Пример #1
def fetchtl():
    """ Return the requested timeline and note the fetch. """
        tlid = dbacc.reqarg("tlid", "dbid")
        if tlid:
            tl = dbacc.cfbk("Timeline", "dsId", str(tlid), required=True)
            slug = dbacc.reqarg("slug", "string")
            if not slug:
                slug = "default"
            slug = slug.lower()  # in case someone camelcased the url.
            tl = dbacc.cfbk("Timeline", "slug", slug, required=True)
        tls = contained_timelines(tl)
        # Note the timeline was fetched for daily stats tracking
        det = {
            "referer": flask.request.headers.get("Referer", ""),
            "useragent": flask.request.headers.get("User-Agent", ""),
            "tlid": tl["dsId"],
            "tlname": tl["name"],
            "uid": dbacc.reqarg("uid", "dbid")
        dcd = {
            "dsType": "DayCount",
            "tstamp": dbacc.timestamp(),
            "rtype": "tlfetch",
            "detail": json.dumps(det)
    except ValueError as e:
        return util.serve_value_error(e)
    return util.respJSON(tls)
Пример #2
def set_point_srctls(tlid, ptidcsv):
    if ptidcsv:
        ptids = ptidcsv.split(",")
        for ptid in ptids:
            point = dbacc.cfbk("Point", "dsId", ptid)
            if point:
                point["srctl"] = tlid
                dbacc.write_entity(point, point["modified"])
Пример #3
def convert_refs():
    """ Walk the database for unconverted instances and convert each. """
    for entity, fcs in refcons.items():
        where = "WHERE batchconv IS NULL OR batchconv != \"importconv\""
        cobs = dbacc.query_entity(entity, where)
        for cob in cobs:
            cob = convert_ref_fields(cob, fcs)
            cob["batchconv"] = "importconv"
            dbacc.write_entity(cob, vck=cob["modified"])
Пример #4
def write_daysum_details():
    where = ("WHERE rtype = \"daysum\" AND tstamp = \"" + rst["start"] + "\"" +
             " ORDER BY created LIMIT 1")
    dcs = dbacc.query_entity("DayCount", where)
    if len(dcs) > 0:
        dc = dcs[0]
        dc = {"dsType": "DayCount", "rtype": "daysum", "tstamp": rst["start"]}
    dc["detail"] = json.dumps(rst["dets"])
    dbacc.write_entity(dc, dc.get("modified"))
Пример #5
def verify_db_instance(fbase, fields, fob):
    dbob = dbacc.cfbk(fob["dsType"], "importid", fob["importid"])
    if not dbob:
        for fieldname, fattrs in fields.items():
            if fattrs["pt"] == "image" and fob[fieldname]:
                imgfilename = fbase + "images/" + fob["importid"] + ".png"
                with open(imgfilename, 'rb') as imagefile:
                    bdat = imagefile.read()
                    fob[fieldname] = base64.b64encode(bdat)
        logging.info("Writing " + fob["dsType"] + fob["importid"])
Пример #6
def newacct():
        emaddr = dbacc.reqarg("email", "AppUser.email", required=True)
        emaddr = normalize_email(emaddr)
        pwd = dbacc.reqarg("password", "string", required=True)
        cretime = dbacc.nowISO()
        appuser = {
            "dsType": "AppUser",
            "created": cretime,
            "email": "placeholder",
            "phash": "whatever",
            "accessed": cretime + ";1",
            "completed": "[]",
            "started": "[]",
            "built": "[]"
        update_email_and_password(appuser, emaddr, pwd)
        appuser = dbacc.write_entity(appuser)
        dbacc.entcache.cache_put(appuser)  # will need this again shortly
        token = token_for_user(appuser)
    except ValueError as e:
        return serve_value_error(e)
    return respJSON([appuser, token], audience="private")
Пример #7
def upldpic():
    """ Form submit and monitoring for uploading a point pic. """
    # flask.request.method always returns "GET", so check for file input.
    picfile = flask.request.files.get("picfilein")
    if not picfile:
        logging.info("upldpic ready for upload")
        return util.respond("Ready", mimetype="text/plain")
        appuser, _ = util.authenticate()
        ptid = dbacc.reqarg("ptid", "dbid", required=True)
        pt = dbacc.cfbk("Point", "dsId", ptid, required=True)
        logging.info(appuser["email"] + " upldpic Point " + str(ptid))
        if not appuser["dsId"] in util.csv_to_list(pt["editors"]):
            raise ValueError("Not authorized to edit this point")
        img = Image.open(picfile)
        img = ImageOps.exif_transpose(img)  # correct vertical orientation
        sizemaxdims = 400, 400  # max allowed width/height for thumbnail resize
        img.thumbnail(sizemaxdims)  # modify, preserving aspect ratio
        bbuf = io.BytesIO()  # file-like object for save
        img.save(bbuf, format="PNG")
        pt["pic"] = base64.b64encode(bbuf.getvalue())
        pt = dbacc.write_entity(pt, pt["modified"])
    except ValueError as e:
        logging.info("upldpic Point " + str(ptid) + ": " + str(e))
        return util.serve_value_error(e)
    return util.respond("Done: " + pt["modified"], mimetype="text/plain")
Пример #8
def updpt():
    """ Standard app POST call to update a Point. """
        appuser, _ = util.authenticate()
        fields = [
            "dsId", "dsType", "modified", "editors", "srctl", "source", "date",
            "text", "refs", "qtype", "communities", "regions", "categories",
            "tags", "srclang", "translations", "stats"
        ptdat = util.set_fields_from_reqargs(fields, {})
        dbpt = verify_edit_authorization(appuser, ptdat)
        if dbpt:
            dbst = dbpt.get("srctl")
            if dbst and (dbst != ptdat.get("srctl")):
                raise ValueError("Source Timeline may not be changed.")
            util.fill_missing_fields(fields, dbpt, ptdat)
        else:  # making a new instance
            for fld in ["srctl", "date", "text"]:
                if not ptdat.get(fld):  # required point field value
                    raise ValueError("Point " + fld + " value is required.")
        # date format validity checking is done client side
        ptdat["lmuid"] = appuser["dsId"]
        pt = dbacc.write_entity(ptdat, ptdat.get("modified", ""))
    except ValueError as e:
        return util.serve_value_error(e)
    return util.respJSON(pt)
Пример #9
def updtl():
    """ Standard app POST call to update a Timeline. """
        appuser, _ = util.authenticate()
        tlfs = [
            "dsId", "dsType", "modified", "editors", "name", "slug", "title",
            "subtitle", "featured", "lang", "comment", "about", "kwds",
            "ctype", "cids", "rempts", "svs"
        tldat = util.set_fields_from_reqargs(tlfs, {})
        # logging.info("updtl received: " + json.dumps(tldat))
        tldb = verify_edit_authorization(appuser, tldat)
        if tldb:
            util.fill_missing_fields(tlfs, tldb, tldat)
            util.set_fields_from_reqargs(tlfs, tldat)  # for fields set to ""
        tldat["cname"] = canonize(tldat.get("name", ""))
        verify_unique_timeline_field(tldat, "cname", tldb)
        verify_unique_timeline_field(tldat, "slug", tldb)
        if tldat.get("featured") == "Promoted":
            if not tldb or (tldb.get("featured") != "Promoted"):
                raise ValueError("Promoted feature not authorized")
        update_prebuilt(tldat, tldb)
        tldat["lmuid"] = appuser["dsId"]
        tl = dbacc.write_entity(tldat, tldat.get("modified", ""))
    except ValueError as e:
        return util.serve_value_error(e)
    return util.respJSON(tl)
Пример #10
def notecomp():
    """ Note Timeline completion in TLComp instance. """
        appuser, token = util.authenticate()
        tlc = {
            "dsType": "TLComp",
            "userid": appuser["dsId"],
            "username": appuser["name"]
        tlc = util.set_fields_from_reqargs(
            ["tlid", "tlname", "tltitle", "tlsubtitle"], tlc)
        proginst = pop_proginst_from_started(appuser, tlc["tlid"])
        tlc["data"] = json.dumps(proginst)
        tlc = dbacc.write_entity(tlc)
        push_or_update_completion(appuser, tlc, proginst)
        appuser = dbacc.write_entity(appuser, appuser["modified"])
        dbacc.entcache.cache_put(appuser)  # ensure cache has latest
    except ValueError as e:
        return util.serve_value_error(e)
    return util.respJSON([appuser, token], audience="private")
Пример #11
def verify_db_instance(fr, fob):
    dbob = get_db_object(fob)
    if not dbob:
    updated = ""
    if not dbob["importid"]:
        dbob["importid"] = fob["importid"]
        updated += " importid:" + fob["importid"]
    if fob["codes"] and not dbob["codes"]:
        dbob["codes"] = fob["codes"]
        updated += " codes:" + fob["codes"]
    if fob["pic"] and not dbob["pic"]:
        imgfilename = fr + "images/" + fob["importid"] + ".png"
        with open(imgfilename, 'rb') as imagefile:
            bdat = imagefile.read()
            dbob["pic"] = base64.b64encode(bdat)
        updated += " pic"
    if updated:
        global converted
        converted += 1
        logging.info("Updated Point " + dbob["dsId"] + updated)
        dbacc.write_entity(dbob, vck=dbob["modified"])
Пример #12
def notefs():
    """ Note first save of Timeline progress. """
    # normally called to make note of an anonymous user having reached the
    # first save point in a timeline.  Shows someone interacted with the
    # timeline even if they don't create an account.
        det = {
            "useragent": flask.request.headers.get("User-Agent", ""),
            "tlid": dbacc.reqarg("tlid", "dbid"),
            "tlname": dbacc.reqarg("tlname", "string"),
            "uid": dbacc.reqarg("uid", "dbid")
        dcd = {
            "dsType": "DayCount",
            "tstamp": dbacc.timestamp(),
            "rtype": "guestsave",
            "detail": json.dumps(det)
    except ValueError as e:
        return util.serve_value_error(e)
    return util.respJSON("[]")
Пример #13
def updacc():
        appuser, token = authenticate()
        chg = update_email_and_password(
            appuser, dbacc.reqarg("updemail", "AppUser.email"),
            dbacc.reqarg("updpassword", "string"))
        if chg != "nochange":
            logging.info("Changing " + chg + " for " + appuser["email"])
        actcode = dbacc.reqarg("actcode", "string")
        if actcode:
            logging.info(appuser["email"] + " actcode: " + actcode)
            if actcode == appuser["actcode"]:
                appuser["status"] = "Active"
                logging.info("actcode did not match: " + appuser["actcode"])
        appuser = dbacc.write_entity(appuser, appuser["modified"])
        dbacc.entcache.cache_put(appuser)  # ensure cache has latest
        token = token_for_user(appuser)  # return possibly updated token
    except ValueError as e:
        return serve_value_error(e)
    return respJSON([appuser, token], audience="private")
Пример #14
def get_connection_service(svcname):
    cs = dbacc.cfbk("AppService", "name", svcname)
    if not cs:
        # create needed placeholder for administrators to update
        cs = dbacc.write_entity({"dsType": "AppService", "name": svcname})
    return cs