def __init__(self, config, specs=None): self.config = config if specs is None: specs = self.config.getxspecs() self.roots = self.config.getrsyncdirs() self.gwmanager = GatewayManager(specs) self.nodes = [] self._nodesready = py.std.threading.Event()
def test_hostmanage_rsync_same_popen_twice(self, source, dest, eventrecorder): hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" % dest] * 2) hm.makegateways() source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello") hm.rsync(source) event = eventrecorder.popevent("gwmanage_rsyncstart") source2 = event.kwargs["source"] gws = event.kwargs["gateways"] assert source2 == source assert len(gws) == 1 assert hm.gateways[0] == gws[0] event = eventrecorder.popevent("gwmanage_rsyncfinish")
def test_popen_makegateway_events(self, _pytest): rec = _pytest.gethookrecorder(py.execnet._HookSpecs) hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2) hm.makegateways() call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gwmanage_newgateway") assert == "[1]" assert call.platinfo.executable == call.gateway._rinfo().executable call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gwmanage_newgateway") assert == "[2]" assert len(hm.gateways) == 2 hm.exit() assert not len(hm.gateways)
def test_hostmanage_rsync_same_popen_twice(self, mysetup, _pytest): source, dest = mysetup.source, mysetup.dest rec = _pytest.gethookrecorder(py.execnet._HookSpecs) hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" %dest] * 2) hm.makegateways() source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello") hm.rsync(source) call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gwmanage_rsyncstart") assert call.source == source assert len(call.gateways) == 1 assert hm.gateways[0] == call.gateways[0] call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gwmanage_rsyncfinish")
def test_popen_makegateway_events(self, eventrecorder): hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2) hm.makegateways() event = eventrecorder.popevent("gwmanage_newgateway") gw, platinfo = event.args[:2] assert == "[1]" platinfo.executable = gw._rinfo().executable event = eventrecorder.popevent("gwmanage_newgateway") gw, platinfo = event.args[:2] assert == "[2]" assert len(hm.gateways) == 2 hm.exit() assert not len(hm.gateways)
def test_popens_rsync(self, mysetup): source = mysetup.source hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2) hm.makegateways() assert len(hm.gateways) == 2 for gw in hm.gateways: gw.remote_exec = None l = [] hm.rsync(source, notify=lambda *args: l.append(args)) assert not l hm.exit() assert not len(hm.gateways)
def test_multi_chdir_popen(self, testdir): import os hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2) testdir.tmpdir.chdir() hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello") hm.makegateways() hm.multi_chdir("hello", inplacelocal=False) l = hm.multi_exec( "import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() assert len(l) == 2 curwd = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()) assert l == [curwd] * 2 hm.multi_chdir("hello") l = hm.multi_exec( "import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() assert len(l) == 2 assert l[0] == l[1] assert l[0].startswith(curwd) assert l[0].endswith("hello")
def test_rsync_popen_with_path(self, mysetup): source, dest = mysetup.source, mysetup.dest hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" % dest] * 1) hm.makegateways() source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello") l = [] hm.rsync(source, notify=lambda *args: l.append(args)) assert len(l) == 1 assert l[0] == ("rsyncrootready", hm.gateways[0].spec, source) hm.exit() dest = dest.join(source.basename) assert dest.join("dir1").check() assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2").check() assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2", 'hello').check()
def test_multi_chdir_popen(self, testdir): import os hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2) testdir.tmpdir.chdir() hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello") hm.makegateways() hm.multi_chdir("hello", inplacelocal=False) l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() assert len(l) == 2 curwd = os.path.realpath(os.getcwd()) assert l == [curwd] * 2 hm.multi_chdir("hello") l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() assert len(l) == 2 assert l[0] == l[1] assert l[0].startswith(curwd) assert l[0].endswith("hello")
def test_popens_rsync(self, source): hm = GatewayManager(["popen"] * 2) hm.makegateways() assert len(hm.gateways) == 2 for gw in hm.gateways: gw.remote_exec = None l = [] hm.rsync(source, notify=lambda *args: l.append(args)) assert not l hm.exit() assert not len(hm.gateways)
def test_rsync_popen_with_path(self, source, dest): hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" % dest] * 1) hm.makegateways() source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello") l = [] hm.rsync(source, notify=lambda *args: l.append(args)) assert len(l) == 1 assert l[0] == ("rsyncrootready", hm.gateways[0].spec, source) hm.exit() dest = dest.join(source.basename) assert dest.join("dir1").check() assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2").check() assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2", "hello").check()
def test_hostmanage_rsync_same_popen_twice(self, mysetup, _pytest): source, dest = mysetup.source, mysetup.dest rec = _pytest.gethookrecorder(py.execnet._HookSpecs) hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" % dest] * 2) hm.makegateways() source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello") hm.rsync(source) call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gwmanage_rsyncstart") assert call.source == source assert len(call.gateways) == 1 assert hm.gateways[0] == call.gateways[0] call = rec.popcall("pyexecnet_gwmanage_rsyncfinish")
def test_multi_chdir_popen_with_path(self, testdir): import os hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=hello"] * 2) testdir.tmpdir.chdir() hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello").realpath() hm.makegateways() l = hm.multi_exec( "import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() paths = [x[1] for x in l] assert l == [str(hellopath)] * 2 py.test.raises(hm.RemoteError, 'hm.multi_chdir("world", inplacelocal=False)') worldpath = hellopath.mkdir("world") hm.multi_chdir("world", inplacelocal=False) l = hm.multi_exec( "import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() assert len(l) == 2 assert l[0] == l[1] curwd = os.getcwd() assert l[0].startswith(curwd) assert l[0].endswith("world")
def test_multi_chdir_popen_with_path(self, testdir): import os hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=hello"] * 2) testdir.tmpdir.chdir() hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello").realpath() hm.makegateways() l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() paths = [x[1] for x in l] assert l == [str(hellopath)] * 2 py.test.raises(hm.RemoteError, 'hm.multi_chdir("world", inplacelocal=False)') worldpath = hellopath.mkdir("world") hm.multi_chdir("world", inplacelocal=False) l = hm.multi_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive_each() assert len(l) == 2 assert l[0] == l[1] curwd = os.getcwd() assert l[0].startswith(curwd) assert l[0].endswith("world")
def test_default_chdir(self): l = ["ssh=noco", "socket=xyz"] for spec in GatewayManager(l).specs: assert spec.chdir == "pyexecnetcache" for spec in GatewayManager(l, defaultchdir="abc").specs: assert spec.chdir == "abc"
class NodeManager(object): def __init__(self, config, specs=None): self.config = config if specs is None: specs = self.config.getxspecs() self.roots = self.config.getrsyncdirs() self.gwmanager = GatewayManager(specs) self.nodes = [] self._nodesready = py.std.threading.Event() def trace(self, msg): self.config.hook.pytest_trace(category="nodemanage", msg=msg) def config_getignores(self): return self.config.getconftest_pathlist("rsyncignore") def rsync_roots(self): """ make sure that all remote gateways have the same set of roots in their current directory. """ self.makegateways() options = {"ignores": self.config_getignores(), "verbose": self.config.option.verbose} if self.roots: # send each rsync root for root in self.roots: self.gwmanager.rsync(root, **options) else: XXX # do we want to care for situations without explicit rsyncdirs? # we transfer our topdir as the root self.gwmanager.rsync(self.config.topdir, **options) # and cd into it self.gwmanager.multi_chdir(self.config.topdir.basename, inplacelocal=False) def makegateways(self): # we change to the topdir sot that # PopenGateways will have their cwd # such that unpickling configs will # pick it up as the right topdir # (for other gateways this chdir is irrelevant) self.trace("making gateways") old = self.config.topdir.chdir() try: self.gwmanager.makegateways() finally: old.chdir() def setup_nodes(self, putevent): self.rsync_roots() self.trace("setting up nodes") for gateway in self.gwmanager.gateways: node = TXNode(gateway, self.config, putevent, slaveready=self._slaveready) gateway.node = node # to keep node alive self.trace("started node %r" % node) def _slaveready(self, node): # assert node.gateway == node.gateway # assert node.gateway.node == node self.nodes.append(node) self.trace("%s slave node ready %r" % (, node)) if len(self.nodes) == len(self.gwmanager.gateways): self._nodesready.set() def wait_nodesready(self, timeout=None): self._nodesready.wait(timeout) if not self._nodesready.isSet(): raise IOError("nodes did not get ready for %r secs" % timeout) def teardown_nodes(self): # XXX do teardown nodes? self.gwmanager.exit()
class NodeManager(object): def __init__(self, config, specs=None): self.config = config if specs is None: specs = self.config.getxspecs() self.roots = self.config.getrsyncdirs() self.gwmanager = GatewayManager(specs) self.nodes = [] self._nodesready = py.std.threading.Event() def trace(self, msg): self.config.hook.pytest_trace(category="nodemanage", msg=msg) def config_getignores(self): return self.config.getconftest_pathlist("rsyncignore") def rsync_roots(self): """ make sure that all remote gateways have the same set of roots in their current directory. """ self.makegateways() options = { 'ignores': self.config_getignores(), 'verbose': self.config.option.verbose, } if self.roots: # send each rsync root for root in self.roots: self.gwmanager.rsync(root, **options) else: XXX # do we want to care for situations without explicit rsyncdirs? # we transfer our topdir as the root self.gwmanager.rsync(self.config.topdir, **options) # and cd into it self.gwmanager.multi_chdir(self.config.topdir.basename, inplacelocal=False) def makegateways(self): # we change to the topdir sot that # PopenGateways will have their cwd # such that unpickling configs will # pick it up as the right topdir # (for other gateways this chdir is irrelevant) self.trace("making gateways") old = self.config.topdir.chdir() try: self.gwmanager.makegateways() finally: old.chdir() def setup_nodes(self, putevent): self.rsync_roots() self.trace("setting up nodes") for gateway in self.gwmanager.gateways: node = TXNode(gateway, self.config, putevent, slaveready=self._slaveready) gateway.node = node # to keep node alive self.trace("started node %r" % node) def _slaveready(self, node): #assert node.gateway == node.gateway #assert node.gateway.node == node self.nodes.append(node) self.trace("%s slave node ready %r" % (, node)) if len(self.nodes) == len(self.gwmanager.gateways): self._nodesready.set() def wait_nodesready(self, timeout=None): self._nodesready.wait(timeout) if not self._nodesready.isSet(): raise IOError("nodes did not get ready for %r secs" % timeout) def teardown_nodes(self): # XXX do teardown nodes? self.gwmanager.exit()
def test_popen_no_default_chdir(self): gm = GatewayManager(["popen"]) assert gm.specs[0].chdir is None