def decript(self, password=None): if password: p = self.crypt_module.decrypt(to_bytes(password, self.encoding), self.secret_key) return to_string(p, self.encoding) else: return UNUSABLE_PASSWORD
def parse_info(response): info = {} response = to_string(response) def get_value(value): if "," not in value or "=" not in value: try: if "." in value: return float(value) else: return int(value) except ValueError: return value else: sub_dict = {} for item in value.split(","): k, v = item.rsplit("=", 1) sub_dict[k] = get_value(v) return sub_dict for line in response.splitlines(): if line and not line.startswith("#"): key, value = line.split(":", 1) info[key] = get_value(value) return info
def login_response(self, request, user): session = self.create_session(request, user) request.cache.session = session token = to_string(session.encoded) request.response.status_code = 201 return Json({'success': True, 'token': token}).http_response(request)
def _form_message(self, container, key, msg): if msg: msg = to_string(msg) if key in container: container[key].append(msg) else: container[key] = [msg]
def parse_info(response): info = {} response = to_string(response) def get_value(value): if ',' not in value or '=' not in value: try: if '.' in value: return float(value) else: return int(value) except ValueError: return value else: sub_dict = {} for item in value.split(','): k, v = item.rsplit('=', 1) sub_dict[k] = get_value(v) return sub_dict for line in response.splitlines(): if line and not line.startswith('#'): key, value = line.split(':', 1) info[key] = get_value(value) return info
def values(self, bfield): '''Generator of values in select''' for o in self.all(bfield): if isinstance(o, Widget): v = o.attr('value') else: v = to_string(o[0]) yield v
def _to_string(self, value): if isinstance(value, Mapping): raise BuildError('A dictionary found when coverting to string') elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return ', '.join(self._to_string(v) for v in value) elif isinstance(value, date): return iso8601(value) else: return to_string(value)
def to_string(self, stream): '''Once the :class:`.Future`, returned by :meth:`content` method, is ready, this method get called to transform the stream into the content string. This method can be overwritten by derived classes. :param stream: a collections containing ``strings/bytes`` used to build the final ``string/bytes``. :return: a string or bytes ''' return to_string(''.join(stream_to_string(stream)))
def _render_meta(self, value, context): if isinstance(value, Mapping): return dict(((k, self._render_meta(v, context)) for k, v in value.items())) elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): return [self._render_meta(v, context) for v in value] elif isinstance(value, date): return value elif value is not None: return self._engine(to_string(value), context)
def to_string(self, streams): '''Called to transform the collection of ``streams`` into the content string. This method can be overwritten by derived classes. :param streams: a collection (list or dictionary) containing ``strings/bytes`` used to build the final ``string/bytes``. :return: a string or bytes ''' return to_string(''.join(stream_to_string(streams)))
def login(self, request, user): """Handle a request for a token to be used on a web browser """ seconds = request.config['MAX_TOKEN_SESSION_EXPIRY'] expiry = + timedelta(seconds=seconds) token = self.create_token(request, user, expiry=expiry) token = to_string(token.encoded) request.response.status_code = 201 return {'success': True, 'token': token}
def _clean(self, value, instance): try: value = to_string(value) except Exception as exc: raise ValidationError from exc minlength = self.attrs.get('minlength') if minlength and len(value) < minlength: raise ValidationError('too short') maxlength = self.attrs.get('maxlength') if maxlength and len(value) > maxlength: raise ValidationError('too long') return value
def _clean_simple(self, value, bfield): '''Invoked by :meth:`clean` if :attr:`model` is not defined.''' choices = self.choices if hasattr(choices, '__call__'): choices = choices(bfield) if not isinstance(choices, Mapping): choices = dict(choices) values = value if self.multiple else (value,) for v in values: v = to_string(v) if v not in choices: raise ValidationError('%s is not a valid choice' % v) return value
def broadcast(self, channel, message): '''Broadcast ``message`` to all :attr:`clients`.''' remove = set() channel = to_string(channel) message = self.decode(message) clients = tuple(self.clients) for client in clients: try: client(channel, message) except Exception: LOGGER.exception('Exception while processing pub/sub client. ' 'Removing it.') remove.add(client) self.clients.difference_update(remove)
def dataReceived(self, data): sep = self.separator idx = data.find(sep) if idx >= 0: if self.buffer: msg = self.buffer + msg self.buffer = b'' id, msg, data = data[:8], data[8:idx], data[idx+len(sep):] d = self.requests.pop(id) d.callback(to_string(msg)) if data: self.dataReceived(data) else: self.buffer += data
def _clean(self, value, bfield): try: value = to_string(value) except Exception: raise ValidationError if self.toslug: value = slugify(value, self.toslug) if self.char_transform: if self.char_transform == 'u': value = value.upper() else: value = value.lower() if self.required and not value: raise ValidationError( self.validation_error.format(, value)) return value
def broadcast(self, response): '''Broadcast ``message`` to all :attr:`clients`.''' remove = set() channel = to_string(response[0]) message = response[1] if self._protocol: message = self._protocol.decode(message) for client in self._clients: try: client(channel, message) except IOError: remove.add(client) except Exception: self._loop.logger.exception( 'Exception while processing pub/sub client. Removing it.') remove.add(client) self._clients.difference_update(remove)
def execute(self, request): '''Execute a new ``request``. ''' handle = None if request: request[0] = command = to_string(request[0]).lower() info = COMMANDS_INFO.get(command) if info: handle = getattr(, info.method_name) # if self.channels or self.patterns: if command not in return self.reply_error( if self.blocked: return self.reply_error('Blocked client cannot request') if self.transaction is not None and command not in 'exec': self.transaction.append((handle, request)) return self._transport.write( self._execute_command(handle, request)
def _test_done(self, monitor, task_id=None, exc=None): runner = self.runner if task_id: self._tests_done.add(to_string(task_id)) if self._tests_queued is not None: left = self._tests_queued.difference(self._tests_done) if not left: tests = yield self.backend.get_tasks(self._tests_done)'All tests have finished.') time_taken = default_timer() - self._time_start for task in tests: runner.add(task.get('result')) runner.on_end() runner.printSummary(time_taken) # Shut down the arbiter if runner.result.errors or runner.result.failures: exit_code = 2 else: exit_code = 0 monitor._loop.call_soon(self._exit, exit_code)
def get_model(self, manager, pk): key = '%s%s:%s' % (self.namespace, manager._meta.table_name, to_string(pk)) return self.execute('hgetall', key, factory=partial(self.build_model, manager))
def _gen_query(query_string, encoding): # keep_blank_values=True for key, value in parse_qsl((query_string or ''), True): yield (to_string(key, encoding, errors='replace'), to_string(value, encoding, errors='replace'))
def _clean(self, value, instance): try: return to_string(value) except Exception: raise ValidationError
def str_lower_case(x): return to_string(x).lower()
def encript(self, password): p = self.crypt_module.encrypt(to_bytes(password, self.encoding), self.secret_key, self.salt_size) return to_string(p, self.encoding)
def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): return to_string(self) < to_string(other) else: raise TypeError('Cannot compare {0} with {1}'.format(self, other))
def decode(self, message): '''Convert message to a string.''' return to_string(message)
def basekey(self, meta, *args): key = '%s%s' % (self.namespace, meta.table_name) postfix = ':'.join((to_string(p) for p in args if p is not None)) return '%s:%s' % (key, postfix) if postfix else key
def decode(self, message): return to_string(message)
def home_page(self, request): data = open(os.path.join(CHAT_DIR, 'chat.html')).read() request.response.content_type = 'text/html' request.response.content = to_string(data % request.environ) return request.response
from pulsar.utils.pep import to_string, iteritems __all__ = ['Query', 'CompiledQuery', 'OdmError', 'ModelNotFound', 'QueryError'] def int_or_float(v): v = float(v) i = int(v) return i if v == i else v JSPLITTER = '__' pass_through = lambda x: x str_lower_case = lambda x: to_string(x).lower() range_lookups = { 'gt': int_or_float, 'ge': int_or_float, 'lt': int_or_float, 'le': int_or_float, 'contains': pass_through, 'startswith': pass_through, 'endswith': pass_through, 'icontains': str_lower_case, 'istartswith': str_lower_case, 'iendswith': str_lower_case} lookup_value = namedtuple('lookup_value', 'type value')