is called
        test_cb = RecordingCallback()

        # Listen to multiple channels
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)
        pubsub.sub("bar", test_cb)

        # when 'foo' is published to, test_cb is called
        pubsub.pub("foo", "foo arg")
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("foo arg"), test_cb.pop_call())

        # when 'bar' is published to, test_cb is called
        pubsub.pub("bar", "bar arg")
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar arg"), test_cb.pop_call())

Пример #5
    def test_unsubscribing_stops_calls(self):
        """ To stop being subscribed to a channel, unsub exists.
        After calling unsub with the channel and callback, that
        callback should see no more updates.
        test_cb = RecordingCallback()
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)

        pubsub.pub("foo", "foo arg")

        # we are listening to channel foo
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("foo arg"), test_cb.pop_call())

        pubsub.unsub("foo", test_cb)

        # New publishes don't call your callback
        pubsub.pub("foo", "foo arg")
Пример #6
    def test_unsubscribing_stops_calls(self):
        """ To stop being subscribed to a channel, unsub exists.
        After calling unsub with the channel and callback, that
        callback should see no more updates.
        test_cb = RecordingCallback()
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)

        pubsub.pub("foo", "foo arg")

        # we are listening to channel foo
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("foo arg"), test_cb.pop_call())

        pubsub.unsub("foo", test_cb)

        # New publishes don't call your callback
        pubsub.pub("foo", "foo arg")
Пример #7
    def test_basic_usage(self):
        """ Basic usage
        Subscribe a callback to a channel.
        Publish something to that channel.
        Callback gets called with whatever you published.

        test_cb = RecordingCallback()
        # Subscribe to channel 'foo'
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)

        # Elsewhere, publish to channel foo
        # This is equivilant to calling test_cb("bar")
        # since test_cb is subscribed to foo
        pubsub.pub("foo", "bar")

        # Check that the call made to test_cb
        # is the same as just calling with foo("bar")
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar"), test_cb.pop_call())

        # No other calls should be in the queue
Пример #8
    def test_basic_usage(self):
        """ Basic usage
        Subscribe a callback to a channel.
        Publish something to that channel.
        Callback gets called with whatever you published.

        test_cb = RecordingCallback()
        # Subscribe to channel 'foo'
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb)

        # Elsewhere, publish to channel foo
        # This is equivilant to calling test_cb("bar")
        # since test_cb is subscribed to foo
        pubsub.pub("foo", "bar")

        # Check that the call made to test_cb
        # is the same as just calling with foo("bar")
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar"), test_cb.pop_call())

        # No other calls should be in the queue
Пример #9
    def test_multiple_subs_same_channel(self):
        """ Multiple subscribers for a channel
        Multiple callbacks can be tied to the same channel.
        When something is published, each of them are called.

        # two different callbacks
        test_cb1 = RecordingCallback()
        test_cb2 = RecordingCallback()

        # subscribed to the same channel
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb1)
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb2)

        # publish to the channel
        pubsub.pub("foo", "bar")

        # Both are called
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar"), test_cb1.pop_call())
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar"), test_cb2.pop_call())

        # only once
Пример #10
    def test_multiple_subs_same_channel(self):
        """ Multiple subscribers for a channel
        Multiple callbacks can be tied to the same channel.
        When something is published, each of them are called.

        # two different callbacks
        test_cb1 = RecordingCallback()
        test_cb2 = RecordingCallback()

        # subscribed to the same channel
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb1)
        pubsub.sub("foo", test_cb2)

        # publish to the channel
        pubsub.pub("foo", "bar")

        # Both are called
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar"), test_cb1.pop_call())
        self.assertEqual(args_for_call("bar"), test_cb2.pop_call())

        # only once
Пример #11
def main():
    sub('pedidos-confirmados-dw', callback)
def main():
    sub('pedidos-sub', callback)