Пример #1
class HttpRequest(RequestBase):
    '''An :class:`HttpClient` request for an HTTP resource.

    This class has a similar interface to :class:`urllib.request.Request`.

    :param files: optional dictionary of name, file-like-objects.
    :param allow_redirects: allow the response to follow redirects.

    .. attribute:: method

        The request method

    .. attribute:: version

        HTTP version for this request, usually ``HTTP/1.1``

    .. attribute:: encode_multipart

        If ``True`` (default), defaults POST data as ``multipart/form-data``.
        Pass ``encode_multipart=False`` to default to
        ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``. In any case, this parameter is
        overwritten by passing the correct content-type header.

    .. attribute:: history

        List of past :class:`.HttpResponse` (collected during redirects).

    .. attribute:: wait_continue

        if ``True``, the :class:`HttpRequest` includes the
        ``Expect: 100-Continue`` header.

    _proxy = None
    _ssl = None
    _tunnel = None

    def __init__(self,
        self.client = client
        self._data = None
        self.files = files
        self.urlparams = urlparams
        self.inp_params = inp_params or {}
        self.unredirected_headers = Headers(kind='client')
        self.method = method.upper()
        self.full_url = url
        if urlparams:
        self.history = history
        self.wait_continue = wait_continue
        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
        self.allow_redirects = allow_redirects
        self.charset = charset or 'utf-8'
        self.version = version
        self.decompress = decompress
        self.encode_multipart = encode_multipart
        self.multipart_boundary = multipart_boundary
        self.websocket_handler = websocket_handler
        self.source_address = source_address
        if self._scheme in tls_schemes:
            self._ssl = client.ssl_context(**ignored)
        self.headers = client.get_headers(self, headers)
        cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(client.cookies, cookies)
        if cookies:
        self.unredirected_headers['host'] = host_no_default_port(
            self._scheme, self._netloc)
        self.data = data

    def address(self):
        '''``(host, port)`` tuple of the HTTP resource'''
        return self._tunnel.address if self._tunnel else (self.host, self.port)

    def target_address(self):
        return (self.host, int(self.port))

    def ssl(self):
        '''Context for TLS connections.

        If this is a tunneled request and the tunnel connection is not yet
        established, it returns ``None``.
        if not self._tunnel:
            return self._ssl

    def key(self):
        return (self.scheme, self.host, self.port)

    def proxy(self):
        '''Proxy server for this request.'''
        return self._proxy

    def netloc(self):
        if self._proxy:
            return self._proxy.netloc
            return self._netloc

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.first_line()

    __str__ = __repr__

    def full_url(self):
        '''Full url of endpoint'''
        return urlunparse((self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,
                           self.query, self.fragment))

    def full_url(self, url):
        self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,\
            self.query, self.fragment = urlparse(url)
        if not self._netloc and self.method == 'CONNECT':
            self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,\
                self.query, self.fragment = urlparse('http://%s' % url)

    def data(self):
        '''Body of request'''
        return self._data

    def data(self, data):
        self._data = self._encode_data(data)

    def first_line(self):
        if not self._proxy and self.method != self.CONNECT:
            url = urlunparse(('', '', self.path
                              or '/', self.params, self.query, self.fragment))
            url = self.full_url
        return '%s %s %s' % (self.method, url, self.version)

    def new_parser(self):
        self.parser = self.client.http_parser(kind=1,

    def set_proxy(self, scheme, *host):
        if not host and scheme is None:
            self.scheme = self._scheme
            self._set_hostport(self._scheme, self._netloc)
            le = 2 + len(host)
            if not le == 3:
                raise TypeError(
                    'set_proxy() takes exactly three arguments (%s given)' %
            if not self._ssl:
                self.scheme = scheme
                self._set_hostport(scheme, host[0])
                self._proxy = scheme_host(scheme, host[0])
                self._tunnel = HttpTunnel(self, scheme, host[0])

    def _set_hostport(self, scheme, host):
        self._tunnel = None
        self._proxy = None
        self.host, self.port = get_hostport(scheme, host)

    def encode(self):
        '''The bytes representation of this :class:`HttpRequest`.

        Called by :class:`HttpResponse` when it needs to encode this
        :class:`HttpRequest` before sending it to the HTTP resource.
        # Call body before fist_line in case the query is changes.
        first_line = self.first_line()
        body = self.data
        if body and self.wait_continue:
            self.headers['expect'] = '100-continue'
            body = None
        headers = self.headers
        if self.unredirected_headers:
            headers = self.unredirected_headers.copy()
        buffer = [first_line.encode('ascii'), b'\r\n', bytes(headers)]
        if body:
        return b''.join(buffer)

    def add_header(self, key, value):
        self.headers[key] = value

    def has_header(self, header_name):
        '''Check ``header_name`` is in this request headers.
        return (header_name in self.headers
                or header_name in self.unredirected_headers)

    def get_header(self, header_name, default=None):
        '''Retrieve ``header_name`` from this request headers.
        return self.headers.get(
            header_name, self.unredirected_headers.get(header_name, default))

    def remove_header(self, header_name):
        '''Remove ``header_name`` from this request.
        self.headers.pop(header_name, None)
        self.unredirected_headers.pop(header_name, None)

    def add_unredirected_header(self, header_name, header_value):
        self.unredirected_headers[header_name] = header_value

    def _encode_data(self, data):
        body = None
        if self.method in ENCODE_URL_METHODS:
            self.files = None
        elif isinstance(data, bytes):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be bytes when files are '
            body = data
        elif isinstance(data, str):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be string when files are '
            body = to_bytes(data, self.charset)
        elif data or self.files:
            if self.files:
                body, content_type = self._encode_files(data)
                body, content_type = self._encode_params(data)
            # set files to None, Important!
            self.files = None
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        if body:
            self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(body))
        elif 'expect' not in self.headers:
            self.headers.pop('content-length', None)
            self.headers.pop('content-type', None)
        return body

    def _encode_url(self, data):
        query = self.query
        if data:
            data = native_str(data)
            if isinstance(data, str):
                data = parse_qsl(data)
                data = mapping_iterator(data)
            query = parse_qsl(query)
            query = urlencode(query)
        self.query = query

    def _encode_files(self, data):
        fields = []
        for field, val in mapping_iterator(data or ()):
            if (isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, bytes)
                    or not hasattr(val, '__iter__')):
                val = [val]
            for v in val:
                if v is not None:
                    if not isinstance(v, bytes):
                        v = str(v)
                         if isinstance(field, bytes) else field,
                         v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str) else v))
        for (k, v) in mapping_iterator(self.files):
            # support for explicit filename
            ft = None
            if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
                if len(v) == 2:
                    fn, fp = v
                    fn, fp, ft = v
                fn = guess_filename(v) or k
                fp = v
            if isinstance(fp, bytes):
                fp = BytesIO(fp)
            elif isinstance(fp, str):
                fp = StringIO(fp)
            if ft:
                new_v = (fn, fp.read(), ft)
                new_v = (fn, fp.read())
            fields.append((k, new_v))
        return encode_multipart_formdata(fields, charset=self.charset)

    def _encode_params(self, data):
        content_type = self.headers.get('content-type')
        # No content type given, chose one
        if not content_type:
            if self.encode_multipart:
                content_type = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
                content_type = FORM_URL_ENCODED

        if content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
            body = json.dumps(data).encode(self.charset)
        elif content_type == FORM_URL_ENCODED:
            body = urlencode(data).encode(self.charset)
        elif content_type == MULTIPART_FORM_DATA:
            body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(
                data, boundary=self.multipart_boundary, charset=self.charset)
            raise ValueError("Don't know how to encode body for %s" %
        return body, content_type
Пример #2
class WsgiResponse:
    """A WSGI response.

    Instances are callable using the standard WSGI call and, importantly,

        response = WsgiResponse(200)

    A :class:`WsgiResponse` is an iterable over bytes to send back to the
    requesting client.

    .. attribute:: status_code

        Integer indicating the HTTP status, (i.e. 200)

    .. attribute:: response

        String indicating the HTTP status (i.e. 'OK')

    .. attribute:: status

        String indicating the HTTP status code and response (i.e. '200 OK')

    .. attribute:: content_type

        The content type of this response. Can be ``None``.

    .. attribute:: headers

        The :class:`.Headers` container for this response.

    .. attribute:: environ

        The dictionary of WSGI environment if passed to the constructor.

    .. attribute:: cookies

        A python :class:`SimpleCookie` container of cookies included in the
        request as well as cookies set during the response.
    _iterated = False
    _started = False

    def __init__(self,
        self.environ = environ
        self.status_code = status or self.DEFAULT_STATUS_CODE
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self.headers = Headers(response_headers, kind='server')
        self.content = content
        self._can_store_cookies = can_store_cookies
        if content_type is not None:
            self.content_type = content_type

    def started(self):
        return self._started

    def iterated(self):
        return self._iterated

    def path(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')

    def method(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')

    def connection(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('pulsar.connection')

    def content(self):
        return self._content

    def content(self, content):
        if not self._iterated:
            if content is None:
                content = ()
                if isinstance(content, str):
                    if not self.encoding:  # use utf-8 if not set
                        self.encoding = 'utf-8'
                    content = content.encode(self.encoding)

            if isinstance(content, bytes):
                content = (content, )
            self._content = content
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot set content. Already iterated')

    def _get_content_type(self):
        return self.headers.get('content-type')

    def _set_content_type(self, typ):
        if typ:
            self.headers['content-type'] = typ
            self.headers.pop('content-type', None)

    content_type = property(_get_content_type, _set_content_type)

    def response(self):
        return responses.get(self.status_code)

    def status(self):
        return '%s %s' % (self.status_code, self.response)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.status

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self)

    def is_streamed(self):
        """Check if the response is streamed.

        A streamed response is an iterable with no length information.
        In this case streamed means that there is no information about
        the number of iterations.

        This is usually `True` if a generator is passed to the response object.
        except TypeError:
            return True
        return False

    def can_set_cookies(self):
        if self.status_code < 400:
            return self._can_store_cookies

    def length(self):
        if not self.is_streamed:
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), self.content, 0)

    def start(self, start_response):
        assert not self._started
        self._started = True
        return start_response(self.status, self.get_headers())

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._iterated:
            raise RuntimeError('WsgiResponse can be iterated once only')
        self._started = True
        self._iterated = True
        if self.is_streamed:
            return wsgi_encoder(self.content, self.encoding or 'utf-8')
            return iter(self.content)

    def close(self):
        """Close this response, required by WSGI
        if self.is_streamed:
            if hasattr(self.content, 'close'):

    def set_cookie(self, key, **kwargs):
        Sets a cookie.

        ``expires`` can be a string in the correct format or a
        ``datetime.datetime`` object in UTC. If ``expires`` is a datetime
        object then ``max_age`` will be calculated.
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, **kwargs)

    def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None):
                   expires='Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT')

    def get_headers(self):
        """The list of headers for this response
        headers = self.headers
        if has_empty_content(self.status_code):
            headers.pop('content-type', None)
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            self._content = ()
            if not self.is_streamed:
                cl = 0
                for c in self.content:
                    cl += len(c)
                if cl == 0 and self.content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
                    self._content = (b'{}', )
                    cl = len(self._content[0])
                headers['Content-Length'] = str(cl)
            ct = self.content_type
            # content type encoding available
            if self.encoding:
                ct = ct or 'text/plain'
                if 'charset=' not in ct:
                    ct = '%s; charset=%s' % (ct, self.encoding)
            if ct:
                headers['Content-Type'] = ct
            if self.method == HEAD:
                self._content = ()
        if self.can_set_cookies():
            for c in self.cookies.values():
                headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString())
        return list(headers)

    def has_header(self, header):
        return header in self.headers

    __contains__ = has_header

    def __setitem__(self, header, value):
        self.headers[header] = value

    def __getitem__(self, header):
        return self.headers[header]
Пример #3
class HttpServerResponse(ProtocolConsumer):
    '''Server side WSGI :class:`.ProtocolConsumer`.

    .. attribute:: wsgi_callable

        The wsgi callable handling requests.
    _status = None
    _headers_sent = None
    _stream = None
    _buffer = None
    ONE_TIME_EVENTS = ProtocolConsumer.ONE_TIME_EVENTS + ('on_headers', )

    def __init__(self, wsgi_callable, cfg, server_software=None, loop=None):
        super(HttpServerResponse, self).__init__(loop=loop)
        self.wsgi_callable = wsgi_callable
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.parser = http_parser(kind=0)
        self.headers = Headers()
        self.keep_alive = False
        self.SERVER_SOFTWARE = server_software or self.SERVER_SOFTWARE

    def headers_sent(self):
        '''Available once the headers have been sent to the client.

        These are the bytes representing the first response line and
        the headers
        return self._headers_sent

    def data_received(self, data):
        '''Implements :meth:`~.ProtocolConsumer.data_received` method.

        Once we have a full HTTP message, build the wsgi ``environ`` and
        delegate the response to the :func:`wsgi_callable` function.
        parser = self.parser
        processed = parser.execute(data, len(data))
        if not self._stream and parser.is_headers_complete():
            headers = Headers(parser.get_headers(), kind='client')
            self._stream = StreamReader(headers, parser, self.transport)
        if parser.is_message_complete():
            # Stream has the whole body
            if not self._stream.on_message_complete.done():

            if processed < len(data):
                if not self._buffer:
                    self._buffer = data[processed:]
                    self.bind_event('post_request', self._new_request)
                    self._buffer += data[processed:]
        elif processed < len(data):
            # This is a parsing error, the client must have sent
            # bogus data
            raise ProtocolError

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def upgrade(self):
        return self.headers.get('upgrade')

    def chunked(self):
        return self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked'

    def content_length(self):
        c = self.headers.get('Content-Length')
        if c:
            return int(c)

    def version(self):
        return self.parser.get_version()

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        '''WSGI compliant ``start_response`` callable, see pep3333_.

        The application may call start_response more than once, if and only
        if the ``exc_info`` argument is provided.
        More precisely, it is a fatal error to call ``start_response`` without
        the ``exc_info`` argument if start_response has already been called
        within the current invocation of the application.

        :parameter status: an HTTP ``status`` string like ``200 OK`` or
            ``404 Not Found``.
        :parameter response_headers: a list of ``(header_name, header_value)``
            tuples. It must be a Python list. Each header_name must be a valid
            HTTP header field-name (as defined by RFC 2616_, Section 4.2),
            without a trailing colon or other punctuation.
        :parameter exc_info: optional python ``sys.exc_info()`` tuple.
            This argument should be supplied by the application only if
            ``start_response`` is being called by an error handler.
        :return: The :meth:`write` method.

        ``HOP_HEADERS`` are not considered but no error is raised.

        .. _pep3333: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/
        .. _2616: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html
        if exc_info:
                if self._headers_sent:
                    # if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have
                    # already been sent, start_response must raise an error,
                    # and should re-raise using the exc_info tuple
                # Avoid circular reference
                exc_info = None
        elif self._status:
            # Headers already set. Raise error
            raise HttpException("Response headers already set!")
        self._status = status
        if type(response_headers) is not list:
            raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples")
        for header, value in response_headers:
            if header.lower() in HOP_HEADERS:
                # These features are the exclusive province of this class,
                # this should be considered a fatal error for an application
                # to attempt sending them, but we don't raise an error,
                # just log a warning
                self.logger.warning('Application passing hop header "%s"',
            self.headers.add_header(header, value)
        return self.write

    def write(self, data, force=False):
        '''The write function returned by the :meth:`start_response` method.

        Required by the WSGI specification.

        :param data: bytes to write
        :param force: Optional flag used internally
        :return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` or the number of bytes written
        write = super(HttpServerResponse, self).write
        chunks = []
        if not self._headers_sent:
            tosend = self.get_headers()
            self._headers_sent = tosend.flat(self.version, self.status)
        if data:
            if self.chunked:
                while len(data) >= MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:
                    chunk, data = data[:MAX_CHUNK_SIZE], data[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:]
                if data:
        elif force and self.chunked:
        if chunks:
            return write(b''.join(chunks))

    #    INTERNALS
    def _response(self, environ):
        exc_info = None
        response = None
        done = False
        while not done:
            done = True
                if exc_info is None:
                    if 'SERVER_NAME' not in environ:
                        raise HttpException(status=400)
                    response = self.wsgi_callable(environ, self.start_response)
                    response = handle_wsgi_error(environ, exc_info)
                if isfuture(response):
                    response = yield From(response)
                if exc_info:
                                        response.get_headers(), exc_info)
                # Do the actual writing
                loop = self._loop
                start = loop.time()
                for chunk in response:
                    if isfuture(chunk):
                        chunk = yield From(chunk)
                        start = loop.time()
                    result = self.write(chunk)
                    if isfuture(result):
                        yield From(result)
                        start = loop.time()
                        time_in_loop = loop.time() - start
                        if time_in_loop > MAX_TIME_IN_LOOP:
                                'Released the event loop after %.3f seconds',
                            yield From(None)
                            start = loop.time()
                # make sure we write headers and last chunk if needed
                self.write(b'', True)

            except IOError:  # client disconnected, end this connection
            except Exception:
                if wsgi_request(environ).cache.handle_wsgi_error:
                    self.keep_alive = False
                    done = False
                    exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                if not self.keep_alive:
                if hasattr(response, 'close'):
                    except Exception:
                            'Error while closing wsgi iterator')

    def is_chunked(self):
        '''Check if the response uses chunked transfer encoding.

        Only use chunked responses when the client is speaking HTTP/1.1
        or newer and there was no Content-Length header set.
        if (self.version <= (1, 0)
                or self._status == '200 Connection established'
                or has_empty_content(int(self.status[:3]))):
            return False
        elif self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
            return True
            return self.content_length is None

    def get_headers(self):
        '''Get the headers to send to the client.
        if not self._status:
            # we are sending headers but the start_response was not called
            raise HttpException('Headers not set.')
        headers = self.headers
        # Set chunked header if needed
        if self.is_chunked():
            headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            headers.pop('Transfer-Encoding', None)
        if self.keep_alive:
            self.keep_alive = keep_alive_with_status(self._status, headers)
        if not self.keep_alive:
            headers['connection'] = 'close'
        return headers

    def wsgi_environ(self):
        # return a the WSGI environ dictionary
        transport = self.transport
        https = True if is_tls(transport.get_extra_info('socket')) else False
        multiprocess = (self.cfg.concurrency == 'process')
        environ = wsgi_environ(self._stream,
                                   'pulsar.connection': self.connection,
                                   'pulsar.cfg': self.cfg,
                                   'wsgi.multiprocess': multiprocess
        self.keep_alive = keep_alive(self.headers, self.parser.get_version())
        self.headers.update([('Server', self.SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                             ('Date', format_date_time(time.time()))])
        return environ

    def _new_request(self, _, exc=None):
        connection = self._connection
Пример #4
class HttpRequest(RequestBase):
    '''An :class:`HttpClient` request for an HTTP resource.

    This class has a similar interface to :class:`urllib.request.Request`.

    :param files: optional dictionary of name, file-like-objects.
    :param allow_redirects: allow the response to follow redirects.

    .. attribute:: method

        The request method

    .. attribute:: version

        HTTP version for this request, usually ``HTTP/1.1``

    .. attribute:: encode_multipart

        If ``True`` (default), defaults POST data as ``multipart/form-data``.
        Pass ``encode_multipart=False`` to default to
        ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``. In any case, this parameter is
        overwritten by passing the correct content-type header.

    .. attribute:: history

        List of past :class:`.HttpResponse` (collected during redirects).

    .. attribute:: wait_continue

        if ``True``, the :class:`HttpRequest` includes the
        ``Expect: 100-Continue`` header.

    _proxy = None
    _ssl = None
    _tunnel = None

    def __init__(self, client, url, method, inp_params=None, headers=None,
                 data=None, files=None, history=None,
                 charset=None, encode_multipart=True, multipart_boundary=None,
                 source_address=None, allow_redirects=False, max_redirects=10,
                 decompress=True, version=None, wait_continue=False,
                 websocket_handler=None, cookies=None, urlparams=None,
        self.client = client
        self._data = None
        self.files = files
        self.urlparams = urlparams
        self.inp_params = inp_params or {}
        self.unredirected_headers = Headers(kind='client')
        self.method = method.upper()
        self.full_url = url
        if urlparams:
        self.history = history
        self.wait_continue = wait_continue
        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
        self.allow_redirects = allow_redirects
        self.charset = charset or 'utf-8'
        self.version = version
        self.decompress = decompress
        self.encode_multipart = encode_multipart
        self.multipart_boundary = multipart_boundary
        self.websocket_handler = websocket_handler
        self.source_address = source_address
        if self._scheme in tls_schemes:
            self._ssl = client.ssl_context(**ignored)
        self.headers = client.get_headers(self, headers)
        cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(client.cookies, cookies)
        if cookies:
        self.unredirected_headers['host'] = host_no_default_port(self._scheme,
        self.data = data

    def address(self):
        '''``(host, port)`` tuple of the HTTP resource'''
        return self._tunnel.address if self._tunnel else (self.host, self.port)

    def target_address(self):
        return (self.host, int(self.port))

    def ssl(self):
        '''Context for TLS connections.

        If this is a tunneled request and the tunnel connection is not yet
        established, it returns ``None``.
        if not self._tunnel:
            return self._ssl

    def key(self):
        return (self.scheme, self.host, self.port)

    def proxy(self):
        '''Proxy server for this request.'''
        return self._proxy

    def netloc(self):
        if self._proxy:
            return self._proxy.netloc
            return self._netloc

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.first_line()
    __str__ = __repr__

    def full_url(self):
        '''Full url of endpoint'''
        return urlunparse((self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path,
                           self.params, self.query, self.fragment))

    def full_url(self, url):
        self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,\
            self.query, self.fragment = urlparse(url)
        if not self._netloc and self.method == 'CONNECT':
            self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,\
                self.query, self.fragment = urlparse('http://%s' % url)

    def data(self):
        '''Body of request'''
        return self._data

    def data(self, data):
        self._data = self._encode_data(data)

    def first_line(self):
        if not self._proxy and self.method != self.CONNECT:
            url = urlunparse(('', '', self.path or '/', self.params,
                              self.query, self.fragment))
            url = self.full_url
        return '%s %s %s' % (self.method, url, self.version)

    def new_parser(self):
        self.parser = self.client.http_parser(kind=1,

    def set_proxy(self, scheme, *host):
        if not host and scheme is None:
            self.scheme = self._scheme
            self._set_hostport(self._scheme, self._netloc)
            le = 2 + len(host)
            if not le == 3:
                raise TypeError(
                    'set_proxy() takes exactly three arguments (%s given)'
                    % le)
            if not self._ssl:
                self.scheme = scheme
                self._set_hostport(scheme, host[0])
                self._proxy = scheme_host(scheme, host[0])
                self._tunnel = HttpTunnel(self, scheme, host[0])

    def _set_hostport(self, scheme, host):
        self._tunnel = None
        self._proxy = None
        self.host, self.port = get_hostport(scheme, host)

    def encode(self):
        '''The bytes representation of this :class:`HttpRequest`.

        Called by :class:`HttpResponse` when it needs to encode this
        :class:`HttpRequest` before sending it to the HTTP resource.
        # Call body before fist_line in case the query is changes.
        first_line = self.first_line()
        body = self.data
        if body and self.wait_continue:
            self.headers['expect'] = '100-continue'
            body = None
        headers = self.headers
        if self.unredirected_headers:
            headers = self.unredirected_headers.copy()
        buffer = [first_line.encode('ascii'), b'\r\n',  bytes(headers)]
        if body:
        return b''.join(buffer)

    def add_header(self, key, value):
        self.headers[key] = value

    def has_header(self, header_name):
        '''Check ``header_name`` is in this request headers.
        return (header_name in self.headers or
                header_name in self.unredirected_headers)

    def get_header(self, header_name, default=None):
        '''Retrieve ``header_name`` from this request headers.
        return self.headers.get(
            header_name, self.unredirected_headers.get(header_name, default))

    def remove_header(self, header_name):
        '''Remove ``header_name`` from this request.
        self.headers.pop(header_name, None)
        self.unredirected_headers.pop(header_name, None)

    def add_unredirected_header(self, header_name, header_value):
        self.unredirected_headers[header_name] = header_value

    def _encode_data(self, data):
        body = None
        if self.method in ENCODE_URL_METHODS:
            self.files = None
        elif isinstance(data, bytes):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be bytes when files are '
            body = data
        elif isinstance(data, str):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be string when files are '
            body = to_bytes(data, self.charset)
        elif data or self.files:
            if self.files:
                body, content_type = self._encode_files(data)
                body, content_type = self._encode_params(data)
            # set files to None, Important!
            self.files = None
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        if body:
            self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(body))
        elif 'expect' not in self.headers:
            self.headers.pop('content-length', None)
            self.headers.pop('content-type', None)
        return body

    def _encode_url(self, data):
        query = self.query
        if data:
            data = native_str(data)
            if isinstance(data, str):
                data = parse_qsl(data)
                data = mapping_iterator(data)
            query = parse_qsl(query)
            query = urlencode(query)
        self.query = query

    def _encode_files(self, data):
        fields = []
        for field, val in mapping_iterator(data or ()):
            if (isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, bytes) or
                    not hasattr(val, '__iter__')):
                val = [val]
            for v in val:
                if v is not None:
                    if not isinstance(v, bytes):
                        v = str(v)
                    fields.append((field.decode('utf-8') if
                                   isinstance(field, bytes) else field,
                                   v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str)
                                   else v))
        for (k, v) in mapping_iterator(self.files):
            # support for explicit filename
            ft = None
            if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
                if len(v) == 2:
                    fn, fp = v
                    fn, fp, ft = v
                fn = guess_filename(v) or k
                fp = v
            if isinstance(fp, bytes):
                fp = BytesIO(fp)
            elif isinstance(fp, str):
                fp = StringIO(fp)
            if ft:
                new_v = (fn, fp.read(), ft)
                new_v = (fn, fp.read())
            fields.append((k, new_v))
        return encode_multipart_formdata(fields, charset=self.charset)

    def _encode_params(self, data):
        content_type = self.headers.get('content-type')
        # No content type given, chose one
        if not content_type:
            if self.encode_multipart:
                content_type = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
                content_type = FORM_URL_ENCODED

        if content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
            body = json.dumps(data).encode(self.charset)
        elif content_type == FORM_URL_ENCODED:
            body = urlencode(data).encode(self.charset)
        elif content_type == MULTIPART_FORM_DATA:
            body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(
                data, boundary=self.multipart_boundary, charset=self.charset)
            raise ValueError("Don't know how to encode body for %s" %
        return body, content_type
Пример #5
class HttpRequest(RequestBase):
    """An :class:`HttpClient` request for an HTTP resource.

    This class has a similar interface to :class:`urllib.request.Request`.

    :param files: optional dictionary of name, file-like-objects.
    :param allow_redirects: allow the response to follow redirects.

    .. attribute:: method

        The request method

    .. attribute:: version

        HTTP version for this request, usually ``HTTP/1.1``

    .. attribute:: encode_multipart

        If ``True`` (default), defaults POST data as ``multipart/form-data``.
        Pass ``encode_multipart=False`` to default to
        ``application/x-www-form-urlencoded``. In any case, this parameter is
        overwritten by passing the correct content-type header.

    .. attribute:: history

        List of past :class:`.HttpResponse` (collected during redirects).

    .. attribute:: wait_continue

        if ``True``, the :class:`HttpRequest` includes the
        ``Expect: 100-Continue`` header.

    .. attribute:: stream

        Allow for streaming body

    _proxy = None
    _ssl = None
    _tunnel = None
    _write_done = False

    def __init__(self, client, url, method, inp_params=None, headers=None,
                 data=None, files=None, history=None, auth=None,
                 charset=None, encode_multipart=True, multipart_boundary=None,
                 source_address=None, allow_redirects=False, max_redirects=10,
                 decompress=True, version=None, wait_continue=False,
                 websocket_handler=None, cookies=None, urlparams=None,
                 stream=False, proxies=None, verify=True, **ignored):
        self.client = client
        self._data = None
        self.files = files
        self.urlparams = urlparams
        self.inp_params = inp_params or {}
        self.unredirected_headers = Headers(kind='client')
        self.method = method.upper()
        self.full_url = url
        if urlparams:
        self.history = history
        self.wait_continue = wait_continue
        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
        self.allow_redirects = allow_redirects
        self.charset = charset or 'utf-8'
        self.version = version
        self.decompress = decompress
        self.encode_multipart = encode_multipart
        self.multipart_boundary = multipart_boundary
        self.websocket_handler = websocket_handler
        self.source_address = source_address
        self.stream = stream
        self.verify = verify
        if self._scheme in tls_schemes:
            self._ssl = client.ssl_context(verify=self.verify, **ignored)
        if auth and not isinstance(auth, Auth):
            auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*auth)
        self.auth = auth
        self.headers = client.get_headers(self, headers)
        cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(client.cookies, cookies)
        if cookies:
        self.unredirected_headers['host'] = host_no_default_port(self._scheme,
        self.data = data

    def address(self):
        """``(host, port)`` tuple of the HTTP resource
        return self._tunnel.address if self._tunnel else (self.host, self.port)

    def target_address(self):
        return (self.host, int(self.port))

    def ssl(self):
        """Context for TLS connections.

        If this is a tunneled request and the tunnel connection is not yet
        established, it returns ``None``.
        if not self._tunnel:
            return self._ssl

    def key(self):
        tunnel = self._tunnel.full_url if self._tunnel else None
        return (self.scheme, self.host, self.port, tunnel, self.verify)

    def proxy(self):
        """Proxy server for this request.
        return self._proxy

    def tunnel(self):
        """Tunnel for this request.
        return self._tunnel

    def netloc(self):
        if self._proxy:
            return self._proxy.netloc
            return self._netloc

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.first_line()
    __str__ = __repr__

    def full_url(self):
        """Full url of endpoint
        return urlunparse((self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path,
                           self.params, self.query, self.fragment))

    def full_url(self, url):
        self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,\
            self.query, self.fragment = urlparse(url)
        if not self._netloc and self.method == 'CONNECT':
            self._scheme, self._netloc, self.path, self.params,\
                self.query, self.fragment = urlparse('http://%s' % url)

    def data(self):
        """Body of request
        return self._data

    def data(self, data):
        self._data = self._encode_data(data)

    def first_line(self):
        if self._proxy:
            if self.method == 'CONNECT':
                url = self._netloc
                url = self.full_url
            url = urlunparse(('', '', self.path or '/', self.params,
                              self.query, self.fragment))
        return '%s %s %s' % (self.method, url, self.version)

    def new_parser(self):
        self.parser = self.client.http_parser(kind=1,

    def is_chunked(self):
        return self.data and 'content-length' not in self.headers

    def encode(self):
        """The bytes representation of this :class:`HttpRequest`.

        Called by :class:`HttpResponse` when it needs to encode this
        :class:`HttpRequest` before sending it to the HTTP resource.
        # Call body before fist_line in case the query is changes.
        first_line = self.first_line()
        if self.data and self.wait_continue:
            self.headers['expect'] = '100-continue'
        headers = self.headers
        if self.unredirected_headers:
            headers = self.unredirected_headers.copy()
        buffer = [first_line.encode('ascii'), b'\r\n',  bytes(headers)]
        return b''.join(buffer)

    def add_header(self, key, value):
        self.headers[key] = value

    def has_header(self, header_name):
        """Check ``header_name`` is in this request headers.
        return (header_name in self.headers or
                header_name in self.unredirected_headers)

    def get_header(self, header_name, default=None):
        """Retrieve ``header_name`` from this request headers.
        return self.headers.get(
            header_name, self.unredirected_headers.get(header_name, default))

    def remove_header(self, header_name):
        """Remove ``header_name`` from this request.
        val1 = self.headers.pop(header_name, None)
        val2 = self.unredirected_headers.pop(header_name, None)
        return val1 or val2

    def add_unredirected_header(self, header_name, header_value):
        self.unredirected_headers[header_name] = header_value

    def write_body(self, transport):
        assert not self._write_done, 'Body already sent'
        self._write_done = True
        if not self.data:
        if is_streamed(self.data):
            self._write_body_data(transport, self.data, True)

    def _encode_data(self, data):
        body = None
        if self.method in ENCODE_URL_METHODS:
            self.files = None
        elif isinstance(data, bytes):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be bytes when files are '
            body = data
        elif isinstance(data, str):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be string when files are '
            body = to_bytes(data, self.charset)
        elif data and is_streamed(data):
            assert self.files is None, ('data cannot be an iterator when '
                                        'files are present')
            if 'content-type' not in self.headers:
                self.headers['content-type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
            if 'content-length' not in self.headers:
                self.headers['transfer-encoding'] = 'chunked'
            return data
        elif data or self.files:
            if self.files:
                body, content_type = self._encode_files(data)
                body, content_type = self._encode_params(data)
            # set files to None, Important!
            self.files = None
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        if body:
            self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(body))
        elif 'expect' not in self.headers:
            self.headers.pop('content-length', None)
            self.headers.pop('content-type', None)
        return body

    def _encode_url(self, data):
        query = self.query
        if data:
            data = native_str(data)
            if isinstance(data, str):
                data = parse_qsl(data)
                data = mapping_iterator(data)
            query = parse_qsl(query)
            query = urlencode(query)
        self.query = query

    def _encode_files(self, data):
        fields = []
        for field, val in mapping_iterator(data or ()):
            if (isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, bytes) or
                    not hasattr(val, '__iter__')):
                val = [val]
            for v in val:
                if v is not None:
                    if not isinstance(v, bytes):
                        v = str(v)
                    fields.append((field.decode('utf-8') if
                                   isinstance(field, bytes) else field,
                                   v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str)
                                   else v))
        for (k, v) in mapping_iterator(self.files):
            # support for explicit filename
            ft = None
            if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
                if len(v) == 2:
                    fn, fp = v
                    fn, fp, ft = v
                fn = guess_filename(v) or k
                fp = v
            if isinstance(fp, bytes):
                fp = BytesIO(fp)
            elif isinstance(fp, str):
                fp = StringIO(fp)
            if ft:
                new_v = (fn, fp.read(), ft)
                new_v = (fn, fp.read())
            fields.append((k, new_v))
        return encode_multipart_formdata(fields, charset=self.charset)

    def _encode_params(self, data):
        content_type = self.headers.get('content-type')
        # No content type given, chose one
        if not content_type:
            if self.encode_multipart:
                content_type = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA
                content_type = FORM_URL_ENCODED

        if content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
            body = json.dumps(data).encode(self.charset)
        elif content_type == FORM_URL_ENCODED:
            body = urlencode(data).encode(self.charset)
        elif content_type == MULTIPART_FORM_DATA:
            body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(
                data, boundary=self.multipart_boundary, charset=self.charset)
            raise ValueError("Don't know how to encode body for %s" %
        return body, content_type

    def _write_body_data(self, transport, data, finish=False):
        if self.is_chunked():
            data = http_chunks(data, finish)
        elif data:
            data = (data,)
        for chunk in data:

    def _write_streamed_data(self, transport):
        for data in self.data:
            if isawaitable(data):
                data = yield from data
            self._write_body_data(transport, data)
        self._write_body_data(transport, b'', True)

    def _set_proxy(self, proxies):
        request_proxies = self.client.proxies.copy()
        if proxies:
        self.proxies = request_proxies
        self.scheme = self._scheme
        self._set_hostport(self._scheme, self._netloc)
        if self.scheme in request_proxies:
            hostonly = self.host
            no_proxy = [n for n in request_proxies.get('no', '').split(',')
                        if n]
            if not any(map(hostonly.endswith, no_proxy)):
                url = request_proxies[self.scheme]
                p = urlparse(url)
                if not p.scheme:
                    raise ValueError('Could not understand proxy %s' % url)
                scheme = p.scheme
                host = p.netloc
                if not self._ssl:
                    self.scheme = scheme
                    self._set_hostport(scheme, host)
                    self._proxy = scheme_host(scheme, host)
                    self._tunnel = HttpTunnel(self, scheme, host)

    def _set_hostport(self, scheme, host):
        self._tunnel = None
        self._proxy = None
        self.host, self.port = get_hostport(scheme, host)
Пример #6
class HttpRequest(RequestBase):
    """An :class:`HttpClient` request for an HTTP resource.

    This class has a similar interface to :class:`urllib.request.Request`.

    :param files: optional dictionary of name, file-like-objects.
    :param allow_redirects: allow the response to follow redirects.

    .. attribute:: method

        The request method

    .. attribute:: version

        HTTP version for this request, usually ``HTTP/1.1``

    .. attribute:: history

        List of past :class:`.HttpResponse` (collected during redirects).

    .. attribute:: wait_continue

        if ``True``, the :class:`HttpRequest` includes the
        ``Expect: 100-Continue`` header.

    .. attribute:: stream

        Allow for streaming body

    _proxy = None
    _ssl = None
    _tunnel = None
    _write_done = False

    def __init__(self, client, url, method, inp_params=None, headers=None,
                 data=None, files=None, json=None, history=None, auth=None,
                 charset=None, max_redirects=10, source_address=None,
                 allow_redirects=False, decompress=True, version=None,
                 wait_continue=False, websocket_handler=None, cookies=None,
                 params=None, stream=False, proxies=None, verify=True,
        self.client = client
        self.method = method.upper()
        self.inp_params = inp_params or {}
        self.unredirected_headers = Headers()
        self.history = history
        self.wait_continue = wait_continue
        self.max_redirects = max_redirects
        self.allow_redirects = allow_redirects
        self.charset = charset or 'utf-8'
        self.version = version
        self.decompress = decompress
        self.websocket_handler = websocket_handler
        self.source_address = source_address
        self.stream = stream
        self.verify = verify
        if auth and not isinstance(auth, Auth):
            auth = HTTPBasicAuth(*auth)
        self.auth = auth
        self.headers = client._get_headers(headers)
        self.url = full_url(url, params, method=self.method)
        self.body = self._encode_body(data, files, json)
        self._set_proxy(proxies, ignored)
        cookies = cookiejar_from_dict(client.cookies, cookies)
        if cookies:

    def _loop(self):
        return self.client._loop

    def address(self):
        """``(host, port)`` tuple of the HTTP resource
        return self._tunnel.address if self._tunnel else super().address

    def ssl(self):
        """Context for TLS connections.

        If this is a tunneled request and the tunnel connection is not yet
        established, it returns ``None``.
        if not self._tunnel:
            return self._ssl

    def key(self):
        tunnel = self._tunnel.url if self._tunnel else None
        scheme, host, port = scheme_host_port(self._proxy or self.url)
        return scheme, host, port, tunnel, self.verify

    def proxy(self):
        """Proxy server for this request.
        return self._proxy

    def tunnel(self):
        """Tunnel for this request.
        return self._tunnel

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.first_line()
    __str__ = __repr__

    def first_line(self):
        p = urlparse(self.url)
        if self._proxy:
            if self.method == 'CONNECT':
                url = p.netloc
                url = self.url
            url = urlunparse(('', '', p.path or '/', p.params,
                              p.query, p.fragment))
        return '%s %s %s' % (self.method, url, self.version)

    def new_parser(self):
        self.parser = self.client.http_parser(
            kind=1, decompress=self.decompress
        return self.parser

    def is_chunked(self):
        return self.body and 'content-length' not in self.headers

    def encode(self):
        """The bytes representation of this :class:`HttpRequest`.

        Called by :class:`HttpResponse` when it needs to encode this
        :class:`HttpRequest` before sending it to the HTTP resource.
        # Call body before fist_line in case the query is changes.
        first_line = self.first_line()
        if self.body and self.wait_continue:
            self.headers['expect'] = '100-continue'
        headers = self.headers
        if self.unredirected_headers:
            headers = self.unredirected_headers.copy()
        buffer = [first_line.encode('ascii'), b'\r\n',  bytes(headers)]
        return b''.join(buffer)

    def add_header(self, key, value):
        self.headers[key] = value

    def has_header(self, header_name):
        """Check ``header_name`` is in this request headers.
        return (header_name in self.headers or
                header_name in self.unredirected_headers)

    def get_header(self, header_name, default=None):
        """Retrieve ``header_name`` from this request headers.
        return self.headers.get(
            header_name, self.unredirected_headers.get(header_name, default))

    def remove_header(self, header_name):
        """Remove ``header_name`` from this request.
        val1 = self.headers.pop(header_name, None)
        val2 = self.unredirected_headers.pop(header_name, None)
        return val1 or val2

    def add_unredirected_header(self, header_name, header_value):
        self.unredirected_headers[header_name] = header_value

    def write_body(self, transport):
        assert not self._write_done, 'Body already sent'
        self._write_done = True
        if not self.body:
        if is_streamed(self.body):
            self._write_body_data(transport, self.body, True)

    def _encode_body(self, data, files, json):
        body = None
        if isinstance(data, (str, bytes)):
            if files:
                raise ValueError('data cannot be a string or bytes when '
                                 'files are present')
            body = to_bytes(data, self.charset)
        elif data and is_streamed(data):
            if files:
                raise ValueError('data cannot be an iterator when '
                                 'files are present')
            if 'content-length' not in self.headers:
                self.headers['transfer-encoding'] = 'chunked'
            return data
        elif data or files:
            if files:
                body, content_type = self._encode_files(data, files)
                body, content_type = self._encode_params(data)
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
        elif json:
            body = _json.dumps(json).encode(self.charset)
            self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'

        if body:
            self.headers['content-length'] = str(len(body))

        return body

    def _encode_files(self, data, files):
        fields = []
        for field, val in mapping_iterator(data or ()):
            if (isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, bytes) or
                    not hasattr(val, '__iter__')):
                val = [val]
            for v in val:
                if v is not None:
                    if not isinstance(v, bytes):
                        v = str(v)
                    fields.append((field.decode('utf-8') if
                                   isinstance(field, bytes) else field,
                                   v.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(v, str)
                                   else v))
        for (k, v) in mapping_iterator(files):
            # support for explicit filename
            ft = None
            if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
                if len(v) == 2:
                    fn, fp = v
                    fn, fp, ft = v
                fn = guess_filename(v) or k
                fp = v
            if isinstance(fp, bytes):
                fp = BytesIO(fp)
            elif isinstance(fp, str):
                fp = StringIO(fp)
            if ft:
                new_v = (fn, fp.read(), ft)
                new_v = (fn, fp.read())
            fields.append((k, new_v))
        return encode_multipart_formdata(fields, charset=self.charset)

    def _encode_params(self, params):
        content_type = self.headers.get('content-type')
        # No content type given, chose one
        if not content_type:
            content_type = FORM_URL_ENCODED

        if hasattr(params, 'read'):
            params = params.read()

        if content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
            body = _json.dumps(params)
        elif content_type == FORM_URL_ENCODED:
            body = urlencode(tuple(split_url_params(params)))
        elif content_type == MULTIPART_FORM_DATA:
            body, content_type = encode_multipart_formdata(
                params, charset=self.charset)
            body = params
        return to_bytes(body, self.charset), content_type

    def _write_body_data(self, transport, data, finish=False):
        if self.is_chunked():
            data = http_chunks(data, finish)
        elif data:
            data = (data,)
        for chunk in data:

    async def _write_streamed_data(self, transport):
        for data in self.body:
            if isawaitable(data):
                data = await data
            self._write_body_data(transport, data)
        self._write_body_data(transport, b'', True)

    def _set_proxy(self, proxies, ignored):
        url = urlparse(self.url)
        self.unredirected_headers['host'] = host_no_default_port(url.scheme,
        if url.scheme in tls_schemes:
            self._ssl = self.client._ssl_context(verify=self.verify, **ignored)

        request_proxies = self.client.proxies.copy()
        if proxies:
        self.proxies = request_proxies
        if url.scheme in request_proxies:
            host, port = get_hostport(url.scheme, url.netloc)
            no_proxy = [n for n in request_proxies.get('no', '').split(',')
                        if n]
            if not any(map(host.endswith, no_proxy)):
                url = request_proxies[url.scheme]
                if not self._ssl:
                    self._proxy = url
                    self._tunnel = HttpTunnel(self, url)
Пример #7
class HttpServerResponse(ProtocolConsumer):
    '''Server side WSGI :class:`.ProtocolConsumer`.

    .. attribute:: wsgi_callable

        The wsgi callable handling requests.
    _status = None
    _headers_sent = None
    _stream = None
    _buffer = None
    ONE_TIME_EVENTS = ProtocolConsumer.ONE_TIME_EVENTS + ('on_headers',)

    def __init__(self, wsgi_callable, cfg, server_software=None):
        super(HttpServerResponse, self).__init__()
        self.wsgi_callable = wsgi_callable
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.parser = http_parser(kind=0)
        self.headers = Headers()
        self.keep_alive = False
        self.SERVER_SOFTWARE = server_software or self.SERVER_SOFTWARE

    def data_received(self, data):
        '''Implements :meth:`~.ProtocolConsumer.data_received` method.

        Once we have a full HTTP message, build the wsgi ``environ`` and
        delegate the response to the :func:`wsgi_callable` function.
        parser = self.parser
        processed = parser.execute(data, len(data))
        if not self._stream and parser.is_headers_complete():
            headers = Headers(parser.get_headers(), kind='client')
            self._stream = StreamReader(headers, parser, self.transport)
        done = parser.is_message_complete()
        if done and not self._stream.on_message_complete.done():
        if processed < len(data):
            if not done:
                # This is a parsing error, the client must have sent
                # bogus data
                raise ProtocolError
                if not self._buffer:
                    self._buffer = data[processed:]
                    self.bind_event('post_request', self._new_request)
                    self._buffer += data[processed:]

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def upgrade(self):
        return self.headers.get('upgrade')

    def chunked(self):
        return self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked'

    def content_length(self):
        c = self.headers.get('Content-Length')
        if c:
            return int(c)

    def version(self):
        return self.parser.get_version()

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        '''WSGI compliant ``start_response`` callable, see pep3333_.

        The application may call start_response more than once, if and only
        if the ``exc_info`` argument is provided.
        More precisely, it is a fatal error to call ``start_response`` without
        the ``exc_info`` argument if start_response has already been called
        within the current invocation of the application.

        :parameter status: an HTTP ``status`` string like ``200 OK`` or
            ``404 Not Found``.
        :parameter response_headers: a list of ``(header_name, header_value)``
            tuples. It must be a Python list. Each header_name must be a valid
            HTTP header field-name (as defined by RFC 2616_, Section 4.2),
            without a trailing colon or other punctuation.
        :parameter exc_info: optional python ``sys.exc_info()`` tuple.
            This argument should be supplied by the application only if
            ``start_response`` is being called by an error handler.
        :return: The :meth:`write` method.

        ``HOP_HEADERS`` are not considered but no error is raised.

        .. _pep3333: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/
        .. _2616: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html
        if exc_info:
                if self._headers_sent:
                    # if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have
                    # already been sent, start_response must raise an error,
                    # and should re-raise using the exc_info tuple
                # Avoid circular reference
                exc_info = None
        elif self._status:
            # Headers already set. Raise error
            raise HttpException("Response headers already set!")
        self._status = status
        if type(response_headers) is not list:
            raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples")
        for header, value in response_headers:
            if header.lower() in HOP_HEADERS:
                # These features are the exclusive province of this class,
                # this should be considered a fatal error for an application
                # to attempt sending them, but we don't raise an error,
                # just log a warning
                self.logger.warning('Application passing hop header "%s"',
            self.headers.add_header(header, value)
        return self.write

    def write(self, data, force=False):
        '''The write function returned by the :meth:`start_response` method.

        Required by the WSGI specification.

        :param data: bytes to write
        :param force: Optional flag used internally.
        if not self._headers_sent:
            tosend = self.get_headers()
            self._headers_sent = tosend.flat(self.version, self.status)
        if data:
            if self.chunked:
                chunks = []
                while len(data) >= MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:
                    chunk, data = data[:MAX_CHUNK_SIZE], data[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:]
                if data:
        elif force and self.chunked:

    ##    INTERNALS
    def _response(self, environ):
        exc_info = None
        response = None
        done = False
        while not done:
            done = True
                if exc_info is None:
                    if 'SERVER_NAME' not in environ:
                        raise HttpException(status=400)
                    response = self.wsgi_callable(environ, self.start_response)
                    response = handle_wsgi_error(environ, exc_info)
                if isinstance(response, Future):
                    response = yield response
                if exc_info:
                                        response.get_headers(), exc_info)
                for chunk in response:
                    if isinstance(chunk, Future):
                        chunk = yield chunk
                # make sure we write headers
                self.write(b'', True)

            except IOError:     # client disconnected, end this connection
            except Exception as exc:
                if wsgi_request(environ).cache.handle_wsgi_error:
                    self.keep_alive = False
                    done = False
                    exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                if not self.keep_alive:
                if hasattr(response, 'close'):
                    except Exception:
                            'Error while closing wsgi iterator')

    def is_chunked(self):
        '''Check if the response uses chunked transfer encoding.

        Only use chunked responses when the client is speaking HTTP/1.1
        or newer and there was no Content-Length header set.
        if (self.version <= (1, 0) or
                self._status == '200 Connection established' or
            return False
        elif self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
            return True
            return self.content_length is None

    def get_headers(self):
        '''Get the headers to send to the client.
        if not self._status:
            # we are sending headers but the start_response was not called
            raise HttpException('Headers not set.')
        headers = self.headers
        # Set chunked header if needed
        if self.is_chunked():
            headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            headers.pop('Transfer-Encoding', None)
        if self.keep_alive:
            self.keep_alive = keep_alive_with_status(self._status, headers)
        if not self.keep_alive:
            headers['connection'] = 'close'
        return headers

    def wsgi_environ(self):
        #return a the WSGI environ dictionary
        transport = self.transport
        https = True if is_tls(transport.get_extra_info('socket')) else False
        multiprocess = (self.cfg.concurrency == 'process')
        environ = wsgi_environ(self._stream,
                               self.address, self.headers,
                               extra={'pulsar.connection': self.connection,
                                      'pulsar.cfg': self.cfg,
                                      'wsgi.multiprocess': multiprocess})
        self.keep_alive = keep_alive(self.headers, self.parser.get_version())
        self.headers.update([('Server', self.SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                             ('Date', format_date_time(time.time()))])
        return environ

    def _new_request(self, response):
        connection = response._connection
        if not connection.closed:
            return connection._current_consumer
        return response
Пример #8
class WsgiResponse:
    """A WSGI response.

    Instances are callable using the standard WSGI call and, importantly,

        response = WsgiResponse(200)

    A :class:`WsgiResponse` is an iterable over bytes to send back to the
    requesting client.

    .. attribute:: status_code

        Integer indicating the HTTP status, (i.e. 200)

    .. attribute:: response

        String indicating the HTTP status (i.e. 'OK')

    .. attribute:: status

        String indicating the HTTP status code and response (i.e. '200 OK')

    .. attribute:: content_type

        The content type of this response. Can be ``None``.

    .. attribute:: headers

        The :class:`.Headers` container for this response.

    .. attribute:: environ

        The dictionary of WSGI environment if passed to the constructor.

    .. attribute:: cookies

        A python :class:`SimpleCookie` container of cookies included in the
        request as well as cookies set during the response.
    _iterated = False
    _started = False

    def __init__(self, status=None, content=None, response_headers=None,
                 content_type=None, encoding=None, environ=None,
        self.environ = environ
        self.status_code = status or self.DEFAULT_STATUS_CODE
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self.headers = Headers(response_headers, kind='server')
        self.content = content
        self._can_store_cookies = can_store_cookies
        if content_type is not None:
            self.content_type = content_type

    def started(self):
        return self._started

    def iterated(self):
        return self._iterated

    def path(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')

    def method(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')

    def connection(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('pulsar.connection')

    def content(self):
        return self._content

    def content(self, content):
        if not self._iterated:
            if content is None:
                content = ()
                if isinstance(content, str):
                    if not self.encoding:   # use utf-8 if not set
                        self.encoding = 'utf-8'
                    content = content.encode(self.encoding)

            if isinstance(content, bytes):
                content = (content,)
            self._content = content
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot set content. Already iterated')

    def _get_content_type(self):
        return self.headers.get('content-type')

    def _set_content_type(self, typ):
        if typ:
            self.headers['content-type'] = typ
            self.headers.pop('content-type', None)
    content_type = property(_get_content_type, _set_content_type)

    def response(self):
        return responses.get(self.status_code)

    def status(self):
        return '%s %s' % (self.status_code, self.response)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.status

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self)

    def is_streamed(self):
        """Check if the response is streamed.

        A streamed response is an iterable with no length information.
        In this case streamed means that there is no information about
        the number of iterations.

        This is usually `True` if a generator is passed to the response object.
        except TypeError:
            return True
        return False

    def can_set_cookies(self):
        if self.status_code < 400:
            return self._can_store_cookies

    def length(self):
        if not self.is_streamed:
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x+len(y), self.content, 0)

    def start(self, start_response):
        assert not self._started
        self._started = True
        return start_response(self.status, self.get_headers())

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._iterated:
            raise RuntimeError('WsgiResponse can be iterated once only')
        self._started = True
        self._iterated = True
        if self.is_streamed:
            return wsgi_encoder(self.content, self.encoding or 'utf-8')
            return iter(self.content)

    def close(self):
        """Close this response, required by WSGI
        if self.is_streamed:
            if hasattr(self.content, 'close'):

    def set_cookie(self, key, **kwargs):
        Sets a cookie.

        ``expires`` can be a string in the correct format or a
        ``datetime.datetime`` object in UTC. If ``expires`` is a datetime
        object then ``max_age`` will be calculated.
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, **kwargs)

    def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None):
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain,
                   expires='Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT')

    def get_headers(self):
        """The list of headers for this response
        headers = self.headers
        if has_empty_content(self.status_code):
            headers.pop('content-type', None)
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            self._content = ()
            if not self.is_streamed:
                cl = 0
                for c in self.content:
                    cl += len(c)
                if cl == 0 and self.content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
                    self._content = (b'{}',)
                    cl = len(self._content[0])
                headers['Content-Length'] = str(cl)
            ct = self.content_type
            # content type encoding available
            if self.encoding:
                ct = ct or 'text/plain'
                if 'charset=' not in ct:
                    ct = '%s; charset=%s' % (ct, self.encoding)
            if ct:
                headers['Content-Type'] = ct
            if self.method == HEAD:
                self._content = ()
        if self.can_set_cookies():
            for c in self.cookies.values():
                headers.add_header('Set-Cookie', c.OutputString())
        return list(headers)

    def has_header(self, header):
        return header in self.headers
    __contains__ = has_header

    def __setitem__(self, header, value):
        self.headers[header] = value

    def __getitem__(self, header):
        return self.headers[header]
Пример #9
class WsgiResponse(WsgiResponseGenerator):
    """A WSGI response wrapper initialized by a WSGI request middleware.
Instances are callable using the standard WSGI call::

    response = WsgiResponse(200)
    response(environ, start_response)

A :class:`WsgiResponse` is an iterable over bytes to send back to the requesting

.. attribute:: status_code

    Integer indicating the HTTP status, (i.e. 200)

.. attribute:: response

    String indicating the HTTP status (i.e. 'OK')

.. attribute:: status

    String indicating the HTTP status code and response (i.e. '200 OK')

.. attribute:: environ

    The dictionary of WSGI environment if passed to the constructor.


    _started = False

    def __init__(
        super(WsgiResponse, self).__init__(environ, start_response)
        self.status_code = status or self.DEFAULT_STATUS_CODE
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self.headers = Headers(response_headers, kind="server")
        self.content = content
        if content_type is not None:
            self.content_type = content_type

    def started(self):
        return self._started

    def path(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get("PATH_INFO", "")

    def method(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get("REQUEST_METHOD")

    def connection(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get("pulsar.connection")

    def _get_content(self):
        return self._content

    def _set_content(self, content):
        if not self._started:
            if content is None:
                content = ()
            elif ispy3k:  # what a f*****g pain
                if isinstance(content, str):
                    content = bytes(content, "latin-1")
            else:  # pragma    nocover
                if isinstance(content, unicode):
                    content = bytes(content, "latin-1")
            if isinstance(content, bytes):
                content = (content,)
            self._content = content
            raise RuntimeError("Cannot set content. Already iterated")

    content = property(_get_content, _set_content)

    def _get_content_type(self):
        return self.headers.get("content-type")

    def _set_content_type(self, typ):
        if typ:
            self.headers["content-type"] = typ
            self.headers.pop("content-type", None)

    content_type = property(_get_content_type, _set_content_type)

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response, exc_info=None):
        """Make sure the headers are set."""
        if not exc_info:
            for rm in self.middleware:
                    rm(environ, self)
                    LOGGER.error("Exception in response middleware", exc_info=True)
        start_response(self.status, self.get_headers(), exc_info=exc_info)
        return self

    def start(self):
        self.__call__(self.environ, self.start_response)

    def length(self):
        if not self.is_streamed:
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x + len(y), self.content, 0)

    def response(self):
        return responses.get(self.status_code)

    def status(self):
        return "%s %s" % (self.status_code, self.response)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.status

    def __repr__(self):
        return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, self)

    def is_streamed(self):
        """If the response is streamed (the response is not an iterable with
length information) this property is `True`.  In this case streamed
means that there is no information about the number of iterations.
This is usually `True` if a generator is passed to the response object."""
        return is_streamed(self.content)

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._started:
            raise RuntimeError("WsgiResponse can be iterated only once")
        self._started = True
        if self.is_streamed:
            return wsgi_iterator(self.content, self.encoding)
            return iter(self.content)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.content)

    def set_cookie(self, key, **kwargs):
        Sets a cookie.

        ``expires`` can be a string in the correct format or a
        ``datetime.datetime`` object in UTC. If ``expires`` is a datetime
        object then ``max_age`` will be calculated.
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, **kwargs)

    def delete_cookie(self, key, path="/", domain=None):
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain, expires="Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT")

    def get_headers(self):
        headers = self.headers
        if has_empty_content(self.status_code, self.method):
            headers.pop("content-type", None)
            headers.pop("content-length", None)
        elif not self.is_streamed:
            cl = 0
            for c in self.content:
                cl += len(c)
            headers["Content-Length"] = str(cl)
        for c in self.cookies.values():
            headers["Set-Cookie"] = c.OutputString()
        return list(headers)
Пример #10
class HttpServerResponse(ProtocolConsumer):
    '''Server side WSGI :class:`.ProtocolConsumer`.

    .. attribute:: wsgi_callable

        The wsgi callable handling requests.
    _status = None
    _headers_sent = None
    _body_reader = None
    _buffer = None
    _logger = LOGGER
    ONE_TIME_EVENTS = ProtocolConsumer.ONE_TIME_EVENTS + ('on_headers',)

    def __init__(self, wsgi_callable, cfg, server_software=None, loop=None):
        self.wsgi_callable = wsgi_callable
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.parser = http_parser(kind=0)
        self.headers = Headers()
        self.keep_alive = False
        self.SERVER_SOFTWARE = server_software or self.SERVER_SOFTWARE

    def headers_sent(self):
        '''Available once the headers have been sent to the client.

        These are the bytes representing the first response line and
        the headers
        return self._headers_sent

    def data_received(self, data):
        '''Implements :meth:`~.ProtocolConsumer.data_received` method.

        Once we have a full HTTP message, build the wsgi ``environ`` and
        delegate the response to the :func:`wsgi_callable` function.
        parser = self.parser
        processed = parser.execute(data, len(data))
        if parser.is_headers_complete():
            if not self._body_reader:
                headers = Headers(parser.get_headers(), kind='client')
                self._body_reader = HttpBodyReader(headers,
            body = parser.recv_body()
            if body:
        if parser.is_message_complete():

            if processed < len(data):
                if not self._buffer:
                    self._buffer = data[processed:]
                    self.bind_event('post_request', self._new_request)
                    self._buffer += data[processed:]
        elif processed < len(data):
            # This is a parsing error, the client must have sent
            # bogus data
            raise ProtocolError

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def upgrade(self):
        return self.headers.get('upgrade')

    def chunked(self):
        return self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked'

    def content_length(self):
        c = self.headers.get('Content-Length')
        if c:
            return int(c)

    def version(self):
        return self.parser.get_version()

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        '''WSGI compliant ``start_response`` callable, see pep3333_.

        The application may call start_response more than once, if and only
        if the ``exc_info`` argument is provided.
        More precisely, it is a fatal error to call ``start_response`` without
        the ``exc_info`` argument if start_response has already been called
        within the current invocation of the application.

        :parameter status: an HTTP ``status`` string like ``200 OK`` or
            ``404 Not Found``.
        :parameter response_headers: a list of ``(header_name, header_value)``
            tuples. It must be a Python list. Each header_name must be a valid
            HTTP header field-name (as defined by RFC 2616_, Section 4.2),
            without a trailing colon or other punctuation.
        :parameter exc_info: optional python ``sys.exc_info()`` tuple.
            This argument should be supplied by the application only if
            ``start_response`` is being called by an error handler.
        :return: The :meth:`write` method.

        ``HOP_HEADERS`` are not considered but no error is raised.

        .. _pep3333: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/
        .. _2616: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html
        if exc_info:
                if self._headers_sent:
                    # if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have
                    # already been sent, start_response must raise an error,
                    # and should re-raise using the exc_info tuple
                # Avoid circular reference
                exc_info = None
        elif self._status:
            # Headers already set. Raise error
            raise HttpException("Response headers already set!")
        self._status = status
        if type(response_headers) is not list:
            raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples")
        for header, value in response_headers:
            if header.lower() in HOP_HEADERS:
                # These features are the exclusive province of this class,
                # this should be considered a fatal error for an application
                # to attempt sending them, but we don't raise an error,
                # just log a warning
                self.logger.warning('Application passing hop header "%s"',
            self.headers.add_header(header, value)
        return self.write

    def write(self, data, force=False):
        '''The write function returned by the :meth:`start_response` method.

        Required by the WSGI specification.

        :param data: bytes to write
        :param force: Optional flag used internally
        :return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` or the number of bytes written
        write = super().write
        chunks = []
        if not self._headers_sent:
            tosend = self.get_headers()
            self._headers_sent = tosend.flat(self.version, self.status)
        if data:
            if self.chunked:
        elif force and self.chunked:
            chunks.extend(http_chunks(data, True))
        if chunks:
            return write(b''.join(chunks))

    #    INTERNALS
    def _response(self, environ):
        exc_info = None
        response = None
        done = False
        alive = self.cfg.keep_alive or 15
        while not done:
            done = True
                if exc_info is None:
                    if (not environ.get('HTTP_HOST') and
                            environ['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] != 'HTTP/1.0'):
                        raise BadRequest
                    response = self.wsgi_callable(environ, self.start_response)
                    if isfuture(response):
                        response = yield from wait_for(response, alive)
                    response = handle_wsgi_error(environ, exc_info)
                    if isfuture(response):
                        response = yield from wait_for(response, alive)
                if exc_info:
                                        response.get_headers(), exc_info)
                # Do the actual writing
                loop = self._loop
                start = loop.time()
                for chunk in response:
                    if isfuture(chunk):
                        chunk = yield from wait_for(chunk, alive)
                        start = loop.time()
                    result = self.write(chunk)
                    if isfuture(result):
                        yield from wait_for(result, alive)
                        start = loop.time()
                        time_in_loop = loop.time() - start
                        if time_in_loop > MAX_TIME_IN_LOOP:
                                'Released the event loop after %.3f seconds',
                            yield None
                            start = loop.time()
                # make sure we write headers and last chunk if needed
                self.write(b'', True)

            # client disconnected, end this connection
            except (IOError, AbortWsgi):
            except Exception:
                if wsgi_request(environ).cache.handle_wsgi_error:
                    self.keep_alive = False
                    done = False
                    exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                log_wsgi_info(self.logger.info, environ, self.status)
                if not self.keep_alive:
                    self.logger.debug('No keep alive, closing connection %s',
                if hasattr(response, 'close'):
                    except Exception:
                            'Error while closing wsgi iterator')

    def is_chunked(self):
        '''Check if the response uses chunked transfer encoding.

        Only use chunked responses when the client is speaking HTTP/1.1
        or newer and there was no Content-Length header set.
        if (self.version <= (1, 0) or
                self._status == '200 Connection established' or
            return False
        elif self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
            return True
            return self.content_length is None

    def get_headers(self):
        '''Get the headers to send to the client.
        if not self._status:
            # we are sending headers but the start_response was not called
            raise HttpException('Headers not set.')
        headers = self.headers
        # Set chunked header if needed
        if self.is_chunked():
            headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            headers.pop('Transfer-Encoding', None)
        if self.keep_alive:
            self.keep_alive = keep_alive_with_status(self._status, headers)
        if not self.keep_alive:
            headers['connection'] = 'close'
        return headers

    def wsgi_environ(self):
        # return a the WSGI environ dictionary
        transport = self.transport
        https = True if is_tls(transport.get_extra_info('socket')) else False
        multiprocess = (self.cfg.concurrency == 'process')
        environ = wsgi_environ(self._body_reader,
                               extra={'pulsar.connection': self.connection,
                                      'pulsar.cfg': self.cfg,
                                      'wsgi.multiprocess': multiprocess})
        self.keep_alive = keep_alive(self.headers, self.parser.get_version(),
        self.headers.update([('Server', self.SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                             ('Date', format_date_time(time.time()))])
        return environ

    def _new_request(self, _, exc=None):
        connection = self._connection

    def _write_headers(self):
        if not self._headers_sent:
            if self.content_length:
                self.headers['Content-Length'] = '0'
Пример #11
class HttpServerResponse(ProtocolConsumer):
    """Server side WSGI :class:`.ProtocolConsumer`.

    .. attribute:: wsgi_callable

        The wsgi callable handling requests.

    _status = None
    _headers_sent = None
    _stream = None
    _buffer = None
    _logger = LOGGER
    ONE_TIME_EVENTS = ProtocolConsumer.ONE_TIME_EVENTS + ("on_headers",)

    def __init__(self, wsgi_callable, cfg, server_software=None, loop=None):
        self.wsgi_callable = wsgi_callable
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.parser = http_parser(kind=0)
        self.headers = Headers()
        self.keep_alive = False
        self.SERVER_SOFTWARE = server_software or self.SERVER_SOFTWARE

    def headers_sent(self):
        """Available once the headers have been sent to the client.

        These are the bytes representing the first response line and
        the headers
        return self._headers_sent

    def data_received(self, data):
        """Implements :meth:`~.ProtocolConsumer.data_received` method.

        Once we have a full HTTP message, build the wsgi ``environ`` and
        delegate the response to the :func:`wsgi_callable` function.
        parser = self.parser
        processed = parser.execute(data, len(data))
        if not self._stream and parser.is_headers_complete():
            headers = Headers(parser.get_headers(), kind="client")
            self._stream = StreamReader(headers, parser, self.transport)
        if parser.is_message_complete():
            # Stream has the whole body
            if not self._stream.on_message_complete.done():

            if processed < len(data):
                if not self._buffer:
                    self._buffer = data[processed:]
                    self.bind_event("post_request", self._new_request)
                    self._buffer += data[processed:]
        elif processed < len(data):
            # This is a parsing error, the client must have sent
            # bogus data
            raise ProtocolError

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def upgrade(self):
        return self.headers.get("upgrade")

    def chunked(self):
        return self.headers.get("Transfer-Encoding") == "chunked"

    def content_length(self):
        c = self.headers.get("Content-Length")
        if c:
            return int(c)

    def version(self):
        return self.parser.get_version()

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        """WSGI compliant ``start_response`` callable, see pep3333_.

        The application may call start_response more than once, if and only
        if the ``exc_info`` argument is provided.
        More precisely, it is a fatal error to call ``start_response`` without
        the ``exc_info`` argument if start_response has already been called
        within the current invocation of the application.

        :parameter status: an HTTP ``status`` string like ``200 OK`` or
            ``404 Not Found``.
        :parameter response_headers: a list of ``(header_name, header_value)``
            tuples. It must be a Python list. Each header_name must be a valid
            HTTP header field-name (as defined by RFC 2616_, Section 4.2),
            without a trailing colon or other punctuation.
        :parameter exc_info: optional python ``sys.exc_info()`` tuple.
            This argument should be supplied by the application only if
            ``start_response`` is being called by an error handler.
        :return: The :meth:`write` method.

        ``HOP_HEADERS`` are not considered but no error is raised.

        .. _pep3333: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/
        .. _2616: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html
        if exc_info:
                if self._headers_sent:
                    # if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have
                    # already been sent, start_response must raise an error,
                    # and should re-raise using the exc_info tuple
                # Avoid circular reference
                exc_info = None
        elif self._status:
            # Headers already set. Raise error
            raise HttpException("Response headers already set!")
        self._status = status
        if type(response_headers) is not list:
            raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples")
        for header, value in response_headers:
            if header.lower() in HOP_HEADERS:
                # These features are the exclusive province of this class,
                # this should be considered a fatal error for an application
                # to attempt sending them, but we don't raise an error,
                # just log a warning
                self.logger.warning('Application passing hop header "%s"', header)
            self.headers.add_header(header, value)
        return self.write

    def write(self, data, force=False):
        """The write function returned by the :meth:`start_response` method.

        Required by the WSGI specification.

        :param data: bytes to write
        :param force: Optional flag used internally
        :return: a :class:`~asyncio.Future` or the number of bytes written
        write = super().write
        chunks = []
        if not self._headers_sent:
            tosend = self.get_headers()
            self._headers_sent = tosend.flat(self.version, self.status)
        if data:
            if self.chunked:
                while len(data) >= MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:
                    chunk, data = data[:MAX_CHUNK_SIZE], data[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:]
                if data:
        elif force and self.chunked:
        if chunks:
            return write(b"".join(chunks))

    #    INTERNALS
    def _response(self, environ):
        exc_info = None
        response = None
        done = False
        alive = self.cfg.keep_alive or 15
        while not done:
            done = True
                if exc_info is None:
                    if "SERVER_NAME" not in environ:
                        raise HttpException(status=400)
                    response = self.wsgi_callable(environ, self.start_response)
                    if isfuture(response):
                        response = yield from wait_for(response, alive)
                    response = handle_wsgi_error(environ, exc_info)
                    if isfuture(response):
                        response = yield from wait_for(response, alive)
                if exc_info:
                    self.start_response(response.status, response.get_headers(), exc_info)
                # Do the actual writing
                loop = self._loop
                start = loop.time()
                for chunk in response:
                    if isfuture(chunk):
                        chunk = yield from wait_for(chunk, alive)
                        start = loop.time()
                    result = self.write(chunk)
                    if isfuture(result):
                        yield from wait_for(result, alive)
                        start = loop.time()
                        time_in_loop = loop.time() - start
                        if time_in_loop > MAX_TIME_IN_LOOP:
                            self.logger.debug("Released the event loop after %.3f seconds", time_in_loop)
                            yield None
                            start = loop.time()
                # make sure we write headers and last chunk if needed
                self.write(b"", True)

            except IOError:  # client disconnected, end this connection
            except Exception:
                if wsgi_request(environ).cache.handle_wsgi_error:
                    self.keep_alive = False
                    done = False
                    exc_info = sys.exc_info()
                if not self.keep_alive:
                log_wsgi_info(self.logger.info, environ, self.status)
                if hasattr(response, "close"):
                    except Exception:
                        self.logger.exception("Error while closing wsgi iterator")

    def is_chunked(self):
        """Check if the response uses chunked transfer encoding.

        Only use chunked responses when the client is speaking HTTP/1.1
        or newer and there was no Content-Length header set.
        if (
            self.version <= (1, 0)
            or self._status == "200 Connection established"
            or has_empty_content(int(self.status[:3]))
            return False
        elif self.headers.get("Transfer-Encoding") == "chunked":
            return True
            return self.content_length is None

    def get_headers(self):
        """Get the headers to send to the client.
        if not self._status:
            # we are sending headers but the start_response was not called
            raise HttpException("Headers not set.")
        headers = self.headers
        # Set chunked header if needed
        if self.is_chunked():
            headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked"
            headers.pop("content-length", None)
            headers.pop("Transfer-Encoding", None)
        if self.keep_alive:
            self.keep_alive = keep_alive_with_status(self._status, headers)
        if not self.keep_alive:
            headers["connection"] = "close"
        return headers

    def wsgi_environ(self):
        # return a the WSGI environ dictionary
        transport = self.transport
        https = True if is_tls(transport.get_extra_info("socket")) else False
        multiprocess = self.cfg.concurrency == "process"
        environ = wsgi_environ(
            extra={"pulsar.connection": self.connection, "pulsar.cfg": self.cfg, "wsgi.multiprocess": multiprocess},
        self.keep_alive = keep_alive(self.headers, self.parser.get_version())
        self.headers.update([("Server", self.SERVER_SOFTWARE), ("Date", format_date_time(time.time()))])
        return environ

    def _new_request(self, _, exc=None):
        connection = self._connection

    def _write_headers(self):
        if not self._headers_sent:
            if self.content_length:
                self.headers["Content-Length"] = "0"
Пример #12
class WsgiResponse(object):
    '''A WSGI response.

    Instances are callable using the standard WSGI call and, importantly,

        response = WsgiResponse(200)

    A :class:`WsgiResponse` is an iterable over bytes to send back to the
    requesting client.

    .. attribute:: status_code

        Integer indicating the HTTP status, (i.e. 200)

    .. attribute:: response

        String indicating the HTTP status (i.e. 'OK')

    .. attribute:: status

        String indicating the HTTP status code and response (i.e. '200 OK')

    .. attribute:: content_type

        The content type of this response. Can be ``None``.

    .. attribute:: headers

        The :class:`pulsar.utils.httpurl.Headers` container for this response.

    .. attribute:: environ

        The dictionary of WSGI environment if passed to the constructor.

    _started = False

    def __init__(self, status=None, content=None, response_headers=None,
                 content_type=None, encoding=None, environ=None):
        self.environ = environ
        self.status_code = status or self.DEFAULT_STATUS_CODE
        self.encoding = encoding
        self.cookies = SimpleCookie()
        self.headers = Headers(response_headers, kind='server')
        self.content = content
        if content_type is not None:
            self.content_type = content_type

    def started(self):
        return self._started

    def path(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')

    def method(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('REQUEST_METHOD')

    def connection(self):
        if self.environ:
            return self.environ.get('pulsar.connection')

    def _get_content(self):
        return self._content

    def _set_content(self, content):
        if not self._started:
            if content is None:
                content = ()
            elif ispy3k:
                if isinstance(content, str):
                    content = content.encode(self.encoding or 'utf-8')
            else:   # pragma    nocover
                if isinstance(content, unicode):
                    content = content.encode(self.encoding or 'utf-8')
            if isinstance(content, bytes):
                content = (content,)
            self._content = content
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot set content. Already iterated')
    content = property(_get_content, _set_content)

    def _get_content_type(self):
        return self.headers.get('content-type')

    def _set_content_type(self, typ):
        if typ:
            self.headers['content-type'] = typ
            self.headers.pop('content-type', None)
    content_type = property(_get_content_type, _set_content_type)

    def length(self):
        if not self.is_streamed:
            return reduce(lambda x, y: x+len(y), self.content, 0)

    def response(self):
        return responses.get(self.status_code)

    def status(self):
        return '%s %s' % (self.status_code, self.response)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.status

    def __repr__(self):
        return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self)

    def is_streamed(self):
        """If the response is streamed (the response is not an iterable with
length information) this property is `True`.  In this case streamed
means that there is no information about the number of iterations.
This is usually `True` if a generator is passed to the response object."""
        return is_streamed(self.content)

    def __iter__(self):
        if self._started:
            raise RuntimeError('WsgiResponse can be iterated once only')
        self._started = True
        if is_streamed(self.content):
            return wsgi_encoder(self.content, self.encoding or 'utf-8')
            return iter(self.content)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.content)

    def set_cookie(self, key, **kwargs):
        Sets a cookie.

        ``expires`` can be a string in the correct format or a
        ``datetime.datetime`` object in UTC. If ``expires`` is a datetime
        object then ``max_age`` will be calculated.
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, **kwargs)

    def delete_cookie(self, key, path='/', domain=None):
        set_cookie(self.cookies, key, max_age=0, path=path, domain=domain,
                   expires='Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT')

    def get_headers(self):
        headers = self.headers
        if has_empty_content(self.status_code, self.method):
            headers.pop('content-type', None)
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            self._content = ()
            if not self.is_streamed:
                cl = 0
                for c in self.content:
                    cl += len(c)
                if cl == 0 and self.content_type in JSON_CONTENT_TYPES:
                    self._content = (b'{}',)
                    cl = len(self._content[0])
                headers['Content-Length'] = str(cl)
            if not self.content_type:
                headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain'
        for c in self.cookies.values():
            headers['Set-Cookie'] = c.OutputString()
        return list(headers)

    def has_header(self, header):
        return header in self.headers
    __contains__ = has_header

    def __setitem__(self, header, value):
        self.headers[header] = value

    def __getitem__(self, header):
        return self.headers[header]
Пример #13
class HttpServerResponse(ProtocolConsumer):
    '''Server side WSGI :class:`.ProtocolConsumer`.

    .. attribute:: wsgi_callable

        The wsgi callable handling requests.
    _status = None
    _headers_sent = None
    _request_headers = None
    ONE_TIME_EVENTS = ProtocolConsumer.ONE_TIME_EVENTS + ('on_headers', )

    def __init__(self, wsgi_callable, cfg, server_software=None):
        super(HttpServerResponse, self).__init__()
        self.wsgi_callable = wsgi_callable
        self.cfg = cfg
        self.parser = http_parser(kind=0)
        self.headers = Headers()
        self.keep_alive = False
        self.SERVER_SOFTWARE = server_software or self.SERVER_SOFTWARE

    def data_received(self, data):
        '''Implements :meth:`~.ProtocolConsumer.data_received` method.

        Once we have a full HTTP message, build the wsgi ``environ`` and
        delegate the response to the :func:`wsgi_callable` function.
        p = self.parser
        if p.execute(bytes(data), len(data)) == len(data):
            if self._request_headers is None and p.is_headers_complete():
                self._request_headers = Headers(p.get_headers(), kind='client')
                stream = StreamReader(self._request_headers, p, self.transport)
                self.bind_event('data_processed', stream.data_processed)
                environ = self.wsgi_environ(stream)
                self.event_loop. async (self._response(environ))
            # This is a parsing error, the client must have sent
            # bogus data
            raise ProtocolError

    def status(self):
        return self._status

    def upgrade(self):
        return self.headers.get('upgrade')

    def chunked(self):
        return self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked'

    def content_length(self):
        c = self.headers.get('Content-Length')
        if c:
            return int(c)

    def version(self):
        return self.parser.get_version()

    def start_response(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
        '''WSGI compliant ``start_response`` callable, see pep3333_.

        The application may call start_response more than once, if and only
        if the ``exc_info`` argument is provided.
        More precisely, it is a fatal error to call ``start_response`` without
        the ``exc_info`` argument if start_response has already been called
        within the current invocation of the application.

        :parameter status: an HTTP ``status`` string like ``200 OK`` or
            ``404 Not Found``.
        :parameter response_headers: a list of ``(header_name, header_value)``
            tuples. It must be a Python list. Each header_name must be a valid
            HTTP header field-name (as defined by RFC 2616_, Section 4.2),
            without a trailing colon or other punctuation.
        :parameter exc_info: optional python ``sys.exc_info()`` tuple.
            This argument should be supplied by the application only if
            ``start_response`` is being called by an error handler.
        :return: The :meth:`write` method.

        ``HOP_HEADERS`` are not considered but no error is raised.

        .. _pep3333: http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/
        .. _2616: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2616.html
        if exc_info:
                if self._headers_sent:
                    # if exc_info is provided, and the HTTP headers have
                    # already been sent, start_response must raise an error,
                    # and should re-raise using the exc_info tuple
                    raise_error_trace(exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
                # Avoid circular reference
                exc_info = None
        elif self._status:
            # Headers already set. Raise error
            raise HttpException("Response headers already set!")
        self._status = status
        if type(response_headers) is not list:
            raise TypeError("Headers must be a list of name/value tuples")
        for header, value in response_headers:
            if header.lower() in HOP_HEADERS:
                # These features are the exclusive province of this class,
                # this should be considered a fatal error for an application
                # to attempt sending them, but we don't raise an error,
                # just log a warning
                LOGGER.warning('Application handler passing hop header "%s"',
            self.headers.add_header(header, value)
        return self.write

    def write(self, data, force=False):
        '''The write function returned by the :meth:`start_response` method.

        Required by the WSGI specification.

        :param data: bytes to write
        :param force: Optional flag used internally.
        if not self._headers_sent:
            tosend = self.get_headers()
            self._headers_sent = tosend.flat(self.version, self.status)
        if data:
            if self.chunked:
                chunks = []
                while len(data) >= MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:
                    chunk, data = data[:MAX_CHUNK_SIZE], data[MAX_CHUNK_SIZE:]
                if data:
        elif force and self.chunked:

    ##    INTERNALS
    def _response(self, environ):
        exc_info = None
            if 'SERVER_NAME' not in environ:
                raise HttpException(status=400)
            wsgi_iter = self.wsgi_callable(environ, self.start_response)
            yield self._async_wsgi(wsgi_iter)
        except IOError:  # client disconnected, end this connection
        except Exception:
            exc_info = sys.exc_info()
        if exc_info:
            failure = Failure(exc_info)
                wsgi_iter = handle_wsgi_error(environ, failure)
                self.start_response(wsgi_iter.status, wsgi_iter.get_headers(),
                yield self._async_wsgi(wsgi_iter)
            except Exception:
                # Error handling did not work, Just shut down
                self.keep_alive = False

    def _async_wsgi(self, wsgi_iter):
        if isinstance(wsgi_iter, (Deferred, Failure)):
            wsgi_iter = yield wsgi_iter
            for b in wsgi_iter:
                chunk = yield b  # handle asynchronous components
            # make sure we write headers
            self.write(b'', True)
            if hasattr(wsgi_iter, 'close'):
                except Exception:
                    LOGGER.exception('Error while closing wsgi iterator')

    def finish_wsgi(self):
        if not self.keep_alive:

    def is_chunked(self):
        '''Check if the response uses chunked transfer encoding.

        Only use chunked responses when the client is speaking HTTP/1.1
        or newer and there was no Content-Length header set.
        if (self.version <= (1, 0)
                or self._status == '200 Connection established'
                or has_empty_content(int(self.status[:3]))):
            return False
        elif self.headers.get('Transfer-Encoding') == 'chunked':
            return True
            return self.content_length is None

    def get_headers(self):
        '''Get the headers to send to the client.
        if not self._status:
            # we are sending headers but the start_response was not called
            raise HttpException('Headers not set.')
        headers = self.headers
        # Set chunked header if needed
        if self.is_chunked():
            headers['Transfer-Encoding'] = 'chunked'
            headers.pop('content-length', None)
            headers.pop('Transfer-Encoding', None)
        if self.keep_alive:
            self.keep_alive = keep_alive_with_status(self._status, headers)
        if not self.keep_alive:
            headers['connection'] = 'close'
        # If client sent cookies and set-cookies header is not available
        # set the cookies
        if 'cookie' in self._request_headers and not 'set-cookie' in headers:
            headers['Set-cookie'] = self._request_headers['cookie']
        return headers

    def wsgi_environ(self, stream):
        #return a the WSGI environ dictionary
        parser = self.parser
        https = True if is_tls(self.transport.sock) else False
        multiprocess = (self.cfg.concurrency == 'process')
        environ = wsgi_environ(stream,
                                   'pulsar.connection': self.connection,
                                   'pulsar.cfg': self.cfg,
                                   'wsgi.multiprocess': multiprocess
        self.keep_alive = keep_alive(self.headers, parser.get_version())
        self.headers.update([('Server', self.SERVER_SOFTWARE),
                             ('Date', format_date_time(time.time()))])
        return environ