def updatePath(): global x, y, theta, env, outImage, started, reprojMatrix, pp, transformMatrix, initFinished, goalPoint, goalChanged, following, newPath realTimeObs = True replanOnError = True while True: if initFinished and frame is not None: obstacles = getObstaclePositions(frame, transformMatrix) if realTimeObs or not started: env.setObstacles(np.squeeze(obstacles)) if not started: started = True if (realTimeObs and env.newObstacles()) or ( replanOnError and pp.highError) or goalChanged: goalChanged = False newPath = True try: env.generatePath(goalPoint) if env.splinePoints is None or len(env.splinePoints) == 0: pp = PurePursuit([(x, y)], LOOKAHEAD, 10000.0) else: pp = PurePursuit(env.splinePoints, LOOKAHEAD, 0.5) following = True started = True except: pass time.sleep(0.1)
def test_calculate_velocity( self): # only functions with 'test_'-prefix will be run! # Set up path pp = PurePursuit() pp.goal_margin = 0.1 # Set up test inputs goals = [ np.array([1., 0.]), np.array([1., 1.]), np.array([-0.5, -0.5]), np.array([0., -0.2]), np.array([0., 0.05]) ] # Desired outputs v_true = [0.22, 0.203703703704, -0.189655172414, 0.122222222222, 0.] w_true = [0., 0.203703703704, 0.379310344828, -1.22222222222, 0.] # Ensure that calculated outputs match desired outputs err_msg = "test goal ({},{}) has the velocity ({}, {}) instead of ({}, {})" for i in range(0, len(goals)): (v, w) = pp.calculate_velocity(goals[i]) self.assertTrue( np.abs(v - v_true[i]) < 1e-6 and np.abs(w - w_true[i]) < 1e-6, err_msg.format(goals[i][0], goals[i][1], v, w, v_true[i], w_true[i]))
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing %s" % rospy.get_name()) self.pursuit = PurePursuit() self.pursuit.set_look_ahead_distance(0.2) self.target_global = None self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.pub_goal_marker = rospy.Publisher( "goal_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_target_marker = rospy.Publisher( "target_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_goal = rospy.Publisher( "pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.req_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("plan_service", GetPlan) self.sub_box = rospy.Subscriber( "artifact_pose", PoseStamped, self.cb_pose, queue_size=1) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber( "/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.cb_goal, queue_size=1) self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.2), self.tracking)
def move_straight(self, start, end, reverse): dist_thresh = 0.03 dist = np.sqrt((start[1] - end[1])**2 + (start[0] - end[0])**2) k = 2 # timeout = 2 * dist / self.lin_vel_max timeout = 10 pp = PurePursuit(start, end) start_time = time.time() timer = time.time() while (abs(dist) > dist_thresh) and (time.time() - start_time < timeout): if (time.time() - timer) > self.dt: timer = time.time() dist = np.sqrt((self.state[1] - end[1])**2 + (self.state[0] - end[0])**2) v = min(self.lin_vel_max, dist * k) if reverse: v = v * -1 w = pp.get_ang_vel(self.state, v) self.send_vels(v, w) self.send_vels(0, 0)
def generate_pure_pursuit_path(): global pp pp = PurePursuit() for i in range(len(instructions)): # add x,y coords from each point in the generated trajectory as waypoints. # this is better than just adding the 5 nodes as waypoints. pp.add_point(instructions[i][1], instructions[i][2]) interpolate_path(i) #TODO comment out when not debugging.
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 3. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0 self.ang_ctrl_max = 0.5 self.ang_ctrl_min = -0.5 self.pos_station_max = 0.5 self.pos_station_min = -0.5 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.7 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.7 self.station_keeping_dis = 0.5 # meters self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/path_points", PoseArray, self.path_cb, queue_size=1) #self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('/odometry/ground_truth', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("/X1/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("/lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size=1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("/station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.navigate_srv = rospy.Service("/navigation", SetBool, self.navigation_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.initialize_PID()
def generate_hard_path(): global pp pp = PurePursuit() # this creates a path manually set by changing waypoints here. # used for testing the robot on a small course by the lab. pp.add_point(0, -1) pp.add_point(2, -1) pp.add_point(2, 1) pp.add_point(0, 1)
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing %s" % rospy.get_name()) ## parameters self.map_frame = rospy.get_param("~map_frame", 'odom') self.bot_frame = None self.switch_thred = 1 # change to next lane if reach next self.pursuit = PurePursuit() self.pursuit.set_look_ahead_distance(0.1) ## node path while not rospy.has_param("/guid_path"): rospy.loginfo("Wait for /guid_path") rospy.sleep(0.5) self.guid_path = rospy.get_param("/guid_path") self.last_node = -1 self.all_anchor_ids = rospy.get_param("/all_anchor_ids") self.joy_lock = False ## set first tracking lane self.set_lane(True) # variable self.target_global = None self.listener = tf.TransformListener() # markers self.pub_goal_marker = rospy.Publisher("goal_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_target_marker = rospy.Publisher("target_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) # publisher, subscriber self.pub_pid_goal = rospy.Publisher("pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.req_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("plan_service", GetPlan) self.sub_box = rospy.Subscriber("anchor_pose", PoseDirectional, self.cb_goal, queue_size=1) sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy_teleop/joy', Joy, self.cb_joy, queue_size=1) self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self.tracking)
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.dis4constV = 1. # Distance for constant velocity self.pos_ctrl_max = 1 self.pos_ctrl_min = 0.0 self.pos_station_max = 0.5 self.pos_station_min = -0.5 self.cmd_ctrl_max = 0.95 self.cmd_ctrl_min = -0.95 self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.stop_pos = [] self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None #parameter self.sim = rospy.get_param('sim', False) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " %(self.node_name)) self.sub_goal = rospy.Subscriber("/move_base_simple/goal", PoseStamped, self.goal_cb, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('odometry', Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size = 1, buff_size = 2**24) if self.sim: from duckiepond_vehicle.msg import UsvDrive self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", UsvDrive, queue_size = 1) else : self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_drive", MotorCmd, queue_size = 1) self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.station_keeping_srv = rospy.Service("station_keeping", SetBool, self.station_keeping_cb) self.navigate_srv = rospy.Service("navigation", SetBool, self.navigation_cb) self.pos_control = PID_control("Position") self.ang_control = PID_control("Angular") self.ang_station_control = PID_control("Angular_station") self.pos_station_control = PID_control("Position_station") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.pos_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_pid_cb, "Position") self.ang_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_pid_cb, "Angular") self.pos_station_srv = Server(pos_PIDConfig, self.pos_station_pid_cb, "Angular_station") self.ang_station_srv = Server(ang_PIDConfig, self.ang_station_pid_cb, "Position_station") self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.initialize_PID()
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing %s" % rospy.get_name()) self.end = np.array([[0.3, 2.2, 1.2, 2.2], [4.1, 3.9, 3, 3.9], [4.1, 2.2, 3, 2.2], [4.1, 0.5, 3, 0.5]]) self.pursuit = PurePursuit() self.pursuit.set_look_ahead_distance(0.2) self.pose = None self.pub_cmd = rospy.Publisher("cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) self.pub_goal_marker = rospy.Publisher( "goal_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_goal = rospy.Publisher( "pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.req_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("plan_service", GetPlan) self.sub_pose = rospy.Subscriber( "pose", PoseStamped, self.cb_pose, queue_size=1) self.srv_topos = rospy.Service("to_position", GoToPos, self.to_pos)
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.stop_pos = [] self.goals = [] self.diving_points = [] self.diving_points_hold = [] self.get_path = False self.yaw = 0 self.dive = False self.finish_diving = True self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None self.dive_dis = 5 self.cycle = rospy.get_param("~cycle", True) rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.pub_robot_goal = rospy.Publisher("robot_goal", RobotGoal, queue_size=1) self.path_srv = rospy.Service("set_path", SetRobotPath, self.path_cb) self.finish_diving_srv = rospy.Service("finish_diving", SetBool, self.finish_diving_cb) # self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(5) self.odom_sub = rospy.Subscriber("odometry", Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) self.imu_sub = rospy.Subscriber("imu/data", Imu, self.imu_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24)
def test_find_goal( self): # only functions with 'test_'-prefix will be run! # Set up path pp = PurePursuit() pp.path = Path() pose0 = PoseStamped() pose0.pose.position.x = 0.0 pose0.pose.position.y = 0.0 pp.path.poses.append(pose0) pose1 = PoseStamped() pose1.pose.position.x = 1.0 pose1.pose.position.y = 0.0 pp.path.poses.append(pose1) pose2 = PoseStamped() pose2.pose.position.x = 2.0 pose2.pose.position.y = 1.0 pp.path.poses.append(pose2) pp.lookahead = 1.0 # Set up test inputs x = [np.array([-0.25, 0.0]), np.array([0.5, 0.]), np.array([1.5, 0.5])] # Desired outputs goals_true = [ np.array([0.75, 0.]), np.array([1.41143782777, 0.411437827766]), np.array([2., 1.]) ] # Ensure that calculated outputs match desired outputs err_msg = "test point ({},{}) has the wrong goal ({}, {}) instead of ({}, {})" for i in range(0, len(x)): (pt, dist, seg) = pp.find_closest_point(x[i]) goal = pp.find_goal(x[i], pt, dist, seg) self.assertTrue( np.linalg.norm(goal - goals_true[i]) < 1e-6, err_msg.format(x[i][0], x[i][1], goal[0], goal[1], goals_true[i][0], goals_true[i][1]))
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing %s" % rospy.get_name()) self.pursuit = PurePursuit() self.pursuit.set_look_ahead_distance(0.2) self.target_global = None self.listener = tf.TransformListener() # robot pose w.r.t the pose when plan pid_goal self.robot_now_pose = PoseStamped() self.pub_goal_marker = rospy.Publisher("goal_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_target_marker = rospy.Publisher("target_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_goal = rospy.Publisher("pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.pub_pid_pose = rospy.Publisher("pid_control/pose", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) # tracking robot pose before next self.tracking loop self.map_frame = rospy.get_param("~map_frame", 'map') self.robot_frame = rospy.get_param("~robot_frame", 'base_link') self.req_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("plan_service", GetPlan) self.sub_box = rospy.Subscriber("anchor_position", PoseDirectional, self.cb_pose, queue_size=1) self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.2), self.tracking)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy from pure_pursuit import PurePursuit if __name__ == '__main__': rospy.init_node('pure_pursuit') pp = PurePursuit() rospy.spin()
def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing %s" % rospy.get_name()) ## parameters self.map_frame = rospy.get_param("~map_frame", 'odom') self.bot_frame = 'base_link' self.switch_thred = 1.5 # change to next lane if reach next self.pursuit = PurePursuit() self.lka = rospy.get_param("~lookahead", 0.5) self.pursuit.set_look_ahead_distance(self.lka) ## node path while not rospy.has_param("/guid_path") and not rospy.is_shutdown(): rospy.loginfo("Wait for /guid_path") rospy.sleep(0.5) self.guid_path = rospy.get_param("/guid_path") self.tag_ang_init = rospy.get_param("/guid_path_ang_init") self.last_node = -1 self.next_node_id = None self.all_anchor_ids = rospy.get_param("/all_anchor_ids") self.joy_lock = False self.get_goal = True self.joint_ang = None ## set first tracking lane self.pub_robot_speech = rospy.Publisher("speech_case", String, queue_size=1) self.pub_robot_go = rospy.Publisher("robot_go", Bool, queue_size=1) rospy.sleep(1) # wait for the publisher to be set well self.set_lane(True) # variable self.target_global = None self.listener = tf.TransformListener() # markers self.pub_goal_marker = rospy.Publisher("goal_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_target_marker = rospy.Publisher("target_marker", Marker, queue_size=1) # publisher, subscriber self.pub_pid_goal = rospy.Publisher("pid_control/goal", PoseStamped, queue_size=1) self.req_path_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy("plan_service", GetPlan) self.sub_box = rospy.Subscriber("anchor_position", PoseDirectional, self.cb_goal, queue_size=1) sub_joy = rospy.Subscriber('joy_teleop/joy', Joy, self.cb_joy, queue_size=1) sub_fr = rospy.Subscriber('front_right/ranges', DeviceRangeArray, self.cb_range, queue_size=1) sub_joint = rospy.Subscriber('/dynamixel_workbench/joint_states', JointState, self.cb_joint, queue_size=1) #Don't update goal too often self.last_update_goal = None self.goal_update_thred = 0.001 self.hist_goal = np.array([]) self.normal = True self.get_goal = True self.timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(0.1), self.tracking) # print("init done") # prevent sudden stop self.last_plan = None # keep searching until find path or reach search end self.search_angle = 10 * math.pi / 180 self.search_max = 5 ### stupid range drawing # for using tf to draw range br1 = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() br2 = tf2_ros.StaticTransformBroadcaster() # stf.header.frame_id = "uwb_back_left" # stf.child_frame_id = "base_link" # stf.transform.translation.x = -1*r_tag_points[0, 0] # stf.transform.translation.y = -1*r_tag_points[0, 1] # br1.sendTransform(stf) # stf2 = stf # stf2.header.stamp = # stf2.header.frame_id = "uwb_front_right" # stf2.transform.translation.x = -1*r_tag_points[1, 0] # stf2.transform.translation.y = -1*r_tag_points[1, 1] # br2.sendTransform(stf2) stf = TransformStamped() stf.header.stamp = stf.transform.rotation.w = 1 stf.header.frame_id = "base_link" stf.child_frame_id = "uwb_back_left" stf.transform.translation.x = r_tag_points[0, 0] stf.transform.translation.y = r_tag_points[0, 1] stf2 = TransformStamped() stf2.header.stamp = stf2.transform.rotation.w = 1 stf2.header.frame_id = "base_link" stf2.child_frame_id = "uwb_front_right" stf2.transform.translation.x = r_tag_points[1, 0] stf2.transform.translation.y = r_tag_points[1, 1]
goalPoint = (-10000, -10000) goalChanged = False x = y = theta = None outImage = np.zeros((1, 1, 3), dtype=np.uint8) frame = None reprojMatrix = None transformMatrix = None started = False initFinished = False following = False newPath = False env = Environment(4.0) env.generatePath(goalPoint) pp = PurePursuit([(0.0, 0.0)], LOOKAHEAD, 0.5) lastReset = 0 def angleDiff(a, b): diff = abs(a - b) % math.pi if diff > math.pi: diff = 2.0 * math.pi - diff if (a - b >= 0 and a - b <= math.pi) or (a - b <= -math.pi and a - b >= -2.0 * math.pi): diff = 1 * diff else: diff = -1 * (math.pi - diff)
def test_find_closest_point( self): # only functions with 'test_'-prefix will be run! # Set up path pp = PurePursuit() pp.path = Path() pose0 = PoseStamped() pose0.pose.position.x = 0.0 pose0.pose.position.y = 0.0 pp.path.poses.append(pose0) pose1 = PoseStamped() pose1.pose.position.x = 1.0 pose1.pose.position.y = 0.0 pp.path.poses.append(pose1) pose2 = PoseStamped() pose2.pose.position.x = 2.0 pose2.pose.position.y = 1.0 pp.path.poses.append(pose2) # Set up test inputs x = [ np.array([-1., 0.]), np.array([0., 0.1]), np.array([0.5, 0.5]), np.array([0.9, -1.]), np.array([1.5, 0.5]), np.array([2., 0.5]), np.array([3., 3.]) ] #x = np.array([-1., 0., 0.5, 0.9, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0]) #y = np.array([ 0., 0.1, 0.5, -1., 0.5, 0.5, 3.0]) # Desired outputs pts_true = [ np.array([0., 0.]), np.array([0., 0.]), np.array([0.5, 0.]), np.array([0.9, 0.]), np.array([1.5, 0.5]), np.array([1.75, 0.75]), np.array([2., 1.]) ] dists_true = [1., 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 0., 0.25 * np.sqrt(2.), np.sqrt(5.)] segs_true = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1] # Ensure that calculated outputs match desired outputs err_msg_pt = "test point ({},{}) has the wrong closest point ({}, {}) instead of ({}, {})" err_msg_dist = "test point ({},{}) has the wrong distance ({} instead of {})" err_msg_seg = "test point ({},{}) has the wrong segment ({} instead of {})" for i in range(0, len(x)): (pt, dist, seg) = pp.find_closest_point(x[i]) self.assertTrue( np.linalg.norm(pt - pts_true[i]) < 1e-6, err_msg_pt.format(x[i][0], x[i][1], pt[0], pt[1], pts_true[i][0], pts_true[i][1])) self.assertTrue( np.abs(dist - dists_true[i]) < 1e-6, err_msg_dist.format(x[i][0], x[i][1], dist, dists_true[i])) self.assertEqual( seg, segs_true[i], err_msg_seg.format(x[i][0], x[i][1], seg, segs_true[i]))
import math import numpy as np from environment import Environment, Spline from pure_pursuit import PurePursuit from obstacleDetector import getObstaclePositions from imgUtils import overlayImages x = y = theta = None cte = None env = Environment(3.0) #path = [(x, 0.0) for x in np.linspace(-10, 10, 200)] #env.waypoints = [(-10, 0), (10, 0)] #env.splinePoints = path # TODO remove env.generatePath((-18.0, -6.0)) pp = PurePursuit([(0.0, 0.0)], 2.5, 0.5) def updateRobotPos(): global cte, x, y, theta, env frame = cv2.imread("ObstacleNN/TrainingData1/image183.png") print("Setting up...") setupImgs = [] for i in range(15): setupImgs.append(frame) time.sleep(0.1) transformMatrix, reprojMatrix = setup(setupImgs)
def __init__(self): self.node_name = rospy.get_name() self.state = "normal" self.station_keeping_dis = 1 self.is_station_keeping = False self.start_navigation = False self.over_bridge_count = 4 self.stop_pos = [] self.goals = [] self.full_goals = [] self.get_path = False self.final_goal = None # The final goal that you want to arrive self.goal = self.final_goal self.robot_position = None self.cycle = rospy.get_param("~cycle", True) self.gazebo = rospy.get_param("~gazebo", False) self.lookahead = rospy.get_param("~lookahead", 2.2) rospy.loginfo("LookAhead: " + str(self.lookahead)) self.over_bridge_counter = 0 self.satellite_list = [] self.satellite_thres = 15 self.imu_angle = 0 self.angle_thres = 0.85 self.pre_pose = [] self.bridge_mode = False self.stop_list = [] self.stop_start_timer = rospy.get_time() self.stop_end_timer = rospy.get_time() self.satellite_avg = 0 self.satellite_curr = 0 self.log_string = "" rospy.loginfo("[%s] Initializing " % (self.node_name)) # self.pub_lookahead = rospy.Publisher("lookahead_point", Marker, queue_size = 1) self.pub_robot_goal = rospy.Publisher("robot_goal", RobotGoal, queue_size=1) self.pub_fake_goal = rospy.Publisher("fake_goal", Marker, queue_size=1) self.pub_log_str = rospy.Publisher("log_str", String, queue_size=1) self.path_srv = rospy.Service("set_path", SetRobotPath, self.path_cb) self.reset_srv = rospy.Service("reset_goals", SetBool, self.reset_cb) # self.lookahead_srv = Server(lookaheadConfig, self.lookahead_cb, "LookAhead") self.purepursuit = PurePursuit() self.purepursuit.set_lookahead(self.lookahead) rospy.Subscriber("odometry", Odometry, self.odom_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24) rospy.Subscriber("/mavros/global_position/raw/satellites", UInt32, self.satellite_cb, queue_size=1, buff_size=2**24)
import time from final_base import start, end, tankDrive, turn, forward, getFloor, getProximity, stop, beepSync, setMusicNote, updateImage, updateImage2 import math import numpy as np from environment import Environment, Spline from pure_pursuit import PurePursuit x = y = theta = None cte = None env = Environment() #path = [(x, 0.0) for x in np.linspace(-10, 10, 200)] #env.waypoints = [(-10, 0), (10, 0)] #env.splinePoints = path # TODO remove env.generatePath(None) pp = PurePursuit(env.splinePoints, 2.5, 0.5) def updateRobotPos(): global cte, x, y, theta, env cap = WebcamVideoStream(src=int(sys.argv[1])) cap.start() print("Setting up...") setupImgs = [] for i in range(15): frame = setupImgs.append(frame) time.sleep(0.1)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import rospy import numpy as np from segway.msg import BaseCommand,Odometry,Path from pure_pursuit import PurePursuit from math import copysign from util import RunningAverage,clip pp=PurePursuit(.18,.18,.03)#.1588 is wheel separation def pathCB(msg): global pp pp.updatePath(msg) rospy.init_node("waypoint_following") rospy.Subscriber("waypoints",Path,pathCB,queue_size=1) def odomCB(msg): global pp pp.updateOdom(msg) rospy.Subscriber('odometry',Odometry,odomCB,queue_size=1) cmdpub=rospy.Publisher('target_vel',BaseCommand,queue_size=1) rate=rospy.Rate(30) stopped=False while not rospy.is_shutdown(): rate.sleep() v,w=pp.getControl(.3) c=BaseCommand() c.header.stamp=rospy.get_rostime() c.velocity=v,-3,3) if not stopped: cmdpub.publish(c)