Пример #1
    def test_download_succeeded_honors_validate_downloads_set_true(self, download_failed):
        We have a setting that makes download validation optional. This test ensures that download_succeeded()
        honors that setting.
        # In this config, we will set validate_downloads to False, which should make our "wrong_checksum" OK
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(feed_url='http://fake.com/iso_feed/',

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        destination = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.txt')
        with open(destination, 'w') as test_file:
            test_file.write('Boring test data.')
        unit = 'fake_unit'
        iso = {'name': 'test.txt', 'size': 114, 'destination': destination,
               'checksum': 'wrong checksum',
               'unit': unit, 'url': 'http://fake.com'}
        report = DownloadReport(iso['url'], destination)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso['bytes_downloaded'] = iso['size']
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso['size']
        # We need to put this on the url_iso_map so that the iso can be retrieved for validation
        iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {iso['url']: iso}
        iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING


        # Because we fail validation, the save_unit step will not be called
        self.assertEqual(self.sync_conduit.save_unit.call_count, 0)
        # The download should be marked failed
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 1)
Пример #2
    def test_download_succeeded_honors_validate_downloads_set_false(self, download_failed):
        We have a setting that makes download validation optional. This test ensures that download_succeeded()
        honors that setting.
        # In this config, we will set validate_downloads to False, which should make our "wrong_checksum" OK
        config = importer_mocks.get_basic_config(feed_url='http://fake.com/iso_feed/',

        iso_sync_run = ISOSyncRun(self.sync_conduit, config)

        destination = StringIO()
        destination.write('What happens when you combine a mosquito with a mountain climber? Nothing. You '
                          'can\'t cross a vector with a scalar.')
        unit = 'fake_unit'
        iso = {'name': 'test.txt', 'size': 114, 'destination': destination,
               'checksum': 'wrong checksum',
               'unit': unit, 'url': 'http://fake.com'}
        report = DownloadReport(iso['url'], destination)

        # Let's fake having downloaded the whole file
        iso['bytes_downloaded'] = iso['size']
        report.bytes_downloaded = iso['size']
        # We need to put this on the url_iso_map so that the iso can be retrieved for validation
        iso_sync_run._url_iso_map = {iso['url']: iso}
        iso_sync_run.progress_report.isos_state = STATE_RUNNING


        # The url_iso map should be empty now
        self.assertEqual(iso_sync_run._url_iso_map, {})
        # The sync conduit should have been called to save the unit
        # The download should not fail
        self.assertEqual(download_failed.call_count, 0)