def search(self): vendor_id = self.request.POST.get('vendor_id') from_dt = self.request.POST.get('from_dt', util.str_today()) to_dt = self.request.POST.get('to_dt', util.str_today()) return { 'vendor_id' : vendor_id, 'from_dt' : from_dt, 'to_dt' : to_dt, 'purchases' :, vendor_id, from_dt, to_dt), 'vendors' : util.select_list(Vendor.find_all(self.enterprise_id), 'vendor_id', 'name') }
def test_util(self): d8e = util.today_date() dtime = assert util.format_rss_date(d8e) == d8e.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S EST") assert util.words_date(dtime) == dtime.strftime("%B %d, %Y") assert util.is_empty(" ") == True assert util.float_("8") == None assert util.page_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 2, 2) == [3, 4] assert util.page_list([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], None, None) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] assert util.parse_date("2012-05-06") == datetime.datetime.strptime("2012-05-06", "%Y-%m-%d") today_ = assert [today_.year + 10, today_.year + 10] in util.year_list() assert util.month_list()[0] == ["1", "January"] assert util.this_year() == assert util.get_first_day(today_) == util.get_first_day( today_ ) # this is pretty dumb. it works, just get it covered. assert util.get_last_day(today_) == util.get_last_day(today_) assert util.to_uuid("ken") == None assert int(util.average([1, 2, 3])) == 2 assert util.format_date(util.truncate_datetime(dtime)) == util.str_today() assert util.is_today(d8e) == True
def test_dates(self): d8e = util.today_date() dtime = assert h.is_today(d8e) assert h.str_today() == util.str_today() assert h.date_time(None) == '' assert h.date_time(d8e) == d8e.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") assert h.date_(None) == '' assert h.date_(d8e) == d8e.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") assert h.format_date(None) == '' assert h.format_date(d8e) == d8e.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") assert h.words_date_time(None) == '' assert h.words_date_time(dtime) == dtime.strftime("%B %d, %Y at %I:%M %p") assert h.slash_date(None) == '' assert h.slash_date(dtime) == dtime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") assert h.words_date(None) == '' assert h.words_date(dtime) == dtime.strftime("%B %d, %Y") assert h.this_year() == self.assertEqual('checkbox' in h.chkbox('fud'), True) dobj = TestObj() assert h.get(dobj, 'a') == 'aa' assert h.get(dobj, 'bogus') == ''
def str_today(): return util.str_today()
def is_today(dat): return util.format_date(dat) == util.str_today()
def add_item(self, product, campaign, quantity=1, base_price=None, start_dt=None, attributes={}, note=None): #pylint: disable-msg=R0913,W0102 """ KB: [2013-02-24]: attribute_ids == {'123abc...' : 3, ...} where 3 is the quantity """ if not base_price: base_price = product.get_price(campaign) base_price = float(base_price) unit_price = base_price quantity = float(quantity) discount_price = product.get_discount_price(campaign) if discount_price is not None and round(discount_price, 2) < round(unit_price, 2): unit_price = discount_price self.items.append({'product': product, 'quantity': quantity, 'campaign_id': campaign.campaign_id, 'attributes': attributes, 'dt':, 'base_price':base_price, 'unit_price':unit_price, 'note' : note, 'discount_amount':(base_price-unit_price)*quantity, 'regular_price':round(base_price*quantity, 2), 'price': round(unit_price*quantity, 2), 'start_dt':util.parse_date_as_date(util.nvl(str(start_dt), util.str_today())), 'handling':(product.handling_price if product.handling_price else 0)*quantity, 'weight':(product.weight if product.weight else 0) * quantity}) self.shipping_options = None self.shipping_selection = None
def results_export(self): report_id = self.request.matchdict.get('report_id') rep = Report.load(report_id) enterprise_id = self.enterprise_id sidx = self.request.GET.get('sidx') # get index row - i.e. user click to sort sord = self.request.GET.get('sord') # get the direction rpt_start_dt = self.request.GET.get('rpt_start_dt') if self.request.GET.get('rpt_start_dt') else util.str_today() rpt_end_dt = self.request.GET.get('rpt_end_dt') if self.request.GET.get('rpt_end_dt') else util.str_today() rpt_campaign_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_campaign_id') if 'rpt_campaign_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_company_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_company_id') if 'rpt_company_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_user_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_user_id') if 'rpt_user_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_product_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_product_id') if 'rpt_product_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_vendor_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_vendor_id') if 'rpt_vendor_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_p0 = self.request.GET.get('rpt_p0') if 'rpt_p0' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_p1 = self.request.GET.get('rpt_p1') if 'rpt_p1' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_p2 = self.request.GET.get('rpt_p2') if 'rpt_p2' in self.request.GET else '' sql = rep.sql.format(enterprise_id=enterprise_id, vendor_id=self.request.ctx.user.vendor_id, rpt_start_dt=rpt_start_dt, rpt_end_dt=rpt_end_dt, rpt_campaign_id=rpt_campaign_id, rpt_company_id=rpt_company_id, rpt_user_id=rpt_user_id, rpt_product_id=rpt_product_id, rpt_vendor_id=rpt_vendor_id, rpt_p0=rpt_p0, rpt_p1=rpt_p1, rpt_p2=rpt_p2) results = db.get_list(sql + (' ORDER BY %s %s ' % (sidx, sord) if sidx else '')) self.request.response.content_type = 'application/' self.request.response.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename="report.xls"' columns = [] if rep.column_names: jstr = '[{"columns" : %s}]' % rep.column_names.replace("'", '"') columns = json.loads(jstr) columns = columns[0]['columns'] return { 'rows' : results, 'columns' : columns }
def results(self): report_id = self.request.matchdict.get('report_id') rep = Report.load(report_id) page = self.request.GET.get('page', 1) limit = self.request.GET.get('rows', 100) # get how many rows we want to have into the grid sidx = self.request.GET.get('sidx', None) # get index row - i.e. user click to sort sord = self.request.GET.get('sord', 'asc') # get the direction rpt_start_dt = self.request.GET.get('rpt_start_dt') if self.request.GET.get('rpt_start_dt') else util.str_today() rpt_end_dt = self.request.GET.get('rpt_end_dt') if self.request.GET.get('rpt_end_dt') else util.str_today() rpt_campaign_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_campaign_id') if 'rpt_campaign_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_company_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_company_id') if 'rpt_company_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_user_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_user_id') if 'rpt_user_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_product_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_product_id') if 'rpt_product_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_vendor_id = self.request.GET.get('rpt_vendor_id') if 'rpt_vendor_id' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_p0 = self.request.GET.get('rpt_p0') if 'rpt_p0' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_p1 = self.request.GET.get('rpt_p1') if 'rpt_p1' in self.request.GET else '' rpt_p2 = self.request.GET.get('rpt_p2') if 'rpt_p2' in self.request.GET else '' sql = rep.sql.format(enterprise_id=self.enterprise_id, vendor_id=self.request.ctx.user.vendor_id, rpt_start_dt=rpt_start_dt, rpt_end_dt=rpt_end_dt, rpt_campaign_id=rpt_campaign_id, rpt_company_id=rpt_company_id, rpt_user_id=rpt_user_id, rpt_product_id=rpt_product_id, rpt_vendor_id=rpt_vendor_id, rpt_p0=rpt_p0, rpt_p1=rpt_p1, rpt_p2=rpt_p2) count = db.get_value('select count(0) from (%s) x' % sql) total_pages = 0 if count > 0: total_pages = math.ceil(int(count)/int(limit)) total_pages = total_pages if total_pages > 1 else 1 page = min(page, total_pages) start = max(int(limit)*int(page)-int(limit), 0) # // do not put $limit*($page - 1) limit = util.nvl(limit, 'all') results = db.get_list(sql + (' ORDER BY %s %s ' % (sidx, sord) if sidx else '') + ' LIMIT {limit} offset {start}'.format(limit=limit, start=start)) response = { 'page': page, 'total': int(total_pages), 'records': int(count)} rows = [] for res_row in results: rows.append({'id': str(res_row[0]), 'cell': list([unicode(util.nvl(i)) for i in res_row])}) response['rows'] = rows return json.dumps(response)
def _create_subscription(self, prod, order_item, customer, billing): try: xml = render('/crm/billing/authnet_arb_create_subscription.xml.mako', {'auth_login' : self.authnet_login_id, 'auth_key' : self.authnet_transaction_key, 'amount' :, 'card_number' : billing.get_cc_num(), 'exp_date' : billing.cc_exp, 'start_date' : util.format_date(order_item.start_dt) if order_item.start_dt else util.str_today(), 'total_occurrences' : 9999, 'interval_length' : 1, 'interval_unit' : 'months', 'sub_name' : '', 'first_name' : customer.fname, 'last_name' : customer.lname }) headers = {'content-type': 'text/xml'} conn = urllib2.Request(url=self._arb_url, data=xml, headers=headers) try: open_conn = urllib2.urlopen(conn) xml_response = except urllib2.URLError: #pragma: no cover return (5, '1', 'Could not talk to payment gateway.') response = util.xml_str_to_dict(xml_response)['ARBCreateSubscriptionResponse'] if response['messages']['resultCode'].lower() != 'ok': message = response['messages']['message'] message = message[0] if type(message) == list else message self.last_status = message['code'] self.last_note = message['text'] return False order_item.third_party_id = response['subscriptionId'] return True except Exception as exc2: #pragma: no cover self.last_status = -1 self.last_note = exc2.message return False #pragma: no cover