def test_script(): """Test markdown reader""" doc = pweave.Pweb("tests/publish/publish_test.txt", doctype="pandoc", informat="script") doc.tangle() assertSameContent("tests/publish/", "tests/publish/")
def setUp(self): self.doc = pweave.Pweb("tests/formats/formatters_test.pmd") #pickle.dump(doc.executed, open("formats/formatters_test.pkl", "wb")) e = pickle.load(open("tests/formats/formatters_test.pkl", "rb")) self.doc.executed = e self.out_base = "tests/formats/formatters_test.%s" self.ref_base = "tests/formats/formatters_test_REF.%s"
def publish_to_markdown(python_file: str, output_file: str): doc = pweave.Pweb(python_file, kernel="python3", doctype="markdown", output=output_file) doc.theme = "skeleton" # The default option is skeleton , other options are pweave (the old theme), bootstrap , cerulean and journal. All look the same for me. doc.format() doc.formatted += f"\n---\nMarkdown generated automatically from [{python_file}]({python_file}) using [Pweave]( {pweave.__version__} on {}.\n" doc.write()
def weave(): r""" This provides a callable script that mimics the `Pweave` command but uses our specially purposed Pandoc formatter and cache retry wrapper. TODO: Much of this isn't needed anymore, so refactor. Especially since the retry stuff should just be in a `Pweave.Processor`. Could we use `os.execvp('Pweave', ['Pweave'] + opts)`? """ if len(sys.argv) == 1: print("Enter PynowebWeave -h for help") sys.exit() parser = OptionParser(usage="PynowebWeave [options] sourcefile") parser.add_option("-d", "--documentation-mode", dest="docmode", action="store_true", default=False, help=("Use documentation mode, chunk code and results" " will be loaded from cache and inline code will" " be hidden")) parser.add_option("-c", "--cache-results", dest="cache", action="store_true", default=False, help="Cache results to disk for documentation mode") parser.add_option("-F", "--figure-directory", dest="figdir", default='figures', help=("Directory path for matplolib graphics: " "Default 'figures'")) parser.add_option("-o", "--output-file", dest="output", default=None, help="Path and filename for output file") parser.add_option("-k", "--kernel", dest="kernel", default="python3", help="Jupyter kernel in which to process code") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() try: infile = args[0] except IndexError: infile = "" opts_dict = vars(options) # set some global options rcParams['figdir'] = opts_dict.pop('figdir', None) rcParams['storeresults'] = opts_dict.pop('cache', None) rcParams["chunk"]["defaultoptions"].update({'wrap': False}) weave_kernel = opts_dict.pop('kernel') # pweb_formatter = PwebMintedPandoc(infile, # format="tex", # shell=shell_opt, # figdir=rcParams['figdir'], # output=opts_dict.pop('output', None), # docmode=opts_dict.pop('docmode', None)) out_file = opts_dict.pop('output', None) out_dir, out_filename = os.path.split(out_file) _, out_filename_ext = os.path.splitext(out_filename) weaver = pweave.Pweb( infile, doctype=out_filename_ext[1:], kernel=weave_kernel, # XXX: Pydoc is super confusing; this # should be the output dir and filename. output=out_file, figdir=rcParams['figdir'], kernel_args={'embed_kernel': False}) weaver.documentationmode = opts_dict.pop('docmode', None) weaver.setformat(Formatter=PwebMintedPandocFormatter) # if weave_format_opts is not None: # weaver.updateformat(weave_format_opts) weave_retry_cache(weaver)
#!/usr/bin/python3 # Marek's output hooks hacks import sys import pweave if len(sys.argv) != 3: print("call: script infile outfile") sys.exit() doc = pweave.Pweb(sys.argv[1], informat=None, doctype="sphinx", kernel="python3", output=sys.argv[2], figdir="figures", mimetype=None) doc.documentationmode = False pweave.rcParams["usematplotlib"] = True pweave.rcParams["cachedir"] = "cache" pweave.rcParams["storeresults"] = False class PwebSphinxFormatter2(pweave.PwebSphinxFormatter): def initformat(self): pweave.PwebSphinxFormatter.initformat(self) self.formatdict["indent"] = ' ## '
def nvim_weave_file(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Weaves the current buffer with Pweave. The weaving process relies on a few vim variables: * `noweb_weave_language`: name of the Jupyter language kernel for the code in the document's code chunks (e.g. 'python3'). * `noweb_weave_backend`: name of the typesetting language in which the code is embedded. In other words, the file format of the weaving's output. * `noweb_format_opts`: Pweave formatter dictionary. See * `noweb_weave_docmode`: Set Pweave's docmode option. * `noweb_backend_src_dir`: Location/destination for the resulting backend source file. * `noweb_figures_dir`: Destination for resulting figures. * `noweb_weave_formatter`: Name of the Pweave output format. See If you would like to add new Pweave formats or change default Pweave values, make these changes via the standard Pweave route (e.g. using Vim's Python capabilities (e.g. `:python ...`) *after* this plugin has loaded. """ currbuf = self.nvim.current.buffer weave_format_opts = self._get_any_var('noweb_format_opts', {'width': r'\linewidth'}) weave_kernel = self._get_any_var('noweb_weave_language', None) if weave_kernel is None: weave_kernel = self._get_any_var('noweb_language', None) file_out_ext = self._get_any_var('noweb_weave_backend', None) if file_out_ext is None: file_out_ext = self._get_any_var('noweb_backend', None) weave_docmode = self._get_any_var('noweb_weave_docmode', True) backend_src_dir = self._get_any_var('noweb_backend_src_dir', './') figures_dir = self._get_any_var('noweb_figures_dir', './') # TODO: Could also use `g:vimtex_latexmk_build_dir`. # build_dir = self._get_any_var('latex_build_dir', './') project_dir, input_file = os.path.split( input_file_base, input_file_ext = os.path.splitext(input_file) output_filename = input_file_base + os.path.extsep + file_out_ext output_file = os.path.join(backend_src_dir, output_filename) pweave.rcParams['figdir'] = figures_dir pweave.rcParams['storeresults'] = weave_docmode # E.g. 'texmintedpandoc' # TODO: Enable some means of importing formatters. weave_formatter = self._get_any_var('noweb_weave_formatter') formats_mod = pweave.formatters.PwebFormats formatter_cls = formats_mod.formats.get(weave_formatter, None) if formatter_cls is None: self.nvim.out_write( ("Couldn't find weave formatter {}; " "guessing from extension\n").format(weave_formatter)) weave_formatter = formats_mod.guessFromExtension(file_out_ext) formatter_cls = formats_mod.formats.get(weave_formatter) weaver = pweave.Pweb(input_file, doctype=file_out_ext, kernel=weave_kernel, output=output_file, figdir=figures_dir) weaver.documentationmode = weave_docmode weaver.setformat(Formatter=formatter_cls['class']) if weave_format_opts is not None: weaver.updateformat(weave_format_opts) try: # XXX: If we let Pweave output as it likes, apparently Neovim's RPC # gets too upset. with capture() as out: # weaver.weave() weaver.format() weaver.write() except Exception as e: for line in traceback.format_exc().splitlines(): self.nvim.err_write("{}\n".format(line)) # FYI: Gotta add those newlines; otherwise, Neovim won't flush the # message. self.nvim.out_write("{}\n".format(out[0])) self.nvim.err_write("{}\n".format(out[1]))