Пример #1
def parseTemplate(target=template_file, force=False):
    global parsed_groups

    if not parsed_groups or force:
        print('\nCaching image list from template (Ctrl+C to cancel) ...')
        text = fileio.read(target)

        BUFFER = text
        while '[' in BUFFER and ']' in BUFFER:
            start = BUFFER.index('[') + 1
            end = BUFFER.index(']')

            g_name = BUFFER[start:end]
            BUFFER = BUFFER[end + 1:]
            if '[' in BUFFER:
                group = tuple(
                    BUFFER[:BUFFER.index('[')].rstrip(' \t\r\n').split('\n'))
                group = tuple(BUFFER.rstrip(' \t\r\n').split('\n'))

            t_groups[g_name] = cleanList(group)

        parsed_groups = True

    return t_groups
Пример #2
def copyTemplate(target_dir):
    template = fileio.read(template_file)
    target = appendPath(target_dir, 'theme')

    # ignore lines beginning with "#!"
    lines = template.split('\n')
    for idx in reversed(range(len(lines))):
        if lines[idx].startswith('#!'):

    template = '\n'.join(lines)
    fileio.write(target, template)
Пример #3
    # images that should be removed from release if found
    remove_images = ()
    if not include_all:
        remove_images = getImagesToRemove()

    print('{} images will be included in release.'.format(img_count))

    # images that will be overwritten if found in release (default is to not overwrite any, use --overwrite to set)
    overwrite_images = None
    if args.contains('overwrite-png'):
        overwrite_images = args.getValue('overwrite-png')
        if ',' in overwrite_images:
            overwrite_images = tuple(overwrite_images.split(','))

    # prepare README for inclusion in release
    readme_text = fileio.read(file_readme)
    # don't include export section
    if '### Creating/Exporting Theme' in readme_text:
        readme_text = readme_text.split('### Creating/Exporting Theme')[0]
    readme_text = markdownToText(readme_text)

    grp_count = len(sizes)
    grp_idx = 0
    for S in sizes:
        converted_count = 0
        replaced_count = 0
        removed_count = 0
        grp_idx += 1

        print('\nProcessing {}x{} images (group {}/{}) (Ctrl+C to cancel) ...'.
              format(S, S, grp_idx, grp_count))
Пример #4
    source = appendPath(dir_svg, SVG)
    target = appendPath(dir_export,

    convertToPNG(source, target)

# newline after converting files

theme_file = appendPath(dir_root, 'theme.txt')

groups = {}
if os.path.isfile(theme_file):
    print('Reading existing theme file ...')

    theme_text = fileio.read(theme_file)

    BUFFER = theme_text
    while '[' in BUFFER and ']' in BUFFER:
        start = BUFFER.index('[') + 1
        end = BUFFER.index(']')

        g_name = BUFFER[start:end]
        BUFFER = BUFFER[end + 1:]
        if '[' in BUFFER:
            group = tuple(
                BUFFER[:BUFFER.index('[')].rstrip(' \t\r\n').split('\n'))
            group = tuple(BUFFER.rstrip(' \t\r\n').split('\n'))

        groups[g_name] = cleanList(group)
Пример #5
from os.path import isfile

from py         import fileio
from py.paths   import appendPath
from py.paths   import root

info = {}
info_file = appendPath(root, 'INFO')

# parse the INFO file
lines = ()
if isfile(info_file):
	lines = tuple(fileio.read(info_file).split('\n'))
	print('\nWARNING: INFO file not found: {}'.format(info_file))

# only recognize lines with "="
for idx in reversed(range(len(lines))):
	L = lines[idx]
	if L.startswith('#') or '=' not in L:

	key = L.split('=')
	value = key[1].strip(' \t')
	key = key[0].strip(' \t').lower()

	if key and value:
		info[key] = value