class Distributor(AutoRetryDocument): """ Defines schema for a Distributor in the 'repo_distributors' collection. """ repo_id = StringField(required=True) distributor_id = StringField(required=True, regex=r'^[\-_A-Za-z0-9]+$') distributor_type_id = StringField(required=True) config = DictField() auto_publish = BooleanField(default=False) last_publish = UTCDateTimeField() last_updated = UTCDateTimeField() last_override_config = DictField() scratchpad = DictField() _ns = StringField(default='repo_distributors') SERIALIZER = serializers.Distributor meta = { 'collection': 'repo_distributors', 'allow_inheritance': False, 'indexes': [{ 'fields': ['-repo_id', '-distributor_id'], 'unique': True }], 'queryset_class': CriteriaQuerySet } @property def resource_tag(self): """ :return: a globally unique identifier for the repo and distributor that can be used in cross-type comparisons. :rtype: basestring """ return 'pulp:distributor:{0}:{1}'.format(self.repo_id, self.distributor_id) @classmethod def pre_save_signal(cls, sender, document, **kwargs): """ The signal that is triggered before distributor is saved. :param sender: sender class :type sender: object :param document: Document that sent the signal :type document: Distributor """ document.last_updated = dateutils.now_utc_datetime_with_tzinfo()
def main(): """ This is the high level entry method. It does logging if any Exceptions are raised. """ if os.getuid() == 0: print >> sys.stderr, _( 'This must not be run as root, but as the same user apache runs as.' ) return os.EX_USAGE try: options = parse_args() _start_logging() connection.initialize(max_timeout=1) # Prompt the user if there are workers that have not timed out if filter( lambda worker: (UTCDateTimeField().to_python( - worker['last_heartbeat']) < timedelta( seconds=constants.CELERY_TIMEOUT_SECONDS), status.get_workers()): if not _user_input_continue( 'There are still running workers, continuing could ' 'corrupt your Pulp installation. Are you sure you wish ' 'to continue?'): return os.EX_OK return _auto_manage_db(options) except UnperformedMigrationException: return 1 except DataError, e: _logger.critical(str(e)) _logger.critical(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) return os.EX_DATAERR
class Worker(AutoRetryDocument): """ Represents a worker. Defines the schema for the documents in the worker collection. :ivar name: worker name, in the form of "worker_type@hostname" :type name: mongoengine.StringField :ivar last_heartbeat: A timestamp of the last heartbeat from the Worker :type last_heartbeat: UTCDateTimeField """ name = StringField(primary_key=True) last_heartbeat = UTCDateTimeField() # For backward compatibility _ns = StringField(default='workers') meta = {'collection': 'workers', 'indexes': [], # this is a small collection that does not need an index 'allow_inheritance': False, 'queryset_class': WorkerQuerySet} @property def queue_name(self): """ This property is a convenience for getting the queue_name that Celery assigns to this Worker. :return: The name of the queue that this Worker is uniquely subcribed to. :rtype: basestring """ return "%(name)s.dq" % {'name':}
class Distributor(AutoRetryDocument): """ Defines schema for a Distributor in the 'repo_distributors' collection. """ repo_id = StringField(required=True) distributor_id = StringField(required=True, regex=r'^[\-_A-Za-z0-9]+$') distributor_type_id = StringField(required=True) config = DictField() auto_publish = BooleanField(default=False) last_publish = UTCDateTimeField() scratchpad = DictField() _ns = StringField(default='repo_distributors') SERIALIZER = serializers.Distributor meta = {'collection': 'repo_distributors', 'allow_inheritance': False, 'indexes': [{'fields': ['-repo_id', '-distributor_id'], 'unique': True}], 'queryset_class': CriteriaQuerySet} @property def resource_tag(self): """ :return: a globally unique identifier for the repo and distributor that can be used in cross-type comparisons. :rtype: basestring """ return 'pulp:distributor:{0}:{1}'.format(self.repo_id, self.distributor_id)
def test_user_not_prompted_if_workers_timeout(self, mock__auto_manage_db, mock__user_input, mock_get_workers, *unused_mocks): mock_get_workers.return_value = [{'last_heartbeat': UTCDateTimeField().to_python(datetime(2000, 1, 1))}] manage.main() # make sure user is not asked for input when workers have timed out self.assertFalse(mock__user_input.called)
def main(): """ This is the high level entry method. It does logging if any Exceptions are raised. """ if os.getuid() == 0: print >> sys.stderr, _( 'This must not be run as root, but as the same user apache runs as.' ) return os.EX_USAGE try: options = parse_args() _start_logging() connection.initialize(max_timeout=1) active_workers = None if not options.dry_run: active_workers = status.get_workers() if active_workers: last_worker_time = max( [worker['last_heartbeat'] for worker in active_workers]) time_from_last = UTCDateTimeField().to_python( datetime.utcnow()) - last_worker_time wait_time = timedelta( seconds=constants.MIGRATION_WAIT_TIME) - time_from_last if wait_time > timedelta(0): print _('\nThe following processes might still be running:') for worker in active_workers: print _('\t%s' % worker['name']) for i in range(wait_time.seconds, 0, -1): print _( '\rPlease wait %s seconds while Pulp confirms this.' % i), sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(1) still_active_workers = [ worker for worker in status.get_workers() if worker['last_heartbeat'] > last_worker_time ] if still_active_workers: print >> sys.stderr, _( '\n\nThe following processes are still running, please' ' stop the running workers before retrying the' ' pulp-manage-db command.') for worker in still_active_workers: print _('\t%s' % worker['name']) return os.EX_SOFTWARE return _auto_manage_db(options) except UnperformedMigrationException: return 1 except DataError, e: _logger.critical(str(e)) _logger.critical(''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) return os.EX_DATAERR
def test_user_prompted_if_workers_tasks_exist(self, mock__auto_manage_db, mock__user_input, mock_get_workers, *unused_mocks): mock_get_workers.return_value = [{'last_heartbeat': UTCDateTimeField().to_python(}] ret = manage.main() # make sure system exits ok if user chooses not to proceed self.assertEqual(ret, os.EX_OK) # make sure user is asked for input when there are workers running self.assertTrue(mock__user_input.called)
class CeleryBeatLock(AutoRetryDocument): """ Single document collection which gives information about the current celerybeat lock. :ivar name: string representing the celerybeat instance name :type name: basestring :ivar timestamp: The timestamp(UTC) at which lock is acquired :type timestamp: datetime.datetime :ivar lock: A unique key set to "locked" when lock is acquired. :type lock: basestring :ivar _ns: (Deprecated), Contains the name of the collection this model represents :type _ns: mongoengine.StringField """ name = StringField(required=True) timestamp = UTCDateTimeField(required=True) lock = StringField(required=True, default="locked", unique=True) # For backward compatibility _ns = StringField(default='celery_beat_lock')
class Repository(AutoRetryDocument): """ Defines schema for a pulp repository in the `repos` collection. :ivar repo_id: unique across all repos :type repo_id: mongoengine.StringField :ivar display_name: user-readable name of the repository :type display_name: mongoengine.StringField :ivar description: free form text provided by the user to describe the repo :type description: mongoengine.StringField :ivar notes: arbitrary key-value pairs programmatically describing the repo; these are intended as a way to describe the repo usage or organizational purposes and should not vary depending on the actual content of the repo :type notes: mongoengine.DictField :ivar content_unit_counts: key-value pairs of number of units associated with this repo. This is different than the number of associations, since a unit may be associated multiple times. :type content_unit_counts: mongoengine.DictField :ivar scratchpad: Field used to persistently store arbitrary information from the plugins across multiple operations. :type scratchpad: mongoengine.DictField :ivar last_unit_added: Datetime of the most recent occurence of adding a unit to the repo :type last_unit_added: UTCDateTimeField :ivar last_unit_removed: Datetime of the most recent occurence of removing a unit from the repo :type last_unit_removed: UTCDateTimeField :ivar _ns: (Deprecated) Namespace of repo, included for backwards compatibility. :type _is: mongoengine.StringField """ # Previously, this field was 'id'. This field is required to be unique, but the previous index # was '-id'. Setting unique=True here would generate a new 'repo_id' index. Instead, we set the # index in meta and enforce uniqueness there. repo_id = StringField(required=True, regex=r'^[.\-_A-Za-z0-9]+$') display_name = StringField() description = StringField() notes = DictField() scratchpad = DictField(default={}) content_unit_counts = DictField(default={}) last_unit_added = UTCDateTimeField() last_unit_removed = UTCDateTimeField() # For backward compatibility _ns = StringField(default='repos') meta = {'collection': 'repos', 'allow_inheritance': False, 'indexes': [{'fields': ['-repo_id'], 'unique': True}], 'queryset_class': RepoQuerySet} SERIALIZER = serializers.Repository def to_transfer_repo(self): """ Converts the given database representation of a repository into a plugin repository transfer object, including any other fields that need to be included. Note: In the transfer unit, the repo_id is accessed with for backwards compatability. :return: transfer object used in many plugin API calls :rtype: pulp.plugins.model.Repository} """ r = plugin_repo(self.repo_id, self.display_name, self.description, self.notes, content_unit_counts=self.content_unit_counts, last_unit_added=self.last_unit_added, last_unit_removed=self.last_unit_removed, repo_obj=self) return r def update_from_delta(self, repo_delta): """ Update the repository's fields from a delta. Keys that are not fields will be ignored. :param delta: key value pairs that represent the new values :type delta: dict """ # Notes is done seperately to only change notes fields that are specified. If a notes # field is set to None, remove it. if 'notes' in repo_delta: for key, value in repo_delta.pop('notes').items(): if value is None: self.notes.pop(key) else: self.notes[key] = value # These keys may not be changed. prohibited = ['content_unit_counts', 'repo_id', 'last_unit_added', 'last_unit_removed'] [setattr(self, key, value) for key, value in repo_delta.items() if key not in prohibited]
class Importer(AutoRetryDocument): """ Defines schema for an Importer in the `repo_importers` collection. """ repo_id = StringField(required=True) importer_type_id = StringField(required=True) config = DictField() scratchpad = DictField(default=None) last_sync = ISO8601StringField() last_updated = UTCDateTimeField() last_override_config = DictField() # For backward compatibility _ns = StringField(default='repo_importers') SERIALIZER = serializers.ImporterSerializer meta = {'collection': 'repo_importers', 'allow_inheritance': False, 'indexes': [{'fields': ['-repo_id', '-importer_type_id'], 'unique': True}], 'queryset_class': CriteriaQuerySet} @classmethod def pre_delete(cls, sender, document, **kwargs): """ Purge the lazy catalog of all entries for the importer being deleted. :param sender: class of sender (unused) :type sender: object :param document: mongoengine document being deleted. :type document: pulp.server.db.model.Importer """ query_set = LazyCatalogEntry.objects(importer_id=str( _logger.debug(_('Deleting lazy catalog entries for the {repo} repository.').format( repo=document.repo_id)) query_set.delete() @classmethod def pre_save(cls, sender, document, **kwargs): """ The signal that is triggered before importer is saved. :param sender: class of sender (unused) :type sender: object :param document: mongoengne document being saved :type document: pulp.server.db.model.Importer """ document.last_updated = dateutils.now_utc_datetime_with_tzinfo() def delete(self): """ Delete the Importer. Remove any documents it has stored. """ if os.path.exists(self._local_storage_path): shutil.rmtree(self._local_storage_path) super(Importer, self).delete() def save(self): """ Save the Importer. Additionally, write any pki documents from its config into disk storage for use by requests. """ super(Importer, self).save() # A map of Importer config key names to file paths for the TLS PEM settings. pem_keys_paths = ( (importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CA_CERT, self.tls_ca_cert_path), (importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_CERT, self.tls_client_cert_path), (importer_constants.KEY_SSL_CLIENT_KEY, self.tls_client_key_path)) for key, path in pem_keys_paths: self._write_pem_file(key, path) @property def tls_ca_cert_path(self): """ Return the path where the TLS CA certificate should be stored for this Importer. :rtype: basestring """ return os.path.join(self._pki_path, 'ca.crt') @property def tls_client_cert_path(self): """ Return the path where the TLS client certificate should be stored for this Importer. :rtype: basestring """ return os.path.join(self._pki_path, 'client.crt') @property def tls_client_key_path(self): """ Return the path where the TLS client key should be stored for this Importer. :rtype: basestring """ return os.path.join(self._pki_path, 'client.key') @property def _local_storage_path(self): """ Return the path that the Importer should use for local storage. :rtype: basestring """ return os.path.join( LOCAL_STORAGE, 'importers', '{repo}-{importer_type}'.format(repo=self.repo_id, importer_type=self.importer_type_id)) @property def _pki_path(self): """ Return the path that all pki files should be stored within for this Importer. :rtype: basestring """ return os.path.join(self._local_storage_path, 'pki') def _write_pem_file(self, config_key, path): """ Write the PEM data from self.config[config_key] to the given path, if the key is defined and is "truthy". :param config_key: The key corresponding to a value in self.config to write to path. :type config_key: basestring :param path: The path to write the PEM data to. :type path: basestring """ if config_key in self.config and self.config[config_key]: if not os.path.exists(self._pki_path): misc.mkdir(os.path.dirname(self._pki_path)) os.mkdir(self._pki_path, 0700) with os.fdopen(, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0600), 'w') as pem_file: pem_file.write(self.config[config_key].encode('utf-8'))