Пример #1
        if hard_stop is not None and address == hard_stop:

            address = int(
                pwndbg.memory.poi(pwndbg.typeinfo.ppvoid, address + offset))
            address &= pwndbg.arch.ptrmask
        except gdb.MemoryError:

    return result

config_arrow_left = theme.Parameter('chain-arrow-left', '◂—',
                                    'left arrow of chain formatting')
config_arrow_right = theme.Parameter('chain-arrow-right', '—▸',
                                     'right arrow of chain formatting')
config_contiguous = theme.Parameter('chain-contiguous-marker', '...',
                                    'contiguous marker of chain formatting')

def format(value,
    Recursively dereferences an address into string representation, or convert the list representation
    of address dereferences into string representation.
Пример #2
import fcntl
import os
import struct
import sys
import termios

import pwndbg.arch
import pwndbg.color.context as C
from pwndbg import config
from pwndbg.color import ljust_colored
from pwndbg.color import message
from pwndbg.color import rjust_colored
from pwndbg.color import strip
from pwndbg.color import theme

theme.Parameter('banner-separator', '─', 'repeated banner separator character')
theme.Parameter('banner-title-surrounding-left', '[ ',
                'banner title surrounding char (left side)')
theme.Parameter('banner-title-surrounding-right', ' ]',
                'banner title surrounding char (right side)')
title_position = theme.Parameter('banner-title-position', 'center',
                                 'banner title position')

def check_title_position():
    valid_values = ['center', 'left', 'right']
    if title_position not in valid_values:
            message.warn('Invalid title position: %s, must be one of: %s' %
                         (title_position, ', '.join(valid_values))))
Пример #3
import pwndbg.color.theme as theme
import pwndbg.config as config
from pwndbg.color import generateColorFunction

config_prefix_color             = theme.ColoredParameter('code-prefix-color', 'none', "color for 'context code' command (prefix marker)")
config_highlight_color          = theme.ColoredParameter('highlight-color', 'green,bold', 'color added to highlights like source/pc')
config_register_color           = theme.ColoredParameter('context-register-color', 'bold', 'color for registers label')
config_flag_value_color         = theme.ColoredParameter('context-flag-value-color', 'none', 'color for flags register (register value)')
config_flag_bracket_color       = theme.ColoredParameter('context-flag-bracket-color', 'none', 'color for flags register (bracket)')
config_flag_set_color           = theme.ColoredParameter('context-flag-set-color', 'green,bold', 'color for flags register (flag set)')
config_flag_unset_color         = theme.ColoredParameter('context-flag-unset-color', 'red', 'color for flags register (flag unset)')
config_flag_changed_color       = theme.ColoredParameter('context-flag-changed-color', 'underline', 'color for flags register (flag changed)')
config_banner_color             = theme.ColoredParameter('banner-color', 'blue', 'color for banner line')
config_banner_title             = theme.ColoredParameter('banner-title-color', 'none', 'color for banner title')
config_register_changed_color   = theme.ColoredParameter('context-register-changed-color', 'normal', 'color for registers label (change marker)')
config_register_changed_marker  = theme.Parameter('context-register-changed-marker', '*', 'change marker for registers label')
config_comment                  = theme.ColoredParameter('comment-color', 'gray', 'color for comment')

def prefix(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.code_prefix_color)(x)

def highlight(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.highlight_color)(x)

def register(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.context_register_color)(x)

def register_changed(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.context_register_changed_color)(x)

def flag_bracket(x):
Пример #4
telescope_lines = pwndbg.config.Parameter(
    "telescope-lines", 8,
    "number of lines to printed by the telescope command")
skip_repeating_values = pwndbg.config.Parameter(
    "whether to skip repeating values of the telescope command",
skip_repeating_values_minimum = pwndbg.config.Parameter(
    "minimum amount of repeated values before skipping lines",

offset_separator = theme.Parameter(
    "telescope-offset-separator", "│",
    "offset separator of the telescope command")
offset_delimiter = theme.Parameter(
    "telescope-offset-delimiter", ":",
    "offset delimiter of the telescope command")
repeating_marker = theme.Parameter(
    "telescope-repeating-marker", "... ↓",
    "repeating values marker of the telescope command")

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""
    Recursively dereferences pointers starting at the specified address
    ($sp by default)
Пример #5
def context_disasm():
    banner = [pwndbg.ui.banner("DISASM" + pwndbg.arch.mode)]
    emulate = bool(pwndbg.config.emulate)
    result = pwndbg.commands.nearpc.nearpc(to_string=True,
                                           lines=code_lines // 2)

    # If we didn't disassemble backward, try to make sure
    # that the amount of screen space taken is roughly constant.
    while len(result) < code_lines + 1:

    return banner + result

theme.Parameter('highlight-source', True,
                'whether to highlight the closest source line')

def context_code():
        symtab = gdb.selected_frame().find_sal().symtab
        linetable = symtab.linetable()

        closest_pc = -1
        closest_line = -1
        for line in linetable:
            if line.pc <= pwndbg.regs.pc and line.pc > closest_pc:
                closest_line = line.line
                closest_pc = line.pc

        if closest_line < 0:
Пример #6
    banner = [pwndbg.ui.banner("disasm", target=target, width=width)]
    emulate = bool(pwndbg.config.emulate)
    result = pwndbg.commands.nearpc.nearpc(to_string=True,
                                           lines=code_lines // 2)

    # If we didn't disassemble backward, try to make sure
    # that the amount of screen space taken is roughly constant.
    while len(result) < code_lines + 1:

    return banner + result if with_banner else result

theme.Parameter('highlight-source', True,
                'whether to highlight the closest source line')
source_code_lines = pwndbg.config.Parameter(
    'context-source-code-lines', 10,
    'number of source code lines to print by the context command')
theme.Parameter('code-prefix', '►', "prefix marker for 'context code' command")

def get_highlight_source(filename):
    # Notice that the code is cached
    with open(filename, encoding='utf-8') as f:
        source = f.read()

    if pwndbg.config.syntax_highlight:
        source = H.syntax_highlight(source, filename)
Пример #7
import pwndbg.config

color_scheme = None
printable = None

def groupby(array, count, fill=None):
    array = copy.copy(array)
    while fill and len(array) % count:
    for i in range(0, len(array), count):
        yield array[i:i + count]

config_colorize_ascii = theme.Parameter(
    'hexdump-colorize-ascii', True,
    'whether to colorize the hexdump command ascii section')
config_separator = theme.Parameter(
    'hexdump-ascii-block-separator', '│',
    'block separator char of the hexdump command')
config_byte_separator = theme.Parameter(
    'hexdump-byte-separator', ' ',
    'separator of single bytes in hexdump (does NOT affect group separator)')

    H.config_normal, H.config_zero, H.config_special, H.config_printable,
def load_color_scheme():
    global color_scheme, printable
Пример #8
config_zero = theme.ColoredParameter("hexdump-zero-color", "red",
                                     "color for hexdump command (zero bytes)")
config_special = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "hexdump-special-color", "yellow",
    "color for hexdump command (special bytes)")
config_offset = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "hexdump-offset-color", "none", "color for hexdump command (offset label)")
config_address = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "hexdump-address-color", "none",
    "color for hexdump command (address label)")
config_separator = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "hexdump-separator-color", "none",
    "color for hexdump command (group separator)")
config_highlight_group_lsb = theme.Parameter(
    "highlight LSB of each group. Applies only if hexdump-adjust-group-endianess"
    " actually changes byte order.",

def normal(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.hexdump_normal_color)(x)

def printable(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.hexdump_printable_color)(x)

def zero(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.hexdump_zero_color)(x)
Пример #9
import pwndbg.color.hexdump as H
import pwndbg.color.theme as theme
import pwndbg.config

color_scheme = None
printable = None

def groupby(array, count, fill=None):
    array = copy.copy(array)
    while fill and len(array) % count:
    for i in range(0, len(array), count):
        yield array[i:i+count]

config_colorize_ascii = theme.Parameter('hexdump-colorize-ascii', True, 'whether to colorize the hexdump command ascii section')
config_separator      = theme.Parameter('hexdump-ascii-block-separator', u'│', 'block separator char of the hexdump command')

@pwndbg.config.Trigger([H.config_normal, H.config_zero, H.config_special, H.config_printable, config_colorize_ascii])
def load_color_scheme():
    global color_scheme, printable
    # We want to colorize the hex characters and only print out
    # printable values on the righ hand side.
    color_scheme = {i:H.normal("%02x" % i) for i in range(256)}
    printable = {i:H.normal('.') for i in range(256)}

    for c in bytearray((string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation).encode('utf-8', 'ignore')):
        color_scheme[c] = H.printable("%02x" % c)
        printable[c] = H.printable("%s" % chr(c)) if pwndbg.config.hexdump_colorize_ascii else "%s" % chr(c)
Пример #10
    "context-flag-set-color", "green,bold",
    "color for flags register (flag set)")
config_flag_unset_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "context-flag-unset-color", "red", "color for flags register (flag unset)")
config_flag_changed_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "context-flag-changed-color", "underline",
    "color for flags register (flag changed)")
config_banner_color = theme.ColoredParameter("banner-color", "blue",
                                             "color for banner line")
config_banner_title = theme.ColoredParameter("banner-title-color", "none",
                                             "color for banner title")
config_register_changed_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "context-register-changed-color", "normal",
    "color for registers label (change marker)")
config_register_changed_marker = theme.Parameter(
    "context-register-changed-marker", "*",
    "change marker for registers label")
config_comment = theme.ColoredParameter("comment-color", "gray",
                                        "color for comment")

def prefix(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.code_prefix_color)(x)

def highlight(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.highlight_color)(x)

def register(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.context_register_color)(x)
Пример #11
from pwndbg.color import message
from pwndbg.color import theme

    import pygments
    import pygments.formatters
    import pygments.lexers

    from pwndbg.color.lexer import PwntoolsLexer
except ImportError:
    pygments = None

pwndbg.config.Parameter("syntax-highlight", True, "Source code / assembly syntax highlight")
style = theme.Parameter(
    "Source code / assembly syntax highlight stylename of pygments module",

formatter = pygments.formatters.Terminal256Formatter(style=str(style))
pwntools_lexer = PwntoolsLexer()
lexer_cache = {}

def check_style():
    global formatter
        formatter = pygments.formatters.Terminal256Formatter(style=str(style))

        # Reset the highlighted source cache
Пример #12
    'color for hexdump command (printable characters)')
config_zero = theme.ColoredParameter('hexdump-zero-color', 'red',
                                     'color for hexdump command (zero bytes)')
config_special = theme.ColoredParameter(
    'hexdump-special-color', 'yellow',
    'color for hexdump command (special bytes)')
config_offset = theme.ColoredParameter(
    'hexdump-offset-color', 'none', 'color for hexdump command (offset label)')
config_address = theme.ColoredParameter(
    'hexdump-address-color', 'none',
    'color for hexdump command (address label)')
config_separator = theme.ColoredParameter(
    'hexdump-separator-color', 'none',
    'color for hexdump command (group separator)')
config_highlight_group_lsb = theme.Parameter(
    'hexdump-highlight-group-lsb', 'underline',
    'highlight LSB of each group. Applies only if hexdump-adjust-group-endianess'
    ' actually changes byte order.')

def normal(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.hexdump_normal_color)(x)

def printable(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.hexdump_printable_color)(x)

def zero(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.hexdump_zero_color)(x)

Пример #13
import fcntl
import os
import struct
import sys
import termios

import pwndbg.arch
import pwndbg.color.context as C
from pwndbg import config
from pwndbg.color import ljust_colored
from pwndbg.color import message
from pwndbg.color import rjust_colored
from pwndbg.color import strip
from pwndbg.color import theme

theme.Parameter("banner-separator", "─", "repeated banner separator character")
theme.Parameter("banner-title-surrounding-left", "[ ", "banner title surrounding char (left side)")
    "banner-title-surrounding-right", " ]", "banner title surrounding char (right side)"
title_position = theme.Parameter("banner-title-position", "center", "banner title position")

def check_title_position():
    valid_values = ["center", "left", "right"]
    if title_position not in valid_values:
                "Invalid title position: %s, must be one of: %s"
                % (title_position, ", ".join(valid_values))
Пример #14
import pwndbg.color.theme as theme
import pwndbg.config as config
from pwndbg.color import generateColorFunction

config_prefix = theme.Parameter("backtrace-prefix", "►",
                                "prefix for current backtrace label")
config_prefix_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "backtrace-prefix-color", "none",
    "color for prefix of current backtrace label")
config_address_color = theme.ColoredParameter("backtrace-address-color",
                                              "color for backtrace (address)")
config_symbol_color = theme.ColoredParameter("backtrace-symbol-color", "none",
                                             "color for backtrace (symbol)")
config_label_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    "backtrace-frame-label-color", "none", "color for backtrace (frame label)")

def prefix(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.backtrace_prefix_color)(x)

def address(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.backtrace_address_color)(x)

def symbol(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.backtrace_symbol_color)(x)

def frame_label(x):
Пример #15
import pwndbg.arch
import pwndbg.chain
import pwndbg.color.telescope as T
import pwndbg.color.theme as theme
import pwndbg.commands
import pwndbg.config
import pwndbg.memory
import pwndbg.regs
import pwndbg.typeinfo

telescope_lines = pwndbg.config.Parameter(
    'telescope-lines', 8,
    'number of lines to printed by the telescope command')
offset_separator = theme.Parameter(
    'telescope-offset-separator', u'│',
    'offset separator of the telescope command')
offset_delimiter = theme.Parameter(
    'telescope-offset-delimiter', ':',
    'offset delimiter of the telescope command')
repeating_maker = theme.Parameter(
    'telescope-repeating-marker', u'... ↓',
    'repeating values marker of the telescope command')

def telescope(address=None, count=telescope_lines, to_string=False):
    Recursively dereferences pointers starting at the specified address
    ($sp by default)
Пример #16
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import fcntl
import struct
import sys
import termios

import pwndbg.arch
import pwndbg.color.context as C
import pwndbg.color.theme as theme
import pwndbg.config as config

theme.Parameter('banner-separator', '─', 'repeated banner separator character')

def banner(title):
    title = title.upper()
        _height, width = struct.unpack(
            'hh', fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdin.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '1234'))
        width = 80
    width -= 2
    return C.banner(
        ("[{:%s^%ss}]" % (config.banner_separator, width)).format(title))

def addrsz(address):
Пример #17
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import pwndbg.color.theme as theme
import pwndbg.config as config
from pwndbg.color import generateColorFunction

config_prefix = theme.Parameter('backtrace-prefix', '►',
                                'prefix for current backtrace label')
config_prefix_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    'backtrace-prefix-color', 'none',
    'color for prefix of current backtrace label')
config_address_color = theme.ColoredParameter('backtrace-address-color',
                                              'color for backtrace (address)')
config_symbol_color = theme.ColoredParameter('backtrace-symbol-color', 'none',
                                             'color for backtrace (symbol)')
config_label_color = theme.ColoredParameter(
    'backtrace-frame-label-color', 'none', 'color for backtrace (frame label)')

def prefix(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.backtrace_prefix_color)(x)

def address(x):
    return generateColorFunction(config.backtrace_address_color)(x)
Пример #18
import pwndbg.config

color_scheme = None
printable = None

def groupby(array, count, fill=None):
    array = copy.copy(array)
    while fill and len(array) % count:
    for i in range(0, len(array), count):
        yield array[i:i + count]

config_colorize_ascii = theme.Parameter(
    "hexdump-colorize-ascii", True,
    "whether to colorize the hexdump command ascii section")
config_separator = theme.Parameter(
    "hexdump-ascii-block-separator", "│",
    "block separator char of the hexdump command")
config_byte_separator = theme.Parameter(
    " ",
    "separator of single bytes in hexdump (does NOT affect group separator)",

    H.config_normal, H.config_zero, H.config_special, H.config_printable,
from pwndbg.color import disable_colors
from pwndbg.color import message
from pwndbg.color import theme

    import pygments
    import pygments.lexers
    import pygments.formatters
    from pwndbg.color.lexer import PwntoolsLexer
except ImportError:
    pygments = None

pwndbg.config.Parameter('syntax-highlight', True,
                        'Source code / assembly syntax highlight')
style = theme.Parameter(
    'syntax-highlight-style', 'monokai',
    'Source code / assembly syntax highlight stylename of pygments module')

formatter = pygments.formatters.Terminal256Formatter(style=str(style))
pwntools_lexer = PwntoolsLexer()
lexer_cache = {}

def check_style():
    global formatter
        formatter = pygments.formatters.Terminal256Formatter(style=str(style))

        # Reset the highlighted source cache
        from pwndbg.commands.context import get_highlight_source
Пример #20
    banner = [pwndbg.ui.banner("disasm", target=target, width=width)]
    emulate = bool(pwndbg.config.emulate)
    result = pwndbg.commands.nearpc.nearpc(to_string=True,
                                           lines=code_lines // 2)

    # If we didn't disassemble backward, try to make sure
    # that the amount of screen space taken is roughly constant.
    while len(result) < code_lines + 1:

    return banner + result if with_banner else result

theme.Parameter("highlight-source", True,
                "whether to highlight the closest source line")
source_code_lines = pwndbg.config.Parameter(
    "context-source-code-lines", 10,
    "number of source code lines to print by the context command")
theme.Parameter("code-prefix", "►", "prefix marker for 'context code' command")

def get_highlight_source(filename):
    # Notice that the code is cached
    with open(filename, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as f:
        source = f.read()

    if pwndbg.config.syntax_highlight:
        source = H.syntax_highlight(source, filename)