Пример #1
def GetPrimLoadability(prim):
    """Return a tuple of (isLoadable, isLoaded) for 'prim', according to
    the following rules:
    A prim is loadable if it is active, and either of the following are true:
       * prim has a payload
       * prim is a model group
    The latter is useful because loading is recursive on a UsdStage, and it
    is convenient to be able to (e.g.) load everything loadable in a set.
    A prim 'isLoaded' only if there are no unloaded prims beneath it, i.e.
    it is stating whether the prim is "fully loaded".  This
    is a debatable definition, but seems useful for usdview's purposes."""
    if not (prim.IsActive() and (prim.IsGroup() or prim.HasPayload())):
        return (False, True)
    # XXX Note that we are potentially traversing the entire stage here.
    # If this becomes a performance issue, we can cast this query into C++,
    # cache results, etc.
    for p in Usd.TreeIterator(prim, Usd.PrimIsActive):
        if not p.IsLoaded():
            return (True, False)
    return (True, True)